
Monday, September 28, 2020

Giving Back

Carlin Stewart, Erin Paine, Whitney Bates

"So since the boutique has been open a year, our heart has kind of been to find an outreach that we can be involved in."

-Erin Paine

The Bates Sisters Boutique recently celebrated its one-year anniversary, and the sisters are eager to give back. In this web exclusive video, they meet with a representative from A Hand Up for Women to discuss how they can use their resources to help the organization. 

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv

Friday, September 25, 2020

Zach and His Kids

Bradley Bates, Kaci Bates, Zach Bates, Khloe Bates, Whitney Bates

"Whitney is such an amazing mom and an amazing wife, and she does a great job of getting the kids excited about my birthday or Father's Day and getting them excited about Dad. Just to see that they look up to me as their dad and that their mom encourages me as their dad, that's the most powerful thing in the world."

-Zach Bates

Did you catch last night's season finale episode? It's unfortunate that Bringing Up Bates is now on break, but the closing episode was the perfect mix of entertainment and sentimentality. In this web exclusive video, Whitney and the kids honor Zach on Father's Day.


Photo/video courtesy of UPtv

Thursday, September 24, 2020

'A Day for Dads' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A Day for Dads"

  • At the Paines’ house, Carson, Brooklyn, and Everly paint birdhouses for Chad for Father’s Day. One of Brooklyn’s favorite things about her dad is that he “helps coyotes not get me.”
  • On Father’s Day, Erin and the kids pick fresh herbs from their garden. Erin marinades chicken, and Chad grills it. Chad grew up raising free-range chickens, so he and Erin buy organic, free-range chicken, even though it’s more expensive.
  • “There’s so many qualities I love about Chad,” says Erin. “He is such a hands-on dad, so involved in every activity in our family, and I don’t think they could have a better dad.”
  • “I couldn’t think of a better way to spend Father’s Day than just sitting there with my children, the best gifts that I have, my wife, and just to know that I’m so blessed is so special to me,” says Chad.
  • Meanwhile, the Balkas have a Father’s Day picnic. Josie gives Kelton a keychain that has two handprints. One is Willow’s, and the other says “Coming Soon.” Josie had found out that morning that she was pregnant.
  • This time around, Josie and Kelton say they are “happy” shocked instead of “terrified” shocked. “We’ve been praying, we’ve been trying,” says Kelton. “This is awesome.”
  • At the big house, Gil and Kelly and the unmarried kids also have a picnic. Kelly takes a picture of Katie, Ellie, Addee, and Callie. Both she and Gil are shocked that only four of their daughters are left at home. “And this one’s trying to leave!” shouts Katie.
  • Kelly and the kids give Gil a basket of his favorite treats. “Try not to down it in a week or anything,” jokes Kelly. Per Bates family tradition, the kids share praises about Gil. Callie breaks down as she shares how great of a dad Gil is to her.
  • “Y’all are the best kids,” says Gil. “I haven’t done too good as a dad, but I’ve sure enjoyed learning from all of y’all. Y’all have really blessed me.”
  • Jackson has been training for ALERT boot camp, but since it has been postponed, he needs a way to stay in shape. Gil gets the boys together for a makeshift boot camp in the hot sun. Towards the end, Judson and Jeb pretend to run inside to “get drinks.” Instead, they fill up a bunch of water balloons and attack the others. Everyone agrees that it feels good.
  • Kelly shares an update on her health. She has struggled with gastroesophageal reflux for years and has already had her gallbladder removed. The frequency of her reflux, especially after having 19 children, has created pre-cancer cells in her throat. She needs another scope, but she must first get over the coughing caused by a recent episode. “She’s just too young and beautiful to be suffering like this,” says Gil, who is eager to find a solution for his wife. 
  • Later, Carlin and Evan inform Gil and Kelly that they have tested positive. “I pretty much have had all the symptoms, but nothing serious, like hospitalized,” says Carlin. Layla, who tested negative, had been staying with Evan’s family, but one of them came down with the illness. The doctors recommended that Layla come back home so she can nurse and hopefully get antibodies.
  • “We were around y’all, and so we figured y’all should probably get tested, too,” says Carlin. “Everybody probably should.” Gil prays for the Stewarts before ending the phone call. After filming completed in August, several other Bates family members tested positive, as well.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Gil's Boot Camp

Boot camp with Gil Bates

Gil: "I'm just, stick to the basics. Man, I'm still functioning."

Kelly: "Still got the muscles, too."

Gil: "Oh you tell 'em, honey."

The Bates sons are headed to camp! Boot camp, that is. Gil keeps his boys fit with some good old fashioned calisthenics (video below). Some of them are more into it than others.


Photo/video courtesy of UPtv

Monday, September 21, 2020

Whitney Turns 27

Happy 27th birthday to Whitney Bates!

Whitney Bates, Zach Bates, Khloe Bates, Kaci Bates, Bradley Bates

Photo courtesy of @zachnwhitbates

Season Finale Snapshots

Chad Paine and the kids

Over the weekend, we shared that Thursday's episode will be the season finale. You'll see Gil create a backyard boot camp for the Bates boys to help Jackson stay in shape. And when the family celebrates Father's Day, Josie surprises Kelton with a special gift.

