
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Roaring Bates and Pending Due Dates

 Carlin Stewart and Dr. Vick

The 9B season premiere of Bringing Up Bates is just two days away. The episode will be one hour long and airs at 9pm ET/8pm CT on Thursday. Scroll down to read the summary and see preview photos. Check out our post from the 16th to view a sneak peek video.

Roaring Bates and Pending Due Dates
Soon to be parents Carlin and Evan lean on Erin’s decorating expertise and Chad’s handyman skills to put the finishing touches on Layla’s nursery. Now that their renovations are complete, Josie and Kelton host a housewarming party and celebrate their new business ventures with their family! Meanwhile, Trace is dealing with a broken heart; he turns to his parents and Zach for relationship advice. Later, a routine ultrasound for Carlin becomes worrisome, and she ends up in the hospital sooner than expected. Will baby Layla arrive before her due date? And the whole family gathers in Rocky Top for their annual “I Love You Day” festivities. Katie’s “friend” Travis joins the celebration. Is a courtship calling for the young couple?
Out to dinner with Trace
Bates' I Love You Day celebration
Fun and games at the Bates' I Love You Day celebration
The Smiths and the Websters
Kade Smith enjoys the party
Katie Bates and boyfriend Travis
Alyssa and John Webster
Alyssa and John Webster

Photos courtesy of UPtv


  1. I'm not interested in this episode. The theme "Roaring 20's" is inappropriate, in my opinion. I can certainly use my time to watch something else.

    1. I agree! Do the Bates support the lawlessness and promiscuity of the 20's?

    2. I think they are maybe supporting the good things of the Roaring 20s. Like voting for women, industrial and economic growth after WWI before the Depression. That is my thought.

    3. Agree, the theme runs counter to their purported values.

    4. Then don’t watch, why even leave a comment🙄

    5. I think they just picked it for the fun and wacky costumes

    6. It's just a fun themed dress-up real bootleg drinking, no real gangsters, no promiscuity, no overly revealing outfits. Lighten up, People.

    7. We know they don't support the whole gangster, bathtub gin, and loose morals of the decade. I'm really not sure why some of them chose to dress the part, though.

    8. 1:02 - There are pictures of Carlin dressed as a flapper and Evan a mobster/bank robber. He had a fake gun and money bags. It's pretty clear that the Bates were fine embracing that part of the 20s.

    9. They condemn Halloween yet are fine promoting lawlessness, murder, promiscuity, and drinking because they like the costumes? It doesn't sound like Gil and Kelly Jo are standing up for the values they've preached to the audience.

    10. Lol it’s hilarious when people are so offended, then post that they are offended and won’t be watching... cool, even from this show you don’t know them at all.

    11. The Bates family chooses how they present themselves to the public. They've purposely created a certain image and make money from it. People are going to point out when they act hypocritically. Don't preach to the audience one thing and then act a different way.

    12. @3:36pm,and you promote witches,vampires and monsters if you dress up at Halloween,lol,come on it's just a bit of fun,let them have fun.

    13. 3:22 - Then shouldn't the Bateses be OK with Halloween since people just want to have fun? Why can't they lighten up if they're ok with a Roaring 20s party?

    14. I agree with 10:50pm- They just picked it for the fun costumes. It's interesting to watch their development. They keep their strong faith but they're gradually letting some of the "worldly" things in in a way that they feel is right for them. I see a happy family enjoying their time together.

  2. Can't wait to watch glad y'all are back

  3. I think Up TV must haven chosen this subject for them. I can’t can even imagine a Bates coming up with such a theme. Nor would any of them know much about that era in US History.

    1. Why would you think they haven't heard of the Roaring Twenties? The parents are college graduates. The kids use a curriculum that teaches about that decade in history. I think the theme was more about the fashions than anything else.

    2. @5:28, you are correct UPTV is the one pushes these themes. I love you Day, was very simple and they only dressed up but not these themes. The first theme was the Growing Old but previous ones it was just dinner and gifts.

