
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Stewarts Come Down with COVID


Carlin Bates Stewart and Evan Stewart

Carlin Stewart and Evan Stewart

Carlin and Evan Stewart just shared that they are both on the tail end of recovering from COVID-19. They haven't provided any other details, but we know they would appreciate your prayers. 

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. May they have a speedy recovery.

  2. Prayers for a quick and safe recovery for them. My family and I have have came down with it, we aren’t quite sure how we got it, because we follow all of the CDC guidelines and wear mask every where we go even if it isn’t required. I know they will be fine and will make a safe recovery

    1. That's terrible that you got sick. You probably got it because someone didn't wear a mask and didn't follow guidelines. It's scary to think that the rest of us can't adequately guard ourselves from those people no matter how hard we try. It's not fair that we have to carry 100% of the responsibility if others aren't going to give any effort at all. It's not life as usual these days no matter how much some people want to deny that and ignore orders.

    2. My sister-in-law was very sick for a month. She wouldn't wish COVID on anyone and hopes people take it seriously!

    3. Hmm... Makes you wonder if the CDC really knows what they're talking about?

    4. All masks are not created equal. Some are not effective, like bandanas or fleece.

    5. Unfortunately when we wear masks we are preventing getting others sick, it’s when others don’t do their part we have issues

    6. @11:08 If someone was wearing a mask, and GOT SICK, what does it matter if the other person DID NOT WEAR A MASK. Clearly the mask wearer WAS NOT PROTECTED BY THE MASK! Did you know there are viruses EVERY WHERE; door handles, counter tops, etc. How do you think people come down with the flu, or stomach bugs?! Example: I went to the store, I touched a surface, I then touch my face, or put my hands in my mouth because I am eating a snack. I then get sick because I did not WASH MY HANDS. Stop drinking the mask kool-aid, boost your immune system, and trust in Jesus. If you want to NEVER EVER get sick from this virus or any other virus for that matter, go buy a hazmat suit like virologists wear when they’re handling viruses.

    7. 10:15 Scientists are not handing out Kool-Aid. If anyone is, it's the politicians. Read any mask research paper if you want to know how well different masks work. There was a good study put out by Duke University recently. If a person wore a mask and still got sick, then something else went wrong, not the mask. Was the mask handled, stored, and cleaned properly between uses? We don't know, so there's no sense hollering that masks don't work.

    8. @1:57 Hence the “I didn’t wash my hands” comment; re: “something else went wrong”. And yes I agree that the politicians, and even the media are handing out kool-aid. And you are entitled to your opinion, but in my own opinion, I disagree with the “mask” concept. My point was that Evan and Carlin could have become sick because of a variety of reasons/people, but everyone jumps on the “must have been someone without a mask” bandwagon.

    9. You don't think scientists can have political ties or financial incentives? I find that kind of naive.

    10. Have been in and around private university research for decades. It's data you're after, not political favor.

    11. Maybe people are getting it because most of the masks we buy in the stores are labeled "non-medical grade"? Which begs the question, why are we being forced to wear them? I'm glad for everyone who's recovered and praying for those who still have it.

    12. So you're saying a scientist can't be bought? I still find that naive.

  3. That's what they get for traveling and for not wearing masks and following social distancing. No prayers or sympathy at all from me. I hope they did not give the virus to baby Layla or to Joy-Anna who is due any day now.

    1. That's just evil! You do realize that there are people that have followed the CDC guidelines and still can get the virus. I'll be praying for you and the Stewart's!

    2. That's just evil! You do realize that there are people that follow the CDC guidelines and still have gotten the virus. I'll be praying for you and the speedy recovery of the Stewarts.

    3. That was Harsh! You don’t know how they could’ve got it!! They will always have my sympathy and prayers!! God bless their family!

    4. This is no time for finger’s time for intense prayer. Maybe more people will now pay attention to wearing face masks when they are out and about. I will be asking all my family members to wear face masks in my house when they are in my house from now on. I haven’t been doing that. This is a wake up call for me too! Get well soon Carlin and Evan! Prayers being said for all of the Bates Clan.

    5. What an awful thing to should put your name on that post if you feel that way and want to so boldly post it!! Shame on you!!!

    6. What a harsh thing to say, we don’t know how they got it. No one Deserves what you are saying, you seem to have a bit of harsh judgement toward them, yet you don’t even know where or how they got it. I will be praying for them because I have it. They could have easily gotten it. Just from getting grocery’s which we need to live. Even while practicing social distancing. This is a deadly Disease and you are saying that is what they get I don’t believe anybody should have to go through this it’s awful it feels like your going to die. I’m guessing you don’t have it, I hope that you reconsider not praying for them because they could use all the prayers that they can get. Stay safe, may God bless you!

    7. I don't feel particularly sympathetic either, knowing how much traveling and visiting they've done recently. Did you see Carlin at the doctor recently with baby Layla, and her (Carlin's) mask was not even over her nose? I don't understand how you do anything that would risk your baby, including traveling in a pandemic.

    8. Shame on you. If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all!

    9. Bless your heart

    10. So we should wear masks bc we care so much about each other and everyone’s health and safety. But at the same time we have free range to say such horrible things and put anyone down. These things do not agree with each other.

    11. Well, well, I take it you're their "watchdog". I would also think you're that "person" giving folks the stink eye or outrage if they medically can't wear a mask like my husband and I? No prayers are needed from an evil doer anyway. God bless your heart!! People like you make me 🤮

    12. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

    13. My first instinct was to get angry at this post and reply with something I would regret. I am instead going to pray for you. I pray God softens your heart and takes away your anger and negative attitude toward people. I pray none of us ever get what we deserve. We are all sinners and fall short in our life. I'm so thankful we have a loving God to help us with our weakness.

    14. Oh please they will be fine, like the vast majority of people. Not even 2% of the US population has been infected and of that small number, only 100000+ have died but four times that die every year from heart disease. They will be fine.

    15. 3:48. If you are so medically fragile that you cannot wear a mask, I have to wonder why you’re out and about exposing yourself to the public.

    16. 6:15, 3:48 doesn't have to explain her life to you.

    17. @WonderCrush Why would you want anyone to die of anything? "Only 100000+" (the number today is actually 174,056 and rising) is still too many people gone. There have been over 5.6 million people known to be infected, but you can't say the survivors are "fine." Many have new health problems that will last the rest of their lives or shorten their lives. You have no idea who is going to have a stroke from a blood clot after they appear to recover, who will need dialysis, or who will need insulin. This virus is wrecking the organs of young and healthy people.

    18. @6:15; I guess if you haven’t personally experienced health issues that make masks difficult or dangerous like I and 3:48 have, then I guess you’ll never completely understand.

    19. Is that what you say to anyone who is obese or smokes cigarettes or drinks alcohol? How about the women who have side effects from having children? No sympathy there either? There is nothing in the Bible about being proud of being self-righteous. However, there is a nice story about casting the first stone.

    20. Back in march as I've said before on here my brother went in for emergency heart surgery and a few days later tested positive for covid virus he caught it at the hospital then he died 10 days later a few days after his 53 birthday so i ask who was protecting him certainly not the hospital but it was a wake up call for me i hardly go anywhere and if i do i wear a mask just like my husband does i live in Michigan its killing young kids here 5 and 6 year olds this is serious i blame china not our doctors not our president i just keep praying for God and Jesus to help this virus to stop killing people and kids thats what keeps me going my faith

    21. @WonderCrush You can't be sure they'll be fine. Survivors are having bad complications, everything from blood clots (doesn't Carlin have a problem with those already?) to chronic fatigue to permanent organ damage. We're all supposed to be doing our best to try not to catch this virus. But with everything this family has been up to this summer, the news of an infection comes as no surprise. It's a shame some people are learning things the hard way.

    22. You sound positively EVIL. I know someone who wore a mask religiously and pretty much just stayed at home and went out for basics and got it. Recovered just fine. Spare us the venom and histrionics.

    23. @11:52 Perhaps you should spare us anecdotal stories being shared as gospel truth that applies to everyone. Each person and each viral situation is different, and what one person experiences, others will not. What you have to look at is the overall pattern of infections and the resulting effects. With the number of cases we've had so far, certain facts have come to light, one of which being that masks reduce spread.

      It's possible the person you know had some cross contamination happen between mask, hands, and face. It's possible they came in close contact with a highly infectious person for enough time to become infected. What kind of mask was this? Level 3 surgical or 1 layer of cotton? It's possible their mask had gaps at the top or sides. It's possible that won't happen to someone else who wears a tight, multi-layer mask, handles it properly, and keeps contaminated hands off face. You simply can't dismiss all masks because of one incident with one person.

  4. That’s terrible news!! I will be praying for them and Lyla. How is the baby?

  5. Well, I'm not surprised the way the Bates don't seem like they've been social distinancing!

    1. Do you realize that they were filmed before covid-19 struck? The stupidity of people cease to amaze me!

    2. 3:49 - I think 6:10 is referring to the Bateses and Stewarts' actions during the pandemic. The whole family has traveled out of state on vacation as well as held a number of family gatherings that included friends from out of state. Carlin and Evan have posted pictures and videos. Last month they went to Arkansas for Joy Forsyth's baby shower.
      The poster isn't stupid, they're commenting on what the family has chosen to share with the public in real time.

