
Friday, July 31, 2020

Tori's Students

Kaci Bates, Bradley Bates, Brooklyn Paine
Kaci Bates, Bradley Bates, Brooklyn Paine

Tori Smith: "Brad, you're being too loud."

Bradley Bates: "I'm trying to scare the girls."

Tori the teacher has been babysitting for Whitney and Erin twice a week, to allow them to work at the boutique. She does schoolwork with Bradley and Carson while Kaci and Brooklyn do crafts. Sometimes the boys have a difficult time focusing on their assignments.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Tori just doesn't see to like small children. "Sneaky"?
    "Monster?" Who says that to little children? Also, there are far more creative ways to teach a child to read than using a workbook.

    1. The Abeka reading program is awesome. All of my kids learned solid reading skills. And you can be creative with it.

    2. I don't think any child wants to sit alone and watch other children in a classroom. It's too lonely.

    3. Yes, I don't know if the little kids nap, but that would be a good time for her to work with the older ones.

  2. So the moms are leaving their children to go to work? This is very different than what Kelly and Michelle did!

    1. Yep! Welcome to the 21st century!

    2. @11:11-Michelle & Kelly never worked outside their homes.

  3. 1. Put the candy up high
    2. Make lessons so fun you don't need to bribe them
    3. If you must bribe them to learn, don't use sugar! It will get them all charged up.

  4. MO- Love seeing the little ones- they're so cute. Bobbie's hypnotized gaze at Tori and Tori's interaction with the kids... not so much. :o(

  5. I remember how challenging it was to work with one student while keeping the others engaged or occupied. The only difference was I had a class of 25 kindergarteners. They were of varying strengths and abilities- 5 were on IEP's and 4 were ELL students.

  6. That is so sweet that Aunt Tori is babysitting and teaching the little ones. I am not sure why Bobby was looking at her like she was telling a sad story though!

    1. @2:57 Bobby had some kind of serious looks at the I Love You day event, too. Maybe, he’s unhappy or frustrated with Tori or himself. Isn’t he sort of “shadowing” Evan? What did he major in? And wasn’t he wanting to become a preacher?

    2. Bobby is working with Kelton. He is the office manager and learning plumbing. They both seem really pumped they get to be in business together. Bobby worked as a youth minister for about a year at a church in the Nashville area. In an episode he said that while he is still very interested in being a pastor, he needed a career shift so that he could support his growing family.
      Evan is currently in an apprenticeship program to be an electrician.

  7. Tori and her teaching wins again. Calling Brooklyn a monster. Was that necessary?

  8. I thought the Bates believed that women shouldn't leave their kids to work Tori is left with five children under six--and she's pregnant! I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my child in such a situation. It's clear she's overwhelmed by how impatient she sounds.

    1. The Bates have more childeren then six. Kelly could handle it.

  9. Tori needs to dress appropriately when running a school for five small children. She's dressed like she's going to an semi-formal event! Preschool teachers wear sneakers and jeans, so they can play along with their young charges.

    1. Oh, please. She can dress however she wants.

    2. Tori does a great job with the kids!!

    3. You can play with kids in a dress. I get down on the floor with the littles in nursery every week.

    4. She looks great! There's nothing wrong with what she was wearing.

    5. Brooklyn also looked dressed up. They may have filmed the segment after an event or get together.

    6. Their moms dress them up for filming days. I think there's a lot of competition about outfits!

  10. Goodness I wish I had her patience. God bless her!

    1. She didn’t seem that patient

    2. What patience? Tori actually seemed very annoyed with the kids.

    3. No, she didn't seem very annoyed. She's just Tori being Tori. Her manner is very practical, not sweet and baby talking.

    4. Not nice at all.

  11. Please she can't handle it and could have declined. Her clothes wasn't what teachers wear today. Bate's have more of a dress show than TV show. Not realistic @ all.

    1. Teacher at home with relatives vs. teacher in a school. Why would you expect them to dress alike? They're two different environments.

