
Monday, June 1, 2020

Bates Family Beach Vacation 2020

Kelly Bates and some of the littles
Bates family beach vacation May/June 2020
It's no secret that the Bates family loves the beach. If you have followed our blog for a while, you have seen plenty of photos of their past beach trips, including some that they took before the start of their reality TV show.

This week, some of the Bates are in Cape San Blas, located on the Florida Panhandle. Cape San Blas is a favorite place for the Bates, and they have been several times. At one point, they visited four years in a row. They also went in the episode "Beaches, Boats and Bates," which aired in March 2016.

Photo courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster @websterforever


  1. I’m thrilled for them to vacationing on a pretty beach; but I hope they are keeping safe and respecting others by following Covid recommendations.

  2. Nice social distancing! Where are their masks?

    1. You don't have to wear a mask when you are in the fresh air with only your family who you have already been around. There is no point to that.

    2. @ 4:47

      Since when do all of the Bateses, in-laws, and grandchildren all live together in the same house? They have not "already been around each other" during the outbreak. My family has only had two non-household family members come visit since the end of February and we stayed outside and at least six feet apart the entire time. We did not hug or have any physical contact. I have not hugged people since the end of February. In my opinion, the Bateses and Websters took a huge, unnecessary risk.

    3. 9:23, they are on vacation together! You think they are all staying at separate places and eating in separate places? I don't think so. By the time this picture was taken, it was highly likely that they had already been around each other?

    4. Who cares! Stop minding everyone else’s business. Most places are opening back up now so it’s safe to go out. 🙄

    5. Anon 12:43, that was very rude.

    6. @ 12:43

      It is certainly not safe to go out in a lot of places. Many parts of the Northeast are still under a state-of-emergency and have barely begun to reopen. When they do reopen, stores and restaurants will be at reduced capacity and will require masks. NYC has not even entered Phase One of reopening yet! Also, practicing social distancing and wearing masks should be everyone's business right now. Not only does it protect you, but it also protects your family, neighbors, and fellow Americans.

    7. 5:25 -- NYC is allowing HOARDS of protestors packed like sardines, and you're worried about a handful of family members on a beach? Read between the lines of what we're being told. Please, let's not always blindly accept what the media forces down our throats.

    8. It's ok to steal and burn businesses to the ground but it's not safe to together as a family

    9. Where are they going catch corona at?? The air? I mean lets be real.

  3. Another trip for the Websters? What a fun life of travel they have. I wish I could afford it, but I'm glad they can do so! Wonderful family.

  4. Don't the Websters have to work? Does John have a job? I wonder about this because most bosses won't give so much time off.

    1. He works for his family's heating and AC business.

  5. The kids look cute and happy

  6. Hmmmm....masks? Social distancing?

    1. Thank you for saying what I was thinking! I think they are being extremely selfish and irresponsible by taking a vacation in the middle of a pandemic. I have not left my house since March 13th except to grocery shop with an N95 mask on my face and to take walks outside. I unfortunately have to go to a doctor's appointment on Thursday because I have been having some health issues and am terrified to go, because I live in a hotspot.

    2. 2:18, did it occur to you that they are not in a hotspot?

    3. I'm curious whether these commenters have been on the social media of the looters and vandals and arsonists to chide them for how selfish they are being for rioting in the middle of a pandemic.

    4. Excellent point, 7:39.

    5. Anon @ 7:39
      I'm sitting here cheering your comment. I'm so tired of people just trying to do normal activities being criticized yet criminals who are looting and burning are somehow being honored (in the media and other forums I check out). Thank you for saying something that needed to be said.

    6. 2:18- Clinics are taking extraordinary measures to ensure everyone's safety. You'll likely check in from your car and wait till they call you in. Your visit will likely be much safer than a visit to the grocery store. Not to worry!

    7. They are not in a hot spot. Only two cases for the entire county. Cape San Blas is very isolated and even during tourist season is not very crowded.
      Also mask are not required outside or at least not in CSB. The governor opened it up for phase 2 which is non-family groups of 50 or less.

    8. I live in Florida the panhandle has very few cases. We are entering phase two on Friday when movie theaters and bars open.
      Secondly the panhandle beach is generally deserted very easy to social distance from others.

    9. 2:18 -- You'd do more for your health by taking daily vitamin D and eating immune boosting foods than hiding indoors. Also, get out into the sunlight on a daily basis.