Brooklyn Paine

Erin Paine, Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine
Erin and the kids

Gil's boot camp for the Bates sons

The Paine family

Photos courtesy of UPtv

Saturday, September 19, 2020

A Name for Baby Webster

Allie Jane Webster, Lexi Mae Webster, Zoey Joy Webster

In early August, Alyssa and John Webster shared their baby news, and a week ago, they announced the child's gender. This week, the big news is that they have chosen a name. What will they call their fourth daughter? Maci Jo Webster. 

You can probably figure out that the middle name is after Alyssa's mom, Kelly Jo Bates, and grandmother, Betty Jo, so it's a multi-generational name. The Websters now have Allie Jane, Lexi Mae, Zoey Joy, and Maci Jo. Do you see a theme? The link to their announcement video is below.

Webster Baby #4 Name Announcement

Photo courtesy of @websterforever

Season 9 Finale

Everly Paine
Making bird houses for Chad

"He gives us lots of things in our stocking when it's Christmastime."

-Carson Paine

We have some sad news, friends. Next Thursday is the season nine finale of Bringing Up Bates. We know that's not the happiest way to start your weekend, but we thought you ought to know. 

In this episode, it's Father's Day, and the Bates are honoring their dads. Erin leads her kids in decorating bird houses and asks them to share their favorite things about Chad (adorable video below).


Photo/video courtesy of UPtv

Thursday, September 17, 2020

'Never Before Seen on TV' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Never Before Seen on TV"

  • While helping Josie pack her hospital bag, Kelly shares some wise words: "I don't want to be that mom who is wanting to push ideas or stuff on their children, so I love that we can talk and share experiences and laugh, and if I have some tips, I certainly try to give those. But at the same time, I don't want any of the kids to feel like, 'Mom's a know-it-all, and we have to do it her way' because everybody's different." Josie is very appreciative of her mom’s tips. 
  • Katie is in cosmetology school, and the kids weigh in on whether they trust her to cut their hair. "She cut my hair once, with tools that didn't work that great," says Isaiah.
  • “I like to wait until they are fully out of school,” admits Tori. “I mean, this is a lot of hair, and long hair can look really bad if it accidentally gets messed up.”
  • While Michael trusts Katie to cut her hair, the two Bates sisters have a nice chat. The other siblings agree that Michael and Katie are complete opposites. “I think everything about Michaela and Katie is different,” says Callie, candidly. “Especially their personality and their style.”
  • “Katie’s sassy,” adds Brandon. “[Michaela’s] not.”
  • How about similarities? “They are both very messy, very,” says Carlin.
  • “They love to help people,” shares Erin.
  • During a family game night at the big house, one team member draws a picture and the other teammates guess what it is. Who are the best artists in the Bates family? Michael, Erin, and Carlin.
  • “We only have like 12 kids at home,” says Gil. “It’s like an empty nest around here, quiet all the time. So having everybody back to have the party get-togethers is like back in the old days.”

Never Before Seen on TV

Tori Smith and Carson Paine

Tonight's new episode of Bringing Up Bates promises to be quite amusing. You'll see a collection of scenes that have never before appeared on TV. Will you be watching?

Photo courtesy of UPtv

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Judson and Brandon

Happy double Bates birthday to Judson Bates and Brandon Keilen! Judson is turning 10 years old, which means he is now in the double digits. And Brandon is 31. Happy birthday, guys!

Judson Bates and Jeb Bates, season 8

Judson and Jeb, season 1
Look how much they've grown!

Brandon Keilen and Michael Keilen

Photos courtesy of UPtv

Monday, September 14, 2020

A Surgery for Kelly?

Trace Bates and Chad Paine

Happy Monday! We have information on the next two new episodes of Bringing Up Bates. This Thursday, kick back for an entertaining special, as the network shows you some of the best Bates moments never before seen on TV (preview video below).

And then the following week, tune in for "A Day for Dads." Kelly shares an update on her health and her need for a medical procedure to help alleviate symptoms associated with a digestive disorder. Meanwhile, the Bates dad puts Jackson to work in a makeshift boot camp that will help him stay in shape for ALERT. Later, it’s time to celebrate Father's Day. Now that there are more dads in the Bates family, the married couples and kids come up with special ways to honor the men in their lives. And Josie has an extra special gift for first time dad Kelton.


Photo/video courtesy of UPtv

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Webster Girl Squad

John Webster, Zoey Webster, Alyssa Webster,
Lexi Webster, Allie Webster

Most of you know that the Websters are expecting their fourth child early next year. Alyssa Webster is due with Baby Webster on February 17th. She had an ultrasound this week and just announced the gender to the world. And guess what? It's another girl! What do you think they will name her? To watch the family's gender reveal on video, visit the YouTube link below.

Webster Baby #4 Gender Reveal

Photo courtesy of @websterforever

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Nathan's Promise Ring

Nathan Bates and Lawson Bates

Did you tune in to tonight's episode? If you missed it, be sure to check out our recap. As promised, Nathan Bates revealed some pretty exciting news when asked about the ring on his hand.

“It’s a promise ring,” Nathan explained, with a big smile on his face. “And I guess it means that I’m promised to somebody, and there is somebody in my life, but right now I’m not really talking about it to the public. 

So there you have it. Nathan has a significant other, and he is working towards marriage. Looks like there will soon be another Bates wedding to plan! If Nathan is the next to tie the knot, he will be Gil and Kelly Bates' eighth child (and second son) to wed.

 Photo courtesy of UPtv