  6. oh my word!! so sorry for you all, God bless you and prayers coming to all of you and for the Stewart family fast and speedy recovery

  7. I wonder if this happen at Willow's Birthday party? No masks, and it was a huge party. I do hope that Alyssa is okay, since she was just at their home especially with her heart condition and pregnancy along with Layla.

  8. Oh my goodness! So sorry to hear this latest challenge. Praying you’re all better by now and will have a healthier future (Layla, too!)!!!

  9. Who didn't see this coming? They so happily shared their vacation photos when they were with Joy Forsyth in July, but everyone worried then about their baby and Joy's unborn baby. Well this is why. Wonder if Joy and Austin had to get tested? Traveling and being around people outside their household was a very irresponsible thing to do and they should have known better, especially with their little one at home with medical problems of her own.

    1. My experience has been that too many people are trying to live their lives like there's no pandemic, no virus- at least not one that's any worse than the flu. I am glad that my state has mandatory mask wearing in public places and social distancing. Even with that, there are still those who refuse to be a part of the solution.

    2. They were in Arkansas over the 4th of July. It’s likely they were infected after that. But, you are right. People shouldn’t be traveling about unnecessarily. It’s all about minimizing risk for yourself and others.

    3. I agree that we have not seen much responsibility here to protect themselves, their families, and others.

  10. Keeping you and your family in my prayers, Carlin and Evan.

  11. Maybe now these families will social distance and wear a MASK! Hope the baby is ok. Goldengrl

    1. Maybe now you and others will realize that most masks sold in stores are labeled "non-medical grade," meaning they don't do squat to prevent a virus from getting in or out. Read the labels next time you're shopping for masks.

    2. "Non-medical grade" masks, which is a technicality or a label necessary by law, DO stop the spread of particles from leaving your body and the amount of them able to get in. Source: "Low cost measurement of facemask efficacy for filtering expelled droplets during speech," Duke University research paper, published August 2020. Read the study - they tested 14 different kinds of masks and mask materials and showed how effective each one was. Several types of masks including the kind your could sew yourself did perform nearly as well as surgical masks.

      Please - there is too much misinformation being spread about masks, on this blog and elsewhere. Read the research papers. Much new information has come out since the start of this year.

  12. That is terrible! Wishing them a speedy recovery!

  13. Remember—if we all wore masks, each and every time we left the house, this thing would go away in a matter of weeks. No, it’s NOT fake. No, it’s NOT just a cold. Yes, it is very, very serious.

    If we had just been warned back in March to distance and perhaps wear masks, tens of thousands of lives would’ve been saved.

    This CANNOT be wished away, no matter how “bad” it looks for anyone.

    1. I'm not sure the virus would go away within weeks, but we'd sure slow down the spread and the number of deaths. I'm with you on that point KitKath.

      Leaving the house for unnecessary trips and visiting isn't helping matters either. People are paying the price with their lives (worse yet, someone else's life), or if they survive, paying with their health from there on out. It's not worth it! Why can't people be patient and stay home unless absolutely necessary? Vacations and parties are not necessary. It's beyond a shame how selfish people are being about that.

    2. Almost no one left the house for 6 weeks. It didn’t stop. Masks stop it? And yet my cloth mask doesn’t pass the requirements for going into a hospital to see a doctor. They made me take off my mask and put on another one. It is a virus. It’s like trying to stop a cold. The masks and SD are to make people feel like they are in control and slow the spread. NOT keep people from getting it. We want the infections staggered so we have enough beds. Look at your local health department as to cases, deaths and availability of beds and respirators.

    3. Except that some people mask and STILL get it.

    4. We were told to distance in March? That was when everything got canceled and we were all told to stay home, at least in the midwest, in my state. And Fauci said not to wear masks back then because they needed them for medical personnel.

    5. Nobody leaving the house at first did slow it, very well. Look at the curve, which peaked and then subsided. Cases and hospitalizations dropped until the last part of May, when states started opening up again. That began an uptick in cases 2 weeks later that we have not been able to stop all summer. We can't even open schools now, as previously hoped. A lot of people let their guard down after Memorial Day and it shows. A lot of people thought that "opening up" meant "pandemic over - go back to your normal routines."

