
Thursday, September 24, 2020

'A Day for Dads' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A Day for Dads"

  • At the Paines’ house, Carson, Brooklyn, and Everly paint birdhouses for Chad for Father’s Day. One of Brooklyn’s favorite things about her dad is that he “helps coyotes not get me.”
  • On Father’s Day, Erin and the kids pick fresh herbs from their garden. Erin marinades chicken, and Chad grills it. Chad grew up raising free-range chickens, so he and Erin buy organic, free-range chicken, even though it’s more expensive.
  • “There’s so many qualities I love about Chad,” says Erin. “He is such a hands-on dad, so involved in every activity in our family, and I don’t think they could have a better dad.”
  • “I couldn’t think of a better way to spend Father’s Day than just sitting there with my children, the best gifts that I have, my wife, and just to know that I’m so blessed is so special to me,” says Chad.
  • Meanwhile, the Balkas have a Father’s Day picnic. Josie gives Kelton a keychain that has two handprints. One is Willow’s, and the other says “Coming Soon.” Josie had found out that morning that she was pregnant.
  • This time around, Josie and Kelton say they are “happy” shocked instead of “terrified” shocked. “We’ve been praying, we’ve been trying,” says Kelton. “This is awesome.”
  • At the big house, Gil and Kelly and the unmarried kids also have a picnic. Kelly takes a picture of Katie, Ellie, Addee, and Callie. Both she and Gil are shocked that only four of their daughters are left at home. “And this one’s trying to leave!” shouts Katie.
  • Kelly and the kids give Gil a basket of his favorite treats. “Try not to down it in a week or anything,” jokes Kelly. Per Bates family tradition, the kids share praises about Gil. Callie breaks down as she shares how great of a dad Gil is to her.
  • “Y’all are the best kids,” says Gil. “I haven’t done too good as a dad, but I’ve sure enjoyed learning from all of y’all. Y’all have really blessed me.”
  • Jackson has been training for ALERT boot camp, but since it has been postponed, he needs a way to stay in shape. Gil gets the boys together for a makeshift boot camp in the hot sun. Towards the end, Judson and Jeb pretend to run inside to “get drinks.” Instead, they fill up a bunch of water balloons and attack the others. Everyone agrees that it feels good.
  • Kelly shares an update on her health. She has struggled with gastroesophageal reflux for years and has already had her gallbladder removed. The frequency of her reflux, especially after having 19 children, has created pre-cancer cells in her throat. She needs another scope, but she must first get over the coughing caused by a recent episode. “She’s just too young and beautiful to be suffering like this,” says Gil, who is eager to find a solution for his wife. 
  • Later, Carlin and Evan inform Gil and Kelly that they have tested positive. “I pretty much have had all the symptoms, but nothing serious, like hospitalized,” says Carlin. Layla, who tested negative, had been staying with Evan’s family, but one of them came down with the illness. The doctors recommended that Layla come back home so she can nurse and hopefully get antibodies.
  • “We were around y’all, and so we figured y’all should probably get tested, too,” says Carlin. “Everybody probably should.” Gil prays for the Stewarts before ending the phone call. After filming completed in August, several other Bates family members tested positive, as well.


  1. May God take care of Kelly and bless her with good doctors.
    Father’s Day celebrations were sweet.
    The rest of the finale was flat.
    Apparently, saving Nathan’s relationship for the next season!

    1. Nathan might be camera shy after his very public courtship proposal to Ashley and subsequent break up. Perhaps he wants to keep this one private as he hinted on the show a week or two ago. And if she is from Arkansas, where he's spent time recently, it might be harder to film in multiple locations. Or may SHE wants to keep it off air.

    2. I am so happy for Nathan and Lawson! Congratulations boys! My family is so happy for you!

  2. Normal to have pre cancerous cells.

    1. Pre-cancerous cells are called abnormal cells. They are serious as they can turn into cancer. Millions of people have them and get treated, but that doesn't mean it isn't concerning when they receive the diagnosis.

    2. NOT. NORMAL. It’s a warning sign.

    3. It may not be uncommon, but that doesn’t mean you should take it lightly or ignore it. Because colon cancer runs in my family and I’ve had precancerous polyps removed, I have more frequent colonoscopies.
      If my dad had done that, we may have had him around a whole lot longer than we did. My kids never got to know their grandfather.

