
Thursday, August 27, 2020

'Baby Boy Blessings & Basketball Mishaps' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Baby Boy Blessings & Basketball Mishaps"

  • Kelly is keeping up with all her kids via video chat. Tori invites Addee over to help with Kade while she gets ready to go to the hospital. “This is going to be a very difficult grandbaby birth for me because this will be the first birth that I’m not either at or coming to shortly after delivery,” says Kelly. Due to the virus, Bobby will be the only guest allowed in the delivery room.
  • Lawson is still in Arkansas training for his pilot’s license. “I’m honestly a little bit overwhelmed with all the pilot training and information, but at the same time, I have a good instructor, and I think I am pretty close to getting ready for this check ride and being able to pass and officially be a pilot,” says Lawson.
  • While he’s at work, Bobby gets a call from Tori informing him that her water is breaking. Katie comes over, and Tori and Bobby are able to leave for the hospital. It’s hard for Tori to leave Kade, but the contractions are ramping up, so she must.
  • When she arrives at the hospital and gets her epidural, Tori sets up a FaceTime call with her mom, sisters, and sister-in-law. She goes from 3cm to ready to have a baby in a very short time. Kolter arrives soon after 4pm.
  • Meanwhile, Gil takes Trace to the ER following a basketball accident. Unfortunately, since Trace is over 18, Gil is unable to go in with him due to virus policies. Trace is released and told to take it easy for a few weeks.
  • Later, Tori and Bobby bring Kolter home to meet a very excited Kade.


  1. Ok, love the Bates. But I am so confused. There’s some talking head segments where Tori and Bobby are talking about when Tori called him to tell him she was in labor and how it was the day of having the baby and they were leaving Kade and heading to the hospital. But she is holding a round, pregnant belly in these clips. What the??????

    1. The belly doesn’t go away right after birth.

    2. It takes a while for the uterus to shrink back to its original size after a birth. Many women still look quite pregnant for a while after birth.

    3. I had a round pregnant belly for several weeks after I gave birth. Every body is different and responds differently to post partum.

    4. I’ve had 5 children. I am aware that there is residual belly. But it is not full and plump looking like that, nor did I hold my residual belly as if I was pregnant and proud! The clip at the end where she is holding Kolter, she is wearing the same dress but that belly is not there.

  2. Why is Tori holding a pregnant belly talking about the day she gave birth?

  3. I love the artwork that Kelton and Bobby have on the wall of the plumbing business. So cute and funny!!

  4. Did Trace end up having a concussion? (I don't get UpTV)

  5. Time 11:50PM Thurs 8/27/20
    Great recap.

  6. The Bates are very dependent on each other. Kelly find it a "very difficult delivery" because she can't be present? Why doesn't she just rejoice in a healthy grandchild instead of needing to be a part of everything?

    1. Agreed. It's not a healthy family dynamic at all.

    2. Of course she is rejoicing for a healthy grandchild. It’s not one or the other. They like supporting each other and having the support of their family. If you think about it, it’s only been in the last 50 years or so that a husband is more likely to be in the room than a mother. Not that I want to go back to that, but just pointing out that is very natural for a mother to want to be there when her daughter is giving birth.

    3. Kelly boohooed about not being able to be at the hospital for his birth, but completely ignores the fact that people were dying alone from COVID. Not what I would call Christian behavior. I think I am done with the Bates family.

    4. 9:53, you can be sorry and sad about the people with covid and disappointed about not getting to see a new baby right away after you've been eagerly waiting for months. We don't need to demand they show everything they are thinking and feeling and make sure it's what we want them to say.

    5. And, his mom couldn’t be there, either. My goodness, Kelly, calm down.

    6. Having a supportive family is not healthy? Huh. There is a huge variety in families, and some of them are very close, like this family. Homeschooling can often do that. There is nothing wrong with wanting your family with you at such an important time. That wouldn't have been my personal choice, but I totally understand why it might be theirs.

  7. I wonder who will pay for the ED visit? As explained before by Gil himself, they 'use' the ED to their advantage as a doctor's office and didn't have to pay for treatment because he didn't have a benefitted job. What do they do now? Not an inappropriate question as they have made the issue public.

    1. They must have some kind of insurance as Gil recently had shoulder surgery.

  8. So frustrated with Kelly at the beginning of this episode. She is unhappy because she and the entourage can’t be present for the birth of her Grandson due to COVID-19 restrictions, but she seems to have forgotten about all of the patients that are dying alone and their families. I understand the disappointment, but I think that she sounds very selfish.

    1. I know they are close but I sincerely don't get that the whole family feels the need to be there during every birth. It has to be distracting. I think it may show how young and immature these girls are to need the whole family there for support. And the baby got delivered with just Bobby and the medical team present.
      And she should remember that Bobby's parents weren't able to be there either.

      Personally, I like the way the Websters do their births. No one in the room with them until after delivery. But everyone has to do it their own way.

    2. People can feel more than one emotion at once. You can be thankful that you don’t have a family member dying alone and still want to be with your daughter during a monumental time. That’s like telling someone with a broken bone to be thankful they don’t have cancer. Hard is hard. Someone always has it worse than you. That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to be sad about something.

    3. Exactly, 10:03. I think it's odd to demand that they must make statements about current events. They don't have to. We have heard about it all over the place for months!

    4. 10:23 Of course they are allowed to be sad, but with all that was happening and people literally dying alone, you would have thought that maybe, just maybe, they could have thought about that aspect and mentioned it rather than bellyaching about what they were missing. To me, it came off as very selfish.

    5. I'm sure the families are sad but why would I be distraught when a stranger dies whether from covid or from a heart attack or whatever?

    6. Yup, the Webster’s do it right!

    7. I feel sorry for the husband. Somehow he seems to be seems on the periphery when all the Bates girls have to be there in the delivery room or on Zoom. I know they are close, but that’s a bit over the top.

    8. Kathy, strong family ties are not always a sign of immaturity.

  9. I bet Addee, Ellie and Callie get invited over to help a lot.

  10. Why are Lawson and Trace in Arkansas? There must be flight schools in Tennessee. Perhaps visiting the Duggars???

  11. I love this episode.

    Mom of three

  12. I’m confused. Is Tori pretending to still be pregnant during the TH segments with her and Bobby talking about the day she went into labor? Next question would be whyyyyy...

  13. Lawson and Nathan; not Trace.
    Great question; why are they in Arkansas ( especially during the pandemic)???

  14. That was the strangest scene. She appears to be vey pregnant stroking her belly and they are describing the trip to the hospital and the birth blow by blow. makes no sense at all.

    1. Seen the same thing with the Duggars. All I can think is that maybe some of them don't lose their baby bellies right away.

    2. It certainly was weird.

    3. None of these girls work out; except maybe Alyssa. So the expectations to regain their pre pregnancy bodies is not a priority.

  15. Want to say I agree with above about going to hospital. Why not try and Urgent care? They don,t have insurance why not? Gil works has own tree business. Wish I could have health care paid for. Just curious as others. Is that Toris sister with there others son?

    1. Gil explained this once. They have to see you in the ER, whether or not you can pay the bill. They don't chase you down if you can't pay, it's written off.

    2. So he is basically saying that by going to the ER, he is using taxpayers to pay for at least some of his family’s health care? How very Christian of him!


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