
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Foot Spa for Five?

Erin Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Everly Paine, Carson Paine, Chad Paine
Erin Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Everly Paine, Carson Paine, Chad Paine

Coming up this week on Bringing Up Bates, Chad plans a night of pampering for Erin, whose due date is drawing near. But with three little kids, how did he ever expect that Mommy would be able to enjoy the foot spa alone (video below)?

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. A cute, staged scene. No way would they allow that in real life. I wonder if other moms now feel bad that they wouldn't want their little ones to do that.

    1. I think some moms would allow it. I'm not one of them. 😄

  2. Chad is the one who needs a night of pampering.

    1. They don't show us everything in their lives.

  3. I'm sure this is staged too! There is a way to explain to the kids that this is something special we're all doing just for mommy, because mommy is having a baby and we love her.

  4. Did Chad really expect Erin would enjoy the foot spa alone? In the middle of the room? With all the kids around? I never want to call out someone for being a liar, liar, pants on fire, but this storyline is quite far fetched.

    1. Plus, the way Chad encouraged the kids to "try it"? It sounds like he was going along with a pre-planned storyline. Why else would he encourage his toddlers to get in the footbath?

    2. I think when they pretend such things they make other young parents feel bad.

    3. So what if the kids get to try it? Let them see what it's all about, then put then to bed and let Erin relax with her foot spa.

  5. Erin was on a baby moon. Maybe she found a place to have a foot bath🤷‍♀️

  6. Erin thinks it is so cool, but Chad looked all serious. I don't think Chad planned on all the kids trying to climb in to this foot-bath thing. If Erin wanted a nice evening, she should have waited until all the kids were in bed. After all, they are the same age so they should go to bed around the same time. Chad really needs the night to relax!

    1. If Chad needs the night to relax, he should do her pampering after the kids are in bed? But - then he's taking care of Erin, not relaxing?

  7. Most everything we see is staged! One of the funniest is the clip of Tori seeing her nursery first time. She screams and says she loves it before she even gets into the room!! The episode of full of these fakes but it makes it comical

    1. Ever heard of editing? You have no right to call others fakes if you're not right there with them. What's next? That's really not a family? They aren't good people? Your comment is out of line. These are good, decent people that you're judging.

  8. if he really wanted to paper Erin he could have taken the kids somewhere else for a few hours and let her relax alone.

  9. I’m getting the vibe most of us don’t find this clip of Erin and Chad to be sweet. Obviously there is understanding it’s “reality tv” but this was so overtly staged and fake. Maybe go back to a little more “real” in the “reality”.

    1. In the episode, Erin talked about how she loved that he included them. Maybe they just don't do life like others would, and that's ok.

    2. If u know anything about small children u would know they do not need to be staged to get into water. Esp Brook that is very bold. Did they figure it would happen? Perhaps. It was a cute but for me too messy moment. Perhaps they may have reenacted a scene that happened when the crew was not filming.

  10. MO- Yeah, it was a staged scene but I love seeing the little ones- just too cute! :o)

  11. I loved the scene and the thought behind it. I don’t see what the big deal is about staged scenes in these shows as long as they are not over done. In my estimation, this was not over done. It was a simple concept of a loving husband pampering his wife and setting a good example for his children. I bet Chad does a lot of that pampering off the camera as well.

  12. I just watched the show after reading these comments, and I think context was missing when people commented. Yes, they may have staged this for the show. Obviously they didn't set up the cameras and coincidentally Chad showed up with the gifts. But he said they had talked about it with at least Carson ahead of time and that he wanted to teach the kids to show appreciation to their mom for all she does for them. Erin expressed her thankfulness that Chad likes to do things that include the kids. We saw Chad including Carson as they set up the foot spa. To model positive things like that is good parenting. I'm sure Erin got her pampering time after the kids tried it out and it's not an unbelievable scenario for family-centered people.

  13. I don't believe it was staged, and I believe that they would let the children do that because if you've ever paid attention, Erin does everything with her kids and has since Carson was born. Who are you to say anything about them? Go judge someone else for a change.


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