
Friday, July 10, 2020

Bates Return in 13 Days

We have some good news and some not so good news. The not so good news is that summer is moving right along, and July is almost halfway over. Now are you ready for some good news? New episodes of Bringing Up Bates are set to return to UPtv in less than two weeks! The preview video is embedded below.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Yay!!! Can not wait to watch!
    Usually , I’m sad summer moves too fast; but this summer is so different...

    1. I'm not a fan of summer its been in the 90's almost everyday here in Michigan i like cooler temps i love autumn & spring i can't wait till bringing up bates returns i miss them its been a sad time for our family my brother died in march from the virus he caught it at the hospital having emergency heart surgery he was only 53 he died a few days after his bday he was 1 of 9 kids he was the 1st to die of us siblings my mother died 2 yrs ago in march & her bday is in march so both my mother & 1 brother had bdays in march & both died in march i miss him so much so watching the bates family makes me smile again I'm too scared to leave our house in michigan i hope this virus goes away its making a 2nd round again i pray for others who have lost family or friends to this horrible virus i love to laugh but its been hard lately watching the bates brings joy back into my life

    2. Sorry for your loss. May God bless us all.

    3. Gigi, you and your family will be in my prayers.

    4. I’m so sorry for your loss, Gigi.

    5. Thanks so much for all your replies it made me cry happy tears knowing so many of u are so kind & thoughtful my brother would be so proud knowing u thought about him in prayer he loved winnie the pooh even as an adult just wanted to say a little bit about him it helps me to move on thinking happy thoughts about him knowing his journey here on earth is over my husband say were only here to complete our journey from God & jesus he say my brother Raymond completed his journey early now he's an angel in heaven so i kinda relate to the bates family i came from 9 siblings in my family i love watching their show it makes me so happy & its a good family show i even learn from them so everyone please everyday be greatful for the time were here on earth and be kind & laugh everyday or make someone laugh & have fun & God bless u all

    6. Gigi - I love this quote from Pooh - “If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.”
      —Winnie the Pooh
      Your brother is in your heart for now; forever. ♥️

    7. Thank you so much this really helps me its so beautiful what you said i took a screen pic of it so i can read it whenever i miss my brother it'll help me to move on bless u for being so kind i bought him a winnie the pooh small stuffy the last xmas i saw him his chidhood one gave out he shed a tear he love it ur quote made me cry but happy tears its so sweet so thank u so very much whoever u are & many blessings to u i can't wait for bates family to return this week i really enjoy watching them they make me laugh & be happy again

    8. Gigi, Thank you for your kind words. You are the blessing. Just remember your brother died knowing how very much you loved him. That is the greatest gift a sister can give to a brother.

    9. Thank u he was my favorite brother their were 9 of us kids i was in middle their were 4 boys & 5 girls & my mother had 3 miscarriages Ray was my favorite sibling ..u all have helped me to move on but always have good memories of my brother he's probably up in heaven fishing like he loved to do here on earth .i really enjoyed watching bringing up bates this wk it made me laugh watching the guys do the 1920's dancing was adorable & funny their costumes were so great i think when they do i love u day for valentines day is a fun idea can't wait for next wks episode thanks again God bless u all

  2. Wait! Did’nt we already see much of this footage???

  3. Dear Bates Family, I'm so glad part b season 9 is coming on. I'm not sure if you will return for season 10 next year because of the virus pandemic. Thank you for my email updates. I love the show. Natasha B.

  4. BUB really needs to change the narrative of their shows. How many times are we going to see courtships, marriage and babies? Like why don't we ever see Gil working? Like what does the boys actually do? Before you say they work with Chad. Do you know that you cannot actually call their company to hire his services? We will see again the girls carrying the show with relationships but Kelly and Gil sweeping under the rug that just maybe the boys cannot find another Whitney and should stop changing these girls to their beliefs.

    1. I know. It’s all very suspect. I guess these production companies and networks have found a formula that attracts viewers: weddings and babies, weddings and babies. Throw in a product placement here and there. It’s all very weird

    2. Like ... Don't hate

    3. @7:40 Courtships, marriage and babies is the narrative that has worked for the Bates and the Duggars. Their huge families are what got them noticed and on TV in the first place. Likely the networks aren't keen on messing with what's worked for them in the past. Regarding Chad's business, they likely don't want to have to field calls from a gazillion fans wanting his services. It could be he's doing fine by just word of mouth, friends, and family.

    4. The Bates family isn't shy about what the Bates sons and in laws do. Zach is a sheriff's deputy, Lawson has a music career and was recently doing lawn care while at home, Nathan flight instruction, and Trace works construction with Chad and may still work part time with Zach in law enforcement. Jackson just turned 18 and does construction work with Chad. Warden and Isaiah are still under 18 and not done with school yet. They've shown all of the sons working tree jobs with Gil as recently as last season.
      Chad's company probably works with a contractor and that's why they don't take new customers.
      John works for his family's HVAC company, Kelton has a plumbing business and works with Bobby, Brandon does multimedia for IBLP, and Evan is working as an apprentice electrician. They also get paid to be on the show.