      Fauci and others didn't want us hoarding medical masks (the only kind that available at the time) that were more needed on the front lines at first. But test after test has proven that some sort of face covering slows spread. Masks of all kinds are readily available now, so there's no excuse not to wear one. Hospitals have every right to require the kind of mask with the utmost protection because a lot of people are wearing the wrong mask (for instance, vented masks) or wearing the mask improperly (too loose). Triple layer cloth or medical masks DO work to stop spread. Read the scientific papers on them. Why do you think doctors have been wearing them for over a century, if they didn't work?

    6. We were warned back in March, where were you? The whole country shut down. Now as far as masks go, there is only 1 type that truly protects us and that is the N95, the others are a false sense of security.

    7. Actually, we were warned the 3rd week of January that a new virus had been isolated in lab tests, and the first known cases on US soil were the 3rd and 4th week of that month, in Washington and Illinois. Government officials were really slow to shut down and put out warnings. Remember, the virus was going to "disappear" when the weather got warmer and all that.

      As far as masks, lab results show that some layered cloth and surgical masks protect almost as well as N95's. They are not false security at all. I've kept all colds and flus at bay for many years by wearing masks every winter. My favorite mask, a thick surgical mask treated with citric acid and zinc that was sold by a big US company known for their medical supplies, unfortunately disappeared from the market in late January. It had anti-viral properties built in, chemicals that deactivated many types of virus particles within minutes of contact. I still have some of those masks and have been using them, not only for their chemicals but for the physical barrier they provide. I now wear them with a lighter weight disposable mask on top for a second layer. I breathe fine through two masks at once. I've tested with a pulse-ox meter. I stay at home most of the time but there have been times when I've had to keep a doctor appointment, drop off a prescription in person, or grab some groceries. Other than that, I've had no visits with anyone, no trips, no haircuts, no gym, no restaurants, nothing. I don't want to become another statistic!

    8. In my county a little over a hundred people died. No one has died all month yet there are still cases. The reason for no deaths, likely there will be some more of course is it already went through the nursing homes and now they check patients and visitors. Most who died were nursing home. No one under 40. There was one adult with challenges home that had a cluster and fatalities which explain some but not all the under 60. These people do not smoke. The younger generation doesn’t like the boomer generation did. Lungs are good. People need to stop watching the news all the time.

    9. That's not correct @9:59. Other types of masks offer good protection too. The different types have been lab tested and some multi-layer homemade masks as well as some medical-type procedure masks gave protection almost equal to N95. The trick is to have multiple layers, no matter what you wear. Single cotton bandanas and masks with vents are the least protective. The vented masks actually endanger those around you by giving the virus an easy exit port or accelerating the spread of particles.

    10. Maybe people need to watch the news more. It sounds like some here are unaware of the latest news.

  14. Oh my! That’s a shame. You really need to keep your distance and wear your mask.

    1. MO-They'll be just fine and have immunity after this. NO proof that wearing a mask does ANYTHING to help the spread. Stay clean and stay away from crowds. The virus does not kill unless you've got an underlying medical condition. My MD told me this. She's been in practice of over 30 years. Stop spreading the hysteria!

    2. @ MO

      What hysteria? Wearing a mask certainly helps and quite a few healthy people with no underlying conditions have died. Your doctor doesn't sound too sharp.

    3. 11:11 - The sad thing is Layla does have underlying health conditions. She has a history of respitory problems and a heart condition. I hope she is doing OK and didn't contract the virus or, if she did, doesn't have lasting effects.

    4. There have been multiple studies and demonstrations on how certain masks can minimize the spread of the virus. Some masks are better than others. You cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, don’t you? Just because your doctor says something does not mean they’re entirely accurate. For instance, they’re finding the infection can lead to long term complications in some formerly healthy people, including children. Not all doctors are infections disease experts.

    5. An E.R. Dr. in my town very nearly died from it. No pre-existing conditions. Excellent health. never missed a day of work due to cold, flu, anything. Until this.

    6. There is no proof that having the virus creates an immunity. It is too new to know hardly anything about it. That's why developing a vaccine is so difficult.

    7. @11:11 Your doctor is mistaken. Ask grieving families if their children, wives, or husbands had any underlying medical conditions. The virus has caught many off guard like that. It's causing strokes in 20 yr. olds. Otherwise healthy children have died or developed diabetes after exposure. The news changes daily as more case reports come in. I don't know when your doctor told you that information, but there was a time when people believed that the virus didn't infect anyone under 30. They were mistaken.

      Masks DO work. Ellie won't appreciate it if I gave links to the studies but look up any peer-reviewed study of masks published by JAMA or other reputable sources. Read the results of tests done by universities and other research facilities. If you're going to go online and spread information, please be sure it's the latest and from good sources.

