
Thursday, May 21, 2020

'Holiday Cheer and New Baby Khloe is Here' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Holiday Cheer and New Baby Khloe is Here"
  • Zach and Whitney are squeezing in some extra bonding time with Bradley and Kaci before Khloe’s arrival. Whitney takes Bradley out for beans and cornbread. “[Bradley’s] already looking so forward to having [Khloe],” says Zach. “He’s been talking about her since he first found out, so he’s pretty excited right now.”
  • Meanwhile, Zach and Kaci have a tea party at the house. “She always wants to do her little tea parties and girl things,” says Zach. “But most of the time she…plays with [Bradley], she ends up playing monster trucks and dinosaurs, so I thought, ‘This will be fun. We’ll get to do some little girl things.’”
  • “I thought I’d have me a tea party, but I didn’t have any tea because I’m trying not to drink as much sugar so I don’t be as fat when the baby gets here,” says Zach. He finds some hot chocolate to pour in Kaci’s teapot, but it leaks out the side. 
  • In an interview, Evan says he is looking forward to doing all the girly things with Layla, and Bobby says he hopes to have a daughter someday.
  • At the Bates house, Kelly wants her Christmas decorations up before Mama Jane comes for Thanksgiving. The Bates are approaching a very busy season, especially with the babies due, and Kelly wants the task finished early. Erin is in charge of the decor, and the siblings gladly lend a hand. While they are working, snow starts to fall outside.
  • Later, Whitney goes into labor. She and Zach drop the kids off at Granny’s house and head to the hospital. It's not long before the epidural is administered.. Both sets of parents, as well as Carlin, Tori, and Erin arrive for moral support. “When you marry into a big family, you might as well expect that every event in your life is going to be big,” says Whitney.
  • Before long, Whitney is 10 cm dilated, and it’s time to start pushing. Bradley and Kaci arrive soon after Khloe is born and are beyond thrilled to meet their little sister. “If I had to try to sum up today in words, I would probably just start crying because when I reflect back on her being born and all the love in the room, I can’t help but just cry…” says Whitney.


  1. i was so exited to not only see this new show and rewatch last weeks show, but now i'm getting to watch older shows that i missed!
    i've contacted uptv several times to request an hour long show, so i thought it only fair that i thank them at least as many times as i've asked. lets all get on a thank you write in campaign and maybe, just maybe, they'll give us more bringing up bates!

  2. In reference to "girly things"- Having been a little girl once myself, I much preferred playing in the mud with toy trucks over tea parties any day. My own daughter never played with dolls, but preferred building things with blocks and Legos. (On one of her Christmas wish lists was a toy tractor!) I guess the lesson is- don't have preconceived ideas about the interests, likes and dislikes of your children based on their gender. Let them follow their own path. I am reminded of the song "Williams' Doll", from Marlo Thomas' Free to Be, You and Me album which was released almost 50 years ago and still relevant today.

    1. I don’t think Zach & Whitney have any preconceived ideas about what their kids should play with regarding gender. If that were the case, they wouldn’t have allowed Kaci to play with all of Bradley’s toys. I have six kids, both boys and girls, and each one of them gravitate towards different types of toys at different points in their childhood. One of my girls loved dinosaurs and reptiles like alligators and iguanas over baby dolls any day. Another one of my girls loves baby dolls, playing “mommy”, dressing up like a princess etc. I think if you just allow kids to be kids, it will be ok. Just pay attention to what interests them. It was sweet that Zach took time to do something he knows his daughter enjoys, regardless of what title society places on it. I think the message to take away was the parents were creating an environment to help their kids feel valued and loved.

    2. I totally agree with you. Sadly, I think our words would just fall on deaf ears with people like the Duggars and Bateses.

    3. Why not face the fact that the majority of girls do in fact prefer different toys than what the majority of boys prefer? I know everyone is different, but it's still a "thing" because it's based in reality.

    4. 8:01- How much of those perceived gender preferences aren't strongly influenced by cultural and traditional influences, not to mention the clothing and toy industries? Even Legos are being sold in pastel colors supposedly preferred by girls. Aren't the primary colors feminine enough? When I was growing up in the 1950's, girls who liked to climb trees, play ball and wear blue jeans were sarcastically referred to as Tom Boys. Heaven forbid a boy who shied away from athletics, but preferred drawing or music, was called a "Sissy." Things are somewhat better today, but those old stereotypes and expectations stubbornly exist. The point remains that parents should not have preconceived expectations about their child's interests based on gender. If they do, but the child has other ideas, they can be made to feel abnormal or wrong, just like the Tom Boy or Sissy.

