
Saturday, September 19, 2020

A Name for Baby Webster

Allie Jane Webster, Lexi Mae Webster, Zoey Joy Webster

In early August, Alyssa and John Webster shared their baby news, and a week ago, they announced the child's gender. This week, the big news is that they have chosen a name. What will they call their fourth daughter? Maci Jo Webster. 

You can probably figure out that the middle name is after Alyssa's mom, Kelly Jo Bates, and grandmother, Betty Jo, so it's a multi-generational name. The Websters now have Allie Jane, Lexi Mae, Zoey Joy, and Maci Jo. Do you see a theme? The link to their announcement video is below.

Webster Baby #4 Name Announcement

Photo courtesy of @websterforever


  1. The only theme I see is one first name and one middle name and one last name.

    1. This is the theme (really a pattern): first name is two syllables, ending a long e sound. Middle name is one syllable.

  2. I am just curious and to why they picked their fourth child to give the middle name Jo. don’t people usually give a “generational“ name to their first child.

    1. Jane is a generational name as well. It's after Gil's mother, "Mama Jane." Zoey's middle name is also generational as it is Alyssa's middle name.

    2. Allie’s middle name is Jane, after Gil’s mom. It is a family name.

    3. Not really. Although it's common for the generational name to be for the first child of the gender you are naming them after it's not unusual for it to be another child. You may consider that people go through stages and may want a different name when they are younger and having their first child. I know when I was younger I wanted a name that was more uncommon and if I had a child when I was a little older it would have been more reflective of my culture and would have included a family name.

    4. In my husband's family the generational name is given to the 2nd son.

  3. I’m personally not a fan of the cutesy names that Alyssa and John have chosen. I think they sound super cute when they’re babies and kids but as teens and adults it’s just a bit odd.

    1. Exactly, that's what I was thinking!

    2. I know like name your kid Elizabeth and call her Lizzie?

    3. I can think of actresses named Ally/Allie and Zoey.

    4. I can't think of anyone named AllyAllie, but I do know several people named Zoey.

    5. Google "famous people allie" and you'll see that there are a bunch. Allie is a nickname for Allison, which was popular in my generation. There was even a sitcom called Kate and Allie back in the 80s.

    6. I kind of agree with the nicknames as full names that better suit a child though they'll be in good company. Zoey and Maci are full names at least. Allie could also be short for Alice, Allison, Alexanderia, or even Alyssa.

    7. My sister's name is Allie, but it is short for Alexandra. Most of the time Allie is a nickname for Allison is a nickname but not always.

  4. It goes with the names of their other girls.. it's nice her middle name is after Grandma Kelly

    1. Yeah but they already got Zoey Joy after Alyssa.

  5. Time 2:18AM Sun 9/20/20
    I know someone with that name
    Maci from the former lifetime
    Show Dance Moms but her name
    Is spelled different. Congrats
    On the Websters for the name
    Maci Jo. ❤❤❤❤

  6. What a darling name, just beautiful. Congratulations to Alyssa and John

  7. All of her girl names are cute for a baby and little girl. Not so much for an adult lol.

    1. I said above I thought the same though there will plenty of them. I used to be common to have just an Abbie, Maggie or Lizzy but they seem to suit a grown woman better.

    2. I have a Lizzy and she’ll be my Lizzy until the day I die. My dad started calling her that and it stuck. I love it because he started it. Do you always complain and act so superior?

  8. What a cute group of girls!

  9. Love the name! So cute!

  10. Love the name! Adorable!!

  11. I’m so glad they announced the gender and name early. I’m kind of tired of all these gender reveal parties and waiting a week after the baby is born to tell everyone the name. It’s like just say it! I think it’s vanity to do all these gender reveal parties, it’s like stringing people along on your journey. None of this non sense happened when I had kids, and I’m 41 now. When we knew the gender, we just simply told people. Non of this anticipation and lolli gagging around. Call me old fashioned, but what happened to a women only baby shower? Men don’t care about baby showers! Now when I go to baby showers it’s men there too, so all the girly fun is taken out of it. When I go to a baby shower, I’m looking forward to hanging out with all the ladies and playing cheesy games and oohing and all ahhing over all the cute gifts. Anyway, I was glad to see they announced the gender and name without making a big production out of it! And I know there might be negative responses to these comments, but ask yourself, do men REALLY want to go to a baby shower?