    8. there are more studies coming out that show that masks aren't helping anything and in some cases are worse for your health

    9. There is MASSIVE proof that wearing masks prevents the spread of the disease. I can't believe that after six months I'm still having to say this, so I'll be very careful and clear about it THE MASK DOES NOT PROTECT YOU, THE MASK PROTECTS OTHER PEOPLE.

      Assuming you are a decent enough person to have a mask, do this experiment. Light a candle. Talk in front of it with no mask and see how the flame reacts. Then put the mask and talk in front of it. Do the same thing with sneezing, blowing, etc. You will be able to SEE the diminished effect. That is the reduction of aerosol spray, which is what spreads the virus.

    10. Protection goes BOTH ways. The mask protects you, too. The good ones trap virus particles in the tangled fibers they're made from. Some masks are chemically treated to kill viruses. Others filter. There was a virus-killing salt-infused mask invented in Canada when SARS was in the news.

    11. You can either wear 1 mask.....or refuse to, catch the virus, and let health care workers go through hundreds of masks and pieces of PPE while treating you. Make sense?

    12. Or you could refuse to wear the mask and not catch the virus, third possibility.

  15. God's blessings as you recover. Hope your beautiful baby girl doesn't get it too. Be strong stay faithful.

  16. Praying for a speedy recovery. Sounds like they're past the worst. Hope no one they've been in contact with gets it. Hope little Layla is ok.

  17. Prayers for a speedy recovery 🙏🙏🙏

  18. Like 99.98% of people they will likely feel sick for a couple of days and then be fine and able to contribute to herd immunity. Layla will be fine. As a baby she is much more likely to be seriously sick from the flu or RSV.

    1. There has been no concrete evidence of herd immunity with this virus.

    2. Takes years to prove such things. Most virus’s work this way though. That is actually what an immunization does. It give the person a tiny bit of the virus. Just like getting the virus. A person who has had the measles doesn’t need the shot to prevent measles. Turn off the news so much.

    3. @6:47 You need booster shots from time to time because immunity doesn't always last forever. We don't know for sure yet if T and B cells are going to effectively "remember" Covid-19, even if antibodies from having it wane.

  19. Let's face it, you can kill someone by spreading this virus, or you can be irresponsible and get yourself killed. Neither scenario can be prayed away. When are people going to get wise, wear masks, stay home, and stop rising their lives and the lives of people around them? I believe that would qualify for being "pro-life" too.

    1. Can go through the mask. I will wear cause it makes people feel better and a rule/law. That fabric mask you wear to the store won’t fly at the hospital for a reason. Someone catching HIV or a cold or the measles from someone isn’t the intentional killing of a human being cause you don’t want to be pregnant.

    2. You can be charged with assault if you intentionally cough or spit on someone right now! It's been happening. Intent is intent.

    3. Even if the virus can go through your mask it will decrease the viral load so you won’t be as sick. So it does really help yourself and others to wear a mask. So please continue to wear your mask to save lives

  20. They need prayer not criticism we don't know how they got it.The great physician is the only one who can help.

  21. I would not wish this on anyone. I will say though that the Stewart’s seem to constantly be on the go with their baby since her birth. I wish they could just be content staying home more with their baby while she is so little. They have had multiple illnesses since her birth. They also need to wear masks and social distance. It makes me angry when people are spreading this virus by being irresponsible when others are sacrificing and staying home

    1. Do you know id they wear masks? I have seen through YouTube and Instagram that they wear masks when going into public.

    2. They did not wear masks in any picture or video from when they visited pregnant Joy in July, either at Austin's family's camp or at Joy's shower.

  22. Glad they are recovering. It’s so good to be on the other side of having it!

  23. Prayer for Carlin and Evan. Hope Layla and the rest of the Bates family are okay. The Dugger girls was in contact with Carlin at Joy- Anna's baby shower. Blessings to all.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  24. Do all of you freaking out not realize that corona is not deadly for over 99% of people, and most don’t need to be hospitalized?

    1. Well, more Americans have died from it than all of the casualties of the Vietnam Nam War. And we’re only six months into this.

    2. 330,000,000 American’s were not in the Vietnam War. Like war there is illness, accident, natural disaster, crime and old age that leads to death. Everyone is going to die of something, They have it. They will most likely recover.

    3. I sure don't want to be among that unlucky percent, whatever it is. You have no guarantee that YOUR number isn't going to come up when the virus dice are tossed, do you? Why gamble with your life or someone else's?

