
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

One Year with Travis

Katie and Travis
Ocean City, New Jersey, vacation with Travis' family earlier this month
In June 2019, mutual friends introduced Katie Bates and Travis Clark. Despite being many miles apart, they were able to get to know each other both in person and over video chat. The couple announced their courtship in March and officially celebrated one year of being together on June 27th.

Photo courtesy of @kgbates2000


  1. Awwwww. They are so cute together! Travis, you have a wonderful voice and such a tender heart for serving the Lord. Katie, you are such a joy! You are beautiful inside and out! Congratulations on one year! Love you guys!😘

  2. Congratulations you two! Hope that God will continue to bless you both in many ways. And I hope soon that the world will be hearing of an engagement and future wedding by summer's end. I pray that Katie will make a great wife for Travis one day and hopefully soon I will see my first video on YouTube of you two singing a duet. I follow Travis's YouTube page and I'm kinda surprised that he has not mentioned Katie or sang a duet with her yet.

  3. If they met in June, I don’t know that I would necessarily count that as one year of being together. Especially if they just became “official” as a coupe in March.

  4. I think Travis , kelton and Evan all have the same look.

    1. I agree. I used to have a really hard time telling Kelton and Evan apart. I also think Bobby, Brandon, John and Chad have a similar look as well. All handsome though, lol.

  5. That's great. may they continue to do well

  6. She looks like his mom!

  7. Y'all are such a cute couple may God bless you both in your courtship.

  8. when is the wedding ?

  9. would say they will be married and have a child by next year. I am also sure several of these girls will be having a baby also by years end.

    1. I completely agree! I do like this show though, nice family and helpful to those less fortunate, especially Nathan and Lawson with their trips to the Philippines.

    2. Courtship might last for months. Jessa Duggar had an 11-month courtship. They would need to get engaged at least by September to have a wedding by New Years.

  10. Here comes another young bride...

    1. Yup. For once I would like to see a Bates girl utilize her education, get a good paying job, travel and explore the wonderful world prior to marriage. Lots of time to get married past 19-years-old and have children! And I like this family!

    2. Yay!! God’s Word declares he who finds a wife finds a good thing! Marriage is a beautiful covenant gift from God. I wish nothing but blessings on Travis and Katie.

    3. Not sure if you meant that as snarky, but to me it’s a beautiful thing to see young Christian couples honor God through the covenant of marriage.

    4. Marriage is a beautiful thing but why not having it after 25,with more education and life experience?

    5. I second that! Marriage is wonderful especially after some time to grow into your OWN person and to have more life experiences and education. If Katie and Travis were my kids I'd advise them to wait a few years and grow as individuals first. 18-24 is way too young to get married!!

    6. You can still honor God through the covenant of marriage at 25 and beyond. My husband and I were 30 and 29 when we got married. We had both finished our educations and were established in our respective careers and had each traveled extensively prior to marriage. We were fulfilled as individuals and now as a married couple in the eyes of God. I would advise Katie and Travis to wait, but I do wish them the best!

    7. 12:57. These young Christians honor God with their abstinence until marriage.

    8. Again, just because your values are different, you don't need to judge them. As a parent I want my children to know who they are before they get married and I believe that getting married is the biggest decision you will ever make. But I want my children to find someone who they can live a happy, peaceful life with and when that happens they may not be 25. Once your kids are adults, you don't have as much say in their lives as you would like.

  11. Love the Jersey Shore! We stay at Diamond Beach in the Crest...most beautiful beach!

  12. We enjoy watching this show... GOD Bless ALL of them!!! Family friendly

  13. This is how COVID-19 spreads...going on nonessential travel during a pandemic and not wearing masks. As a fellow NJ resident, I am disappointed in Travis' family for doing this trip. As much as I love going to the shore (Jersey slang for beach), I am staying away for the time being. We have crushed the curve and people doing things like this can cause a very unwanted uptick. I hope Katie didn't bring the virus back to TN with her. Numbers are surging there and she lives with a lot of other people!

    1. 5:28- I have to agree with you. The virus is suring in states that opened in May, especially in the south and west. People traveling back and forth to other states is not helping matters any. Being careful and responsible is the right thing to do. It's showing respect for our health care and essential workers who are on the frontlines for us.

    2. Then you have all the crowds of peaceful protesters, the hordes of thugs, the groups of people cleaning up after the thugs, the people leaving NYC because of the thugs, the people who put off surgeries and are now getting mandatory testing at the hospitals, and any false positives.

  14. They are a cute couple

  15. Does the Lord ALWAYS and ONLY send your chosen helpmate when you are a late teenager or early twenties?? Love the Bates but this sounds like the Duggars to me. What about seeking a career, traveling, spending some time pursuing a deeper relationship with the Lord instead of jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Always being distracted from seeking a deeper more intimate relationship with the Lord. If they married at 25 years old, that's still young. Sheesh. It's like marriage is the ONLY and ULTIMATE goal for them. Very old fashioned thinking for sure.

    1. I don't have a problem with traditional thinking.

    2. It appears that the older Bates' sons are in no rush to get married.

    3. Anon 3:04pm your still missing the point. They might not be in a rush but they get teased all the time. It's still the same principal. Good try.

    4. 3:04 - Remember when Trace had just started hanging out with Chaney (they weren’t even official yet) and Erin and Kelly inmediately started talking to her about marrying Trace and moving to TN. That puts a lot of pressure on a young couple who’s just getting to know each other.

