
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Katie: 'I embarrass myself'

Katie Bates and Travis Clark

Katie Bates and Travis Clark celebrate Travis' birthday

"Katie, every time she sees Travis, she has to dump something on him, [whether] it's ice cream, cake, a fry, or pizza."

-Addallee Bates

 Katie Bates admits that she is embarrassed by her habit of smashing food in her boyfriend's face. Even though it's his birthday and he's wearing a suit, Travis is not safe (video below). Apparently a "smash cake" is not just for one-year-olds.


Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. I'm embarrassed by that type of behavior also. I know many people will say it is all in fun but I find it to be rude, and especially so when someone is dressed in nice clothing/ formal attire. I can just imagine what will happen at the wedding if they get married.

    1. Katie did say she embarrassed herself but she couldn't help herself when she was sitting beside him and I'll tell you why,she's so nervous around him and scared he would see her as boring so every time she's around him she has to clown around to try to be fun and hide her nervousness,she's just shy,I was like that too when I first started dating as I was also painfully shy,you don't need to worry Katie,they see you as the sweet,loving,kind girl that you are,that's why he was interested in you,and cos your beautiful.

    2. It is so juvenile to smash food in someone's face! Tell Katie to grow up.

    3. A lot of wedding receptions have the couple's smashing cake on their each other,and no wedding is perfect,remember at her wedding Tori started giggling,why do people expect everything to go perfect,this show is about real life with normal people and we all have different personalities so you can't just expect things to go the way you want them to.

    4. 5:32 If she's that scared and has so little self control, she's not mature enough for a permanent relationship with anyone. Considering they can never be alone with a date, I'm surprised if no one in her family who chaperones hasn't set her straight on her behavior.

    5. 5:32, you have to be more than beautiful to have a lasting marriage! It’s more about the heart than beauty.

  2. I think this is very rude of her, especially when he has explicitly asked her not to do it and she keeps repeating she won´t. Very childish behaviour in my opinion.

    1. MO- This behavior is a great way the end a courtship. As cute of a couple they make, they are from very different backgrounds. The Bates just let it all hang out there- Travis family look much more reserved. Not sure this courtship will last. I don't use the word "jerk" too much, but that's exactly what Katie was acting like. NOT cute or funny at all. Travis looked so nice in his suit. I hope Katie paid the dry-cleaning bill. :o(

    2. So rude to do that in another family’s home in what looked like a very nice room. Childish!

  3. Oh my goodness! Poor Travis! Run, Travis , Run!

    1. Mind your own business! She's nervous! Give the girl a chance!If God can forgive so can you!

  4. Katie - Not when he is at a party wearing a suit. Save it for when you are alone - watching tv or something. You are not 5 anymore. lol.

  5. Katie has a LOT of growing up to do. Her behavior is very childish and I am embarrassed for her. Perhaps it goes along with the Bates tradition of playing practical jokes, which can be a form of aggression. In any event, it's not remotely funny. Travis clearly does not appreciate it.

    1. They're 18! She should be immature 😂

    2. Then they shouldn’t be courting...I think Katie May be older though.

    3. Oh my goodness. I would consider myself a failure as a mom if I had an 18 year old who acted like that. It is ridiculous.

    4. Actually, Katie will be 20 in October. Time to stop shoving food in his face every time she sees him.

    5. Unknown- An 18 year old should know better than to act this way, rather than like a 5 year old.

  6. That's very immature. Katie needs to work on that.

  7. They are acting like middle schoolers and are much too young to marry.

  8. Beyond embarrassed. It's not cute at all and a huge turn off. The immaturity of Katie is not cute and you would think of all the chaperones she's been part of she would know how to behave. Katie is not mature enough to have a bf if she thinks this is cute.

  9. I agree, Kathy, that the Bates girls all seem very immature.

    1. Except for Erin and Michael

    2. Josie also, I think.

    3. Completely agree @5:08

    4. Carlin and Tori are two others who come to mind, that, in the past, were very immature too. Carlin seems to have grown up some since marrying and having a child. Tori also.

  10. Just because you have a tv show doesn’t mean you can act like that. I think the fame has gotten to her head.
    He should smash a bunch of greasy food right in her face to see how she likes it!

    1. I think if that happened, Gil would be speaking with Travis about how to treat a lady. He needs to speak with his daughter instead about how to treat a man.

    2. I don’t think it had anything to do with fame, most girls her age aren’t super mature, and she seems to act her age despite being on camera

    3. My daughter--just a few months older than Katie--is living in a major city on her own, working at a scientific agency as part of a college internship. She'd never do anything like that with her boyfriend. This is what happens when girls are sheltered and isolated, and permitted only limited college choices.