  25. I hope that Carlin and Evan are doing well and praying for a speedy recovery soon.

  26. You could wait for it without social distance.

  27. Thoughts and prayers go out to you both. Be safe

  28. So we shouldn’t worry about the ones it IS deadly for? We need to follow guidelines and be sacrificing for them

  29. I have an honest question for the people that are hyper concerned about social distancing, wearing masks, staying home, etc... and please read in a very sincere, non sarcastic tone, how long are you willing to do this? We shut down everything for most of March, all of April, and most of May. Yes the spread did slow, but it did not go away as someone said it would in an above comment. Suicide rates were higher, the economy crashed, and yes that is important because people have to work to pay bills, and the government can’t shell out money forever, domestic and child abuse are up, divorce rates are up, some children are still being well educated at home by parents or virtual teachers, but many, especially ones already at a disadvantage, are falling through the cracks. When people began to go out again, the spread picked up as everyone said it would. We can’t stamp it out completely. It’s not going anywhere. Maybe we will have a safe, effective vaccine within a year. Maybe we won’t. How long are we willing to live like this? How long are we willing to go without seeing and hugging loved ones or sharing a smile with a friend? It cannot be a “new normal.” That implies that we do this indefinitely, and that is not a viable option. People are not made to “socially distance.” People were made to live in community. I worry what this is doing to children developmentally when they are already growing up with unprecedented rates of depression and anxiety. To many people, the numbers simply don’t add up. Are all of the long term affects of this worth it when the very vast majority of people will be completely fine? Many people have looked at the numbers and calculated the risk into the everyday risk of simply living, knowing that anyone could die tomorrow from any number of reasons. We cannot eradicate death, and simply having a beating heart is not truly living. Again, please read in a compassionate, non-combative tone.

    1. I’m a nurse who has been following the science on vaccine and treatments. There is really positive progress being made and it looks like successful vaccines will be available this winter. Things are also looking more positive as far as treatments go to help save lives. The longer we go the more scientists learn about Covid. So I really feel like being careful this year is worth it. It is not an indefinite wait. And I really don’t understand people who aren’t even willing to wear a mask. It’s such a SMALL sacrifice

    2. Very well said!

    3. I'm willing to do these new routines and restrictions until Covid-19 is no longer making news. I want to get the "I Survived" t-shirt! If so many businesses like bars and restaurants had to close down, maybe there were too many of them to begin with. If this pandemic causes a permanent shift in how we do business or make things, then so be it. Life is a huge series of changes anyway, every day and every year. Maybe our depression stems from the fact that we couldn't accept that and wanted things to stay the same forever, or stay exactly the way we wanted them to be. That's not realistic. Yes, the long term effects are worth it because otherwise, a lot of the population will be gone. Is that what we want, large numbers of people we knew missing in the future because we couldn't be patient and wait this virus out by staying isolated?

    4. Original poster, I’m a nurse too. That’s the main reason I’m skeptical about the effectiveness of a rushed vaccine. And I do wear a mask, mostly to be compliant with work/state orders, but also to be respectful. I just don’t believe it is a single factor issue, and I think we need to consider the long term ramifications of what many people are advocating for.

    5. OP again, I just wanted to clarify. I am a big believer in vaccines, and I will rejoice if we do have one this winter. I’m just not counting on it.

    6. The social distancing, face masks and home working are worth the wait until scientists find a vaccin and the virus can be treated better. The alternative is letting the virus run it's course. This will lead to millions of deaths, overcrowded hospitals and scared people. How devastating would that be? Families would be ripped apart, children would grow up without grandparents (who might be an essential part of their life or upbringing) or parents, this would bring up the amount of children under foster care or under state supervision. If hospitals are overcrowded, this means that hospitals have to select who will or will not be treted. If people are scared, they will take their own measures which leads to division, unequality. All in all, that will affect the country economically, socially, physically.
      The questions that you raise can be overcome: you can meet each other outside, with the proper amount of distance wearing a mask. you can meet each other virtually. For those children who can not home school, a program can be set in which only a small amount of children are in the class room.
      I wholeheartedly believe that solutions can be found to all the problems of wuaranteening but doing nothing would be the most devastating.

    7. Well said @10:47. I completely agree.

    8. Very well said 10:47! All the hysteria is terrible for everyone! The shut downs have caused more harm than good.

  30. Anyone else feel like they’re going to die from oxygen deprivation before they die of coronavirus? I can’t understand how people who have to wear masks all day handle it. Speedy recovery, Stewarts!

    1. @11:37; yes!! The masks are hard for asthmatics...more dangerous for me to wear a mask than not.

