
Monday, September 28, 2020

Giving Back

Carlin Stewart, Erin Paine, Whitney Bates

"So since the boutique has been open a year, our heart has kind of been to find an outreach that we can be involved in."

-Erin Paine

The Bates Sisters Boutique recently celebrated its one-year anniversary, and the sisters are eager to give back. In this web exclusive video, they meet with a representative from A Hand Up for Women to discuss how they can use their resources to help the organization. 

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. PLEASE help our women Veterans . They keep us free. Certainly could use the help when leaving the military life. They FOUGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM. God Bless the USA Thank you

  2. Scripture says to give quietly, without advertising your goodness. The Bates women should heed this passage. "Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven."
    Matthew 6:1

    1. If a company is using part of my buying dollars to give to a charity, I want to know that.

    2. Maybe by addressing their desire to help publicly, others in the fanbase will also look into this particular charity. It give the charity free advertising. Not a bad thing.

    3. The Bible also says to provoke one another to love and good works. Being an example is a way to do that.

    4. The whole purpose of that scene was to make the Bates women look giving and charitable. It seems very braggy.

    5. I see where the original commenter is coming from, but I’m really thankful for the wise responses. Good job looking for the good instead of the bad.

    6. 10:21 - I agree wholeheartedly. I don’t think the girls were bragging; I think they were inspiring.

    7. @7:14 Great idea!!! Help our female veterans would be awesome!!!

    8. I believe that they are trying to lead by example, and to show ways that some of us may be able to help others. I dont think their intention is to be "braggy". One of the purposes of their show is to uplift and encourage. That is what I choose to see in them. I was happy to see this post๐Ÿ˜Š What the world needs now is love, sweet love...๐ŸŽต

    9. I dont feel they are out of line by asking.

    10. I agree, giving should be done in secret. I don’t feel I should donate to a cause just because a celebrity does.

  3. Very sweet of them ❤️

    1. That's what they want you to think, that is why they filmed it.

    2. 3:39, or they could want people to know about the place they're helping or want to encourage others to be givers too. I'm pretty sure you aren't privy to their thoughts.

    3. Why are you picking on them for simply stating they want to be involved in more charity? It's not bragging or boasting and it was a conversation between the girls that just happened to be filmed. That's all it was. I don't think nitpicking everything they do is right. Neither is judging for those who want to quote bible verses. Remember that part of being a Christian is charity. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this.

    4. "Just happened to be filmed"? The Bates met with their producers and came up with a story idea. The girls reached out to a Christian charity they liked. The charity was delighted for the publicity. They found a good location for their "meeting." The lighting and sound men arrived, and set things up. Off camera, the women ran through what they were going to talk about. The producer told everyone where to sit and they began filming. The charity leader made sure to mention their awards. The producers re-did certain parts of the conversation to get the lighting and sound correct. Then they all went home.

  4. Time 8:13PM Tues 9/29/20
    Aww good idea for the ladies in
    This family to help out a
    Organization. ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  5. I LOVE this.

    Love that they’re sharing this - so others can be inspired to do the same! :-)

  6. Always someone quick to criticize. Just stop it already. Could they have donated without saying a word? Sure. But by announcing, they perhaps open others hearts to giving ways. They bring awareness to an organization they think is worthy- bringing more attention & possible donations to that organization. It could bring more attention to their business, perhaps more will shop with them now, knowing they give a portion of their proceeds to charity. (giving them the opportunity to give even more) Please stop with the negativity. Find the good in people. That love one another part was not a suggestion.

    1. Yes, thank you. We can't read their hearts. Love thinketh no evil, according to the Bible. In other words, assume the best of a person.

  7. If they wanted to promote a charity, they could simply tell us about it. It is so self-promoting to stage a scene where they say "our hearts are telling us to give to others." that is just plain virtue signaling.

    It would have been far more tasteful to say, "For those of you who are so inclined, here is a charity we think is worthwhile."

    1. It's not virtue signaling if that is what they genuinely feel and want to express. Slapping a trendy label on it is just another form of being judgmental.

    2. Virtue signaling is just talking about giving but not actually doing it. They are actually going to give. We should never condemn people doing good works no matter their reasoning!

    3. What is wrong with "being judgmental"? We all have our opinions. There is so much weakness among people nowadays. Listen to other people's opinions. They can be different than yours.

    4. Opinions are different from being judgmental. Everyone has opinions. Being judgmental is assigning goodness or badness to someone else.

    5. 12:36, the Bible says to judge not, lest you be judged. That's what is wrong with being judgmental. Assuming you know someone else's motivations and then calling them out for it is being judgmental. You can't do that if you don't have perfect knowledge of their situation. Criticism someone, especially publically, when you are just assuming is wrong.

    6. Nothing wrong with judging, according to Scripture. John 7:14 tells us to judge with right judgment. In Matthew 18, Jesus says "If a brother sins against you, go tell him his fault." It's fine to judge, and perhaps the Bates need a rebuke for failing to give quietly and meekly, without ostentation.

    7. Knowing the cameras are running, Erin announces, "We're constantly looking for ways that we can help other people right now."

      No, that's not braggy.

    8. 11:54, no, you don't rebuke someone on a public forum rather than directly to the person who may not even know what you said. That is gossip and slander.

    9. 11:54, those two verses tell us (a) to judge not, lest you be judged and (b) to judge righteous judgment. Obviously there's a right time and way to judge and a wrong way. When you are guessing what someone's motive is and then blastng them on social media for your guess, that's not righteous OR going to your brother about their fault quietly or meekly.

    10. Maybe she was just stating a fact. ๐Ÿ™„ Maybe she wasn't trying to brag.


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