  16. Is lawson and jana dugger in courtship

    1. Not then, not now, never will be.

    2. Jana and Lawson will love who they love when they are ready. Leave them be!

  17. I'm going to make a wild guess here and predict they'll be engaged by summer's end and married before the end of the year- likely a baby on the way shortly thereafter.

    1. If that's what they want...only they won't be able to have a large wedding like her siblings with social distancing in measure but they have to adapt,besides the other friends can be invited to watch the wedding on the show instead of invited to the wedding,they should understand considering!

    2. I wouldn't be surprised if they had the big wedding anyway. The Duggars and Bateses sadly have not been social distancing.

    3. Oh, and you know exactly what these families are doing and that they haven't been social distancing because you've been with them the while time? Please don't assume things based off of the occasional post on a blog. They are good people and I am sure they're not doing anything to purposefully harm the community

  18. You 2 are 2 cute. God's blessings!

  19. Thanks for helping spread the coronavirus. People please use your heads and respect others. Jersey just getting back on track. I live here !

    1. I'm 5:28. Thank you for agreeing with me and 3:02


    2. I would think spreading the corona virus is all your New Jersey plates here where I live in Florida! Give us a break with your foolishness. Im laughing hysterical.

    3. I'm sure they are only meeting up now that the restrictions are easing,and they are careful with who they meet,if they have both been staying at home they can't spread it if they don't catch it,and the family beach trip doesn't count as they are also following strict rules,everyone is allowed to go out and meet close friends now so why can't they?

    4. 10:11 - if they were following strict rules they wouldn’t have taken a beach trip in the first place.

    5. Here we go again.
      The title of this blog needs to be changed to
      "The Corona Files".

  20. Such a cute couple. Katie is a true beauty!

  21. They don’t like sticking my comments on their blog. Hey Ellie and who ever runs the blog can you please put my comments on your blog please? I’ve noticed that when I leave a comment anymore it never get’s put up on your blog?! My screen name is Queenie Loveheart and I’m from Pittsburgh. Thank You.

    1. Hi Queenie. This is the first comment I'm seeing with your screen name. I'll be on the lookout for any future comments. :)


    2. Queenie LoveheartJuly 5, 2020 at 8:48 PM

      Thank You 😊. I also went on and commented on the Duggar’s blog as well about the same thing. I didn’t see that my comment was posted.

  22. They seem like a sweet couple. I hope they won't rush into marriage before Travis finishes college. I don't think this year Bates family will have any weddings or more babies. Tori just had her son in March, Carlin - her baby in January, Erin and Whitney had babies back in November. Josie's daughher is not even 1 yet. Alyssa had some heart issues, and I doubt she will be having another baby soon.

  23. How can you bike wearing a skirt?? More modest to wear sweat pants or bike shorts.

    1. It's not like she's wearing a mini skirt. As we can see, it obviously covers everything so why not wear a skirt?

    2. Katie's skirt looks a little "rough" around the edge. It looks like she ripped out the hem. I noticed the ragged hem because usually, Katie looks very neat and tidy.

    3. 7:14, I think it's a distressed hem. It's a style.

  24. They look so happy! Ignore the naysayers-hope they enjoy their courtship. Who knows-maybe they took the masks off for the picture.

    1. I think you meant to say, "Enjoy their COVID-19." They're so immature and selfish to go on vacation during this outbreak. I haven't seen or hugged my friends since the end of February and don't when I'll get to again, but social distancing is necessary.

    2. @11:40- I am an elderly person and taking extra precautions. However, I do make a point of getting together with one or two friends at a time and going for long walks. We are able to stay six feet apart while having conversation. Being outdoors is not nearly as problematic as being in a confined space with people. I have to do what I can to be safe, but also support my mental health and well-being. There's no way I would take a trip right now or in the foreseeable where I'd have to use any form of public transportation.

  25. I hope Katie is maturing.. It was so awkward when Travis came to surprise Katie and she ducked behind Gil. It was also embarrassing when she gave him a hard time because he just wanted vanilla ice cream and she shoved the cone in his face. It’s great to be playful, but Junior High kids act like that, not someone who will be married soon. She talked a lot about how he “gets her.” Does she “get him” and care about his likes and concerns? Yes, they are a cute couple but she needs to grow into this relationship.

    1. Junior high kids act more mature! I’ve taught that age group before.

  26. A lot of people are saying that the Bates girls marry too young. But I disagree. When I was a teen, all I wanted to do was get married and have a partner to enjoy life with. I married at 21. My own daughter wanted desperately to be a mother since she was 16! Thankfully she waited until she was married and had her first at 23. It is highly unlikely that these girls are being forced to marry young. Also, look at the boys, isn’t only one of the older boys married at this time? It just so happens, that in general, many of us find our true love in our early teens and twenties.

    1. I agree. For some of us, marriage and family are deep desires, and it's sad when women are shamed for that.

    2. IMO, the desires we have as a teenager are oftentimes seen through rose-colored glasses. I remember my romaticized notions about love and marriage at that age. I didn't have a clue about the realities of it. I was in love with the idea of being in love and having a husband and children. Yes, some young marriages work out fine. However, if you think you've found the love of your life at age 18, then that love will be patient and able to wait a few years before making it permanent, if it's truly a mature kind of thing. Marriage statistics show that married couples under the age of 25 are at a much higher risk of divorce.

    3. 6:42, sure they are seen through rosy-colored glasses, but that's hardly unique to those who have a strong desire to be a wife/mom. That could be said about any desire. My teen son wants to be a policeman. He does not know all the harsh realities of that profession. The marriage statistics are irrelevant if both members in a marriage have a strong commitment to each other.

  27. These two make an adorable couple. Looks like he will fit right in to the Bates family!


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