
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Bates Take Up Filming

Erin Paine, Tori Smith, Michael Keilen
Erin Paine, Tori Smith, Michael Keilen

"Michaela has brought us dinner. This is what I love about big families."

-Erin Paine

This week's new episode of Bringing Up Bates is going to be a bit different. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit, and the film crew is unable to travel to Rocky Top, but the show must go on. The Bates have taken up the task of filming! With Tori's due date drawing near, Erin and Michael stop by to show their support (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. People in small families cook dinner for each other, too, Erin.

  2. Kolter was born March 25, so not sure when this filming was done, but it says the Pandemic has it. Maybe it was filmed before the WHO and the CDC advised to distance yourself from people you don't normally reside with. They are coming from all different households, different exposures, and bringing it all together to film. I think eventually they kept to their own households, but this episode is not a good example of proper protocols.
    My daughter works with covid patients and we didn't see her in person from Feb 29 to June 20. Face time only. And now, still no hugs. It's terrible!

    1. Covid19 is not real. If it was real we wouldn't be walking around with a thin layered mask to protect us. COVID19 IS NOT REAL. IF IT WAS A REAL DISEASE WE WOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE OUR HOUSE.

    2. I think back then they were more limiting to smaller groups rather than just saying households only?

    3. Just hug her! Life is short, your not guaranteed how long you’ll have each other. If one of you died tomorrow, you’d so regret not seeing or hugging each other. I know it’s good to be some careful, but when it comes to your own immediate family, my thinking is just to live normal because in all reality this covid thing could go on for years, or even on into next year and that’s a long time to separate from loved ones! Just love on each other when you’ve got each other!

    4. 9:19- I love on my family members by being careful not to expose them to this virus. I would feel horrible if I infected someone because I felt I needed a hug. This happened to a friend of mine.

    5. I believe Tennessee issued a stay-at- home order a few days after this was filmed. @7:44- There are countless infectious disease experts who will tell you that this virus is very real. What level of education do you have that would give anyone cause to take your word?

    6. Wow. I’m appalled that Lily and Ellie approved 7:44’s comment. We don’t need this kind of misinformation going around

    7. Anonymous 7:44, I hope someone you know doesn’t get sick or die from it. That would be a hard way to learn it is real. I’ve personally known about 30 people who have had it. Some very mild, some were pretty sick for a month or so. It took until mid July for me to even know one person with it and in a 2 week period that went to about 30.

    8. Life may be really short if you hug people exposed to covid.

    9. @7:44- Where are you getting such unbelievable and nonsensical information? I have to wonder if you also think polio, smallpox, diptheria, strep, influenza and other contagious diseases are not real. I suggest you do a bit of reading about the 11918 influenza pandemic. It was very real and cost nearly 50 million lives worldwide. There were deniers like you back then, too.

    10. 9:19 Yes, life is short, but I don't want to be careless and make it shorter for anyone else. A good friend of mine lost her mother, a nursing home resident, to COVID a few months ago. No visitors were allowed and she died only in the presence of a nurse and family on the phone. It was a tremendously difficult time for them, but not one of them would've wanted to willfully expose themselves to the virus by being with her and then potentially make someone else sick in the process. We all have to make tough choices. I am very thankful my own mother passed away last year in long term care at the age of 94 and didn't have to face any of this.

    11. The things listed polio, smallpox, diptheria, strep, influenza and other contagious diseases. If you are going by science, not all of these are diseases.
      Strep is a bacterial infection treated with an antbiotic
      Influenza not a disease, eradicated with UV and sun light. Seasonal.

      Polio, small pox dyphtheria diseases, treated with a vaccine
      Covid is a flu NOT a disease, symptoms treated.
      If vaccines were affective for Flu why wait until covid to create one (sars, H1N1, swine, bird)

    12. My question. If everyone is masked and they have a quick, 30 second hug and then changed and showered right away, why would that not be ok? I've read that longer exposures are what you have to watch out for.

  3. The film crew can't travel because of the virus, but it's OK to visit between houses? "To show support." I don't get it.

    1. 10:45PM: Exactly!

    2. Air travel was restricted at the time, but Tennessee had not issued stay at home orders yet.

  4. i give them a lot of credit for doing this to keep everyone up-to-date!

  5. I'm just glad y'all found a way to keep filming

  6. They seem to be always taking from Michaela and never giving. Does anyone ever bring Michaela dinner?

    1. I completely agree!

    2. Agreed, 2:02. It would be so nice to take them a romantic meal!

  7. Poor, poor Michael. Not sure why they don’t try IUI.

    1. Sometimes IUI doesn’t work.
      But I do wonder to what extend they would go in terms of fertility treatments. From my understanding some people don’t take certain fertility treatments because it isn’t “leaving it up to god” .

    2. How do you know they haven't? As someone who faced infertility, I can tell you why a couple might choose not to pursue IVF or any other extraordinary medical measures. The main reason being it's very expensive and most insurance does not cover it. Another reason is that the procedure is very invasive, as well as requires a regimine of hormone shots. In my case, the likelihood of achieving pregnancy was not good. It is not for everyone and my husband and I chose to adopt. (I wouldn't trade my two wonderful kids for any number of biological children!) In any event, Michaela doesn't strike me as the kind of person who'd appreciate people feeling sorry for her.

    3. I wouldn't say POOR POOR Michaela... She is probably content in her life with Brandon as just a couple. BUT I wonder too if they are trying stuff. Like 5 years of marriage and no children, AND she REALLY WANTS children... ok let God do his work, But I'd do some Major things too. Like start a low dose of fertility drugs, give a little boost. (Not that I know what they are doing or aren't) I hope they get their BIO children some day (hopefully twins, since they had these years without) and maybe some adopted. SMS

  8. Speaking of Michaela... She and Brandon had their 5 Year Anniversary the other day, No post though!

    1. I have been wondering the same thing. No mention at all. They share an anniversary date with my daughter and her husband--28 years!

    2. Congrats to your daughter and her hubby!

  9. So lots of people lost their jobs due to COVID-19, but the Bates found a way to keep their gravy train going.

    1. Oh, please. It's better to be thankful that you have a way to make money than to be depending on the government's gravy train.


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