
Monday, May 4, 2020

Gil Can't Sit Still

The Bates crew works on a tree job

"I was having to take on a new role, which is really hard for me to step back and tell people what to do. I'd just rather do it."
-Gil Bates

You can't keep a good man down. While recovering from shoulder surgery, Gil is forced to let his sons take the lead in the tree business, but it proves to be very hard for the Bates dad to let go. Even with one arm in a sling, he tries to accomplish tasks on the job site, but the boys insist that he sit on a stump and oversee. Below is a preview of Thursday's new episode.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Why does this feel so fake? It's clear that the Bates do not do anything with the Tree business at all. I wish they were just honest about this part of their lives.

    1. Why do you think it feels fake? How is it clear? Why do you think they are faking having a tree business?

    2. you must be new to the bates family! gil has had the tree business from several years, even before some of the younger kids were even born. there are several older shows about this and even how he got into it. you may be able to catch up on it thru re-runs about it or thru some of ellie's older recaps

    3. Reality TV is fake hence it feels fake.

    4. So nothing they do on the show is real?

    5. Yeah. Nothing on the show is something the family actually does in their real life? No family with that many kids has the time to recreate a phony life on top of their real life.

    6. Hello Original Poster @5:38.

      Yes, I know that Gil had a tree business; however, this scene feels fake. It's very clear that Nathan and Lawson are flying around the world and are hardly home. Trace, Jackson and Warden work for Chad. Also Trace and Lawson volunteer with the Sheriff Office.

      Kelly always promotes her kids business including her son in laws. She never shares or promotes anything with the Tree business.

      They only show it once in a Season to make it seem like it's happening. So Yes, thank you to @6:15 and 2:09 for sharing their points of view about it being fake.

    7. Anon 2:09. It's their job. Their job is to pretend to live a life on camera.

  2. Was that Zach in the tree cutting?

    1. i was thinking it was nathan but you may be right!

    2. Nathan was in the bucket truck cutting the tree.

  3. I just wish there were more of you all. you are the most fun part of my day.

  4. Is even legal to have children do that kind of work? There are a lot of restrictions on what kinds of jobs you can work under 18.

    1. Zack, who was doing the cutting is over 30 years old.

    2. Zack was not cutting the tree. Nathan and Lawson were discussing who would get in the bucket truck. From the sofa Zack said if he were there he would have been the better man.

  5. If there’s one thing my husband can do with ease is “sit still”!!! Wished he had more of Gils get up and go!

    1. That’s hilarious!
      My husband cannot sit still EVER!!!!
      He’s the hardest working man I’ve ever met and everyone who meets him says the same thing.
      But a lot of negatives come with it because he hardly spends any time with me or his kids.
      I wish he would slow down and spend time with us sometimes, but work always comes first for him.

    2. @7:33 you & I need a happy medium;)

  6. I absolutely love watching you and your family every week! My DVR is set to record! Wish you could have more TV time. Thirty minutes a week is just not enough.

  7. My husband and I watch you every morning. I am so glad that there is shows like yours that we can watch and enjoy. God bless and keep you all safe

  8. We think you and your family are great, we watching every thur night

  9. We love your family and love watching the show! We just wish it was more current on Up stream.

  10. This is a beautiful family and IMO much more relatable than the Duggars.

  11. Love your family ❤️ wish it was on longer than a half hour

  12. Comment #1: I agree that all of the scenes on this show are staged and 'not real'. They may be based on facts surrounding their lives, like the courtships, weddings & babies happening in this family but they are scripted, blocked, rehearsed and filmed with take after take to get it right. The writers of this program also make up things for them to do, places to go and vacations to take, ALL paid for by the network. How is this showing the public how a large family such as the Bates goes through their daily lives frugally and 'making ends meet' as it was intended to be. No part of their filmed life is trips for 20plus people, activity/fun attractions like bumper cars, racing, and that Wonderworld trip for so many people. A 'poorer' family would not and could not ever afford such outings. This show is all fake.

    1. Don't they get paid for being on the show?

  13. I love the Bates family so much. They are such an inspiration to me. I really wish they would extend each episode to an hour per episode. Now that they are getting married and having their own little families, 30 minutes just isn't enough! ๐Ÿ’š

  14. I wished your shows last longer.I love th our family! Especially love how the kids seem to get along so well and take care of each other.I would love to meet y'all 1 day.

    1. My goodness, Anon. They are not going to argue on film.

    2. I've seen disagreements on both Bates and Duggars over the years.

  15. Wow, some you just really need to back off when it comes to the Bates. Like just get over it already! What makes you think you have the right to think your better than they are?

  16. Scripted or not, I enjoy the Bates. They’re much more fun and caring than the Duggars.

  17. Who else comes here just to read the comment drama๐Ÿ˜›

  18. I love everything about your show and have watched since the beginning. You have a beautiful and handsome bunch. I admire you all.


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