      In terms of relationships, Zach had a failed courtship before Whitney. It takes time to find a life partner. That we've seen Nathan and Trace go through breakups shows they aren't sweeping the boys' lives under the rug and pushing the girls forward. Ashley and her family hold the same beliefs as the Bateses, she just didn't feel she and Nathan were meant to marry.

    5. 😄 You're going to see courtships, marriages, and babies every time they court, get married, or have babies. If you're tired of that, perhaps you should find a different family to watch, because this family is sharing their major life events.

  5. Oh no—the girl from the Philippines will be shown? We really shouldn’t be privy to such an intense medical situation. This is her business, not the Bates’s to exploit.

    1. Agree. Plus Lawson raised a whole lot of money for her to be taken to the USA but I don’t think she ever made it there. So I wonder what happened to the money.

    2. Most likely, the girl's family had to sign a release to allow her to be on the show. How sad that they exploited her condition for the sake of the show. Perhaps she'd like to be sick without the world watching.

    3. ...Or maybe she and her family were thrilled to be on camera and it brightened her day. Now, when she looks back on her medical situation, she might feel proud or excited she was on tv and it will make a negative situation feel more positive. I personally avoid being filmed, but some people love it and its fun for them.

    4. So all those saint Jude shows are really bad? That's what your saying? Because I always thought they were great sad and scary but it takes alot for those parents and children to put themselves out there. Maybe they are on the show to see if they can get more money for her surgery or whatever the hold up is.

  6. Would sure love to see all the baby girls without flowers, caps or headbands on the baby girls. They are too adorable to have their head covered

    1. You can still see the majority of their heads and all of their faces. I don't know why hair accessories are so worthy of so many commrnts.

    2. I agree. Those headbands/bows must be so uncomfortable. The babies don't need them to look cute!

    3. Headbands and bows are not really popular where I live, and instead, just seeing the baby's sweet little bald head, or some soft wispy hair is what we're used to, and nothing beats the natural beauty and cuteness of that. To me, adorning that with headbands and bows is unnecessary. But in other parts of the world, it's very popular and customary. So, we fans just have to accept that. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    4. 7:22, yours is the nicest "anti-hair bow" comment I've ever seen on the two blogs, and I've read them all! :)

    5. When it comes to making a baby uncomfortable through vanity items, I don't see the importance of "being nice." Babies are a blessing, and deserve to the comfortable.

    6. You don't see the importance of being nice? Huh.

    7. There is a difference between making a comment in a nice way and being "nice," if that's how you see it, by not putting a hair bow on a baby. If a baby is uncomfortable, she will let you know!! Babies are not shy about communicating discomfort. I work with babies regularly, and not once have the bowed babies looked or acted like they were uncomfortable with their soft elastic headbands. Can a baby head band be too tight? Yes, and you'll see the mark on the baby's head.

    8. Yes, any time an article of clothing is too tight, it will make a baby uncomfortable and should be removed. But it's erroneous to think that all head gear for babies is too tight or uncomfortable.

    9. Really, we have nothing better to do than comment on bows? Good Lord help us all.

    10. A baby's comfort is a very worthwhile topic. Those babies look so uncomfortable with that fabric wrapped around their little heads.

    11. Or comment about people commenting on bows. 😄

    12. Looking uncomfortable isn't the same as being uncomfortable. I'm reminded of the grandmas who always want you to put on a sweater because they are cold. 😄

  7. I enjoy your stories so much. I can’t wait for the next one! It’s fun to be part of your growing up experience
    S. Your real life ups n downs. I so enjoy seeing dads being real and shed a tear or two!

  8. When you have a family-oriented show with multiple marriageable age children who then get married and have children, it's not unrealistic that you're going to be seeing a LOT of what you mentioned. We have seen Gil working at his tree business, and we have also seen him have shoulder surgery that interfered with his tree-cutting. He is also a pastor. Do you want to see him preaching? Not sure what you are wanting to see exactly. Maybe Chad doesn't want prank callers, with all the trolls around. They know many young women through their church and homeschool affiliations who have similar beliefs. There is nothing to sweep under the rug.

  9. Love the bates

  10. Very excited BUB is coming back!!

    1. I love ur nickname for bringing up bates BUB so cute & easy to remember

  11. Do you mean you cannot call Chad's company or Gil's? They are pretty vague about some things for sure.

    1. Well, yeah. They're trying to keep a little bit of privacy.

    2. By being on a reality TV show? Come on, if they really depended on their tree/construction work to earn a living, those businesses would have internet presences.

    3. They wouldn't need an online presence if they are established in the community. Most independent construction companies, especially in rural areas, don't have or need a web presence because they network locally and subcontract. Chad in particular wouldn't have one because random strangers would call and waste his time.

    4. 9:22 - Do you need Chad to post a work schedule and let you know where he is working everyday? Chad is on a reality show but doesn't owe the audience anything.