    5. 11:10, I played with some of my brother's toys occasionally, and some belonged to both of us, but I was much more strongly drawn to the girly things. My daughter has four brothers, and while she sometimes plays with their stuff, she is also much more strongly drawn to and much more excited about the girly things. It's inborn. It's not just an "expectation" or "stereotype." Most of her friends are the same way. Most of my friends were/are the same way. My sisters were the same way. My nieces and nephews are the same way.

    6. @1:16- It's also inborn and completely normal for some girls or boys to have interests that do not follow what you consider to be traditionally gender based activities. My sister has always been strong and athletic and will take on just about any job a man would. She can work a front-end loader and can handle a chainsaw with the best of them. Her idea of a good time is splitting wood. She has actuallly been handier around the house than her husband, fixing plumbing, laying flooring, etc. When she was little, family put pressure on her to wear dresses and be "girly". So, yes, expectations and stereotypes can and do play a role here.

    7. 10:53, understood, but using the term "girly" is a pretty accurate word most of the time, and everyone knows what it means.

  3. Sorry, I would not like to have that many people in the room with me while giving birth. Only my husband needs to see my anguish. I wouldn’t even dream of having my parents and all those in-laws invading that precious private time with my husband.

    1. I am sure Whitney didn’t have then all in the room for delivery🤨 it said they were their for moral support... I am almost 100% positive it was only her and Zack unless maybe one of the mothers were their for support... Are you 😜 how many people do you think a delivery room will let in while in labor ?? They may be famous but I am positive it was only 2 at the most

    2. I wouldn't either, but she has said before that she enjoys having others in the room with her. Maybe the extra distractions help pass the time?

    3. @9:46 am, and this is why it's hard for the Bates boys to take the steps to marriage. If you listen to anytime Whit has a special moment in her life. She makes the statement that being in this family it's required to share these moments with them. It's not something that she wants to do but has to.

      Let's be real how many births does Kelly and company have to attend? Alyssa is the smartest one of them all by not having any of them attending the births. Allowing her and John to have that moment private.

    4. Agree! Alyssa has her life together! She’s organized, fun and works hard with her family!

  4. I just love the closeness you all have. God bless you all.

  5. Love this show!! My only hangup is, it's only a half hour long!!

  6. Girly things? There are so many gender stereotypes on this show. My girls like Legos and trucks!

  7. Dear Bates Family,
    Your family program is an inspiration. I greatly appreciate your positively dealing with situations and your expressed joy and happiness. Husbands and wives express and demonstrate love and appreciation for one another. Parents are loving and instructing in dealing with the children. While doing so, all are living by God's instructions found in the Bible. As a wife, mother, and grandmother, I am happy to see this message presented in your program. Thank you!
    Gigi Murdock
    Stone Mountain, Georgia

  8. Dear Bates Family,
    Your family program is an inspiration. I greatly appreciate your positively dealing with situations and your expressed joy and happiness. Husbands and wives express and demonstrate love and appreciation for one another. Parents are loving and instructing in dealing with the children. By doing so, all are living by God's instructions found in the Bible. As a wife, mother, and grandmother, I am happy to see this message presented in your program. Thank you!
    Gigi Murdock
    Stone Mountain, Georgia

  9. I have to correct one of these posts. When showing Whitney pushing in the delivery room it was a side view of her face. Behind her a curtain was drawn, PART WAY, and you could see Erin and Carlin pushing it back more to see the delivery. So, no, Whitney wasn't alone with Zach. Those nosey Bates people were still in the room. They should have NOT been in the room at all. Wait outside in the hallway, Erin and all the others.

    1. The only ones who get to decide who "should" be there are Whitney and, to a lesser extent, Zach. Not internet strangers.

    2. Yes, wait outside UNLESS Zach & Whitney asked you to be there with them.

  10. Thank you Zach, its very important to be an involved dad! My husband is great with our kids, where I didn't get a lot of attention from mine. So,, it is always encouraging to see an involved parent.Some women like privacy and others are more open, to each his/her own. I'm just grateful my kids can watch this and I don't half to worry.

  11. i am sure a few of these girls will say they are having a baby again. during this time it is about to happen


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