
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The November Bates Babies

Khloe and Holland, both born in November 2019, are now over six months old. In fact, Khloe just turned seven months old, and Holland will follow on June 26. These two sweet little girls are nice and chunky.

Holland Paine
Whitney Bates, Khloe Bates, Zach Bates,
Kaci Bates, Bradley Bates

Photos courtesy of @chad_erinpaine; @zachwhitbates


  1. What little cuties! Holland is such a Chad, and she has very chunky legs; wow! Khloe is adorable; thanks for sharing the pictures

  2. I think khloe has Chad's smile in this photo.

    1. She does, even though Zach is her Dad. That's so funny

    2. Khloe isn't really smiling, though. You are looking at the second picture, right?

  3. I think Holland has Chad's smile in this photo. I wrote Chloe but meant Holland. Sorry for the confusion.🤗

    1. Thanks for clarifying. I was confused. :) And I agree. She is the spitting image of Chad.

  4. MO- Awww- Very sweet pictures. :o)

  5. Khloe looks like her daddy, Zach!
    Nice-looking children and families.

  6. Oh my badness! They are so cute and chunky!

  7. Beautiful and precious! Bless them both.

  8. Just gorgeous girls growing way to fast my daughter name is Khloe born November 16th 2014 shes 6 this year

  9. Holland sure looks like her daddy!

  10. How can I get in touch with Paine Construction to do a job? Can't find contact information anywhere. Found out about Paine Construction on "Porch" when looking for a crew and was direct to the Chad and Erin webpage. I sent an email but got no response, from what I can tell they are part of this page, just going by the reviews and looking for someone honest

    1. Hi there,

      If you shoot me an email at I'll help you get in touch with Paine Construction. :)


    2. Thank you so much.

  11. Who do you all think the children resemble the most? I'm seeing Bates in Khloe, but not sure about the other two.

  12. I want more pictures of the Smith’s too!!! Miss seeing all of their precious faces!!!

  13. Bradley and khloe have Whitney's noses,you can tell by the nostrils,but I'm sure there's some Zack features there too,and kasey is all Zack for sure.

    1. I do think that both babies share their moms' eyelashes (the lower ones, I mean). Little Carson definitely has his dad's nostrils--it's amazing the resemblance.

  14. Awww Holland is just gorgeous! She looks like a mix of Chad and Erin :)

  15. Holland’s eye color! Oh, my goodness! :)

  16. I have always thought Bradley was a mini me of Whitney's dad. I also think Kaci Lynn looks most like Whitney's mom. The baby is still young but I think she looks like Whitney herself so far. Not as much Bates in Zach's children, so far, JMO. They are all so darling and have fabulous personalities.

  17. Holland looks exactly like Chad and those EYES! She is so precious. And little Khloe, such a doll. I think these two cousins will be especially close with little Laela, as they are spending so much time together at the Bates Boutique warehouse. (Well, don't know how much time right now with the pandemic, but I was speaking in general terms.

  18. Hey there!! Just a suggestion. You could post more on this blog. Oh and there are some blank spots on the header were the babies should be. I mean it’s been a couple of months now and you still haven’t filled those in with the babies pictures. FYI people who read my post people, please don’t criticize me for it. I don’t want you all replying to it because of what I’m posting. I’m just a young vulnerable scared person with disabilities. Thank you.

    1. The squares are so tiny on my phone that I won't be able to see them anyway. 😔

  19. Those eyelashes that the Bates daughters and daughter-in-law wear are fake lashes.

  20. Those super chubby legs make me swoon! Baby fat is the cutest fat! I need some butter for those adorable rolls!


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