
Monday, May 11, 2020

Katie the Cosmetologist

Katie Bates
Katie Bates
Just two weeks after our post sharing that Lawson Bates had become a pilot, we have another big Bates accomplishment to announce. Katie Bates has officially graduated from cosmetology school! Congratulations, Katie!

In a recent episode of Bringing Up Bates, Katie, who might end up studying nursing like older sister Michael at some point in the future, explained her post-graduation plans: "Originally, I had always wanted to do nursing school. But cosmetology, I actually loved it a lot more than I thought, so I would like to pursue cosmetology for a little bit after graduating and just work in a salon for a little bit and get the feel for it. And I would still love to do nursing school, but for now I’m focusing on the cosmetology."

Photo courtesy of Katie Bates @kgbates2000


  1. I love seeing the Bates women pursue careers - Michael with nursing, Whitney with real estate, Josie and Katie with cosmetology, and of course the sisters boutique! I think it’s fantastic. I always wished to see some of the Duggar women also pursue their own careers if they so wish! Nothing wrong with being a working woman!

    1. It doesn’t add up that the Duggar girls don’t pursue higher education, the men don’t either come to think of it. With all those kids it seems at least some would have wanted to. Who or what is deterring them from higher education?

    2. Maybe their parents' example. Jim Bob and Michelle earned their living without higher education. But Gil and Kelly went to college.

    3. I'm curious about why the Duggars are being discussed on the Bates blog. College is not for everyone, and I look at how they were raised; a big family lots of kids and to honest, I don't know that higher education was as high a priority as marriage and children. It is, after all, a choice.

    4. I completely agree. Nothing wrong with being a Christian plus having a higher education. In fact, some may call it a smart decision!

    5. The Duggar’s are being discussed because if you’ve watched either show you get to know both these families since they’re friends. Comparisons are inevitable. Yes, college is a choice, but with all the Duggar’s children the odds are that some of them would have wanted higher education. I hope the Duggar’s parent’s aren’t discouraging them because they didn’t go to college. The numbers just don’t add up. You might not like people discussing the Duggar’s on the Bates blog but comparison’s are likely to happen because the families have a lot in common. Plus people are free to discuss what they want

    6. It probably helps that the Bates have a Christian college in the nearby town. They don’t have to pay room and board for their children to go to college. Joe Duggar went to Crown for a year, so obviously the Duggars have the choice to go if they want. Most of the Bates have gone to college. Are they all copying each other? No, they have personal choice just like the Duggars. There are a lot of occupations that don’t require college. Why go if it isn’t necessary to what you want to do in life?

  2. I’m glad that the Bates are pursuing all of these career paths and going to college. You don’t get this kind of news from the Duggars 🤷🏼‍♀️

  3. Congratulations Katie!! I hope that you love working in a salon!! Also congratulations to Lawson on getting your pilots license!! I am so happy for the both of you!!

  4. I love the Bates family. I was introduced to then through the Duggar family. The Bates family seems is so much easier to follow as all of the children are encouraged to seek higher education. Yes, they have many of the same values as the Duggar family, but there is a down-to-earth, next-door-neighbor feeling I get while watching the Bates family. So proud of Katie!

    1. And I think the encouragement for higher education comes from Gil and Kelly because they were both university educated, whereas Jim Bob and Michelle were not (but were successful).

  5. Cosmetology sounds like fun. Yeah, you try nursing for a couple years, you'll wish you were back in that salon.

    1. I think helping patients will be far more satisfying to Katie (who was raised to be a servant to others) than working in a salon.

    2. It's pretty smart to have two career paths open to you.

    3. Helping clients feel beautiful seems pretty satisfying to me! You go Katie!

  6. Why would she study something she didn't think she'd like, and then just plan to dabble in it for a few years? It makes no sense and sounds like a waste of time and money.

    1. She was raised to have a servant's heart. She'll like nursing the best.

    2. At least Katie and Josie have a built in clientele.. of course probably free😜😜I wish I had a sibling who cuts and styles hair right now!!🤣

    3. It's a lot easier than nursing. Also, you can do pretty well as a cosmetologist and save a good amount for nursing school. I have 3 friends who were cosmetologists before they were nurses.

    4. Not really. I'm sure the training is a lot cheaper than 4 years of college, and then she has two possible career options.

    5. Wow.@10:28. Katie, as are many of us, wish to try different careers. It is human nature. All education is valuable; it is never a “waste of time or money”!

    6. Maybe to earn the money for nursing school? I would imagine that nursing school is a lot more expensive than cosmetology school. Plus she knows how to cut her own children’s hair in the future along with her husband and other family members. It is her time and money if she “wastes” it, but I can see her always having a use for that knowledge.

    7. What is a waste of time? You've never heard of a person changing careers? Wow! She is YOUNG. She could have MANY careers in her life.

  7. I think it's great she should just keep following the Lord's leading in her life.

  8. Congratulations to Katie and Lawson. I love this family and the way they are always encouraging each other. Kelly and Gil are loving wonderful examples for their children. Thank you for being such wonderful people.

  9. Congrats Katie! Good job

  10. I remember reading a comment made by one of her siblings that suggested that out of all the Bates children Katie was the brightest. If so, it seems a waste of a fine mind. While the Bates girls are encouraged into higher education, their career paths seem very limited by the college they attend. Given that Kelly studied chemistry, I wonder if her views on what courses are deemed acceptable for women have changed.

    1. I really don't think having a career is foremost in the minds of the Bates daughters. While they may have gone to Crown college, a highly conservative religous institution, their main focus seems to be to get married and have kids.

  11. I agree May 13 2020 @ 1:22pm. Yes they go and maybe use the degree briefly and then settle down to having babies. Mary Keim


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