
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Willow Turns 1

Has it already been 12 months since Willow Balka was born? The 10th Bates grandchild just turned one year old. Happy birthday, Willow!

In true Bates fashion, Josie and Kelton did a first birthday photo shoot with photographer Taryn Yager. Isn't this snapshot just adorable?

Willow Balka Bringing Up Bates
 Willow Balka
One year old

Photo courtesy; @josie_balka; @keltonbalka


  1. Aww- So Sweet! Hard to believe it's been a year. :o)

  2. I don't care for this picture. Willow is not shown in "her best light" in this photo.
    Mom and Dad needed to put better-fitting flip-flops on her. Willow's little toes are desperately trying to hang on to them.
    I'm looking forward to seeing a better picture of this 1 year old.

    1. Willow looks amazing. And her flip flops fit her. Stop being rude to these amazing parents just because you don’t like their daughters outfit. Willow is beautiful no matter what the outfit, however, this outfit is amazing!

    2. How rude! I hate when people always have something negative to say! Beautiful picture, beautiful baby! Looks just like her dad. Happy 1st Birthday Willow!

    3. Wow. I didn't even look at her shoes (which look fine) until I saw your comment. She looks cute.

    4. I love the picture! It shows her personality.

      Also "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".

    5. Seriously, you're attacking a baby? Shame on you.

  3. She looks like such a happy baby. And, she is so cute!

  4. HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY WILLOW Happiness and blessings.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  5. Happy First Birthday to beautiful baby Willow. May the year ahead bring many blessings to this lovely family.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL BLESSING! God's blessings upon you and ALL of your family.

  7. Happy Birthday God's BEAUTIFUL BLESSING!! Willow I hope you and your momma and daddy have the best day ever celebrating your first birthday with your grandma,grandpa,aunts,uncles, and cousins. I love your entire family and love watching y'all on TV just wish your show was one hour.

  8. Oh my word...I see so much of her mama in that sweet little face. Blessed baby, blessed parents, blessed family. Congratulations!!!

    1. You're right! I always saw Kelton in her face until this picture. I just rewatched the episode with her gender reveal and the emotional response to the announcement of her middle name being after Kelton's mother. I hope Willow is bringing much joy to his family.


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