
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Coordinating Pregnancies

Carlin Stewart, Erin Paine, Whitney Bates
Bates Sisters Boutique

Erin Paine: "Let's just plan to all be pregnant and have kids at the same time so we can kind of plan out what we're doing."

Carlin Stewart: "Y'all just let me know."

Erin, Carlin, and Whitney are gathered at the Bates Sisters Boutique, discussing "next steps." Erin suggests that they have future children at the same time, and Carlin is on board (video preview of tomorrow's new episode is below). Tomorrow night on Bringing Up Bates, you will also see Tori's obstetrics appointment, Katie and Travis' double date the with Balkas, and Lawson's homecoming from the Philippines.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Ha, a real life pregnancy pact. That reminds me of a Lifetime movie.
    I would think, if they are actually serious about coordinating pregnancies, they would stagger them so someone would always be available to run the boutique. They could plan out logistics, events, and givebacks months in advance with a specific point person so that the one who just gave birth could have a mini maternity leave. Any way, how nice they have this family business and have their babies with them.

    Also, good for them for giving back to the community.

  2. If Erin wants to help others, why doesn't she adopt a child who needs a home?

    1. There are many different ways to help others. My grandpa went blind late in his life, party to poor eye care when he was a kid, so my family decided that our way to give back was to give children from low income families access to regular eye checkups and help them pay for their formula/glasses if needed.
      Some children don’t need to be adopted but require help in other aspects.

    2. Would definitely love to see a Bates adopt. All the children needing homes breaks my heart, especially when there are wonderful, safe families like the Bates available.

    3. They could do so much good by bringing a child into their home. But they never even seem to consider it. Adoption is not "hard" like everyone makes it out to be. You just have to follow the requirements and wait a bit. The Bates are financially comofrtable now and could easily do so.

    4. 6:32, the adoption process isn’t hard, but PLEASE don’t try to make it sound like adopting a child is easy. I am so pro adoption, but with that comes the understanding that even if you adopted a newborn baby there is trauma that you need to be prepared to assist them through in their life. Raising any child isn’t as simple as just signing a few papers, just are there to be their provider and comfort.

    5. Michaella has spoken of adoption although I don't know if they've pursued it, especially now with her being in nurses training.

  3. Lots of children need homes, but these women never seem to consider that.

    1. Maybe you should try and change the adoption laws. It's a lot harder than you think. Some of them have looked into it, like Ben and Jessa. If you're pregnant or have toddlers in the house, than that can stop you from being a candidate, which is ridiculous.

    2. If they wanted to adopt a child of color or an "older" child (over two years), they'd have no trouble at all! Yes, if they only want a white infant, they'll have difficulties.

    3. Change the adoption laws? Why? I'm the adoptive mother of two. The adoption laws worked just fine. It was not difficult.

    4. 11:17 I am an adoptive mother. Our experience was very postive. Each agency has their own requirements. Sometimes it takes a long time to adopt if you're waiting for an infant. It stands to reason that an adoption agency would give priorty to a couple who is not already expecting or has young toddlers in the house. Some rules are waived if you are willing to adopt an older child or one with special needs.

  4. Sounds like fun to have a bunch of your sisters pregnant with you!!!

    1. One year it was my sister, my sister-in-law, and myself, and it was so fun and special!

  5. It's so sad that Erin is talking about coordinating pregnancies and she lives in a two bedroom home. Instead of pop out kid after kid spend some time with them. Let them have that one-on-one. You have four kids and you're already pushing for another one? Crazy.

    Nothing is wrong with being a stay home mom but take the time to spend with your kids at least until they're potty trained at least.

  6. I want to know about Katie. I think she's so sweet and smart. Is she working or is she helping her mom with her siblings? What about cosmetology? God bless you!

  7. "Let's plan?"...I thought they left it up to God. Silly thing to say.

    1. It is a silly thing to say. That’s why it’s a joke! They had fun all being pregnant together last year, it’s natural they would think it would be fun to have it happen again. If none of them use birth control, I’d say the odds are in their favor.

  8. So they do use birth control! Interesting Erin would share that. I don't think there is anything wrong with planning pregnancies that way.

    1. 12:55PM: I didn't catch that Erin said something about birth control.

    2. Erin had four kids in 4.5 years. I don’t think she was using birth control.
      Even without formal birth control there are things you can do try to get pregnant or try not to get pregnant.
      But Erin or Carlin May be using birth control now or trying to avoid getting pregnant due to circumstances.

    3. Natural family planning, maybe.

    4. I think Carlin has made it sound like she uses some form of birth control on her YouTube channel, but who knows

  9. Where did they say they use any form of birth control? I must have missed that. Natural family planning isn't very reliable but it's something.


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