
Saturday, May 23, 2020

Zach the Nail Artist

Zach Bates paints Kaci Lynn's nails

"I've always, in the back of my mind, made a mental note-to-self that as we have more kids, to try to carve out that time that I can spend one-on-one. You always want to make sure that they know that there's lots of love to go around."
-Chad Paine

This video is absolutely adorable. On Thursday's episode of Bringing Up Bates (be sure to read our recap if you were unable to tune in), we watched Zach Bates have a daddy-daughter tea party with Kaci Bates. But this additional activity that the two do together is even sweeter. Zach paints Kaci's nails! His younger brothers and sisters are incredibly surprised that their outdoorsy, hunting-loving brother would be able to complete such a task. And Chad's quote on the subject is priceless.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. It's not really one-on-one time if there's a cameraman, sound man, and lighting man there watching the entire thing.

    1. Very good point!!!

    2. I'm pretty sure he does other things up camera with this children. Why so negative?

    3. Haha! True; but Zach could have been filmed just doing something Titalky for himself! So, at least, he was filmed doing something sweet with his daughter!

    4. I am sure he has done this before without the cameras. I think he is just sharing an example.

    5. Negativity! I'm sure that she still felt special.

    6. When you can only think nefatively, perhaps take a nap instead of spreading that negativity. Sleep well.

    7. Actually, I think it's a positive thought. Positive for Kaci. How does it affect her to have television people standing around while she does activities with Daddy, pointing cameras at her, shining lights, attaching a mic to her dress? What does that do to her? If this child is a blessing, doesn't she deserve privacy? Shouldn't they wait till she is old enough to choose to have her private moments on TV?

  2. My husband and our girls used to have tea parties and "nail time." 😊

  3. Good on you, Daddy Zach for making your princess feel special.

  4. Good point, 4:44pm. This is all staged for the show. It's not to say that the dads don't ever spend any alone time with their children one on one but this is all for the show. Retakes and all.

    1. I don't believe it; Zach has shown his love for his children in many ways. I'm certain he knows how much a father means to his daughter. She will always know how men are supposed to treat her.

  5. Those children have known the crews since their birth. They don't even notice them! Zach and Chad, as well as Gil and all the others, LOVE their children and don't hesitate to show it at every opportunity!

    1. Have you ever been to the recording of a show? There are bright lights shining over the "scene." There are large oblong microphones hanging from bars. Of course the children notice those things, and know it's different than regular family time. Especially when they have to re-take things because the sound or lighting was bad. "Give Daddy another hug, Kaci, and tell him you love him a bit louder."

    2. Kaci's an intelligent little girl. She notices things like bright lights shining over a scene (the Duggars had to have special lights installed in their home for their show). She notices the grown men and women engineers recording things. She's certainly aware when she's asked to do things over and over again, to get the sound and lighting correct.

  6. Replies
    1. This was definitely a scene designed to make Zack look like a great daddy. It was cute the way HE suggested the nail activity. The producers and the Bates came up with a great activity for the two of them to share together.

  7. Too precious for words. I miss my dad and the fun things we did. God bless you Zack

  8. It's cute the way Kaci goes along with this staged activity for the camera. The producers came up with a cute idea for Zach to suggest!

    1. I don't believe those toddlers would know how to "go along with a staged activity". I'm not sure why you watch unless the show unless is to look for what you perceive as negative behaviors.

  9. Wow none of you have any faith in that Zach could come up with this on his own. So what if the crew was there, they caught a sweet moment between a father and daughter. I'm sure Zach knows what his daughter likes too do and went with that. He doesn't need to be told what to do with his daughter.

  10. I don't think that it matters that it is "staged." I believe that the Bates are trying to provide examples of good family values,and they are making good use of their show to provide examples of good parenting. I bet it inspires people to try some of these activities with their families. I look at it as an uplifting reminder to put family first.They seem truly happy, and that is pretty hard to stage ;-)

  11. The Bates family are role models for good parenting and lead by example love them

  12. I think that so sweet no I don't think it just for the camera because of how she acted like it was not a new thing him painting her nails. I don't think it matters that the camera are there still one on one without other kid's. I happy so glad he made the time for just her because every child needs one on one with both parent's.

  13. I think complaining about things being "staged" is the new "hairbow." Something that is quickly becoming tiring to read about.

  14. Kaci's real life is being filmed at a time when she is too young to understand what is happening.

  15. I wonder, when Kaci grows up, if she will like having her early childhood on TV. I wish she'd had a choice in the matter. Some people are private.

  16. I enjoy watching the episodes. I'm sick of the news and shows that promote, lying, killing, and other immoral acts. Positive TV works for me. Thank you Bates family for planting good seeds staged or not. It leaves a positive impact.

  17. Staged or not, I think there is a point to be made that children appearing on these reality shows are sacrificing their privacy without their consent. It's one thing for the adults to make money on these shows. However, I don't know how you can rationalize that it's in any child's best interests, having their life put on public display from their first ultrasound photos, all in an effort to boost revenue for the network and the stars. It just seems very wrong to me.


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