
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Can't Keep this Granny Away

Tori Smith, Kolter Smith, Bobby Smith

"I'm pretty sure that my mom was having a heart attack that she could not come and meet Kolter and hold him."

Tori Smith

Soon after Kolter Smith's arrival, Kelly Bates decided she couldn't take the distance any longer, so she did a drive-by visit. This granny deserperately wanted to hold her new grandson, but she knew that could put him at risk by spreading germs. Below is a web exclusive from Thursday's episode.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Again, you/they are focused on poor Kelly not being front and center during the birth, but not one mention of the patients dying alone from COVID or their families that can’t be with them. What kind of Christians are you people?

    1. They didn't talk about the Bible or missions either. Must be terrible Christians. They were filming about the new baby. This is very relevant to that.

    2. Because the show is about their family and they are showing the impact this has had on them? Get off your high horse, you are not a better person just because you keep making comments about all the People dying

    3. In all respect, I don’t think it’s very thoughtful to judge their Christianity based off of a situation like that. They are concerned because of COVID but at the same time, they want to be able to rejoice with their family over Kolter. I’m not trying to upset anyone or stir up strife, but please don't tear people down like this next time. It’s not uplifting to them or you. Have a blessed day :)

    4. There is no need for anyone to die alone. Keep your elderly in your home with you and stop warehousing them in a facility.

    5. They are talking about something directly related to their family's experience because this is a show about . . .their family?

    6. 1:00 Your passive-aggressive response is unkind and uncalled for. Have you considered that some of our elderly have debilitating medical conditions that require 24/7 nursing care, along with specialized equipment? Some suffer from dementia and cannot be left alone, even for a few minutes, because they wander off or put themselves in danger. Most families don't have their homes equipped for such care, nor the financial resources to provide it. We kept my mother at home for as long as we could, but hiring outside nursing to come to the home was difficult for the simple reason that there is a shortage of businesses offering this professional level of service. A good friend of mine lost her mother to COVID while she was a resident of a memory care facility. She died with only a nurse present and my friend said her good-byes over the phone. The last thing she' d need to hear is a heartless comment like yours.

    7. 1:00 Sadly, you have no idea what choices people have to make. 5:32 No, not a better person, but I feel like an opportunity was missed for Kelly to show compassion for what others were experiencing. Of course I understand that she wanted to be at the hospital, but the reality was and is that the affects of COVID are devastating to families. She has the opportunity to see her new grandson. Not the same as never seeing your mother again and knowing she died alone. You have no idea.

    8. 5:32 No not a better person. Just a person with a broken heart. My comment may have been harsh and I apologize for that, but a little compassion from the Bates family for the devastation others were experiencing would go a long way.

    9. 1:00 Where does anyone say that their dying family member was warehoused in a facility?

    10. Anon @ 1:00
      The poster was referring to people in the hospital with Covid dying alone because the hospital wouldn't allow family visitors for fear they would get the virus and spread it. Tori is fortunate that Bobby was allowed to be there. Even if the poster was talking about someone who is in a nursing home, there are many circumstances where the family is not able to keep them at home. You are being very judgmental of situations that you have no knowledge about.

    11. 9:55 obviously hasn't watched the show. Kelly talked about the covid patients in the first covid episode.

  2. Won’t Addee spread the same germs?

    1. Agreed! Why was she there? I am guessing Addee stayed for an extended time to help. Still. So many inconsistencies.

    2. Was she staying with Tori for a while maybe?

    3. It helps to watch the show! Kelly stated that two of the girls had gone to stay with her before it broke out so that they could be there to help out with Kade when she had the baby.

  3. Tori and Bobby why in God's name are you keeping a healthy grandma from holding her healthy grandson? It's wrong and unnatural. Where is your faith and trust in God's provision?

    1. The pandemic is very dangerous ! Has Kelly been tested an found free of vivid 19 ? Why does she have to be so involved in her adult children's lives ? Release them to God an butt out ! They're adults !

    2. People can carry the virus and be asymptotic. I don’t think God wants us to be careless and not use common sense. Germs can be spread, regardless of your faith.

