
Thursday, September 3, 2020

'Giving Thanks' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Giving Thanks"

  • At the big house, Gil and Kelly and the kids still living at home are working on cleaning up outside. As things start to open up, the Bates parents are eager to get the whole family together again, but they know it will be a while before that can happen. 
  • “I want to be safe, not just to protect the kids in my family, but also for us to be responsible to protect other people that we’re around,” says Kelly.
  • “…My mom, she tries so hard to be a rule follower,” says Zach. “She wants to follow every rule and do everything right. So I figured we should all just stay at home and eat all the time because everybody knows you can do that.”
  • Meanwhile, the Stewarts take a walk and discuss Layla’s health struggles. Layla was diagnosed with a small hole in her heart, and she has also had episodes where she struggles to breathe. ‘Nothing matures you more than being parents,” says Evan.
  • At the Paine home, the kids are enjoying the yard. Erin and Carlin have wanted to do something special for Zach and Whitney, who have been keeping up with everything at the boutique. At the start of the pandemic, there was as spike in sales as everyone was cooped up at home. 
  • Erin drops a basket off on Zach and Whitney’s porch and then drives away and texts Whitney. The basket is full of snacks and other goodies. The card says that Erin and Carlin are going to provide free babysitting so Zach and Whitney can get away. “Erin makes the best basks, by the way, in the family,” says Zach.
  • Nathan, Lawson, and Trace go horseback riding at the Bates ranch. Before the lock down, Nathan was flying to the Philippines every 45 days to do mission work. He has been in Arkansas training pilots but is now back in Tennessee visiting the family. 
  • The other two guys notice a ring on Nathan’s ring finger. “It’s a promise ring,” says Nathan. “And I guess it means that I’m promised to somebody, and there is somebody in my life, but right now I’m not really talking about it to the public.
  • “I think the time is coming for Nathan, and I’m going to leave the bachelor group and move on to bigger and better things," says Nathan.
  • “I think that none of them are going to get married and I’m going to get married first,” says Judson. “Hey ladies, I’m still single.”


  1. Can we be honest here? Kelly is the only one eager to have her married kids back at her home. Gil is okay with everyone spending time at their own home. During this quarantine time, I hope that Kelly spends time focusing on who is in her home instead of who is not. Let the married kids enjoy their own homes and spend time with their families.

    1. Stop judging her just buy the few things a show will let you see. I doubt you are/will be a perfect parent. Also ever mother on the face of the earth has to learn how to let their children go. The only people who find it easy to let their children go are people who never wanted to be with their kids when they were younger.

    2. @11:12 am, no one was judging anyone of being a perfect parent. No, where did the OG post stated that, and you know this. Hopefully, during this quarantine time, the married kids can spend time at home, and Kelly spends time with the kids in her home. I remember when Jeb was trying to grab her attention when she had the grandkids. This one-on-one time would be great for them. Have a great day.

  2. So Nathan and Trace are starting something new, and Lawson is being Lawson. I hope people who watch pay attention to the clues from the family. None of the siblings feel that Lawson will ever take the plunge for marriage, and I hope people will stop asking him.

  3. Time 1:55AM Fri 9/11/20
    Love the recap towards the end
    Judson says Hey Ladies I'm still
    Single that was so funny.

    1. He is so so presh! They have the most adorable children and grands. The beauty in their hearts radiates!

  4. God's blessings on your family. Stay safe! Please pray for us all.

  5. Hi I love watching the show. I have been saying prayers for the whole family, especially little Layla. I wish my family was like yours. God bless you all.

