
Thursday, July 23, 2020

'Roaring Bates and Pending Due Dates' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Roaring Bates and Pending Due Dates"
  • Erin and Chad arrive at Carlin and Evan’s house to help decorate Layla’s nursery. “I was going to be one of those moms that was very neutral, super stylish, and then I found out I was having a girl, and I was like, ‘Everything pink!’” says Carlin.
  • Josie and Kelton have the family over for a housewarming party in their newly renovated home. The Balkas are incredibly thankful for all the help they have received from the Bates.
  • The Balkas are busy business owners, as well. Kelton’s new plumbing business has been booked solid, and Josie is already booking weddings, for which she does hair, for 2020.
  • One week from her induction date, Carlin has an ultrasound appointment. The technician watches for 30 minutes but does not detect the needed three to five respiratory movements. Dr. Vick hooks Carlin up to a monitor but still doesn’t see the amount of movement that he needs to be seeing, even though Layla’s heartbeat is normal.
  • Carlin, who is 35 weeks pregnant, is admitted to the hospital. The following day, she gets an epidural, and it’s not long before she progresses enough to start pushing. The hospital only allows Evan and Kelly to be in the delivery room, but Erin, Whitney, Tori, and Gil are in the waiting room. As Carlin pushes, the anesthesiologist is kind enough to hold the phone so those in the waiting room can see Carlin’s face.
  • A week later, Gil and Kelly take Trace, Zach, and Khloe out to dinner. Trace tells his parents that Chaney recently ended the relationship. “Long distance, it was a hard thing going through that, and it just didn’t work out,” says Trace.
  • “I think we kind of anticipated that a talk was coming, but for Trace to open up and share a topic that is a very hurtful topic and to see Trace trying to fight back tears…I feel like he’s been very mature through it all,” says Kelly, choking up. Trace says that it’s helpful to have Zach beside him because Zach also went through a breakup, before marrying Whitney.
  • “Looking back at the relationship, I can just thank my parents so much for advising us to do the relationship the right way,” says Trace, referring to purity. “Ya it was very difficult, but you live and you learn, and I’m just glad that we did it the right way.”
  • Gil and Kelly and some of the older girls, including Carlin, who is a week-and-a-half postpartum, gather at the church to set up for the Valentine’s Day party.
  • The day before the big party, Zach and Erin, with help from others, cook the meal for the couples’ dinner. “If Erin and Zach are cooking, then you know it’s going to be absolutely phenomenal,” says a very pregnant Tori. “I really love food these days, so I am very, very excited about it.”
  • Katie brings her friend Travis, where he meets Gil’s parents for the first time. Katie expects that Travis will soon ask her to enter a courtship, although she says they are young and trying to take their relationship slow.
  • The first game is a scratch to win, with gift cards as prizes. Then comes the Charleston competition among the guys, which everyone else agrees is a ton of fun to watch.
  • The following day is the big Roaring ‘20s party. Gil and the husband and wife catering team are the three judges for the costume contest. “Well the one good thing about Gil is all the kids see him as being very neutral,” says Kelly.
  • “Since we’re all very, very, very competitive, we don’t just put the costume on,” says Evan. “We become the costume.” The couples, including Katie and Travis, and little families compete together. “Katie is not the participating kind,” says Kelly. “Travis talked her into it.”
    • 3rd place: Zach Bates family
    • 2nd place: Webster family
    • 1st place: The Paines
  • Lawson, who is in the Philippines helping a little girl get a life-saving surgery, joins via phone. Kelly gives out a new award, called “the biggest heart award,” and gives it to Lawson. “My mama’s heart was proud, and I wanted to start off the tradition honoring Lawson because I really feel like his past few months has shown what the whole character that we want this holiday to be about.” Kelly plans to make the award an annual tradition.


  1. What a great show! I loved having it on for an hour. The theme was carried out so well and everyone looked like they were having a great time. So many wonderful memories this family will have.

  2. Such a great episode! Loved the updates on all the couple's and the Valentine's games and the tie in to 2020 at the end.

  3. It’s strange that this says Carlin gave birth at 35 weeks. According to her Instagram posts she made it to 37 weeks...

    1. Must be a mistake because she was due in February and she gave birth one day before February,if she was five weeks early she would have been due in March so yes three weeks early would be correct.