    2. Doctors and nurses wear masks all the time- it's a part of their job. Would you prefer they stop if they don't like it?

    3. YES, YES, YES!!!!! 11:37 I do stay at home except for work and essential shopping. Haven't eaten out or been anywhere for pleasure in months. I wear a mask, but after a while, it goes under my nose. I get nauseated, sometimes lightheaded and even headaches. I did have to have to be tested in order to have a medical procedure done, and it came out negative. I can't understand why people wear their masks in their cars with the windows rolled up. That level of fear is insane.

    4. Check your oxygen level with a simple pulse oxygen meter. It does not go down with a mask on.

    5. Maybe because it doesn’t actually reduce your oxygen levels? There have been several doctors who have posted videos of themselves wearing masks while testing their o2 with an oximeter and it has always come back with normal levels.

    6. @6:23 If your mask is slipping down under your nose and you're getting lightheaded, your mask is too loose! It needs to fit very snugly on your face. You will not get carbon dioxide buildup behind a snug mask. Wear your mask snug like a surgeon does. Shorten those ear loops to snug it up, take the wire and plastic closure from a bag of coffee or some twist ties, and make yourself a nose crimp for the bridge of your nose. That mask is too loose. I can tell by the symptoms you describe.

      I wear a mask in the car with the windows rolled up because I'm either on my way somewhere and my mask is TAPED DOWN around the edges to my face to prevent air infiltration on the sides, or else I've been somewhere and I might be carrying virus particles in my hair, on my skin, or on my clothing. I don't take my mask off until I'm home, my clothes are off and in the washing machine (I take them off in the laundry room), my hair is covered up, and I'm in the bathroom with the shower water running, about to step in to wash off completely. I carry soapy hand washing water and rinse water in the car so my hands get clean before I start driving home, but that masks stays ON. I actually wear 2 layers of mask and take one off when I come out of the store, sealing it in a bag. The second masks stays on.

      This is not fear, this is common sense. There are 100 new cases in my county and 10 new cases in my zip code every day, on average. Someone is out there spreading it and people are catching it. The numbers tell the story. I refuse to become a victim if there are steps I can take to avoid that.

    7. If an asthmatic can't wear a mask, then that person's asthma is not under control properly and they need to discuss this with their doctor. Coming from an asthmatic.

    8. Sometimes people just put their mask on when they get in their car and know they are going somewhere that requires a mask, it’s not that they think they need it in their car! I know I just throw mine on at home sometimes before hopping in the car to go somewhere, it’s not that I think I need it in the car, that’s just my routine! So stop judging!

    9. Anon 6:23 - You can have Covid particles on your clothes, shoes, hair, purse, phone, glasses, whatever, when you come out of a store. You could also have it on your shopping bags or the things you bought. It's smart to wear a mask in the car til you're home. You sit there with windows closed and a/c blowing at your face, so you're putting whatever is on your clothes and hair into the air you're breathing. That's not fear, that's science. Wearing a mask in the car beats asking for prayers online because you and your husband both got infected.

  31. I've noticed that the people who post on these sites are terrified. You're all drinking the dems Kool Aid... Voting for senile Biden huh? You might as well never leave your homes and cover your entire head when leaving the house. This is crazy.

    1. @6:27 More than 176,000 people have died in the US. How's that Republican plan working out for them? For us? You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

    2. What's wrong with voting for change? The current system is a mess.

    3. Who said anything about Biden?? This has nothing to do with him at all.
      I am worried about the Stewarts’ health and I hope they make wise decisions when it comes to their health but I couldn’t care less about Biden because I don’t live in the USA.

    4. I have to tell you the President doesn’t decide how many hospitals or respirators those hospitals have. It’s a local matter. He can and has mobilized the national guard and had factories convert to making supplies that would be needed. This is a local matter with the exception of closing travel and I believed each time he did that he got some flack.

    5. I agree @6:27. I don’t know anyone terrified but there seems to be a lot of them in these comments. The difference between having faith in God or not, I suppose.

    6. Yes! Fake news has really hyped this all up and I feel like there is a deeper reason behind this virus. Look how easily the media can scare everyone. That fact scares me more than the virus itself. Because all the people I know who got the virus just said it is like a bad cold. I'm sure the Stewarts will recover quickly.

    7. The states with the largest percentage of deaths are run by Democrats, the same Democrats who kept their covid patients in nursing homes

    8. @2:03 Of the top 20 states for Covid case numbers, 15 are run fully or partly by Republicans. Only California, Massachusetts, Illinois, Virginia, and New Jersey are in the top 20 and run fully by Democrats.

