
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Prayers for Layla

Carlin Stewart, Evan Stewart, Layla Stewart
Carlin Stewart, Evan Stewart, Layla Stewart
Since her birth on January 31st, Layla Stewart has experienced a handful of health scares that have brought Carlin and Evan to their knees. In February, Carlin was hospitalized for a few days due to meningitis. During that time, Layla, who was having difficulty breathing, was taken to the children's hospital.

Layla was soon released, but follow-up testing revealed a small hole in her heart. Weeks later, her oxygen levels dropped again. This time, the paramedics that came to Carlin and Evan's house checked Layla and determined that her levels were back to normal. They suggested monitoring her and making an immediate appointment with Layla's doctor, rather than risk her being exposed to COVID-19 at the hospital.

The Stewarts say that Layla is now on medicine for acid reflux, and doctors are hopeful that the hole in her heart will heal on its own by age two. We know that Carlin and Evan and all the Bates and Stewarts would appreciate continued prayer for Layla's health. You can follow the new parents on their YouTube channel.

Photo courtesy of Carlin and Evan Stewart


  1. Prayers for baby Layla. Hopefully the small hole in her heart closes on its own. It probably will. Most do.. I'm saying my prayers.
    I was born with a large hole in my heart, a VSD (ventricular septal defect) and had surgery at 3.5 years old. But I'm almost 61 now, and still going strong..
    But it's a scary time for sure for Carlin and Evan. It's hard, that's for sure. ❤️❤️

    1. It is so sweet of you to comment and share your story. I’m sure this is a huge encouragement and blessing to Carlin & Evan, and anyone else who reads your comment, to hear your story. I’m thankful that you are well and healthy! What a beautiful testimony in the midst of a hard circumstance. 💗 God bless you for your kindness, “Anonymous 10:32 AM”!

  2. My prayers will certainly include this little family.

  3. Layla and her parents are in my prayers. May they find peace in knowing so many are, and will be praying, for this precious little soul and her parents.

  4. I’m sorry for what they’ve gone through. Hopefully better days will be ahead. Most young parents don’t realize how easily a baby can be infected with things. It’s usually best to not have a newborn out in crowds

    1. I’ve also noticed that in these big families newborn babies get passed around from family member to family member because everyone wants to hold them. That increased the chances of babies catching something.

    2. Well, that certainly hasn't been a concern the past two months.

    3. Even in our darkest hour, The Lord will bless us with His power! His loving grace is sure to abound, And in His arms we shall be found!
      Praying for baby Layla and her family

    4. 1:58PM: Well you can be rest assured that baby Layla didn't "catch" a hole in her heart, from being passed around.

    5. You can’t catch a hole in the heart. We haven’t heard about any of their little kids being sickly or getting sick often no matter how much they are passed around. I had my daughter in daycare for a short period of time. She was sick multiple times in a one month period. I decided to stay home with her and the sicknesses ended. Being passed around by family members offers little risks. It is being around a bunch of other little kids that pass germs.

    6. 11:58 and 12:24 I wasn’t talking about the hole in her heart, I was talking about diseases that can be transmitted. Also, the Duggar and Bates families have lots of little kids, so yes, the risk of catching sickness is still high, especially for newborns.

    7. And the Bates now have a lot of little kids in the family, so there will be a lot of sicknesses passed around, just like in day care...

  5. Oh dear! I will be praying for this sweet little baby and the rest of the family. How scary that must be!

  6. Carlin & Evan, I'm Praying for complete healing for Layla. Please remember that God Never puts more on you than you can handle. God Will Bring Y'all thru this.🙏🙏🙏

    1. I’ve never cared for the saying, “God never gives us more than we can handle.” It implies that God somehow tests us with trials and tribulations.” I don’t believe that for a moment. Humans are human, Created by God, with human problems. God walks with us through those problems, but He doesn’t pile them on to to see how much we can handle.

    2. I agree! "God never puts on you more than you can handle" is not in the Bible.

    3. Amen to that, 10:06 !

    4. Hi there. I saw the conversation about the phrase, "God will never give you more than you can handle" and wanted to share this great devotional that I read on the subject. It's very encouraging!


    5. Thank you Ellie. I appreciate you adding a link to the subject.

  7. I'm praying for her

  8. Carlin and Evan your precious baby girl Layla will be in our daily prayers. Carlin we hope you are doing okay.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  9. Praying for the both of you and Praying God will heal your baby. love your show God bless you and your family always

  10. You have my prayers. Your all so very blessed. Shes going to be ok. Lots of love sent from Canada.

  11. I just love the picture of Carlin, her sister, and baby Layla. I hope Layla gets well soon.

  12. I wonder if Carlin actually had the coronavirus. It was in the United States sooner than was originally thought

    1. Well if she wants she can get tested for antibodies. If you think it may have had something to do with her baby having a hole in her heart- doubt it.

    2. Does that have the same symptoms as meningitis? I wouldn't think so?

    3. Headache can be a symptom, plus so many people are having unusual symptoms. There’s still so much about this virus that we don’t know

    4. I'm 7:54. I looked up the symptoms of meningitis and learned something new. ;) They do have some similar symptoms.

  13. Layla will be scary to go through as a new parent! By the way, love your YouTube!

  14. Prayers to the three of you. My oldest son also had a small hole in his heart when he was and infant and he out grew it and the hole closed up on its own. Just keep believing and stay strong.

  15. Prayers for this sweet family. Believing for complete healing in the name of Jesus. South Carolina

  16. I hope they’ve taken Layla to a pediatric cardiologist at a good teaching hospital or children’s hospital. The breathing episodes are most concerning.🙏😮

  17. Hopefully she continues to be better.

  18. My child is in school and still has a small hole. The doctor has never seemed very worried about it - just said no deep-sea diving if it never closes up. But the combination with reflux is probably pretty scary. I'm glad they have a monitor.

  19. Sending Beautiful ❤️ LAYLA MANY PRAYERS

  20. I join 7:31 in prayer for complete healing for Layla and peace for her parents.

  21. They have been through a lot of health scares in these past several months. I hope that they get a break and have so much good health in their family in the months ahead.

  22. Dr. Phil always speaks of right fighters, how interesting even in these posted 33 messages that a sarcastic agenda trumped the real issue. Our prayers collectively are needed before you take that next breath. To the entirety of the Bates family may you feel comfort and peace and strength to handle the challenges. May that continuous loop of prayers be repeated for all time. As an aside, what a lovely family. Such grace and blessings.

  23. I am praying for your baby girl hope she get better soon.


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