  4. Why would Chaney end the relationship saying long distance was hard,she already knew they would be meeting occasionally and making do long distance when they started being special friends so why did she just not end it with Trace when he asked her to officially court,and they kept in touch online enough to make up for the long distance,and Trace already agreed with Chaney's father on moving to her state when marrying,I dunno just seems like Chaney was using an excuse,poor Trace!

    1. It may have been an excuse to spare his feelings. The reality that they would get married soon may have caused her to reevaluate the relationship, how well they knew each other or what she wanted in a husband. It's better that she end it at the courtship stage than get married and realize she made a mistake.

    2. @9:34 pm. I think the problem with relationship were the rules. Chaney made comments multiple times on how strict the Bates rules were including the comment in regards to waiting 9 months to hold hands. If the Bates would stop making a BIG PRODUCTION on being a girl/boy friend it might ease it up. Just ask over dinner or walking in the park. I don't think Chaney was using Trace at all. I think that Trace views were more conservative than her own and she left.

    3. @9:34- Don't blame Chaney! Trace didn't say that she broke up with him because of the distance. He just said it was hard. Maybe she found that she just wasn't that into him. Better she ended it, if she was not feeling it. If she was, the distance wouldn't have mattered. Breakups are common and people get heartbroken. It's just one of those things you have to move on from.

    4. I guess she changed her mind, maybe long distance was harder than she thought it would be.

    5. Anon @ 3:45
      I agree. They can't hold hands until courtship but as soon as that courtship is announced everyone else in the family basically start planning the wedding. I recall a couple of the girls saying something to her about when they are marred, she can help in the boutique...or something to that effect. At any rate, they need to chill a bit. The whole don't touch now plan a wedding is just a bit much for some girls perhaps.

    6. I’m sure distance factored into it. It was likely not the only reason though. There is a difference from thinking you can handle seeing each other every other month and it actually playing out. I don’t think she was ready for their level fundamentalism Either.

    7. I just rewatched a bunch of the episodes with Chaney, and it just didn't seem like she was that into the relationship. Like maybe she was in love with being in love. I just didn't see respect (not in a weird way, just not as much respect for him as a person). Like when he was asking her to court, it was a special setting, and she was saying things like, "this is crazy!" and "who does this?". There were other things too.

  5. Gosh didn't anybody notice...Josie and all those green plants. Is she opening an annex to a greenhouse or something? Some of those are poisonous. What is she thinking with Willow being up and mobile??

  6. I’m so confused by Carlin being 35 weeks. On the Instagram post she made on January 30th (The day before Layla was born), someone asked how many weeks she was and she said 37 🤔

  7. So happy they’re back!

  8. A little staging with the dinner with Trace to give fans an update and a lot of raw emotion from Carlin. Fun episode! It’s fun to watch along with this huge family’s big events

    1. @7:49 Yes! And Zach feeding his little one during this dinner! Seems, they could have arranged a time to meet where Zach could give the conversation his total focus...even staged!

    2. I think they have to stage some events, to give fans an update. The cameras aren’t rolling at every moment around every person in this family.I know it can be a little cheesy or obvious, but it’s still a tv production, and have to expect some of that.

  9. Trace is going to make a great husband to some lucky woman. He has a kind heart.

  10. I recall Chaney being a bit taken aback about the little boys being their chaperone and inserting themselves between her and Trace. Maybe she used the distance as an excuse so she wouldn't be making a judgement against the Bates' chaperone rules. At any rate, if she didn't feel the relationship was working for whatever reason, she was wise to break it off.

  11. Why was Nathan wearing a wedding ring during the I love you day party????

    1. I think It’s a ring that measures your heart rate. It’s called Oura ring.

    2. @2:04-I noticed a ring, too! Could it have been one of those purity bands-the Bates & Duggars were having their kids wear(albeit we haven’t seen one of those special episodes lately!)?

    3. Purity ring, maybe?

  12. Did anyone see the Facebook live right before the new episode aired? Lawson was in a car with two females. Who were they? The video disappeared after. I couldn’t get my sound to work to listen.

  13. Gil and Kelly certainly changed their minds about dancing. From Gil's reluctance to even dance with his daughter at her wedding, to having a Charleston dance contest at the party. Quite a change.

    1. Did they really? That surprises me.

    2. Well, it was just the guys, but still.....

    3. I just watched it. I'm still surprised they did that, even if it was just the guys (it was fun to watch, though).

    4. It was fun to watch!


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