
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Nathan's Promise Ring

Nathan Bates and Lawson Bates

Did you tune in to tonight's episode? If you missed it, be sure to check out our recap. As promised, Nathan Bates revealed some pretty exciting news when asked about the ring on his hand.

“It’s a promise ring,” Nathan explained, with a big smile on his face. “And I guess it means that I’m promised to somebody, and there is somebody in my life, but right now I’m not really talking about it to the public. 

So there you have it. Nathan has a significant other, and he is working towards marriage. Looks like there will soon be another Bates wedding to plan! If Nathan is the next to tie the knot, he will be Gil and Kelly Bates' eighth child (and second son) to wed.

 Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. Somebody nailed it! It IS a promise ring! I've not heard of a guy wearing a promise ring but good idea to show others he's not available!
    Hope to congratulate Nathan soon! So happy for him and her!!

  2. So exciting. He's so cute! Seems like such a sweet guy, and I'm so happy for him.

  3. may be wishful thinking on my part but i'm guessing its going to be jana duggar. he's been spending a lot of time in arkansas working with john-david's company and jana is a part of that company! then there's the tease on tlc about a duggar courtship? could be coincidental but i've always said they'd make a cute couple so i'm crossing my fingers for them both!

    1. And Jana Duggar is notoriously the only unmarried woman in Arkansas...

    2. I suspect the same. I sure hope so.

    3. Yes,it could be Jana Duggar,it can't be just a coincidence he's kept it secret and someone in the Duggar family kept it secret,before I was torn because I thought if Nathan and Jana were interested in each other they would have gotten together long ago but maybe before they always met up in family gatherings and didn't get a chance to talk but in the last few years Jana has been socializing with friends on her own so would have had more time to speak to Nathan one on one,here's hoping!

    4. I thought the same thing!!

    5. Why are people so concerned about it being a Duggar Bates relationship? It’s most likely NOT. I wonder if it’s because they want to see Jana Duggar married off, but I’m sure it’s not Jana, so can we just stop with the Jana speculation? 🙄

    6. 5:49, I think it goes years back to when the Duggars themselves talked about it.

    7. Rather immature for an adult. How can the so single Bates brothers support a wife ???

    8. Highly doubt t its Jana. Remember Nathan already had one courtship that end so its more likely he's keeping it quiet to safeguard feelings. Dating/courting can be hard enough to navigate without having millions of viewers watching your every move

    9. It’s not Jana Duggar. I have a photo of him with his new partner :)

  4. Kudos for Nathan to not have this relationship public. The pressure for these crazy courtships, etc., from Kelly or UPTV, is too much. He followed his parents' rules, and the relationship did not work out, and Ashley is married to someone else. Let these kids have a chance without the huge public declaration and get to know each other.

    1. Ashley married someone else?!

    2. Wow. I didn’t know Ashley got married!

    3. 10:41 5.57 - Yes, she’s on Instagram. She got married just this past August 8th and her new name is Ashley Hoover.

    4. I have a feeling it was the woman who didn’t want it public, not Nathan. He is absolutely over the moon. You can see he wants to tell all.

  5. If he’s not talking about it yet, it’s too soon to plan the wedding. Pressure like that causes pressure on the relationship!

    1. Not really. If he is serious enough for a promise ring he may be actually courting and just hasn't announced. If he is courting Jana then it would make perfect since that if they were secretly courting a wedding would be right around the corner.

  6. This has got to be Jana or someone else in Arkansas since they were in Arkansas during the quarantine. It seems like the timing of these announcements are way perfect to be coincidental. To have Nathan talking about being promised to someone right after the announcement on the quarantine courtship for a Duggar. Plus, the fact that he is so secretive and the Bates are never secretive on their relationships. I can't believe it but I think we finally have a Bates Duggar courtship!

    1. My suspicions are the same. I would love a Duggar Bates wedding!

    2. Doubtful. I don't see any of the Dugger/Bates kids getting together. They are too close & more like brother/sister friends. My guess is he met her over seas where he does his service work.

  7. Even though I would love to know who she is, I respect their privacy. Just because you are on a hit television show doesn’t mean you have to show the intimate details of your life. God bless them and it will be exciting in the future to see them together if they choose to do that.❤️So happy for you Nathan, she has a very nice boyfriend!

  8. Time 1:58AM Fri 9/11/20
    We just have to wait & see.

  9. It’s smart to keep it quiet. Smarter still to keep a possible wedding private and under wraps.

  10. At first i did not think it was jana....but now i totally think its jana.

    1. Me too,but then again that's what up tv and tlc want us to think so millions tune in to find out and boost their ratings,oh well the suspense will be over on the 22nd of September.

    2. I agree. I completely think it's Jana now. It's just too coincidental otherwise. However, if TLC is teasing us and it's not a Duggar courtship but a Duggar family friends courtship I will be upset with them because they are adding unnecessary fuel to the Jana speculation.

    3. Millions will tune in; millions will be disappointed. I can’t see it being Jana.

    4. Hahaha
      I don’t want to agree with you anon.@11:13
      But I do.

    5. I’m afraid I have to agree also that it is not Jana. If Jana was promised and really wanted to keep this secret, Nathan would respect that and not reveal as much as he did. TLC is teasing us in bits and pieces, and we are the ones creating the Duggar connection because we want it to be Jana. I can’t really see Jana, at her age, doing a promise ring. She just seems too mature and serious. One of the bloggers suggested it was someone connected to Nathan’s work, maybe another servant worker or maybe a Filipino girl. I’m sure pleased for Nathan no matter who she is. He is beyond happy.

  11. Congratulations to Nathan, I hope everything works out for your highest good! My guess is a medical professional with Medicorp in the Philippines. Or a female aviator in Arkansas. You're at a good age for marriage and you are doing well in your life and your adventures! You've lived a little, traveled, gotten to know yourself, and are more mature. Wishing you and your significant other all the best!

  12. