
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Josie's Miscarriage

Josie and Kelton Balka

Last month, Alyssa and John Webster shared the news of their fourth baby with the world, but they weren't the only Bates couple that was expecting. At Willow Balka's 1st birthday party, Josie and Kelton Balka had made a big reveal to the family: Josie was pregnant with Baby Balka #2. Sadly, Josie ended up miscarrying their little one, who would have been due in March 2021. We know the Balkas would appreciate your prayers during this difficult time. 

Photo courtesy of @josie_balka


  1. prayers for you. May God comfront you at this time.

  2. May they be surrounded by love, good vibes and well wishes thru this time.

  3. Am so sorry for the loss of your baby. Will pray you. Mary Keim

  4. Replies
    1. Prayers from me ๐Ÿ™
      I lost my 2 yr, 3 month and 23 days sweet angel๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿผ and thought I would never get pregnant again. I then had a miscarriage.
      I'm afraid to get pregnant again, though I know my faith needs to be stronger than my fear.
      God bless ๐Ÿ•ฏ️

    2. Elizabeth I am so sorry to hear that. I can’t ever imagine something like that to happen. I have struggled having more fear than faith before but God has pulled me through. He will get through anything you go through in life as long as you honor and follow his will and love him. He can do anything, so don’t be afraid, trying and praying is the best thing you can do. I will pray for you and I know that everything will work out according to Gods will. I can’t help but think of the song by casting crowns I will praise you in this storm. No matter what we go through in life always praise God in the storm!

    3. Elizabeth, I am so sorry you lost your child. I hope you get pregnant again if you decide you want to. The choice is yours and no one elses. I'm sorry no one else responded to you, there is so much unkindness in the world today.

    4. Thank you both for your kindness and encouragement. It means so much! Blessings :)

    5. Prayers for you. I can only imagine how hard that has to have been for you. I miscarried my 3rd baby between 2 of my girls. We had our sweet Sophia after our miscarriage and then 3 little boys in 2012, 2014, and 2016. I never knew if we'd have any more children except the 2 little girls that we had at the time, but God had other plans for us. I was really nervous while I was pregnant with our Sophie but so thankful too. I hope you can try and have a sweet blessing but you'll only know when the time is right and if it's the right choice for you. Hugs ๐Ÿ’œ

  5. So sorry to hear this news.

  6. Sorry for your loss. Did they test you for the blood clotting disorder that Erin, Carlin and Tori have.

    1. 9:33PM: That is an excellent point! I wonder. Tori learned she had it during her second pregnancy, so Josie could be the same.

    2. Wow she did? I didn't get to see that episode but that's crazy 3 daughters having the disorder.

    3. She was probably tested during her first pregnancy like her sisters were so I doubt that that was the cause of her miscarriage.

    4. Not necessarily, 7:54. Remember how Tori wasn't tested until the second baby?

    5. BC she lived away and had a different doctor and didnt know abt it

  7. So sorry for your loss. Mama Bates has had a miscarriage in the past, and Whitney has too, so I'm sure they have been a great source of comfort to Josie. It is a very upsetting thing to go through. My prayers to her.

    1. Mrs. Bates has had several miscarriages and so did Erin before Carson and they discovered she had two blood clotting disorders.

  8. I am sorry for Josie & Kelton. Have you noticed that this generation of daughters, Bates/Duggar, are experiencing a lot of miscarriages? Perhaps they are not allowing their bodies to fully recover from the previous pregnancy and delivery. Not every woman is a champion breeder like their mothers were. Perhaps they need to be mindful of the timing of their conceptions.

    1. @4:35- I skipped over reading your post until after I submitted my post saying virtually the same think. It does make me wonder girls (Duggars, too) have babies maybe too young and too quickly.

    2. I think that you’re noticing a lot because they are opening up about it. About 70% of women experience a miscarriage, but because it is painful it is not often talked about, especially if a pregnancy has not even been announced yet. It is nice to hear people open up about it though so that other women realize that it does happen lot and they are not alone.

    3. If you ask older ladies, many of them had missed periods or heavy periods here and there but they were not checking pregnancy tests every month.Either way is fine but there are no more miscarriages now than inthe past.

    4. please no rude comments. this is a very sad time for them.

    5. I agree. The Bates and Duggars have both been experiencing miscarriages. They just keep pumping out babies and leaving like zone time in between babies. Their bodies will evidently brake down.

    6. I don't think it is the timing of their conceptions.
      It does seem like there are a lot of miscarriages but then we have to consider there are a lot of Duggar and Bates couples. There are a currently 15 married couples in the second generation of Duggar/Bates families with 32 children and currently three pregnancies. Miscarriages are unfortunately common and can be caused by a multitude of reasons that have nothing to do with the timing of conception/spacing of children.
      Erin has a clotting disorder that caused her multiple miscarriages. It was Lauren's first pregnancy. Whitney's miscarriage happened after Kaci Lynn's second birthday. Joy had a stillbirth rather than a miscarriage.
      I was looking for a source that said short spacing could be a cause of miscarriage and couldn't find anything. The closest thing I found was that spacing of less than 6 months between birth and conception can cause early labor. Even then, Anna, Jinger, and Josie had their pregnancies spaced out farther than 6 months.
      They were each closer to a year (over a year in Jinger's case) between birth and conception of their first and second children.