    1. No men should not go to a baby shower! It's the one time women have to get together in a group and play "cheesy" games and laugh. I would never have men at my shower. They can go fishing or play a round of golf! I agree with you on the lame gender reveals as well. Why can't people do things their own way- one person does it and then it becomes a thing because they have to do it too.

    2. No negative here! I’m like you, I’m used to women only baby showers and I hope it stays that way in our circles. I really think the men feel out of place there. That’s what I always hear them say at a Bates or Duggar baby shower. So why go? And I’m all for announcing the gender right away instead of stringing it along as you say. We have some in our family that want a surprise so actually doesn’t find out till the birth. I wouldn’t like that for myself and don’t like to wait like that clear to the end to find a gift. Just let me know please. To each their own I guess. But with the name, in our circles, we have always waited to the birth to announce a name. That way someone can’t have a fit and try to persuade us with a different name. And it does give a element of excitement to the occasion which would be missing if you announced everything right away in the pregnancy.

    3. However did we survive back when no one knew the gender, including the parents, until the child was born? Regarding showers, I've never attended one where there were men. I someone wants to include them and they want to come, I guess it wouldn't bother me.

    4. I have no problem with gender reveal parties if they are done at home with balloons, colored smoke, streamers etc. It does get annoying and distasteful and sometimes dangerous if there is a whole production with helicopters fire, etc. You see what happened in California where a gender reveal gone wrong killed the grandma and caused a wildfire. People who do all these productions, just do it for the likes with no regard to property, life and environmental hazards.
      In regards to announcing the name, well some people choose to name the baby after birth and there is nothing wrong with that. I do agree that dragging the name announcement just for suspense is distasteful.

    5. Baby showers and gender reveals are just an American tradition. Many people around the world don’t buy unborn babies gifts because they think it’s bad luck. My British friend also said that people form her country think it’s tacky and distasteful to expect other people to buy you gifts.

    6. I think some men might but most don’t.

    7. I like how the royals do it, don’t announce name and gender until after birth.

    8. Oof, is your name Karen by chance? How are you going to complain about how someone else does THIER gender reveal, THEIR name announcement, and THIER baby shower? And if guys show up to a baby shower then obviously they don’t mind being their. You got to do things the way you wanted to when you were young, and now a new generation is doing it the way they want to.

    9. I don't think most men want to go to baby showers. My guys would probably protest. But I don't mind the gender reveals. Kind of fun to have the suspense and guessing in party form.

    10. Of all the baby showers I have been to two of them had men in it and frankly all we did was eat and chat. The ones where it was just woman we played games and had fun. Obviously the mother can invite whoever she wants but I think an only woman shower is more fun.

    11. I have been to a baby shower with men once and we played those “cheesy” games and it was really fun.

    12. Anyone who is going to be an important part of the baby's life should be invited to the baby shower, regardless of whether they are a man or a woman. Believe it or not, gender inequality goes both ways. Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, and family friends are just as important in children's lives as mothers, sisters, and grandmothers.

    13. What’s with the name Karen? Odd comment

    14. 5:02, to be honest, I don't know a lot of guys who WANT to go to a baby shower.

    15. 11:50 - you’ve never heard of a Karen persona?

    16. At 812, no I've never heard of a Karen persona, what is it?

    17. Oh geez my name isn’t Karen. I just am stating that baby showers, gender reveals, etc. have turned into this big production. It’s a lot of vanity, like look at me, look what I have and forcing everyone to go on your baby journey. The fun of it has now turned annoying! And trust me, men don’t want to go to a baby shower, they might play along like they want to be there, but trust me they don’t. That’s just from my experience. Call me old fashioned, but this whole gender equality stuff is getting old. Ok we all get it.

    18. Some women like me dislike baby showers as well as moms. It's not just men who don't go. But I agree about the gender reveal thing. It just reinforces gender norms.

