
Monday, May 18, 2020

Keilen Update

Brandon Keilen and Michael Keilen
Michael and Brandon Keilen have been busy! Brandon recently released his first book, The Quest of Quinton: The Mystery of the Golden Scroll (for sale on the Keilens' website). The second book in what will be a trilogy was sent off to the editor last week.

What is Michael up to? For a while now, now her nursing school program has been online due to COVID-19. This week, however, her in-person classes are resuming. According to Kelly, Michael studies nearly all the time.

Photo courtesy of


  1. I hope they're able to have children whether it's through pregnancy or adoption if fertility treatments don't work since there's babies that were given up for adoption that need new parents. Two of my female first-cousins were adopted from China. My aunt and uncle were unable to have children through pregnancy despite the best fertility treatments at the time. I know they'll make a good choice on how to have children the best way they can based on their situation. I pray for them everyday.

    1. Why take away from their accomplishments by focusing only on having children? My husband and I could not conceive and we adopted two children internationally. It was and is wonderful, but I don’t care to have my identity defined only by my fertility or my children.

    2. I agree. That's also a good accomplishment. I still think they'd be great parents. I heard them on the show talk about having children somehow.

    3. I think it's because we know they very much want to have children, not because it has anything to do with their identity.

  2. I never noticed before that Michael and Brandon look a lot alike, almost could be brother and sister!

  3. Good for them! Michael will make a good nurse, I’m sure. Does Brandon still work for IBLP?

  4. Nice to hear all is well with them. I love this couple!

  5. What do Brandon and Michael do for a steady income? A part-time author and a student don't generate a livable income. Thank goodness Brandon and Michael have income from the Bates Family TV show.

  6. I hope Michael actually uses her degree.

    1. MO- I've never heard of a Nursing School giving out degrees. I thought they gave out certificates unless you go to a University and get a Bachelors Degree of Science in Nursing. (my roommate in college got that) Just saying. :o)

    2. LPNs get certificates. Registered Nurse's get associate degrees or if they attend a 4 year school then they get a bachelors of science.

  7. Aww,I thought they were announcing a pregnancy when I saw the post topic. Good to hear from them though!

    1. It must be extremely difficult for any couple facing infertility when the first thing that comes to people's minds if they have any good news to share is that a baby is on the way. Worse, is when there's disappointment. Human beings are a great deal more than their ability to procreate. I am very happy for Brandon and Michael. They've worked hard in their pursuits and should be praised for it.

  8. That's lovely for them! Sweet couple

  9. I’m SO glad another book is coming out!! My kids have been asking for it!!!! Thank you for letting us know.

  10. Why not ask one of her sisters to be surrogate?

  11. Brandon congratulations on your book and wishing you a world of success with the second one. Michaella wishing you a successful nursing career. Thank you for caring for others.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  12. They are to be commended for their ambitious endeavors and I enjoy reading about it. Writing a book is no easy task and nursing school is very challenging. Good luck to the both of them!

    1. Well, it’s a very short children’s book, so it’s easier in that respect.

    2. I understand that he did the illustrations.

    3. KitKath, he's still poured many hours into it. Both of their endeavors are time-consuming.

  13. Why does everybody driven/worry about this couple having children? Clue me in please. Maybe THEY DON'T want them.

    1. @8:55- They have been forthcoming about their struggles with infertility and they've said that they want children. They've not discussed what medical measures, if any, they are taking to conceive.

    2. Sorry, 8:55, they have told us they do want kids and that not having them has been very hard.

  14. From what I have seen and read, Michael is going to be an LPN/LVN. That is a great accomplishment but she won’t be an RN which entails a bachelors degree. Frankly, the LVNs who cared for my mom and aunt were as good or better, than a few RNs that I encountered. Michael is just a caring wonderful young woman.

    1. Yes, but as an RN myself, I’m curious as to why she didn’t go for the RN. No, you don’t need a BSN to become an RN (many RNs do indeed have a BSN, but it isn’t a requirement.) But then again, why not just go ahead and get the BSN?? LPN is considered very entry-level—with the programs available, it seems she could’ve easily and relatively quickly gone ahead with the RN program.

      Her employment opportunities will be limited as just an LPN. In my state, MO, and many others, hospitals increasingly won’t even hire LPNs. They seem to end up in nursing homes handing out medication. LPNs aren’t known for assessment skills as RNs are. There are many other important differences that a simple google search can explain.

  15. My family and I are reading this book aloud each night!! They are 12, 10, and 8- and so far- they can all read it (the youngest sometimes need help w bigger words) and they ALL love it, think it is interesting and it keeps them engaged!


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