    9. @10:31 I know 2 people who have DIED of this. I know 2 people who were hospitalized with it and almost died - ventilators, touch and go for awhile, still trying to recover. I don't know anyone who had it and said it was a "bad cold." Stop downplaying it and saying it's fake because it's not. Ask any ICU doctor. Wait, don't bother them because they're busy trying to save lives. Would you tell the mourning families that their loved ones died of nothing more than "hype" and "scare"? I'm ashamed anyone would think of such an idea.

  32. Take care of yourselves .. hope you both feel better soon 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  33. I am not worried for Carlin and Evan as they are young and healthy. After they were in larger gatherings I only hope they were careful around babies and older family members. If Evan and Carlin didn't have a young baby at home with health issues in the past I would say they shouldn't have to stay away from groups. However, with the baby, they should be careful. This country isn't handling this pandemic correctly. We should just make sure we are being careful when around elderly and those at risk. If you have been in groups quarantine yourself for a while if you plan on visiting older and at risk family and friends. However, younger people who are healthy should not worry about getting sick as the chances of them dying or getting severely sick is slim statistically. As long as they are wearing masks in public they won't infect someone vulnerable. Again, the catch is not to be around vulnerable people without masks if you could have been exposed.

    1. I don't know how people can go on about this virus not being a problem for "young and healthy" people. Statistically, 55% of ALL people getting this virus are ending up with lasting physiological problems. Age doesn't matter. You can survive, but your health is changed, possibly permanently. That only means younger people will have more years to deal with their new health issues.

    2. 55% ? You are being lied to.

    3. @2:18 That number is no lie and if anything, conservative. The last JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Assoc.) study I read (dated July) found that of patients studied, 72% still had 3 or more Covid-19 symptoms 60 days after onset. JAMA publishes peer-reviewed studies, not falsehoods. There are other studies coming out now that we have more survivors and more time from onset, but I have yet to see any studies saying that everyone gets 100% over this virus after a few weeks. Most people do have some sort of lingering issue - chronic fatigue, lung trouble, brain fog, and so on. The list is long and reminds me of the long-term effects of Lyme disease or a multi-system infection like that.

    4. Actually 55% is a realitive number as we dont have long term numbers (Remember its a new virus). Even healthy kids who get covid or spread it are coming down with heart and lung issues. Many adults who contract it have reduced lung capacity months later. We still don't know if that permanant or if it just takes a longer than thought to fully heal. Asthma is also something that we are starting to see even in people who had very mild cases. But again its all realitive right now as we dont have enough data, rapid tests, nor a good enough system in the US to connect all the dots. Unfortunately, that means we are relying on smaller countries data. So until we get more data, it could be less but it could be more. No percentage is going to be correct.

  34. I hope they are still ok. It's usually around the 12-14 day range that people with covid either get better or get hit with the harder 'long covid' which is when people end up in hospital etc.

  35. For the mask skeptics, there was a recent cluster of cases in a Starbucks in Seoul, South Korea, a county that's been seeing a disturbing upswing of cases recently. One person came into the Starbucks carrying the virus. She infected 26 other people there who were probably not wearing masks while eating or drinking. The 4 Starbucks employees who were wearing masks did not get infected. The outbreak was thought to have happened through the air conditioning system. This is another example of how easily the virus can spread from one to many, and how important masks are. If this virus were visible, you might realize that.

  36. I find this whole discussion extremly interesting. The US seems to be so much worse affected than the rest of the world. But then, their citizens and politicians seem to be unwilling to take the same measures as others? The information about the virus and it severity were in the news since the beginning of the year. Even in bigger US papers. No one can say the information wasn't out there. If anyone still choses to not follow certain hygenic guidelines and precautions after almost a year of this I don't have much compassion. Especially if you have family members with severe medical conditions in your household. Willingly endangering the lives of others is the most unchristian like behavior I can imagine. Jesus is our saviour but some people should check their actions to make sure they will be deemed worth saving.

  37. Gabrielle 🍩 Hepfler!!August 26, 2020 at 1:36 PM

    😞 I am so sorry .....Praying! 🙏🏻

  38. They shared all the details on their blog on youtube.

  39. I have my own opinions on the whole masks and travel thing, but I don't see why we are in a full blown nation wide lock down anyways. People have gotten sick before and even die from it, yet we have not done all this before. I travel all the time and I haven't gotten sick in about a year. You can't base the fact that 1 family traveled and got sick. In addition, I don't see them dying. They are just sick and yes, I understand cover is worse than most sicknesses, but most sicknesses can kill people depending on many things as well. Hoping they get better!


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