    10. 6:01 -- I beg your pardon -- the right isn't looting, vandalizing, and terrorizing at all. Possibly fighting back in defense, but that's it.

  7. Why would the Websters need another vacation?

    1. To spend time with their extended family, obviously.

    2. Are they using your money???
      Why are you so noisy and worried...its none of your business!

    3. Need? How about just wanted to have fun with their family?

  8. Ellie when will the bates family header be updated, Carlin and Evan still has ? along with Tori and Bobby ? both have had their babies

  9. There isn't quarantining in Florida or Tennessee?

    1. Unfortunately not. Their stay-at-home orders expired a few weeks ago. I am so glad I live in New Jersey where there's a strict stay-at-home order until at least 6/5 and a governor with common sense. I am not being sarcastic with this post. I am thankful that our governor is putting safety before fun.

    2. I am so thankful to live in Tennessee where the stay at home order expired weeks ago! The damage from these lockdowns done to small businesses and families who own those businesses is just terrible. I went by two small restaurants today that have both closed down due to Covid. It makes me so sad for the people who lost their jobs and incomes! Opening back up isn't just for "fun" but people's lives. People need to work to support their families. Our deeply in debt government cannot afford to support the entire country indefinitely. Not everyone can work from home. Mental health has definitely gone down due to the lockdowns as well and suicide rates are up. I will take a governor who gives me the freedom to make my own choices about going out any day than one who thinks I need a nanny state to decide my own well being!!!!

    3. I am 2:15. Please let me tell you about the situation in NJ and why I feel the way I do. Aside from NYC, we were the hardest hit. I am fully aware of the economic impact and am devastated for the people who lost their livelihoods, but as Governor Murphy said, "public health leads to economic health" and "staying home is the caring and patriotic thing to do." If you reopen too quickly, you will just have to close again. NJ lost 12,000 people from the virus and has 162,000 cases. Sadly people are still dying every day, even though the curve has been flattened. There is a major hospital in my town that had to cancel elective surgeries and turn people away at certain times because they were at capacity from COVID-19 patients. There was a triage tent in the parking lot. We are the most densely populated state in the country with hundreds of thousands of people commuting to NYC and Philadelphia everyday on public transportation, so the virus spread very quickly here. There is no way we could have reopened safely any earlier.

    4. 4:17- There are numerous restaurants in our city that have had to shut down again due to COVID outbreaks among employees. You need to read about the 1918 influenza pandemic. History has a way of repeating itself.

    5. 10:24 -- Spanish flu also started in a lab. Makes you wonder, huh?

  10. Florida beaches have been open for weeks. Masks on our beaches (I live near Tampa) are not required. Family members can be near each other. (Can you imagine trying to take care of small children from 6 feet away)? Family groups are urged to social distance from other family groups on the beach.
    My opinion: contributors to this website have gone "over the top" with social distancing and masks.
    My advice: Get outside and enjoy life!

    1. I’ve been enjoying life at home for the past 2 months and a half. I’ve been learning how to cook, watching movies, reading, getting some sun on my balcony, having zoom parties. You don’t have to go outside to enjoy life.

    2. If you lived in a hotspot like I do, you would not think we are being over the top with social distancing and masks. Where I live, you cannot even go into any grocery stores or businesses unless you have a mask on. It's the law! Social distancing and wearing masks are not fun, but not everything in life is meant to be fun. Sometimes you have to do hard things to keep yourself and everyone around you safe.

    3. You do realize certain states still have lockdowns and are opening up very slowly. Many readers here still can not go outside and enjoy life yet.

    4. 2:55- It's been proven that social distancing and masks do help. You can get out side and enjoy life without breathing down each other's necks. BTW, my sister-in-law was infected with COVID by an asymptomatic individual. She was horribly sick for weeks- no underlying health issues, either. I hope you respect other people by wearing a mask and distancing.

    5. Thank you, anonymous 2:55, well spoken!

    6. If you're a strong healthy person my advice I totally agree with "get outside and enjoy life!" I think you strengthen your immune system by being in contact with germs!!

    7. People need other people too. I've been hearing stories about senior citizens who are having serious issues with loneliness and depression, missing human touch and contact. Suicide rates have skyrocketed, and I have to believe that distancing from other people on an on-going basis has something to do with it. As far as the masks go, the WHO has recently said that only people who are sick or caring for the sick need to wear one, which brings up all kinds of questions in my mind.

    8. 2:55PM: Here, where I live, family members that normally live together can gather together, you don't have to be 6ft apart from your small children, my goodness! However, we CANNOT do what the Bates are doing, vacation together with another household (even if they are family, they live in a different household). And we cannot gather even for a visit when there will be more than 5 people in the group. Their rules are completely different. There is still spread of Covid in Florida, and the U.S. is still finding 20,000 new cases a day. Seems a little premature to me to be doing what this family is doing.

    9. No one is being forced to be cooped up in their house 24/7. I go for daily hikes, garden, ride bike, birdwatch, meet up with friends at a park while keeping a distance, etc. I do wear a mask whenever I'm in a store or other public place. We are gradually opening up where I live and I think that's the smart thing to do.

    10. 2:55- I'd rather take the advice of infectious disease experts, rather than some random poster on the internet. I will continue to limit my time out in public and show respect for others by wearing a mask/social distance when I am out and about. I will continue to hike/bike/garden, etc. and spend as much time outdoors as possible.

    11. Please do some simple math. The current numbers show 1.756 million Americans have had the virus. That is less than one percent of our population. Who goes around being deathly afraid of something that more than 99 percent of people you come across do not have and that over 98 percent of people who get it recover from? Also there are not 1.756 million Americans currently with the virus. Most of those should have recovered by now, so you are very unlikely to come in contact with someone that actively has the virus. The World Health Organization stated days ago that you should not wear a mask if you are healthy unless you are caring for someone with Covid. If you are scared, stay home but don't expect others to live in fear.

    12. 4:08- The CDC has different advice on wearing a mask. In my mind, it stands to reason that any barrier between airborne particles and other people is better than nothing- kind of like covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. It's the respectful thing to do. Why is that so hard to understand? Just breathing and talking spreads this virus. BTW, there's no way to tell for certain how many people have had COVID, because people can be infected but asymptomatic. Also, not everyone is tested.

    13. Thank you @ 4:08!!! My thoughts exactly.

    14. 4:08PM: If we didn't lock down like we did, the number of infected would be far greater than 1.756 million... Your argument is inaccurate.

    15. 1:44 The poster 4:06’s information is accurate!

  11. Where we live, you can socialize normally and be together with people you currently reside with, no masks, no 6ft apart. But once you combine one household with another household, you can be no more than 5 people (3 from one house, 2 from another for example) but you require 6 ft apart. No vacationing together.

  12. I guess with all the rioting going on now, social distancing just went "poof"!

    1. Which precisely shows what a farce all these rules prove to be. It's okay to gather in mobs to riot and burn places, loot, etc. but not gather in churches. There's an agenda being played out and these mayors and governors have taken a big power grab. Don't let them dictate your daily activities and take your freedoms from you no matter what excuse they use. Once given, you won't get them back.

  13. I think it’s crazy how all these people want to chime in about mask and social distancing the Bates live in a rural community as I do and yes we are still wearing our mask in stores and staying 6 feet away from others but I am sure like my hometown their probably very few to no cases in Rocky Top TN the rates here did spike but have went bk down from people using caution we stand at 0 active cases here in southwest VA one neighbor county hasn’t had one case of Covid 19 and it’s from using common sense nothing wrong with vacationing with your family making memories especially the smaller children try to keep things as normal as possible in these uncertain times we are living in no I would not go stay in motel or visit a hot spot but I am sure with number of family members they have rented a private home to stay in and are cooking and preparing their meals from that same location not out eating at restaurants... I don’t understand all this bashing people because their taken a vacation god knows we all need one at this point this schools being closed and if your unhappy with where you live maybe you should look into moving to more rural community as the Bates family and myself we aren’t from these big cities which have people stacked on top of each other we live in the country if you go out for walk here only thing your likely to see maybe a squirrel 🐿 or possum chilling in a field

    1. 11:00- I will give the Bates family the benefit of the doubt and assume they are being responsible on their vacation. You should be aware, however, that this virus is hitting rural communties, as well. It's difficult to know for certain what the numbers are because people can be infected, but not know it- they're asymptomatic. I live in a small town about an hour drive from a major metro area. Our county has not been spared. We've learned that there are quite a few city dwellers who drive up to shop in our grocery and hardware stores because they think it's safer. There are also lake cabin owners who frequently spend time here, as is their right to do. My sister was infected and she lives in a rural area of Wisconsin. So, it's important to understand that in the mobile society we live in, the virus is very mobile, too. Don't assume you're immune because of where you live.

    2. All the people who are in favor of staying in quarantine, and wearing masks, are certainly within their rights to do so, even in areas that are no longer shut down. They should stay quarantined as long as they choose to do so. They do not have the right to ask other people to do the same. They do not have the right to force other people to lose their jobs, go into bankruptcy and harm their mental health because that is what they are doing. We were asked to quarantine for 2 weeks. It extended to 3 months. It is time to get back to as near normal as we possibly can.

    3. Kathy- It might give you a bit different perspective if you read about the influenza pandemic of 1918 and the polio epidemic. BTW, no one can force businesses to reopen and rehire people. We have restaurants in our area that were allowed to open a couple of weeks ago for outdoor dining, but now are having to close again because there are outbreaks of the virus among the staff. The majority of Americans are supportive of cautious reopening. We are a very long way from "near normal."

  14. Thanks for the links. Happy we can see their shows here in the E.U. Will we be able to see more ? Stay safe you'all.

  15. I’m glad they can enjoy the beach. Air and sun help keep you healthy. Do I see Kelly’s knees and above?? Bike shorts?? Also, so what if the Websters joined them!! They live in FL and may have come for the weekend. With all of the health problems Alyssa has had, I’m glad she sees her family. Jealous some of you??

  16. I’m happy to see the family enjoying time together! Time with the family and vacations are something that the kids will never forget and will be sweet memories for everyone. If the Webster’s are able to go on many vacations, that’s great. Be happy for others!

  17. I guess I'd be open for a road trip by car, but it will be a very long time before I consider flying again. I had two trips that I cancelled for this summer. I got e credit for both fares from Delta that are good for over two years. We'll see what happens. I guess it all depends on a vaccine.

    1. Hi Lily and Ellie,

      I had a favor. Could you pray for a family member of mine? She is 16 and has been having doubts if God is real. She has been a “Christian”, for several years now. But lately been having doubts about if God is real. I know that God is real. It’s just that I don’t know how to explain it to her. I’m 15 while she is sixteen and we are pretty close and she is afraid to go to other family members and seek help. I am the only one she has told. If you could maybe ask the Bates family to be praying to convict her and let her know God is real and to turn away from all that isn’t pleasing to him. And for me to be able to tell her in the right ways.

    2. We would be honored to pray for her and for you. Thank you for asking!

      Lily and Ellie

    3. Thank you so much!

    4. I will pray for her too because I went through the same thing with my son.

    5. Thank you Anonymous 1:04 PM. Anyone else is welcome to pray for her as well. If you do it would be very much appreciated.

    6. Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. Romans 8:26
      Your family member may be having doubts about God, but God is steadfast and merciful. God will not give up on her. She is also very fortunate to have someone who cares as much as you care in her life. It’s not uncommon to question many of your long held beliefs from time to time, especially when you are young. Sometimes it makes our faith stronger. Just go easy on her, give her space as she continues to seek. and let the Holy Spirit of God do the work.

    7. Thank you anonymous 10:04. Do you have any tips on how I could help her other than pray?

    8. I maybe would just leave her alone for awhile. She might need to struggle through this, but be there for her if she needs you. If you do feel the need to talk to her, don’t just tell her what bad things can happen if she rejects God. Tell her the wonderful things that faith does. Share your own faith story - how you came to faith, how Christ has impacted your life, how you know God is present with you, in what ways you are a better person because of God’s love for you, how God forgave you at a time when you did something that must have disappointed God. Even more, be a reflection of God’s love by showing her through acts of kindness and caring. A Christian does good things because we are filled to bubbling over with God’s love for us. Then, let the Holy Spirit stir up her faith.

    9. Thank you so much. Anonymous I really appreciate this

    10. You are so welcome. I appreciate someone who cares as much as you do about someone’s faith.

    11. Thank you! I appreciate you being willing to help me help someone the best I can. Your advice has been really helpful to me.

    12. I’m glad. Remember, God is right there with you. Take time for yourself, too.

  18. My husband and I will have our 30th wedding anniversary next week. We came close to booking a Bible tour in Greece in late February, but didn't. We live in suburban Atlanta, so we are looking for another place within a 5 hour drive that is somewhat open. Any suggestions?

    Mom of three

  19. Haven't seen much support for BLM from the Bates.

    1. BLM is a hate group.


    3. That's sort of a strange comment to make. First, just because the family is on T.V. doesn't mean that they are under any obligation to make a statement. Also, if you have really watched the show, you might remember that Kelly Jo has a sister (adopted) who is African-American and they are very close with her. If you know the Bates, you know what kind of people they are and that they have love and respect for all people.

    4. I wouldn't hold my breath on that. As harsh as this sounds, the Bateses and Duggars are not exactly tolerant people.

    5. Sophia- Who told you BLM is a hate group, Fox News?

    6. Do you mean Black Lives Matter, the organization that is calling for the police to be defunded? Sounds like anarchy to me. I don't support that either.

    7. Why would you expect everyone to make a statement of support for anything? I’m already tired of all the emails and such from every company under the sun and what the do to show black lives matter. I’ve gotten ones saying how much they donate to black causes and to help blacks people, ones saying they support black owned businesses, how they recruit and train black employees, etc. If they sent those same emails but changed black to white, they would all be called racist. I just don’t get it. The Bates are who they are, it shouldn’t matter to anyone if they publicly support or boycott anything.

    8. @10:10- When you come back with "all lives matter", you are dismissing the fact that POC are still suffering from sytemic discrimination, profiling, racism, and sterotyping. White lives have always mattered. Look how long it took for us to have a black president and it wasn't because there haven't been enough qualified black candidates. The heat Obama took because of his race makes it abundantly clear that racism is alive and well in America.

    9. I seriously doubt that people who had/have pictures of KKK leaders and Confederate generals in their house would support black rights.

    10. I am the OP at 10:10am.
      EVERYONE needs to be treated EQUALLY. I think if we remembered that, abortion would be non-existent. Black babies are overwhelmingly the ones being aborted.
      Let's follow the Golden Rule!

    11. So both Planned Parenthood and Charles Darwin's theory of evolution have racist roots. Why isn't anyone talking about those two things that have done great harm to blacks?

    12. What are you saying, 1:48?!?! I seriously don’t understand your point of view.

    13. 8:59, my point of view is that if black lives matter, and they do, then we need to be addressing ALL the sources of racism. Suddenly policemen as a whole are horrible, but abortion clinics, who kill a disproportionate number of black babies, are still in business while telling us publicly that black lives matter 🤔. The BLM movement is pro-abortion, actually. I don't hear one Black Lives Matter spokesperson decrying educational institutions that teach evolution, let alone tearing one down or setting one on fire, despite the racism found in Darwin's influence. I see a lot of hypocrisy.

    14. 8:59, BLM is also Marxist in its roots, and publically states that it wants to tear down the family as well as promote abortion, and defund the police. Their policies would actually have great harm on black families, on everyone. I will not repeat the slogan of an organization that is so blatantly anti-family, anti-protection for our communities, and anti-traditional and healthy values. Black Lives Are Important. Black Lives Are Valuable. All Black Lives Matter to God and Me. I am 100% behind all of those statements.

  20. Nice! Good job Bates for using common sense and doing some of the best things for health: socializing & getting fresh air!

    1. I'm sorry, but going on vacation and getting together in large groups during a pandemic is not using common sense in the least, especially since Alyssa has a heart condition. Staying home, practicing social distancing, and wearing masks are the best things for your health and everyone else's health right now.

    2. 10:18, with all the rioting and protesting going on, I'm suddenly not hearing about not getting together in large groups and social distancing. If it's ok to be doing that in big cities with strangers, then surely it's ok to do on the beach in family groups.

  21. Please update the header with Layla and Kolter

  22. surprised to see kelly showing off her legs!

  23. I'm NOT living in fear !!! I only wear a mask at the Dr.s office. I'm a Paraplegic . I stay at home slot but occasionally get out to go out to eat and to my Dr.s ..It's June 6 the,,,,, You are not required to wear a mask and gloves anymore .

