
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Gil's Boot Camp

Boot camp with Gil Bates

Gil: "I'm just, stick to the basics. Man, I'm still functioning."

Kelly: "Still got the muscles, too."

Gil: "Oh you tell 'em, honey."

The Bates sons are headed to camp! Boot camp, that is. Gil keeps his boys fit with some good old fashioned calisthenics (video below). Some of them are more into it than others.


Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. I don't understand. . . don't the girls need healthy bodies too?

    1. I agree! The girls should join too and keep heart healthy and build strength.

    2. Why OH WHY must we assume one group of people is being mistreated just because another group is receiving a certain attention?? Gil is obviously doing something with just the boys in this moment, not because he hopes his daughters shrivel up into wisps of unhealth, but because he is using THIS single moment to bond with his boys. Good grief. All I could think about when I read your comment was a gang of people marching outside the Bates’ house shouting “Girls’ Bodies Matter.“

    3. Maybe the girls didn’t want to join in this particular session...I’ve definitely heard most of the girls talking about working out or shown doing physical activities.

      Sometimes my husband and sons do military-type workouts...and you wouldn’t see me out there. I am fit, but lots of pushups and burpees, etc is not my thing. They’d be thrilled if I joined them, but respect that I just don’t like to exercise that way.

    4. Anon 5:56. I agree, girls bodies do matter! However, I don't think we need to march about it.

    5. 5:56PM: I like how you put that. Originally, I thought the girls should be included, but what you said makes sense and changed my mind. I agree.

    6. @5:56 and 6:39- you guys articulated most likely what Gill wanted to do with his sons!

    7. 5:56 Your comment is indirectly making fun or making light of BLM and peaceful protests about racism in this country that is all to prevalent.

    8. Sounds like 5:56 doesn't really care that much about supporting peaceful protests. She thinks it's something to joke about.

    9. My comment was making light of the fact that everyone wants to complain about everything.

    10. 1:16 Some things, like racism, should be complained about.

    11. 1:16 here. Agreed. Some things, like who you exercise with, shouldn’t.

    12. Racism and "who you exercise with" are really equally important!

    13. How is who you exercise with equally important as racism?

    14. I came to the Bate’s blog because I love their show. You women sound like my hens peck, peck, pecking. I would hope for something positive. I also haven’t seen the “peaceful” BLM protests about which you are speaking.

    15. Nearly all the comments are from "anonymous." Why do you assume they are women?

    16. You're right, Jilly!

  2. I would say the Bates girls are pretty fit compared to most of society. Thank goodness they don't have to follow "your" narrow view of feminism.

    1. 👏👏👏👏👏

    2. And thank goodness most women don't have to fit their narrow view of women. I'm sure many women could keep up with these guys and do even more. There are women athletes and police that have to endure rigourous fitness training and routines. They also have more sons at home. And the daughters aren't there because of being more fit but becasue they view some things as for men.

    3. Many young women athletes I know could certainly outrun or outlift Gil!

    4. I should add women in the miltary too

  3. I would love for one of the girls to post their workout/health/fitness routine!

  4. Anonymous Sept 23rd at 5:56 PM...You are too funny! I burst out laughing at your comment....made my day! I agree wholeheartedly with you! People just need to chillax!

  5. I wonder if the adult Bates have anything to do with the IBLP/ATI organization. I know Gil is still on their governing board and Chad's father used to be. I have not been impressed with what I've read about the founder or his doctrine. It sounds very much like a cult. The Duggars still attend the Big Sandy doings.

    1. I think some, but not all, followers saw Gothard in an unhealthy light. Unquestioningly taking what he taught as gospel truth. I think some took in the good and threw out the bad. Sounds like his morals were lacking, but he has been removed. Perhaps some who have stayed wanted power, perhaps others wanted to stay and clean it up.

  6. Anon 5:56. I don't think this issue is one we should march about! Chill out a little. We should save marching for more vital issues.

    1. Not one person said anyone should march about it.

    2. Look at Anon 5:56's comment. She suggested marching about this issue.

    3. No, I didn’t. I said I imagined the original commenter being so perturbed that SHE wanted to march about it.

    4. 5:56’s comment was said in jest.

    5. Ugh! It was not meant literally! Yes, for those whom are about to jump down my throat about the seriousness of marches going on now; I respect everyone’s life and their rights to draw attention the them!
      Sometime, we need a little release and make a small joke.

    6. 10:35, you need to look at her comment. She said she was picturing people doing it. She didn't suggest anyone do it. And she was joking.

  7. I was just wondering when the season finale episode will air? I would like know the next season 10 premiere date if possible. Natasha b

  8. I’m curious, what kind of organization is it?

  9. Gil doesn’t seem himself in the “work out “ part. I hope he was, and is now, oK.

  10. I have the same problem as Kelly with the reflux and flap. Tomatoes and onions trigger the reflux and coughing.

  11. After watching this episode, what man in their right mind would require his children to exercise in that heat and sun on them especially while wearing 2 shirts and long jeans? One of the boys stated he struggled not to vomit. What is wrong with them?

  12. I am sorry that Kelly is experiencing health issues but it was quite an admittance by her that she attributed some of her issues due to birthing 19 children. Just because a woman is capable of bearing children does not mean that she should continually do so until her body is too old to continue. These births have contributed to weight gain and the reflux. She's beginning to physically 'pay' for abusing her body. I wonder how Michelle Duggar is doing?

    1. You can't blame the births of kids almost ten years ago for still being overweight. At some point you have to take responsibility for your own unhealthy choices. Michelle looks like she has slimmed down a bit since she has stopped having babies.

    2. Why does it bother you if Kelly attributes her weight gain to one thing or another?

    3. I think Kelly's weight has more to do with onset of menopause than 19+ pregnancies. She was significantly trimmer when they appeared on 19 kids and the first season of BUB.
      Michelle also had gallbladder issues and had to have it removed.

    4. I don't understand people who are bound and determined that Kelly "take responsibility" for her weight by admitting she is lazy/greedy. Why is she so sure this is the reason, and why is she determined Kelly "face it." For all we know, Kelly has a thyroid condition or something. Besides, it certainly could be the 19 pregnancies--how does the writer know this isn't it? Does she think that women who have 2 and women who have 19 pregnancies are able to bounce back in identical ways? Why is she so concerned that Kelly might be "making excuses" anyway?

    5. Yes, I only had 7 children and am as fat as a pig. How can you women be so mean and picky to other women? I would hope that if you’re watching the show you’re a Christian. Why not pray for Kelly instead of condemning her. She loves and cares for those children. Hopefully they’re all conservative voters.😉

  13. Why aren't they in workout clothes?

  14. It's important for Addallee, Ellie, Katie and Callie to have healthy bodies, too! Yes, they are slim, but that doesn't mean strong and fit.

    1. Sure it is, but this was more bootcamp-style training since Jackson couldn't go to ALERT. I don't think this was an appropriate way for the younger girls to start if they weren't used to it.

    2. Why wouldn't it be appropriate? Their younger brothers are doing it. I'm sure Ellie and Addee can do anything little Jud can do. I also don't think the little boys are used to this form of exercise either.

  15. I always thought the Duggar’s and Bates were in a competition to see who could have the most children. Very foolish if that actually was the case. If not the case, excuse my presumption.

    1. Well, the Duggars won! (they have twenty, including Tyler)


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