
Saturday, May 2, 2020

Erin Turns 29

Happy 29th birthday to Erin Paine! She is the third oldest of the 19 Bates siblings. When Erin was born, Zach was almost two-and-a-half, and Michael was 15 months old. Fourteen months later, Lawson arrived, and 13 months after that, Nathan came into the picture. That gave Gil and Kelly Bates five children well under the age of five. (Anyone else ever found themselves in that situation?) Now, Erin and Chad have four little ones of their own, and their oldest will turn five in 12 days.

Brooklyn Paine, Chad Paine, Everly Paine, 
Carson Paine, Holland Paine, Erin Paine

Photo courtesy of


  1. Why is it considered so interesting, to have a certain amount of children under a certain age? I don't think back-to-back children is good for the mother or the kids. Yet for some, it seems like it's amusing to note this "statistic." Five under five just means an exhausted mother and children without a lot of individual attention, imo.

    1. It's definitely not for everyone, that's for sure- myself included!

    2. Because it is interesting to some of us. We know it can be tiring and crazy, trust me.

    3. If it were you, you would find it interesting. 😄

    4. I don’t know that it is “amusing,” but it is interesting! I wanted my children closer in age to each other, but the Lord has other plans. My three kids are all three years apart. Erin’s kids all look happy and healthy which is what is important! I don’t care how many children anyone has as long as they take care of them. The kids I worry about are the ones left to fend for themselves who are not clothed, bathed, and fed regularly.

    5. I think having a lot of family nearby probably helps in managing so many littles. I personally love having kids closely spaced. It is crazy when they are little but it gets easier and they play together SO well as they get older. Having multiple miscarriages also changes perspective (I had 3 consecutive like she did.) In the end, to each her own as led by Him. She seems to be doing a great job!

  2. Erin shares a birthday with Princess Charlotte and David Beckham.

  3. nope, I don’t have children so I have never found myself in that situation. Even when I do get married I want max 3 kids spaced out.

  4. Five under 5? Nope... and I'm glad I never had to experience it, let alone 19! Two were perfect for us.

    1. Yes, I think 2 is the perfect amount.

  5. My Husband and I wanted to have our children close together so when our oldest turned 1 we wanted another one. Then it turned out that our oldest Kade was a year and 6 months and I found out I was pregnant with our daughter Katelynn and we waited 2 years with her and I had my second little girl Kingsley. So my Husband and I had 3 children very close in age but it was crazy but I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Now they are growing sooo 😭fast and I want it to slow down.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN Wishing you a wonderful day and a year of happiness and blessings.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  7. Aww, that's so cute how the kids are gathered around Chad!

  8. MO- Beautiful family picture. Happy Birthday! :o)

  9. Happy Birthday, Erin! I'm the youngest of 4 and my sister was still 4 years old when I was born. For 3 months, she is 5 years older than me - Her birthday is in July and mine is in October (Our birthdays are actually on the same day in different months.). My siblings and I are all less than 2 years apart in age with the biggest age gap being between my brother closest in age to me and myself. We are almost 20 months apart in age. My sister and oldest brother are only 13 1/2 months apart in age. My oldest brother and other brother are almost 18 months apart in age.

  10. no I am sure Erin will say she is having another by the end of this year. She is going to follow in her mom footsteps and have a large family. Happy Birthday. she has a nice voice enjoy her music

  11. Erin looks like a Barbie doll in this picture! Hope she has been having a wonderful birthday.

  12. Happy birthday Erin! May God grant you many more years!

    I admire you so much and would love to be at least half the mother you are! You are just so sweet and patient! It would be such an honor to meet you and your beautiful family!

  13. My parents had 4 kids —each 4 years apart! I always thought it was crowded and money was tight. Perspectives!

  14. Hope she had a good day! Love her!

  15. Just wanted to wish Erin a very happy belated 29th birthday hope you had a wonderful day with your family

  16. Not me but my friend had 4 under the age of 2. She had back to back twins. I don’t know how she did it. I’m barely surviving 1 toddler and 1 baby!

    1. God gives them a extra measure of grace and patience I guess is all I can think. It would be really really really tough for me to be in that position tho!

  17. Sometime I would like them to explain why they believe wearing only dresses or skirts is a sign of modesty, yet layers of make-up is ok. Do the Bates daughters all think that so much of it is necessary? I remember watching a tutorial Erin gave on applying makeup. I was flabbergasted at how much time it took. (There was also one about her hair that was very involved.) Anyway, I'm just puzzled that they do something that seems rather contrary to their modesty message.

    1. They have said they want the focus to be on their "countenance", not their body. I feel, however, that so much makeup is not modest and actually makes the focus on shallow outward appearance. All the Bates women are naturally very pretty and they don't need enhancement with lots of makeup and styled hair.

    2. I agree with both of you. It seems contradictory to me, too.
      At some point too much makeup makes them uglier instead of enhancing their beauty. That's why I like Michaela and Tori, they keep their faces more natural and look the most beautiful. This is just my opinion, though. To each their own.

  18. What did Erin do to her face? It looks like she went to a tanning salon. Like I said before, that sure is a lot of kids and they all look the same! For goodness sake, do people ever know when to quit?