    1. Where I live, masks are required. They are required in many other places too. Please don't spread false information.

  24. Do you all realize the severity of this virus is a hoax? I’m not saying it’s not real, but the media is hyping it up. It’s even been admitted that they are putting corona virus as the cause of death on death certificates even if a person did not die from the virus. That is making the death numbers higher than they are. Also when the media puts it out there to make you think if you have any of the symptoms, you should get tested. So more people are getting tested=more confirmed cases. I’ve been tracking the numbers where I live, in the Seattle area, I went onto the heath department’s page and over 80% of people tested are negative. This is all about government control, and to instill us with fear, and make us conform. I just hope you all are not stupid enough to get a vaccine. Bill Gates wants to put a chip in the vaccine and who knows what else will be in it. Just look it up, Bill Gates vaccines, and how he’s killed thousands of people with his vaccines and left children paralyzed or with other major medical conditions. If you take a look at the other side of the story in this, you might find some useful information, or you can just be ignorant

    1. Try telling all those who suffered greatly and the relatives of those who died that the severity is a hoax. Granted, there are many who get very mild cases of covid-19. But there are also those who suffer and those who die. One of my early mentors, my Bishop, a wonderful person who encouraged me to go to seminary to become a minister, died a painful death from covid-19. Don’t tell me it’s a hoax.

    2. Flu results in "about 250,000 to 500,000 yearly deaths" worldwide, Wikipedia tells us. "The typical estimate is 36,000 [deaths] a year in the United States," reports NBC, citing the Centers for Disease Control. So why are they making such a big deal out of COVID? It’s hyped up and the death numbers are being inflated. I guess as they say, don’t let a good crisis go to waste

  25. Yep kind of find it funny how these protesters and rioters are getting a free pass. But they won’t let you congregate in a church. Think about it.

    1. Our churches opened in Los Angeles but 100 maximum allowed in!! But tens of thousands could march down Hollywood Blvd yesterday. Hypocrisy at the highest levels. I’m Catholic and don’t proselytize but God is missing from these groups. I wear my mask but ask why?? I don’t want the virus and don’t want you to get it either. Soooo-these protestors apparently think no lives matter!

    2. They congregated in a packed church for George Floyd's funeral! That right there tells you that they are not practicing what they preach.

    3. Perhaps you could look at it this way: Considering the continued levels of racism, discrimination, police brutality and marginalization of black people in this country, maybe the protesters think that the virus is the least of their worries at this point. I can't say that I blame them. It is clear that the white cop who murdered George Floyd gave no thought to the consequences of his actions, nor did the others who stood by and and passively watched. This has been a classic example of a Perfect Storm. BTW, black people have been more adversely affect by COVID than whites. Almost twice as many of them die due to socio-economic reasons and lack of access to quality medical care.

  26. It is disheartening to see how many selfish people there are out there. I cannot believe that some of you refuse to wear masks and practice social distancing. NY Governor Cuomo says that people who behave the way you do are "cruel, irresponsible, and disrespectful." Let that sink in!

    1. Governor Cuomo was extremely cruel, irresponsible, and disrespectful to the vulnerable in New York nursing homes when he forced them to put people sick with Covid in their facilities. I have no respect for him.

    2. Maybe you should be chastising the thousands who have been roaming the streets wrecking businesses, government property, and lives without masks or social distancing rather than people on this blog who may be in very low risk areas. How many rioters and looters have been spreading the disease?

  27. 2:11 There’s also the other side of the coin- There are likely many deaths from the virus that went undiagnosed and unreported. Your comment is disturbing, at best, and based solely on conspiracy theories perpetuated by anti-government activists. It seems you are fear mongering every bit as much as the media you scorn for the same thing.

    1. Her remarks are NOT based solely on conspiracy theories. 🙄

    2. Um, I’m not anti-government, I’m for the people. But there is so many agendas, and if you REALLY look into this stuff, it’s not conspiracy theory, and I don’t appreciate being labeled conspiracy theory. Maybe I can see what’s really going on, and see how this is all a ploy to control the people. I am not anti government, I am anti tyranny. There has to be a balance, otherwise the people who want to get rid of America will win. And by the way, the anti government activists your talking about, I don’t see them trying to defund the police, they’re all for the people and for America. If anything they just don’t want big government and trying to control every aspect of your life (like forced vaccines). If you want anti government activists, look at the people in Seattle right now taking over the streets and want to defund the police. Let’s see how everyone likes it when we have no police. I can guarantee if it was white activists taking over the streets, there would be military coming in. This is reverse racism. But everyone is going along with it and scared to say the truth. Just look into it! They want to take down America. I’m for America, our freedoms, what people died for!

