
Thursday, May 28, 2020

'Holiday Traditions and Baby Additions' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Holiday Traditions and Baby Additions"

  • As the show opens, Zach and Whitney and their little family are enjoying some bonding time at home, now that baby Khloe has arrived. “Bradley, from the second we told him that he was getting another little sister, has always seemed very possessive of her,” says Whitney. “Now that she’s here, he definitely wants her all to himself. He’s quite the protective big brother.”
  • Kelly brings several of the kids come over to see Khloe. “Even though there’s so many grandkids and we’ve been through it a lot, we always get excited for a new niece or nephew,” says Callie.
  • Later, family and friends gather to throw Carlin and Evan a baby shower. “Everybody acts like pregnancy is easy,” says Carlin. “They’re liars. I will be upfront with you. It is so much work.”
  • It’s a coed event, and the Bates guys admit that baby showers are not their favorite types of parties. “Having both guys and girls at showers, I’m always very happy when other guys show up,” says Brandon, chuckling.
  • Carlin, Kelly, and Denese compete in a diaper stacking competition. At the last second, Kelly’s and Carlin’s stacks fall, and Carlin grabs her mother-in-law’s hands so her stack falls, too. “If I could rewind, I’d probably do that different,” Carlin admits.
  • Evan, Kelton, and Ethan (Evan’s brother) compete to see who can eat the most baby food. Evan wins the fruit round and advances to the veggie round against Nathan and Ben (Evan’s brother-in-law). Ben wins.
  • Erin goes into labor late in the evening, and Carlin comes over to document the event. Kelly, Tori, and Whitney meet them at the hospital, and Gil arrives later. Before long, Gil is asleep on the couch.
  • Erin’s oxygen levels drop, and the baby’s heart rate drops a little, so the nurse gives Erin an oxygen mask. When she starts to push, Holland arrives very quickly. Later that morning, the other three little Paines come by to meet their sister. They bring gifts.
  • Later, Chaney comes to town, and Trace takes her on a skating double date with Zach and Whitney.   
  • Caroling at nursing homes and assisted living facilities is a long-time Bates Christmas tradition. “Ever since I was a little kid, my parents wanted to have a huge emphasis on music, and they always taught us, ‘You may not be the best singer or the best musician, but if it can somehow minister to somebody, then it’s worth it, and it’s a blessing,’” says Lawson.
  • The family gathers at the big house to rehearse. “One of my favorite memories, looking back, was taking treats to people who were shut in or couldn’t get out,’ says Michael. “And as kids, I think it’s easy to just want new things and get excited about gifts. And Dad and Mom were careful to help us learn that it’s important to give and it’s important to think of others and just to help build that character in us.”
  • When the Bates arrive at Morning Pointe of Powell, dozens of residents come to hear them sing. “I have zero confidence that we will sound anything close to harmonious to the ears, but it isn’t all about being the best at something,” says Zach. “Sometimes, it’s just good to go and give of yourself to some other people.” Bradley and Carson join in and perform “Jingle Bells” for the crowd.


  1. I love your show and keep you in prayer

  2. Why is Katie trying to be a blonde? Her hair looks dry and damaged.

    1. Katie looks great, leave her alone.

    2. Most of the Bates girls try being blondes. I don’t think it suits any of them

    3. 11:57, why are you *always* yelling at others? Every comment you leave is negative, scolding, and demanding.

      Guess what? There are LOTS of opinions in this country. Yours isn’t the only one. You MUST deal with other people.

      Not sure why you’re constantly so upset, but it’s very sad.

    4. KitKath, I'm not sure what you are even talking about. Your comment comes across as upset, and you are responding to an anonymous poster. There are lots of us. Do you think we're all the same person?

    5. KitKath- 11:57 posted anonymously. There's no way to know if that person is "always" yelling, or is always scolding and demanding in their posts. It could've been their first comment. If anything, the OP was being very negative, criticizing Katie's appearance. 11:57 was complimenting her.

  3. I’m glad that Carlin is being honest about pregnancy. I feel like many women enter into that’s stage of life with a very falseness expectation from other women who really at the end of the day are lying to them. It’s all “pregnancy is a blessing” this and “it’s the greatest thing you can experience” that, until you actually become pregnant and THEN the real truth comes out. It’s sad actually.

    1. It is a blessing and one of the greatest things you can experience. That's not the whole picture, but it's definitely something that is worth all the pain and discomfort.

    2. 11:09- I realize it may be hard to understand, but not every woman sees pregnancy and childbirth as a blessing. Everyone is entitled to their own experiences and perceptions.

    3. 5:12, if you peel away the layers of your feelings and thoughts and come at it from another angle, every child is a blessing. If you start with that as your premise, actually, it can change your thoughts and feelings toward the pregnancy and child.

    4. 5:12, everyone has their own perceptions, but perceptions can be very misleading. Have you ever had a misunderstanding with someone because one or both of you perceived something inaccurately? My daughter perceives that "math is stupid" because it's "too hard." She may be entitled to that perception, but it doesn't mean she's right or that I can't help her to change that to a healthier perspective.

    5. 9:21- You are implying that every woman should want to be a mother. I don’t agree with that. There are too many abused and neglected children brought into this world by people who have no business having them at all. BTW, I am an old lady who has raised my own family and I love them all dearly. I’ve just seen too much in my career with children to have any other opinion about motherhood- it’s simply not for everyone, nor should anyone made to feel that it is.

  4. Good day. My name is Claire and I am from Jamaica. Normally would post from my own computer but in the church office. I want to let Michaela know that I am still praying for her and Brandon. I do believe that this is the season and that the God who we serve will reward

    1. Unknown- I'm sure you mean well. However, you're putting a lot on God to come through with a "reward". What if He doesn't? I don't think He works like that at all. Bad things happen to good people all the time. It's just the way life is and I don't believe He picks winners and losers.

  5. Important to give and think of others? You never see the Bates doing that, except for the boys' adventures in the Phillipines. Do they just not film these things?


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