
Thursday, August 20, 2020

'The Show Must Go On' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "The Show Must Go On"

  • Much of this footage was shot with the Bates’ cell phones, due to COVID-19. For the interviews, Isaiah runs the cameras, and the producer asks questions via video. “For a mom, you’re worried about your children,” says Kelly. “I don’t want to panic, but I want to have a healthy fear of safety for my kids because it is serious. People have lost lives, so that is never a joking matter.”
  • At the Smiths’ apartment, Chad and Bobby are staining a shelf for Kade and Kolter’s room. The official shutdown has not happened yet, so the Paines and Smiths are still able to see each other. Michael brings over a homecooked meal, as the Paines help the Smiths finish decorating for Kolter’s arrival.
  • At the Stewart home, Layla is Facetiming with Gil and Kelly. “We probably should not intermingle while this is going on,” says Kelly. Evan is still working because electrical is considered essential.
  • “…Not seeing the kids that are married is hard,” says Kelly. “Feeling like we’re not doing our normal roles as Mom and Dad to be there for the kids, that’s hard. I’ve had some tearful nights.”
  • Knox County has just required a shutdown of all nonessential companies for at least 14 business. Kelton and Bobby are relieved to find out that their company is considered essential. “If this were to shut our business down for a month, two months, that could be it,” says Kelton. “I cannot tell you how relieving it was to find that we were on the list of essential businesses.”
  • In Florida, the Websters give an update. John is also considered an essential worker because the temperatures are increasing, and AC is very necessary.
  • Jackson is leaving a bootcamp called ALERT, which has been canceled and rescheduled for fall. He stops in Northwest Arkansas to join Lawson and Nathan at a rental house. Nathan, who spends a lot of time in Arkansas doing flight training, is helping Lawson complete his pilot’s license.
  • Two weeks before her due date, Tori goes to her OB appointment. “I’m really glad that Erin got to come with me to that appointment because Erin is like the most positive, encouraging, uplifting person,” says Tori. Bobby will be the only person allowed in the hospital with Tori.


  1. This was mostly commercials, not much content. A waste of time, really, IMO.

  2. I enjoyed the show and appreciated the effort that went into it during these difficult times. Thank you Bates family for going the extra mile to update your fans!

  3. Well, what might be a waste to you is not for the most of us that enjoy this family! We like to hear what is going on with them no matter what it is. I like having info on what is going on with many different family members. Either enjoy it for what it is or don't watch or read. To many negative things in the world right now to be negative about a good family. Try to change the way you look at things & suddenly the things you look at will change! Apply that to life it will change everything!

    1. I couldn't agree more. We need more positive thoughts now. 🥰

    2. The OP is referring to the number of commercials with this show. There is no denying it takes up a lot of the 1/2 hour.

  4. I noticed that Nathan was wearing a ring on the ring finger of his left hand in this episode. Does anyone know anything about that?

    1. It looks like a fitness ring

    2. This comes up frequently. If you zoom in, it's clear that it is one of those rings that works like a FitBit or other monitor.

    3. Cool thanks for the info. I had no idea FitBit makes rings:)

    4. A Fitbit ring? Never heard of one!

    5. Sorry, I Googled and found some “smart” rings!

  5. I love hearing about this beautiful family. People are just jealous when they post negative remarks. If they would find Jesus as their personal savior they wouldn't be making negative comments. The Bates family is a loving family that show that love. I look forward every week to seeing there show, I wish there show was a hour long shows. I hope TLC would make them a hour show. Just can't get enough of the show. I love the Bates family and I pray for them. I pray Tori has a easy delivery. God bless everyone Valerie from Newton NC

    1. Umm you do realize that the Bates aren't on TLC, right???

    2. It could be other things besides jealousy. It could be the human tendency to want to make yourself feel better by putting other people down. It could be a lack of empathy. It could be that some people were not brought up with similar values and truly don't understand. It could be people noticing things about them that are not perfect or contradictory. It could be feeling safely anonymous to write whatever one wants. Internet comments have gotten meaner and nastier than ever, and thankfully Ellie keeps the nastier ones off of here.

    3. Not everyone who makes a critical observation is jealous or a hater. They may have simply been brought up differently and are observing things that are not the same as their values. Please stop with the jealousy accusation.

  6. I agree that is contained about 12 minutes of footage; the rest were commercials. Bad idea to do this; either do something the right way or don't do it at all.

    1. I think we are all doing our best to keep things moving forward. It might not look the same, or how we would want it under ideal circumstances, but it is based on good intentions, and meant to be uplifting during a very difficult period of time. Better days are ahead.😊

  7. Love the show and the family. Always excited to see what they are all up to. Hope this show continues for a long time. Stay safe bates and thank you

  8. I can't get the UP channel anymore and miss this family very much

  9. I live in Australia and love and enjoy watching this show very much. Whilst I do not share the same beliefs and I am not religious - I can and always will appreciate other people’s beliefs and views. This show is always fun and interesting to watch. I too cannot understand why people need to post negative comments. This family shows nothing but love and kindness to each other and to other people - what is there to be negative about? I love to watch them interact with each other and other people and show us what a true loving family looks like. Maybe the people posting negative comments have so much sadness in their own lives they feel the need to leave unnecessary negative comments against this show. All that is doing is reflecting back on themselves and their own lives.

    Keep up the good work with the show. Be patient, be loving, be kind to each other and most of all, be safe.

  10. I thought, under the circumstances, that they did a very good job of filming. I watched another home-filmed show, and the people acted absolutely goofy. I think they thought they were funny, but it came off as arrogant, silly and a waste of time. The Bates tried to convey a variety of emotion and activities and did it well. Good job!

  11. Willow is the splitting image of her dad.


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