  28. Anon @ 3:39 Gov. Cuomo is the one who ordered virus patients to be placed in nursing homes thereby exposing the residents which ended up killing many who might not have ever gotten the virus. I don't put a lot of faith in what he says.
    The fact remains, if you choose to social distance you are absolutely free to do so. I still wear a mask and gloves when I go out but I definitely see another agenda at work here. The goal was originally to flatten the curve on hospitalizations for 2 weeks so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. Many hospitals had to lay off staff because they were empty since other patients who might have needed care were turned away.They just kept pushing the goal posts further and further away. They appear to want us afraid, cowering in our homes, while they implement all kinds of rules invented to control us.

    1. It’s like all of a sudden the coronavirus didn’t exist, anymore. Some people just stopped being cautious. I blame Trump for that. I agree we had to jump-start the economy. But to do it with disregard for the safety issues involved in Covid-19, is unconscionable. The protests didn’t help the situation of Covid-19, but Trump was disrespectful of the rules quite a long time before that.

    2. Yes, like all of a sudden coronavirus didn't exist anymore and suddenly it was ok to flood the streets in shoulder-to-shoulder protests, and it's all Trump's fault. 🙄

    3. Read my post, 8:38. I didn’t say the protestors were Trump’s fault. I said that, fairly early on, he was not taking the rules for the coronavirus very seriously. In that, he set a poor example. I understand the need to get the economy going, but there are ways to do it with caution. And, just watch, Trump’s rallies and his convention will be just as crowded as some of the protests. A president needs to set the example for the “common good.”

    4. 9:15, got it. Thanks for taking the time to explain!

  29. I totally agree with anonymous @ 2:11pm (6/7/20). Please look at all of the evidence people! Look to the Lord Jesus for salvation! He is coming back soon! Please make your calling and election sure. When that trumpet blows you do not want to be left behind!!!

    1. Thank you!!! It’s sad how everyone is just going along with this and don’t see what’s really going on. It is scary because it feels like all the teachings about the end times is coming to fruition. I never thought I’d see any of this in my day. It’s the labor pains!!!

    2. 9:33, so much spiritual blindness right now!

    3. 9:33- Funny.... I heard the same dire warnings about the end times barreling down 50 years ago. It’s a very old tactic.

    4. 2:42, that doesn't mean it's not going to happen.

    5. Remember this, “But about that day, or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Mark13:32
      We can’t sit around and waste time making predictions of things about which only God has knowledge. I think we must always live our lives as God would have us live them, in constant awareness of God’s love and grace. We need to be in a state of continuously sharing our faith and reflecting God’s caring to others. Because if we have constant faith in God’s wisdom and love, and live our lives accordingly, we don’t have to worry about the “when.” We will be ready, no matter what.

    6. It’s not a prediction, it’s just being aware of the signs. But I guess you could apply that to anything going on, in lots of decades. But all I see is the world getting worse and worse.

  30. I thought this heading was supposed to be about their beach vacation....not the pandemic or the protesting. Please get back on topic. I'm surprised Lily and Ellie area allowing the posts to veer off topic for so long.

    1. I understand what you are saying, 7:26. But I think that between the pandemic and the rioting, people are upset and need a venue to share their concerns. It’s hard to talk about a beach vacation when our nation is in such turmoil. I really appreciate that Ellie lets us express our feelings about these timely and serious issues. And Ellie does an incredible job of giving folks their say, without letting it get out of hand. It must be very time consuming for her to go through everything that people write here. So I applaud her for all her diligence to this blog and her respect for us!

    2. Agreed. I don’t have Facebook, no social media, so it’s kind of nice to have a place to say my opinion, and the thing we all have in common is we all like the Bates, we watch their show! Sometimes I might get off topic with my opinions, but usually it’s just responding to someone else’s opinion. I think it’s nice hearing different opinions, if we were all the same it would be boring

  31. Just to say about masks, there’s doctors and nurses saying it’s very unhealthy to wear a mask all the time, your breathing in an excess carbon dioxide. Also if you don’t wash your mask daily, it’s a germ factory. I live in the Seattle area, I don’t wear a mask out in public, I feel like I can’t breathe in it! Also a lot of people here are not happy with the way things are going, and not happy with Governor Inslee. I know a lot of people who voted for him, but they said he is not getting their vote this time around!

    1. Also I know of a person who developed a fungal infection in her lungs from wearing cloth masks all the time.

  32. Maybe Lily and Ellie like to hear people’s opinions and different views or maybe they agree with what some are saying do they leave the comment on there.


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