    4. @4:54 College doesn’t teach one to be mature. I know, I’ve been there, and know plenty of graduates who are immature after graduation and the rest of their lives. This type of behavior is due to a lack of training at home. Gil and Kelly have been so busy being tv stars, they no longer have time to properly raise their children.

  11. Extremely immature behavior! She'll keep on and change his mind about her!

  12. Katie is such a child. It is not cool to do this. He says No!

  13. not cool. especially when travis specifically asks her not to. respect his no katie!!

  14. So that means you have no self control - which I'm pretty sure is one of the fruit of the Spirit. He asked you not to and you did it anyway which shows you are inconsiderate of his feelings.

  15. It's hard to believe that a 19-year-old would act that way. If I were Travis, I'd run away as quickly as possible!

  16. She is not ready for marriage. Where are her parents in this? They where there and should talk to her.

  17. I would think if you're truly embarrassed, then you would stop. Especially since he specifically asked you not to do that. Self control is one of the fruits of the spirit & your actions are saying you don't have any self control. Just some food for thought

  18. Oh my, she is not mature enough to get married or have a child.

    1. Yes,because she's going to start smashing things on child's face as soon it's born, the girl is out control!lol,come on guys,can't you see she's just desperately trying to be a fun girlfriend,she will get over it as soon as she feels more confident in the relationship and start behaving more maturely,I mean Josiah Duggars is known to be a prankster and nobody critises him!

    2. This blog is for the Bates family. The fact that no one criticizes Josiah Duggar has no bearing on comments made on this blog. Why would we discuss him here?

    3. Josiah never publicly threw food in Lauren's face nor has he been shown to prank her after she asked him not to. He made sure that there were no pranks during their wedding ceremony even though he had done so at his siblings' weddings. He listens to Lauren and doesn't try to embarrass her.

  19. Immature, inappropriate and not very nice to Travis. I was embarrassed for her.

  20. I think all of you guys are very rude with Katie. She's so funny and you forgot that she's always nervous because she's in love with Travis. Maybe she has to change some things but common!!that's her personality.

    1. Katie was rude and disrespectful. If she's so nervous that she can't control herself, she's not ready for any relationship.

    2. Ummm, I don’t think so. A nineteen year old could control herself and have respect for her significant other.

    3. She was the one being rude. This girl...and she is acting like a young girl...lacks common sense and self control. Stop acting like preteen puppy love.

  21. If Travis did those things to Katie it would be called abuse.

    1. No it wouldn’t

    2. If that was abuse the game "pie face"would not be allowed to sell in toy stores,I believe it is played by both genders and all ages,if Travis was really upset about it he would have sat her down and told her not to do itanymore,he obviously didn't that's why she's still doing it and he understands she's doing it for fun,I'm sure his not really upset about it,they are still together aren't they.

    3. 6:29 - Travis asked Katie not to throw food on him in the above clip. He sat in a chair so that there was distance between them and tried to prevent her from doing it. People playing pie face are willing participants while Travis wanted no part of it. It isn't fun when someone repeatedly does something you ask them not to, it's incredibly annoying.

    4. 6:29, No, when you’re young and in love, you’re not going to tell the other what you don’t like in them or what they need to change in, right away. That usually comes after your married for awhile-ha. You’re always trying to impress at first in your relationship not de-press.

  22. Wow, poor Travis just wanted to eat his cookie cake in peace. I don't know if she thinks she's being cute but Travis obviously doesn't think so. She needs to take time to mature and work on respecting people's boundaries.

  23. I don't think that behavior is very good. I have to say if I were his parents, I certainly wouldn't appreciate a girl doing that to my son and would be more than a little concerned about the relationship.

  24. I now fast-forward through many of Katie's scenes because the fake "Oh my gosh, I'm so dumb!" routine and immature behavior is tedious. I feel sorry for Travis.

  25. I agree that it’s a disrespect problem with Katie. I was quite astonished at the video. Just the fact that they show this clues you in that they (the movie company) thinks it’s ok or worthy material. Who knows if they egg her on to do it? For something to show? To me, if this disrespect is shown now what will she be like being married? She needs to learn now and have her parents guide her in some of this behavior BEFORE she gets married, not after. Unless of course like I said she coached to do it for the show.

  26. I think it's very demeaning to do that to someone. She should apologize and vow never to do it again. This guy is a real sucker!

  27. This is abusive behavior and if not dealt with, will only get worse.
    I hope they will both consider counseling, and much prayer.