    3. What curriculum/ biographies etc did they use to learn about this era?

    4. I didn’t say they haven’t heard of the roaring twenties. I said I couldn’t imagine they know “much” about this era. If it’s in their curriculum, that’s good. Would love to know what curriculum they use for US and World History.

  4. I'm looking forward to the Bates returning, but it sounds like things we have already seen? Is that true?

    1. Yes, if you mean seen already on the blog. No, if you mean seen already on their show.

    2. Many people have stopped watching this family because EVERYTHING is old news. They don't show much except for vacations and parties- 19 Kids and life is a breeze. Not even close to reality. But for people who don't care about this, I'm sure they're looking forward to the new season. Personally, I like this "up to date" blog better. :o)

    3. I have seen their blog; but felt I did see some of this footage with episode 9A?

  5. If they supported the 'good things' of the roaring 20s, they would not have had machine guns and sacks of loot in the photos. Sorry, this was a big fail on their part. This era does NOT support their conservative religious values they still claim to have. The ladies were also made up to look like tarts.

  6. I believe the Bates are good Christian people with values that would not offend anyone on purpose. Sometimes people are too quick to judge when they should be looking at their own soul and where their eternity will take them...that's what really matters! God help us all to make sure we are ready to meet him! I look forward to watching.

    1. The Bates family has been clear on the standards that they hold and wish society would follow. People are questioning why they would emulate the flapper and mobster lifestyle (even if it is for one night and make believe) because it is antithetical to everything they've spoken up about until this point. They say that they want to be God honoring in all that they do. Is that theme God honoring? They need to decide whether they are going follow the values and standards they laid out for themselves and others.

      Enjoy watching the show.

  7. Agree. The 20’s seem like an odd choice🤷‍♀️

    1. Why? Wasnt that when Hollywood was classy

    2. 7:26 - Guessing you know this, but look up the Motion Picture Production Code and the reason why those rules were created. The 1920s was a wild decade.

    3. But the Bates might not know about Hollywood movies/shows.

  8. It was all about having a good time with family. Some people take things too literally.

  9. Well, maybe the Bates fans can recommend a theme for next year.

    I just thought of one. I am in the middle of Brandon’s book, “ The Quest Of Quinton, The Mystery of the Golden Scroll”. Maybe they could dress up like one the the many characters in his book. One of the games could be to guess which character each person has dressed up as. They would need to be carrying or wearing a clue to their identity. ( I am not a family member, just a big fan!)

  10. It was great. Lighten up people.

  11. Don't they live in a mostly rural part of Tennessee? I can't imagine that costume shops are plentiful there with options from the 20s in their exact sizes...These wer professional wardrobe outfits provided by UP. Nothing original here. All scripted and provided. Does anyone know what the $$ cost of an event like this for all of those people would, beverages, costumes, prizes? How can this frugal/modest-money family afford such things?? They are not who they started out to be; much like the Duggars.

    1. I have a feeling that UP did help there. Some could have come from online. I was invited to several roaring 20s parties at New Year's and ordered my flapper dress and accessories online for less than $40. And yes, the parties are much more worldly than when they first started. It used to be that each child bought a gift for under $10 for one family member. The parents served the kids like a restaurant, etc. This is much larger and frankly less genuine.

      As for where they live, Anderson County is more suburban than rural. The camera shots always include the more rural aspects, but we are talking about mostly subdivisions and small homes. Gil and Kelly have more land than most in Rocky Top (Lake City), but it's not all farms and animals.

  12. Some of the Bates girls mentioned on their Instagram that they bought the dresses on Amazon.

  13. After this display, there should be nothing 'wrong' with Halloween, trick or treating dressed up in positive costumes..princesses, cowboys, etc. They won't do that. I'm glad Alyssa has realized some of the strictness in her family is unnecessary and you can still believe in God.

    1. The objection to Halloween is not dressing up, it's the occult background behind it.


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