  3. I will be keeping all of the Bates and their extended family in my prayers.
    I hope this blog will be able to update us on the Bates covid situation, Kelly’s possible surgery for her condition, and Nathan’s mystery fiancé. Was this the last episode?

  4. That's terrible about Kelly's reflux. Hopefully they can find a solution to bring her permanent relief, especially now with pre-cancer cells in her throat. She's always such a trouper, just always caring for her family and she never seems to complain about anything. All the best to her❤️❤️

  5. I don't get it,babies have to be kept away from large groups of people in case of risk of a bug yet they have to develop antibodies to Covid,anyway glad Gil and Kelly are ok being older they are more at risk.

    1. What don't you understand about protecting a child from illness? Babies develop antibodies through breastmilk. That is why breastfed children are far and away healthier than formula fed children. This isn't a "bug". This is an incredibly dangerous pandemic that has killed well over a million people worldwide. Nearly 200,000 in this country alone in 8 months. Do you immunize your children? Wash your hands? Try not to come in contact with people who are ill during flu season? The flu kills a fraction of what this illness does.

    2. Carlin is breastfeeding. You transfer antibodies to your baby through breast milk

  6. Which Bateses got infected besides Carlin and Evan?

  7. If the Bates tested positive in August they did not quarantine. Lawson was traveling with Medicore and they were still not distancing. Wow

    1. Maybe Lawson left before they knew about the Stewarts?

  8. Why is Katie in such a rush to leave when she is just 19?

    1. @11:21— hormones!

    2. 11:21PM: I think because all her older sisters are gone. She's ready to depart. Hopefully, she can go to nursing school and live in campus residence. Her BF is only in 2nd year of a 4 yr degree, so they won't be getting married right now.

    3. 3:31 - I think she abandoned her nursing dreams years ago. She went to cosmetology school instead and she finished earlier this year. I do hope they wait until Travis finishes college.

    4. Um, most girls her age are out of the house and in college, so wanting to leave at 19 is completely normal.

  9. I wonder why the Bates allowed the cameras to film them on a special day like Father's Day? I would think they'd want to spend it privately.

    1. Part of reality television!!!

    2. Why? They film their weddings and delivering children. What is so special about Father's Day that it would need to be kept private when the entire purpose of the show is to illustrate how a family of that size lives their lives and does the things that "normal" families do?

      I will never comprehend women who want people in the room with them when they give birth, but I also fully understand why a woman whose job it is to document her life would show that element of it.

    3. Why do you need to fully comprehend these women?

  10. Please add the note that josie actually miscarried that baby so people don’t think she is still currently expecting!

  11. I can't believe the pregnancy announcement wasn't edited out! It was incredibly insensitive to leave it in, considering that Josie recently miscarried.

    1. Josie and Kelton WANTED the pregnancy announcement to be left in the show. Did you not see the written message in the episode?!?

    2. Josie probably wanted it left in, most women don’t want to erase their miscarried babies from history, it’s other people who feel uncomfortable who choose to do that

  12. The most common reasons for GERD aka heartburn aka reflux are obesity and eating late at night and then going to bed soon after. Very good of Kelly to be public with this illness so that people start talking about it and do their best to not have a risk factor for it.

  13. So, having so many children has contributed to Kelly’s problem with GERD? I know there can be other long term effects of pregnancy and childbirth, but I didn’t realize that was one of them. My mother suffered from bladder issues and uterine prolapse until she died at 94. She only had six children. While I’m sure the Bates love all their kids dearly, I really don’t believe God expects anyone to have or is intentionally “blessing” anyone with 19.

    1. I think God's plans for every person are different. You can't say with any certainty that it wasn't God's plan for them to have 19 kids. It's just a guess.

  14. They film private time with family because that's what pays$$.

  15. Nice to see a family that enjoys being around each other and spending time as a family. We have seven in our family and through the years everyone has drifted apart with no desire to come together again and spend time even on holidays. They seem to be very considerate of one another in relationships, may that continue for years even after the show ends.


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