
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Kaci Turns 4

Happy 4th birthday to Kaci Lynn Bates!

Whitney and Kaci Lynn
Spring 2020

Whitney Bates and Kaci Bates
Christmas 2018

Kaci with newborn Everly Paine
Kaci with newborn Everly Paine

Zach Bates with Bradley Bates and Kaci Lynn Bates
Zach Bates with Bradley Bates and Kaci Lynn Bates
September 2016

Photos courtesy @zachnwhitebates


  1. HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY KACI Have a great birthday. HAPPINESS and BLESSINGS is our wish for you.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  2. MO- Wow, 4 years old already! She's a beauty- very cute picture of Mother and Daughter. :o)

  3. She's so grown up, very mature looking for only 4 years old!!! Awww, so cute!

  4. Happy birthday Kaci Lynn you growing up to be a beautiful big girl may all your wishes come true hope you had a wonderful day sweetheart .

  5. She has gotten so big. Hope it was a good one

  6. Ready for Pre-K. I would like for someone to ask Zach and Whitney why is it a bad thing to enroll their children in school? They seem to have plenty of money available so they can opt for a Christian school. Why would that not be allowed?

    1. @7:26-I’m guessing they choose homeschool because they believe it to be the best choice for their children. And, as a public school staff member, I’d do the same thing! Especially, during this scary time. We were all homeschooling these past months!!!

    2. Did they say it was a bad thing or not allowed? It's probably preference.

    3. @7:26- I really don't think it's a matter of it not being allowed or a bad thing, but rather a personal preference to homeschool. I was a public school teacher for 35 years before retirement and my kids went to public school and college. I think it's a good thing that there are so many more options available to parents. Is it necessary that everyone does the same thing? Something to consider now is the COVID pandemic. It may be quite a while for schools to get back to anything resembling normal. I guess if I was a young parent now and was able to stay home with my kids, I'd consider homeschooling myself.

  7. Happy Birthday Kaci Lynn, and Happy Father's Day Zach!

  8. Homeschooling was the plan for this family way before Covid19. This is why the question was brought up. None of them had any intention of enrolling their children in a school from the get go. Why was that?

    1. I guess they value the benefits of home schooling. Not so strange to be a second-generation home schooler.

    2. Because they prefer to homeschool.

    3. They homeschool because they want a God-centered cirriculum.

  9. What a grown up, beautiful four year old! She is a great combination of her mother and father.

  10. Whitney is not a second generation homeschooler. She attended public school AND actually had a real job working for local Sonic fast food restaurant. If that was such a sin, why did God bless her in meeting Zach at that job? She wouldn't have met him had she not been working a real job there.

    1. Nobody said it was a sin. I don't think it is sinful to send children to a public school. Both my husband and I were public schooled, I taught public school prior to becoming a mother, and I currently have many friends who are excellent public school teachers. And, yet, we have homeschooled our children from the getgo. I do not believe homeschooling is for everyone. But, neither do I believe public schooling is, either. My children get a well-rounded education and plenty of individualized attention and accommodation for their specific needs. We spend much more enjoyable time together. They get many opportunities to socialize and learn from others (i.e., music, art, church, etc.). Many of their friends are publicly schooled. There are benefits to both homeschooling and public schooling. Yes, I have met a few people who have a judgemental attitude toward public school (and vice versa!). However,I really don't believe too many people decide to homeschool because they think of the alternatives as sinful.

    2. Obviously she wasn't a second generation homeschooler, but Zach is, and he's half of the couple that makes education decisions for their children. And any of them who work have had real jobs, including the policemen, the tree cutters, the cosmetologist, the pianist, the nanny, and the boutique owners. Why does a fast food job qualify as a "real" job but all those other jobs don't? And why are you claiming that they think that her "real" job is a sin when they never said that? I don't understand this comment in any way.

  11. Homeschooling is safer. Most homeschooling is public school online. I homeschool my Grandson.

  12. Who said a "real job" is a sin?? I don't think they believe that!!!! Happy late birthday to this sweet girl. Zack and Whitney's children seem so happy. Lovely family.Prayers for Zack's safety and all the men in blue.

  13. Happy Birthday Kaci Lynn I watch the show every Thursday I love you guys you all are an awesome family!!


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