  6. Didn't watch last night's episode. My family is not allowed to watch it anymore because my parents think the Bates are headed down the same path as the Duggar's and becoming less conservative Christians and more like worldly Christians. But reading each episode recap helps me to keep up in what's going on with them. Kelly Jo sounds like a germ freak here. She's afraid to see the rest of her married children and grandkids in person for fear of spreading the coronavirus.If they would just listened to and read the news at that time, they could of known they all could wear masks to help with the spread,wash their hands frequently,and wipe down high touch surfaces with cleaning stuff,and limit the number gathered together,and practice social distancing. Even Whitney,Erin,and Carlin could of done that and stayed 6 feet apart at the business warehouse. The Bates family are all germ freaks.😡

    1. Well, excuse them for being careful and caring about people other than themselves!

    2. I don't think you're interpreting the situation correctly. They have actually been less germ-freakish than a lot of the commenters here.

    3. Pretty sure a child wrote this
      How ridiculous. The Duggars are WAY more conservative and always have been. The Bates do an amazing job of being IN the world and not OF the world.

  7. I think everyone leave Lawson alone just maybe he has not meet the right one yet are he just been keeping it on down low. I think it great Nathan meet someone I am glad it on the down low and understand why.Kelly your a great mom but focus on home married kid's are all good spend sometime with you and Gil because you both need and deserve it. Jud so cute wants to grow up so fast tell him slow down be a kid I had to grow up way to fast so let him know now the time for fun and school girl's come later lol kid's say the craziest thing's. I know in my heart Layla is going to be great grow healthy smart funny loving caring person I hope that in time her parent's will peace of mind that she going to be fine.

    1. Jud's comment was scripted. A young boy would never really say such a thing on camera--his friends would tease him. It was scripted to be cute.

    2. 2:38, could you please use punctuation in any future remarks? It’s very hard to read comments when you leave that out.

    3. You would be surprised what kids come up with, 10:12. 8:53, I agree. When people write these run-in sentences, I just stop reading.

  8. I love watching bringing up bates.. Im sure kelli jo does miss the family get togethers...God Bless Y'all

  9. I just love this family but l do sense some things are scripted. The stories are basically written out. I like when they ask questions and they need to respond on cards. You learn a lot about the family members that way.
    Since the girls have taken an interest in hair they have turned away from their natural beauty. I am pleased to see John s wife sticking to her orginal hair color. It is not bleached or lightened or darkened. Love the natural look!! So wholesome!

    1. Alyssa has colored her hair many shades for many years. And not a thing wrong with it

    2. Alyssa, John's wife, has colored her hair for years. Look at old pictures and it's apparent. Michael has also lightened her hair in the past.

    3. As has Erin and Katie. Not a big deal!

    4. I can’t tell for sure if Tori has ever colored her hair, if so then it’s not been obvious. But other than that every Bates female has colored their hair other than those that are 14 and under. We watched Michael get here colored on an episode this season. Alyssa hasn’t been natural since she was probably 18 so maybe you’re mistaken on who John’s wife is. You can look at the header pictures above and see it very clearly. She’s a brunette and often does a lighter blonde color. Nothing wrong with coloring hair in my book, some does look better and some has gone a little over the top. I do think at times some of their heavy makeup does cover their natural beauty and even ages them, but it’s still their choice.

    5. Why do you always want to change what God gave you? Is He pleased with that? He wanted to see you exactly how He made you! I would think He would be extremely disappointed seeing y’all not satisfied with His choice for you and constantly changing it. No amount of changing will ever compare or come to the amount of beauty God gave you. Because what He gave you is REAL and what you’re trying for is FAKE. You can always tell when it’s fake. (for makeup and hair)

    6. 9:00 - That's your personal preference. There isn't anything in the Bible about dyeing your hair. It is unwise to attribute words or feelings to God that are not His Word.

  10. Thank u September 10, @ 9:16pm very well said. Kinda seems controling her kids. All her adult children have in laws she seems to forget.

  11. Yep, they r a beautiful family.
    Me too

  12. I had seen that pretty ring before the guys spoke. I'm sure the lucky girl is as gorgeous as all the ladies.anazing how lovely all are

  13. I miss the Bates. It would be nice if the pics of the family at the top here were not blurred.


  15. Kelly is such a beautiful person! Such a nice family. ☺️


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