  12. They are all cute names and they all end with the "ie" sound. First 2 syllables and then 1.

  13. They should have named her Ruth after Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

    1. Now that is a name

    2. Except her name would stick out from the others then.

    3. Why would they name their child after someone they did not look up to?

    4. Why on earth wouldn't they look up to RBG? She was a role model for women and girls everywhere!

    5. A role model who wanted to push baby killing on women and girls. No thanks.

    6. @ 11:18

      RBG did not FORCE anyone to get abortions! She simply made sure that choice was available if anyone needed it. RBG fought for the rights of children, women, and the LGBT community. That is very commendable and it's disheartening that there are women out there who thought that she was not a good person when she did so much for them.

    7. I never said she forced. Promoting it is a different thing, which is what she did. And abortion harms women and girls.

    8. Not a good choice at all. This family is definitely pro-life. Ruth was very pro-abortion.

  14. No hiring recruiters or college admissions teams are going to take these frilly, cutesy names seriously when they see them on applications. Oh wait.. women are not allowed to work or go to regular colleges in this cult! Therefore, it sadly won't be an issue.

    1. It's not just cutesy names that aren't taken seriously or put on the bottom of a pile. That kind of prejudicial behavior in hiring and admissions needs to stop. Focusing on a name rather than the qualifications of an individual means that the best person isn't chosen for an institution. It reflects poorly on society as a whole when these types of practices are accepted.

    2. I think it’s more of a problem for men than woman. I don’t think an adult named Maci would be a problem but a man named Caden, Ryker, Ryder etc will have trouble being taken seriously.

    3. I wouldn't want to be part of a business or college that judges someone based on something that was not their choice, whether name or skin color.

  15. Ellie, do you know if Mae is a family name? Jane is in honor of Mama Jane, Joy is Alyssa's middle name, and Jo is for Kelly. Is Mae a name on John's side of the family?

    I think that Maci goes really well with the other names.

  16. I find it interesting that so many people find the girls’ names “cute.” I too used to have a “cute” name that ended in the “ie” sound, but when I was in my 20s, I legally changed it. Now, at age 60, I’m so glad that I did. Here’s some unsolicited advice for future parents. Don’t name your child a name that is “cute.” Cute names work fine for infants and toddlers, but not for professional adults who want to be taken seriously in life and in the career world. Name your child a name that will be respected and works when he or she is 40 years old, not just as a six month old. A name can open doors and also close doors socially and professionally. Women with “cute” names often have trouble being taken seriously in the workforce. The early childhood years are brief, but the adult years last much, much longer. Please choose wisely.

    1. Agree, I can’t imagine an adult named Lexi or Allie. Plus nicknames exist for a reason. Joy named her kid Evelyn but is calling her Evy. If she doesn’t like going by Evy in the future she’ll go by her full name.

    2. I agree, I am so glad my parents choose a name that is classy and works well on an adult.

    3. I know parents seem to forget their kids won’t be babies and toddlers forever.

    4. My neighbor named her son Caden, I am sorry I cannot take a 35 year old man named Caden seriously.

    5. Little late and I agree with "cutsey" names but some of these names will get more commonplace. There are already a lot of girls named just ALlie and Lexie. As someone said above, society shouldn't judge people by their names. If an employer does that you don't need to work for them.

  17. OMW! Allie Jane looks just like Callie!

  18. I love the Webster sister's names-Allie, Lexi, Zoey and Maci. The names are short and sweet, which I think it's nice. People will call them by their first name, what adult female wouldn't want a pretty first name.

  19. Maybe if they’re unhappy with their names, they can go by Al, Zo, Lex, and Mac.

    1. Or Jane, Mae, Joy, and Jo. The middle names would be good first names. Jo reminds me of Jo March from Little Women.

    2. Those are the middle names they gave them, so they won’t be using them as first names or they wouldn’t have made them middle names to begin with 🙄

    3. The "they" would be the four daughters. If they are unhappy with their first names they have solid middle names. Though many parents do call their children by their middle names. Alyssa actually does call Lexi "Mae-Mae" so there is no need for eye rolling. Kelly Jo and Gil also use middle names for their sons William Lawson and Kenneth Nathan.


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