    2. They were all very dressed up. Perhaps they were going somewhere later or had an event beforehand. I highly doubt they all wear such nice clothes all the time!

  12. Tori said she could have the candy! I don't know why she calls Brooklyn a "monster" when she has given permission. Why is Tori wearing that short, fancy dress for an afternoon with five little kids?

    1. She told her to put the candy by her craft and finish painting. She wasn’t supposed to eat it until Tori was back in there with her.

    2. Because she's on tv?

    3. Tori never said, "Don't eat it." You need to be clear with little kids!

    4. 8:13- Tori didn't say anything about not eating the candy.

    5. Watch it again. Tori asked Brooklyn to put it by her painting, to finish her painting, and to wait until Carson was done. Tori was very clear. Brooklyn was not being a good listener, and needed to be called out on it. The little monster comment was silly, but Tori was right in telling Brooklyn that she was being a little naughty. Tori needs to do the discipline thing early on or the kids will walk all over her. Bradley needed something to occupy him. He was being annoying, scaring the girls and needed his own assignment. Tori is on the right track. It takes time and the kids need to learn to respect her as their teacher.

    6. Brooklyn says, "I want one of these." Tori says, "OK. Carson's almost done with school. You can go put it beside your painting and finish painting." Brooklyn says she's finished painting. Tori does not object, so Brookie opens the candy while walking away. It's clear she's been promised a candy for sitting quietly and painting, and she has finished her painting. Nothing sneaky about that little girl. She heard Tori's "OK" and assumed, that since she was finished painting, it was OK to eat her prize. Tori needs to be clearer when working with small kids. Brooklyn thought she had completed her "assignment" and was reaping her reward. As adults, we understand that Tori was offering the candy in order to get peace and quiet for Carson's lesson, but Brookie had no idea about that. She thought she had done her job by "painting" the small plastic object.

    7. "Focus! Focus!"

      [waves book repeatedly in front of Carson's eyes]

      "Focus! Go. Ready?"

      This is not the way to teach four-year olds.

  13. She left candy within reach of preschoolers. . .tells Brooklyn it's OK for her to have some. . . and then blames the kids for being sneaky! I just don't think preschoolers are Tori's age group. Perhaps she'd do better with older kids?

  14. I love the Bates family and its nice that the women of the family want to work. Just cause their mom didn't doesn't mean they have to follow in her foot steps.
    Tori is looking beautiful. Wear what makes you happy.

  15. Way to help your sisters, spend time with your nieces and nephews and look good while doing it!

  16. I admire Tori’s ability to relate to adults and her peers, however, I don’t see that kind of spontaneous enthusiasm evident in the school type setting she provides for these children. It seems more like a chore than something she actually enjoys. Having said that, she does have many qualities that would be beneficial in so many other areas of work that could be accomplished both at home or in the work place.

    1. I know. She just doesn't seem to enjoy that age group--and her lack of enthusiasm leaks out with the words she uses--words like "monster" and "sneaky." She also doesn't understand how to talk to little kids. When she said "OK" to Brooklyn, Brooklyn didn't know she meant "OK, you can put it beside your painting and eat it later."

    2. Exactly to your last point. Brooklyn likely only heard “ok”, not the rest of it. If Tori really didn’t want her to eat the candy, she should have used those words.

  17. Love the Bates !! Thanks for allowing your girls to attain higher education or employment

    1. Allowing?! They’re adults! They don’t need permission to go to college or work!

  18. Evidently, Tori must have been called a little monster herself by her mother when Kelly still homeschooled. How doe one who has been sheltered learn such things???? They heard them in their own home. This is my guess.

    1. They weren't brought up in a bunker. They've always had friends.

    2. I really don't understand why everyone is uptight about "monster." Do you really think it will do long-lasting psychological harm?!

