
Thursday, July 30, 2020

'A Double Date and Something to Celebrate' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A Double Date and Something to Celebrate"

  • Tori is 10 weeks away from her due date. She takes Kade and Ellie to her ultrasound appointment to check on baby Kolter. “For me looking back, when we had Carson and Brooklyn, it was a little more work,” says Erin. “But at the same time, I feel like it was so much more rewarding because you actually see them interact, and you see your oldest excited about a sibling.” Bobby has been giving Tori daily heparin shots for her blood clotting disorder.
  • Callie accompanies Travis and Katie over to the Balkas’ house to make homemade pizza. Josie asks Travis when he plans on asking Katie to court, and he says he hopes it will be soon.
  • At the Bates Sisters Boutique, Erin, Whitney, and Carlin are discussing next steps for their business. “We’re really living a dream,” says Erin, of having a job that allows them to bring their babies to work. The ladies are looking to get involved with a women’s ministry called Hands Up.
  • At the big house, the Bates welcome Lawson home from the Philippines after three months. “[Lawson’s] sense of humor just keeps the family laughing all the time,” says Zach. “Everybody misses that. But he’s very sensitive, and he’s really got a sweet side you don’t see a lot. He’ll come around and hang out with the different married couples and play with the kids. I don’t know who missed Lawson the most, the kids or us older ones, but I know I missed him a lot.”
  • This trip was centered around Esther, a young girl whom he met on his first trip to the Philippines. She needed a life-saving surgery, and Lawson helped organize everything. “This little girl needed somebody to go to bat for her,” says Lawson. The plan is to bring Esther and her mom to the United States in a few months for the surgery.  


  1. I want to say congratulations on the new babies. I want to touch in on Lawson and his goal to help the little girl get her heart surgery. As a grandma of a little girl that was born with a Congenital Heart Defect, I can sympathize with Lawson. If it wasn't for our friends Jason and Susan Smith who started the Emerson Rose Heart Foundation in honor of their daughter, we would not have been able to stay in the hospital with our grandbaby. Our grandbaby did not live to be 6 months old, but she is always with us. So good luck on your path to helping this little girl. By the way, I have never missed a show, and I live in Anderson, SC so I feel like we're family 💕

  2. Hi Ellie,
    Do you have any updates about Michael and the nursing program she's probably finishing up soon? And what her career plans are after graduation? I would love to hear about that.

  3. Poor Whitney, she seemed embarrassed to say the lines for the naked fruit drink advertisement. You did fine, Whitney 😀 What a great business venture they’ve begun, though!

  4. The pizza segment was okay; not sure why Callie was tagging along (please don’t tell me she was their chaperone. It already was a double date!). I like Travis; I think he realizes they are young and shouldn’t rush the next steps.
    So, who funded Larson’s trip for three months while only he could help Esther? And how did he step away from his music for that long? Was he there with S.O.S. Ministry, another organization or on his own? I couldn’t understand him clearly when he discussed Esther’s surgery performed in the Philippines. It sounded as though it was a preliminary procedure and open heart will be required here in the USA. Is that correct? Pediatric open heart was developed at Mass General in Boston. Although the surgeon who helped develop that surgery has passed away; he expertly trained hundreds!

    1. Before Travis and Katie arrived at the Balkas' house, they had been shopping for ingredients. Callie was their chaperone for that trip.

    2. 8:04-that makes sense in the Bates world!

  5. I really am curious about why it's 7 to 9 month hold to ask someone to be their a girl/boyfriend. Let's be honest here it doesn't take that long to decided to if someone wants to be with you. Trace waited 9 months and Travis/Katie waited 7-8 months. It's beyond strange to me.

    1. Sometimes it does take long to decide. Some people are friends for years before deciding to date, nothing wrong with that.

    2. Funny. We're always hearing about their family rushing into marriage. They said several times that they are both young and not rushing things.

  6. In this episode when everyone was listening to Lawson tell of his mission trip I noticed a ring on Nathan's wedding ring finger as seen in Carlin and Evan's baby shower! I'm so curious when the family will bring it up in an announcement! It seems he got married (if so maybe he wanted his relationship/courting kept off camera because of how his first courtship went sour) if he's married I'm thrilled for him!! I've searched for any mention of Nathan Bates married and nothing turns up.

    1. It may be a purity promise type ring. People often wear those on their wedding ting finger and guys can wear them too. Just a thought. :)

  7. Kids grow up and leave home, for months or longer. You can tell that no one in this family has left for college away from home. I am accustomed to having my adult child come and go. It makes me happy that she has been able to separate and live her life as an adult, while still enjoying time with me on occasion.


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