  28. Does she think this is funny? It’s rude & immature. Not something to laugh about.

  29. Ugh, Travis, get away while you can. She’s by far the most immature embarrassing Bates child. There are so many wonderful young ladies out in the world he could meet. Staying with this mess makes me wonder if it has anything to do with the free publicity.

  30. Well, every now and then it's funny and cute. When it's repetitive, it's just annoying. I do agree, that the young adult Bates seem to mature more slowly and not have very good manners. They are loud and interrupt people. They seem like good people, but they are a bit "too much" for me sometimes. I can tell it's from their parents easy going personality but a little manners can go a long way.

  31. I was in college at her age, and I did my share of silly things not unlike this, mostly because I was still learning who I was. Hopefully, a trusted family member or friend will have a private chat with her to help her know that doing this, particularly when asked not to, is disrespectful and suggests a lack of caring for the other person, even if that were unintentional.

  32. It’s not cute. It’s not funny.

  33. Agree that she is being immature. I think Michael and Alyssa are very mature and always have been.

  34. Yes, I too agree with everyone that this is NOT cute. Travis seems like a nice guy who could probably have anyone. Those vices that we do before we get married only get worse after we marry if we don't see them for what they are and turn to the Lord Jesus in repentance. Hopefully, Travis will take heed and flee. Forget proposing and take a break from each other. Travis, if she is embarrassing you now, it will only get worse later. He who finds a wife finds a good thing. I wonder what his parents think? Katie needs to spend sometime with Michaela. How sad.

  35. i have never understood the need to smash food into someone else's face! extremely disrespectful

  36. It's a kinda stupid behaviour but he seems to like it and, in strange way, it suits to her. All in all, she is still a young girl and it's good to see her delighted.

  37. Yes, I’m hoping he will call off the courtship, if only for a short time to show her how much growing up she has to do. Ma and Pa Bates really need to have a talk with her. She just cost him a dry cleaning bill if nothing else. Plus, she’s a liar!! Don’t be afraid to call it off Travis! You’ll be miserable with this!!

  38. Poor Travis! Thats not funny at all and in fact very childish.

  39. Oh my! God gave us a since of humor, and God also gave us free will. Just remember God's plan is perfect. We don't all behave in the same manner. If they enjoy each other's differences it's their business.

    1. God did not give us the right to to use humor in an attempt to embarrass others with practical jokes or pranks.

    2. Katie smashing food in Travis's face isn't showing a sense of humor. Travis repeatedly asked Katie not to at his birthday party and she did anyway. He didn't enjoy that and can't even trust her respect his personal space when food is around.

    3. 10:17, I agree with you! Good thought!

  40. WOW!!! I feel embarrassed for him just watching this small clip. IT IS NOT FUNNY!! There are so many things wrong with this that it is hard to know where to begin. Please, please, Bates Family stop with this already.

  41. I think we all might be in agreement on this one. This is a good chance for her to learn something about herself to work on (and we ALL have those areas).

  42. That's so silly and immature. I would've been so upset with icing on the shoulder of a suit. Stop the silly nonsense behaviour.

  43. The "I am so dumb" routine rings very hollow. She's just plain disrespectful and inconsiderate. Travis should reconsider this relationship.

  44. I feel sorry for Katie in one sense, so embarrassed for her in another; I know I can do crazy, out-of-character, dumb things when I’m nervous – I can’t imagine the pressure of being filmed for a TV show while getting to know your boyfriend’s family, I mean, yikes. But at the same time – really?! Did she think through that at all?! Save that for your brothers at home, if at all. Definitely not the way to impress a new(ish) boyfriend – if I were him I’d dump her.

  45. Wow – her behavior was really shocking. I will state my honest opinion, I do not think the TV show has been good for their family at all. I watch the very first episode of Bringing up Bates, and it contrasts sharply with what the show has turned into now. Then they were so down to earth, well-mannered, genuine, sweet, godly-minded people. Now a lot of them (not all) seem super boisterous and, I hate to say it, but sometimes quite obnoxious. I’ve been a Bates fan for 12+ years and have observed that their being on TV has defintely changed their family – not in the most positive ways.

    1. Well said @11:11. I completely agree with you. It’s time to pull the plug and get back to what they were doing before this show.

    2. I have noticed this too. I have noticed worldly influences on the family that weren’t there in the beginning. It saddens me when I see it.

  46. Wonder why he had to wear his suit to eat in? Every guy I know takes off his suit to eat, especially if it’s in his own home.

    1. So true. I thought he looked a little overdressed.

    2. Are you implying it’s Travis’s fault For wearing a suit And that’s why he got, or deserved to get, icecream thrown at his face and suit?! Or maybe he should wear a garbage bag over his head and clothes when he goes out with Katie?!