  19. I couldn’t do it. I tried it and I really couldn’t. Maintaining discipline is the worst. I taught 7th graders for 5 years. I felt like I had to “gird up” to battle a room full of raging hormones every day. I would have loved it except for the discipline. There was always one or two who acted up and demanded so much attention while the other 24 didn’t get the attention they deserved. The ability to teach is a gift. I didn’t have it. Thank goodness I quit so someone far more capable than me could teach them. God bless anyone who can teach!!! Kudos to Tori taking on ones so young, especially relatives that you see in other contexts.

  20. Brooklyn wasn't being sneaky! She was eating the candy out in the open, because Tori had given her permission. I don't know why Tori said she was "sneaky" and "a monster."

    1. You didn't see her sneak out of sight to get into the candy?

    2. She didn't sneak or try to hide the candy. She got it from the kitchen (closing the cabinet, it's true!) and then asked Tori.

  21. Brooklyn did just as she was told. She said, "Can I have this?" Tori responded, "Yes. Go put it beside your painting." And that's what Brookie did. It was Tori who was unclear.

  22. Brooklyn took the candy to Tori and asked permission! She wasn't sneaky at all. And she opened the candy in front of Tori, as she was walking out of the room. She even followed instructions and put it beside her painting. The little girl did nothing wrong, and I'm sure she was completely confused by Tori's scolding.

  23. May I ask why the phrase 'little ones' is used so widely in this belief system? Why not simply refer to them as 'child' or 'children'? Is this a fundamentalist term? I'm asking a real question here, not insulting anyone. People I have interacted with my whole life have never used this term. Kids, maybe, but never little ones. Is this some biblical speak?

    1. I hear it from people not associated with any church. Calling kids “ littles” is even worse, IMO.

    2. 6:59AM: "Little ones" and "littles" seem to be a Southern phrase, more than a religious phrase. Where I am, we say "child, children, kids", like you.

    3. I am a “Northern woman.” I was a teacher now I am a minister of a mainline denominational church (meaning I am not a Conservative Christian.). I say “little ones.” For me, it has nothing to do with religion. I don’t think the term it is limited to one part of our country or another. I use it as a term of endearment. I find it very offensive when people make fun, passive aggressively, of people’s speech. What a ridiculous thing to single out to criticize someone. This is the type of intolerant behavior that causes problems In our country right now. Let it go.

    4. The person commenting went out of his/her way to say no criticism was intended. The person was only inquiring from where the phrase came because he/she was not familiar with it.

  24. Tori told her she could have the candy! In response to Brookie's request, Tori said "OK."

  25. Tori did a great job and is good with the kids. Stop criticizing her.

  26. Tori was unclear with Brooklyn and then blamed the little girl.

  27. Tori should have been dressed appropriately for an afternoon with young children. She should have let the kids do something fun and creative, like fingerpainting or papermache, not some dimestore craft that teaches them nothing at all. The boys could participate too--preschoolers learn by doing. At this age, it doesn't mater if they read or not, they need to be developing their gross and fine motor skills through hands on crafts and activities. Most of all, she should not call a three-year old names like "monster."

    1. I didn't know there were any dime stores anymore. Besides, we saw one activity, not the whole list of activities she has used and will use. It doesn't make sense to judge based on one moment in time.

    2. I am sure that if she gave them crafts like painting on an easel or coloring, we would have seen that. It would've been much more impressive than that unimaginative cheap set.

    3. You think they edited out the more creative activities and included the scene where she gives them something boring and unchallenging?

    4. No, I think they were recording one day out of their lives.

  28. I don't like the way Tori waves the book in front of Carson's face in that impatient way. She is always telling them to "focus." Perhaps it is her job to be more engaging.

  29. It's disturbing how Tori pushes Carson's little hand off the book, when she wants to write something in there. Very impatient teacher.

  30. I don't know how Tori has the energy. No way I could have done it!

  31. Unless some of the conversation and instructions were edited out, I agree that the scolding for eating the candy was not appropriate. Calling a child a monster, even in jest, is not the right thing to do. Had I done that when teaching in the classroom, I’d have gotten some deserved flak for it by an angry parent! Also, using sweets as a reinforcement backfires, as the kids get wound up from the sugar. The reading lesson could have been made more motivating by making it a game that engaged both boys at the same tine. Doing the craft was obviously more appealing.