    1. This is kind of like the litter of puppies mentality. They are each unique in looks and personality, each a special person in their own right. And parents have a right to have as many children as they feel is right for them. People who try to tell others how to run their families need to MYOB.

    2. I completely disagree and do not think they all look the same. Carson looks just like Erin and Brooklyn looks like Chad. Some people believe children are a blessing and the more the merrier!

    3. So because their kids resemble each other, they should just stop having them? Not sure what you're saying here. That Holland and Everly shouldn't have been given life because, hey, their kids all look alike? I just don't get any of the logic here.

    4. Most people do know when to quit having kids. But sadly the Duggars, Bates and the like( except for Jinger and Jill, Alyssa and probably Abby) don’t seem to know when to.

    5. People know when to quit when they are ready not when you are ready. Isn’t America wonderful that people have freedom of choice to have the number of children that they choose to? Why do people feel the need to tell others how many children they should have? It is absolutely no one else’s business except for the people who get to raise them!

    6. I was wondering the samething. Chad seems like such a down home casual dressing man and Erin has like a Pile of make up on and has become a little so different looking. What is it with some people who were raised in a reality show thinking they have to pile on make up and dress for the cameras 24/7. They start aging fast when they do this. Erin was so much prettier and even angelic looking when she looked natural.

  19. Why does Erin wear so much makeup? And tan so deeply?

    1. This isn't my favorite look on her, but she's probably just having fun experimenting. Mom with lots of littles stuck at home under quarantine? Why not?

    2. As far as the makeup, she does kind of have a Marilyn Monroe look going on, IMO.

    3. Erin is naturally pretty - she should not wear such heavy makeup, ages her a bit.
      They ARE a lovely family - if they wants a lot of kids, so be it . . . so long as SHE can handle it with her health problem. Happy Birthday

    4. I always thought Erin was so pretty but her wearing all this make up and feeling the need to dress up I guess for the camera has sure made her look unnatural. Sheesh being on tv can sure change people and not for the good.

    5. One of her make up issues is too much highlighter and bronzer? She is a naturally beautiful girl, I don't understand why she feels the need to cake it on and look plastic.

    6. Anyone think maybe it makes her feel better and she's a grown woman who can make her own decisions? Mind your own business people. There's no reason to nitpick her or the family to death. So rude.

  20. Erin must tan @ home to much make up for me . What happened to plain/simple life style? Way over the top. Thought they followed bible never read about all that in the bible make , hair done and dressed so fancy all the time.Be happy with what God blessed us with . Mary Keim Mennonite

    1. I agree with you. Non Mennonite

    2. I think having cameras around all the time and performing for the public changes people. They lose the peace of living a simple peaceful life that they once knew. Now they dress to impress, load all kinds of make up on and they try to keep up with the Jones so to speak. I miss the way they use to live and I miss the testimony they were of being content in God without all that materialism. They were so much more relatable before living for material goods. Too much Money corrupts people.

    3. 9:15 I don’t think it has anything to do with having too much money. If they had a lot of money, I think they would buy a bigger house. My niece went to cosmetology school and started wearing a lot of makeup. I think that is when the Bates ladies did as well.

    4. Personally I think it has everything to do with money and the cameras. I also seen a big change in this family since getting a reality show. I too miss the family they use to be. Every reality show seems to change the people and eventually destroy their lives. That's probably why God tells us to live a private life and to mind our own business which is the opposite of selling your families privacy on a reality show for money and fame. It will always end bad when we disobey God.

  21. I always assumed Erin was older than me, but she is two years younger. Lol I guess the four kids makes her seem more mature.

  22. Beautiful picture of Erin and her family!

  23. My friend had 5 little girls under the age of 2. Twins, single, twins. Now that's insane.

    1. Wow! That is really possible, 23 month old twins, 12 month old single, newborn twins, my goodness, extremely hard on the body, wow! That is extremely exhausting!!!!

  24. We have 5 children, but there is an 11 year age difference between our oldest and our youngest. I love having a larger sized family, but I am SO glad there is a bigger age difference between them. I, personally, would not have been able to handle having so many littles so close in age.

  25. I fill like it's up to peeps and God how many children they have it was up to me I had made than 2.God not going give us more than we can handle.having them close together is best idea true it's harder on mom but they get to grow up together and become best of friends.

  26. I'm afraid all that makeup makes her look a lot older than she is. She should tone it down, and cut out the bronzer, too. She is naturally pretty and all the artificial stuff makes her look much older.

  27. Hi, I just wanted to say I’m so thankful for all these young women!! I’m a mom of three under 5 and they’re SUCH an inspiration / hope/ breath of fresh air to me. I’m talking about Michael too in her studies, diligence, love for kids and her husband- just love them ALL. Alyssa has been through so much and is a fighter. Erin is just awesome and Whitney too. Thank you all for your show!!!

  28. Debbie. May 9, 2020 at 8pm. Growing up in a family of 14, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Our family was blessed by God, we are all best friends and our Lord fed and dressed us all. Thanks Bates Family! Happy Birthday Erin, you’re a beautiful Godly woman, as is your family.


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