    3. It’s so typical to put the blame on the wrong person. Blame Tyler for wearing a suit. He was just asking for it.

    4. 2:42, I’m the OP and no! absolutely! no! I’m not implying it’s Travis's fault he got food on him. That’s Katie’ was just a honest question off to the side. Guess he likes dressing up to be on the show and stayed like that for party. That’s the exact thing I would be worried about if I was a man and had to wear a suit to eat in-getting food on it. But off to the side, I. Don’t. Condone. Katie’s. Behavior. In. This.

  47. Thinking about this situation, I remember a bunch of times when I was in my teens that I said and did things which I wish I could take back, or do over.
    It’s not so uncommon in life. Just try to learn from your mistakes, make amends, and go on.... which you seem to have done.

  48. Poor Katie! We’ve all done things we regret, but Katie got filmed and now she’s being shamed by strangers. Perhaps Travis needs to grow and mature as well. He seemed just as awkward as Katie. They must enjoy each other and this probably wasn’t the best scene to share online.

    1. There is no “poor Katie” in this story. It wasn’t mistaken behavior she did just once. She does it repeatedly. This isn’t just awkward behavior. It’s mean, rude, disrespectful. There is something really wrong here.

    2. No one is forcing them to film their private moments and I don't feel sorry for them at all. Katie is very immature and her behavior shows that.

  49. Well, it’s almost 5 months since this happened, so I guess they are still courting
    Or we would have read about it.

  50. Poor Katie! We’ve all done things we regret—especially as a teenager—but poor Katie was filmed and now she’s being shamed by strangers. It seems like Travis was just as awkward and also needs to grow and mature. They must enjoy each other and this probably wasn’t the best scene to share.

    1. If you don't want to be "shamed by strangers" stay off TV and social media. When you chose not to live a quiet and peaceable life then you get what you get

    2. She is a teenager, and teenagers are immature in general. But for the Bates culture, this is the age they marry and have children.
      Someone getting ready to pick a life partner and have children should NOT be behaving like this. If she’s expected to be able to do adult thing soon, like marry and have kids, she needs to start acting like an adult.
      If Travis were my son, I would be horrified by this behavior. I think Katie seems like a good catch overall, but this is beyond silly.
      Would YOU want food mashed in your face every time you ate by your spouse?

  51. I agree. She seemed nervous, but it doesn’t excuse the behavior. It just means she has to work on fixing the recurrent problem, especially as she seems to know it is an issue.

  52. Sorry I posted this twice! Now I’m embarrassed too!

  53. OK, I was one that said the Bates often do not have good manners so I agree she needs to stop this. However, some of the comments are over the top. Saying they should break up and it will only get worse once they are married. The truth is, this is just a snippet of a few light hearted moments. Yes, it was immature and I think the parents need to do a better job of helping the kids learn to be more be respectful. However, she is not a bad person and I am sure the couple has a lot of good and sweet times we don't get to see. Plus, although I still wish they had more manners there are worst traits out their in this age group she could possess than a little immaturity. She will grow out of it.

  54. I thought Travis looked very upset when she did that. His family seemed lovely, beautiful home. Wait until one of her siblings refers to his family as Yankees, a term they have used on numerous occasions.

    1. Why on earth would calling them a Yankee be bad?

    2. I’m not sure what they mean when they keep referring to people as Yankees. I have been binge-watching old episodes—just heard Lawson refer to Michaela’s husband as a Yankee. Josie also used this term in another episode I watched recently. What is the Bates’ definition of a Yankee?

  55. If my daughter had acted this way at any point in her relationship, I'd have been appalled and told her so. This is kindergarten behavior!

  56. I would stop if I was her....Really embarrassing

    1. Definitely needs to stop this behavior. It is very selfish and rude.

  57. Since Travis is established in Jersey with his family; I wonder if she’ll make the big move. I love the state and their shoreline is amazing!
    Katie, please calm down and think before you act.

  58. I think Katie throwing food on Travis is her way of flirting with him. I still think it’s inappropriate though. Hopefully she’ll find a better way to be playful with him

  59. Relationships are built on trust...Travis needs to get out of that one quick.

  60. I'm not going to say Travis and Katie should break up, but Gil and Kelly need to slow their relationship down. Katie needs time to mature. Marriage and babies soon after is not about children playing house, it's a serious responsibility to be undertaken by adults.

    1. That is very well said! It is much more than playing house.

  61. I've seen more mature 7th graders than this behavior.

  62. Katie has no manners! That was gross and uncalled for. Her parents need to tell her this is not okay. Especially acting like that in his family home. I doubt any of the other married sisters act like this. She needs an intervention. She is not ready to be in a courtship or marriage.


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