    3. God also gave us brains and science and medicine and they are doing what’s right to reduce the chance of spreading the covid disease. You can have the disease and not know you have it and still spread it, so it’s not an accurate statement for you to say that Kelly is healthy. She could have had covid disease at the time

    4. I don’t think they are. I think this post (and their “social distancing“ TH mentions) are to keep the “Covid Karen’s” off their backs. If Addee and Katie are coming to babysit Kade, surely they’re allowing Kelly and everyone else to come visit and hold the baby. Everyone needs to stop pandering to the fear mongering and just be a family as you choose with no explanation or apology.

    5. I don’t think they are. I think this post (and their “social distancing“ TH mentions) are to keep the “Covid Karen’s” off their backs. If Addee and Katie are coming to babysit Kade, surely they’re allowing Kelly and everyone else to come visit and hold the baby. Everyone needs to stop pandering to the fear mongering and just be a family as you choose with no explanation or apology.

    6. God also expects us to use the wonderful brains He created. They were being cautious for both the baby and the grandma, because we didn't know much about Covid at that point and if they were watching any media, it was fear central.

    7. Maybe, just maybe they chose to take the precautions that the CDC and governor suggested in order to stay safe. Not that my way was perfect, but I didn't let anyone around my son for two weeks after he came home and while that was many years ago, it also was NOT during a pandemic. I doubt that God would disapprove of their caution.

    8. @1:32 If you choose to be a family as you see fit, even if it means gathering together with those outside your household who may have been exposed to COVID, you are blantantly disregarding the health and well-being of others you encounter. If doing whatever you want is your game, you should remember not to tax our health care system and forgo medical treatment if you get sick with the virus.

    9. 1:33, COVID Karen’s and fear mongers? I lost my mother to COVID-19. She died alone after seven long, agonizing weeks. To some of us, the virus took more away than the ability to be in a hospital room with ten other people when a baby was born. It took away the ability for me to comfort my dying mother. Shame on you for “pandering” to Kelly Bates inability to see the difference.

    10. Forgive me if my comment offended anyone. I failed to take into account that the post was of an earlier incident. It upset me because my friend's grandbaby was born in May and she still isn't allowed to hold him. She's been healthy all this time and is very frustrated. People need to stop living in fear and asymptomatic people according to a recently discovered CDC study are NOT contagious. Only those with symptoms can pass it along.

  4. Did anyone else notice that during Thursday's episode (8/27) Tori was still pregnant when she and her husband were 'describing' their birth event? How could this be? She hadn't had the baby yet and it wasn't an 'after pooch' I saw. In another segment with the same dress on later on in the episode, she was holding one of her boys and you could plainly see that she HAD the baby already. Big difference there. How is it that they film these things beforehand and try to pass it on as chronologically correct? They hadn't experienced the birth yet so why are they describing how they felt during and after the event?

    1. We noticed that too

    2. You don't lose the pregnant look immediately.

  5. Wow, the baby looks like he was literally just born in that photo!

  6. Very happy Kelly arranged to see her news grandson and did it safely!!!

    1. After whining during the interview that she couldn’t be there! I think “stardom”;has gone to Kelly’s head. She has no clue about what is going on in the real world!

    2. Yeah, right. She could be concerned about the covid patients and still be eager to meet her grandbaby.

  7. That was no post-birth belly that Tori sported during the 'post birth' TH. She was as big as a basketball...then, she was not. Tori wore the same dress for the segments and her appearance changed drastically. Tori & her husband read from a script, obviously to 'describe' something that was NOT in the past yet. How clueless do they think we are? Please respond, UP.

    1. Reading from a script! And trying to food viewers! What has happened to this family?

    2. When she was holding the baby at the end, you could still see a good bit of baby belly.

  8. Kelly needs to chill out and take care of the kids she still has at home for a change.

  9. We are living in times of sadness, fear and lack of compassion towards others.

    I was unhappy to see that some others feel the need to post unkind things about others. I understand we have a right to “free speech”, but why use it to speak ugly words instead of being kind?

    Not one is perfect nor do they have any right to judge another. Take the speck out of your own eye and not become a hypocrite.

    I challenge everyone who reads this to post one kind word, inspirational quote, display compassion to others. Maybe by moving forward with peace, others can feel hope again.

    What example are you displaying to others? What words did you say that may change someone’s day to be a little better? BE A POSITIVE EXAMPLE OF KINDNESS.

    Bless you all


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