    7. I think it's more likely because they are not on birth control, while many other women are. Their chances of getting pregnant and miscarrying are just higher.

    8. Think about this:

      New studies show that at least half of pregnancies end in miscarriages. And this study is showing the data using women who aren’t always “letting God decide” when they get pregnant, meaning these women are sometimes using birth control.

      Contrast that to people like the Bates (or myself) who don’t use birth control. We are going to get pregnant way more and therefore experience, statistically, way more miscarriages. It has nothing to do with “not letting their bodies rest” or any other fallacious argument. It’s just statistics. It actually seems like not miscarrying a few times in this however-many-babies lifestyle is the oddity.

    9. It's just something that happens, and more often than you think. These girls don't have them extremely close together, 18 months to 2 years apart. And don't forget, Ellie herself had a miscarriage, so be gentle. It's nobody's fault, it's just human nature. And maybe Josie has the blood clotting disorder, so definitely not her fault.

    10. I can not believe that women are blaming a woman for losing her baby. Miscarriage is hard enough on the woman going thru it and the last thing she needs to hear or read is people saying it must be something she did. There is no explanation to what causes it and it happens more often than people realize. Unless you have been thru it, you don't realize how hurtful this experience is for the women going thru it. I miscarried 23yrs ago at 7wks and I still remember it like it just happened and it still Hurts!

    11. @Classia exactly what i was thinking! This discussion is very insensative and rude.

    12. Thank you, Classia. Too much finger pointing going on here rather than compassion and kindness.

    13. I think it's because they take pregnancy tests all the time so they know 30 seconds after conception. Nearly half of all pregnancies end in early miscarriage but many women don't realize they were even pregnant. It's sad they are so convinced their only value is having a baby, the Bates and Duggar wives practically take daily pregnancy tests and the second it shows Positive they announce.

    14. 12:41, they don't think their only value is having a baby. ๐Ÿ™„ They live full lives

    15. 12:41 - Have the Duggar and Bates women said they take daily tests? It's not an inherently bad thing to keep up with your reproductive health. Knowing if you had a miscarriage can help determine if there is an underlying condition that prevents sustaining a pregnancy. Erin knowing her cycle, when she was pregnant, and that she had miscarriages allowed her to treat her clotting disorder and have children.
      The miscarriages weren't all early in the first trimester.. Jinger was 10 weeks along when she experienced her loss and Josie around 8 weeks. The vast majority of women would know they were pregnant by then and many would have announced to their families by this time.

    16. @1:33-I’m not sure about “full” lives; but they are leading lives they were brought up to lead.

    17. 6:35. They have full lives. Involved with their church and family, pursuing hobbies, taking care of husbands, kids, homes, pets, some of them running businesses.

  9. I'm sorry to hear about their miscarriage. I hope they try again for their second child. Never give up. We're here for you.

    1. @7:44 you can count on they will try again! She’s a Bates; that’s what they do!

  10. I'm very sad to hear this. Having had a miscarriage many years ago, I can empathize with what they are going through. They will be in my prayers.

  11. Oh this makes me so sad. 2020 has been a very tough year. Ill be praying comfort and God's peace on this sweet couple.

  12. Such sad news. I can’t help but wonder why this family and the Duggars have so many miscarriages. Maybe, I’m just fortunate to know only one person amongst many friends and family to miscarry. I’m sad for them.

    1. I think it's maybe because they are not on birth control, while many women are and are thus not getting pregnant in the first place.

    2. You probably know more people who have had them and they just don’t talk about it. 1 in 4 women have at least one miscarriage at some point so really it’s very common.

    3. @7:58 exactly what i was thinking

    4. I've also wondered that... Are they particularly unlucky about that ? Maybe some of these pregnancies were too close to the previous one ? But maybe if my friends and I had never used birth control, we'd have the same stats, indeed!

  13. Awwwww, bless them. May they know that God is always with them during this time. So sad to hear about this, sending prayers!

  14. I think it's a bad idea to keep numbering babies, like they are things, instead of individuals. Baby #6! Baby #17! These are little people, folks!

    1. This is for the people who might not know how many kids they have. It's not dehumanizing.

    2. Calling a human being by a number isn't dehumanizing? So it’s normal and ok to do this? In my culture, babies are individuals and not numbered like possessions

    3. This blog is pretty pro-baby. Telling which number baby it is is just stating a fact. We hear the babies' names and see their pictures enough to know them as people.

    4. Lol they do it for baby # 2 and 3!

    5. It's still just stating a fact. Some people like facts.

  15. so very sad! y’all will be in our prayers. ๐Ÿ˜”❤️

  16. Josie and Kelton, May God’s grace be with you during this difficult time in your lives. You’re in my prayers.

  17. I am so sorry. Praying for you! God Bless!

  18. Praying for you both at this difficult time. I had a miscarriage many years ago end it makes you very sad. A good time to pray and ask God for help๐Ÿ™And He will help you.Psalm 121

  19. I just found out everything. I don't get Up TV any longer. I am praying for you.

  20. They are a young couple, time will tell just how many children they will be blessed with - My prayers are for healing and good wishes to them.


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