  32. The film crew is clearly visible towards the end of the clip.

  33. Brooklyn even put the candy container back on the shelf, and closed the cabinet, before she went to ask permission. She was a very good little girl

  34. Could you imagine a whole bunch of people watching a 30 second clip of your afternoon and judging you based on that? Sounds rough and a wee bit unfair. Sorry, Tori!

    1. I doubt she's reading these comments. Besides, no one is forcing her to be filmed for TV. Criticism goes with the territory. It's a brutal business!

  35. I wonder if Tori would rather be helping with the Bates Sisters Clothing business than teaching their kids. Was she asked to join the business or did someone make the choice of teaching for Tori, since her education is in that area. I would feel a little left out, but I wasn’t watching the show when the whole business was inspired and brought to fruition. Regardless, I think it’s hard for Tori to distinguish Tori the teacher from Tori the aunt. As the teacher she is in charge of discipline and lessons. It’s ok to be tougher as the teacher. As the aunt she can spoil them. It’s going to be a balancing act but Tori can do it. Homeschooling moms have to wear two hats. So can aunts, but it takes work to establish the roles for the children. Try not to confuse the roles.

    1. Exactly! She'd be much happier working with adults. She doesn't have the right style for young kids.

  36. Homeschooling isn't easy, but WE still Love our children, and we choose to homeschool our blessings. The Bate's Grand Blessings getting to be together, and the safety and Love of each other is amazing! When you have a trained teacher smart people put this blessing to use as God intended.

  37. The interaction between Bradley and the girls was cute. However, if Tori really wanted to engage the girls (and teach them something), here's an idea. Instead of hastily opening up those tiny containers of paint, teach the girls how to open them. It would have given them confidence and pride to do something "grownup" and they'd have spent the next 5-10 min opening and closing them. I'm not surprised that "craft" didn't engage them. In my daughter's school, they did far more creative things. The teacher wouldn't have lasted long if she tried to entertain the kids with a boring craft like that.

    1. My children both love the dollar store sun catcher paint sets. I think it was a fine choice for 3 and 4 year old girls to do independently.

  38. Well they enjoyed it and it kept them entertained long enough tori to finish with Bradley and carson. GET OFF OF TORI 's CASE
    When she was she was waving the book and telling Carson to focus she was doing it playfully did you see Carson's smile. and she told Brooklyn you can have the candy when carson's finished and when I come back in the room. When Brooklyn was eating the candy before tori came back she playfully called her a sneaky little monster in fun way and she said it in a loving tone not angry or mean at all she is even smiling. Tori also has 4 year college degree in education.

  39. 75 comments of criticism? I don’t understand. If Bobby, Chad, John, or Kelton were in this video doing these same things (setting up simple crafts, helping a child learn to read, playfully saying “sneaky monster” when a child ate a piece of candy) would they get this same kind of criticism?? I would say no. I would go further to say they would get praise.

    There is no reason for women to judge and criticize one another for VERY simple reasons. There is nothing wrong with a woman having a more serious personality. There is nothing wrong with gentle sternness. There is nothing wrong with how Tori handled herself.

    It’s very interesting to me to listen to professionals teach gentle parenting techniques of essentially not telling a child no, but spinning it into a “what can they do” phrase instead. We see Tori do that here and she is criticized for not being clear enough.

    It’s really all petty. Tori did a fine job, and how absolutely kind of her to not only watch her nieces and nephews, but also engage them with activities and teach them skills all while being very pregnant! I see generosity of time and energy.

    1. What makes you think the male family members wouldn’t get criticism if warranted? I’ve certainly seen it. You are creating a straw man argument. Also, what makes you think everyone commenting here is a woman?

  40. I completely agree 100%
    Thank you


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