      Do you think then that Zach is a fake sheriff's deputy or that Kelton isn't really a plumber? It's not some giant conspiracy. I'm sure that they are happy to have the money from the show. It's given them opportunities that they wouldn't have. The families have been pretty smart in starting businesses so that when the show ends, they will financially solvent.

    5. The Bates live in an area that is much more oriented to word-of-mouth business than internet presence. They are well-known in the area and probably need to do little to no advertising. Sometimes the best, most reliable local businesses are not on the internet, even in 2020, because they don’t need to be. Why would a local business spend time and money maintaining a website when they have plenty of customers without it?

    6. 9:22, they have been in the tree business for many years, way before they were on tv.

  12. It’s great that Lawson and others help in the Philippines; but here our own country, there are plenty of struggling people-why don’t they focus on domestic suffering?

    1. I completely agree with you. Sometimes I feel like the United States helps all people but its own. We need to focus more on cleaning up our own messes before getting involved with other countries' problems.

    2. Not everyone is called to help in the same place. People are people. Why does it matter where they live?

    3. Because that's where they felt led to go. Why do we have to keep ourselves in a box?

    4. In Christ, there is no geographical barrier that limits us from helping people.

    5. It does seem when it’s the Bates, Duggars or another mission group, they minister to those in other countries. Never do I see they are working with the underprivileged/sick/homeless consistently in the US.

    6. I'd like to think we are all citizens of this world, interconnected with all of humanity. BTW, the Bates do help with domestic disaster relief, such as areas hit by tornados and hurricanes.

    7. 6:11, then you haven't seen what I've seen. Over the years the Duggars and Bates have done fundraisers for multiple causes. Lawson would go to the hospital and sing for sick kids and befriend them . A number of them do disaster relief in the US.

    8. They are doing it for the adventure, and it's not much of an adventure to fly to another state in the US. The Phillipines is an adventure!

  13. Why would you call Chad’s work place to see if the boys could be hired for something? I don’t even think their job entails them going to peoples homes to fix things. So weird that people would even do this.

    1. Yes, his business is to go into people’s homes and remodel! Google it to read for yourselves.

  14. OG of 7:40 pm. 1) Nathan and Trace both stated that they were trying to change Chaney and Ashley. Why would they need to change them? 2) Kelly is very active in showing support to her sons-in-law with what they do. I'm talking about Nathan, Lawson, and Trace. One second they are wearing a badge but not really an officer and second they're flying around. It's not clear on what they actually do. 3) It's been mention in comments that people want to hire Chad for work. Paine Construction is not listed for you to actually hire for work. Not to stalk. Maybe because Erin volunteers him for everything. 3) I would love to see their homeschooling with Alyssa. More of the younger girls that have nothing to do with babysitting or courtship. Everyone here has complained when the girls are watching the grandkids and not the boys. I just want to see something different. Funny how many of you say this every time a show airs but then snap when others bring it up.

    1. Kelly is big on supporting Lawson, Nathan, and Trace. She has promoted Lawson's singing career and it's been featured on numerous episodes. Trace has openly discussed being undecided on his career path. A whole episode was dedicated to his work with Zach as a part time officer and working with Chad. In fact, out of the three you mention, only Trace works for Chad's business. He has recently posted that he was on patrol with Zach. Nathan mostly stopped filming after his break up with Ashley. However, Kelly has discussed his flight instruction and missionary work. Lawson's own work in the Philippines will be covered on an upcoming season.

      The question is if there are enough fans who live in Rocky Top or the larger Knoxville area who want to hire Chad and whether it would be worthwhile for a website. Travel time fits into whether he could feasibly do the job. He also can be reached on social media if people want to hire and Chad is available.

      I do agree that the Bates sons shouldn't try to change their girlfriends.

      The show is a snapshot of the Bates family's life. Weddings and babies are big life moments and it gets the audience's attention. A courtship has the potential to be the most important relationship of the person's life. The show is going to feature those moments because it’s important to the family and gets ratings. Additionally, even with comments that the show only focuses on courtships, weddings, and babies, the audience constantly asks when is the next courtship and whether a couple is expecting.
      The show has shown the older girls in college, Zach's law enforcement training, Erin recording albums and teaching piano, opening the Bates Sisters Boutique, family vacations (including going to Papa Bill and Jane), and various home projects that included the younger kids. We even saw the dinner for the first responders who saved Addee's life. Alyssa also discussed her heart condition on the show. It would be nice to see more of the younger girls and boys though.
      If you're interested in Alyssa homeschooling, she has a video on social media and goes into detail there. It may also be a segment in a future episode.

  15. It's so unappealing to see Lawson's face standing next to the critically ill girl he is using to promote his "kindness."

    1. Does anywhere actually say the girl is sick?

    2. Yes, she had a life-threatening heart condition and needed surgery. Lawson was trying to help her, but as publically as possible.

  16. Lawson isn't even looking at the child, he is posing for the camera.

    1. Because smiling at the camera when someone takes your picture is so unusual.


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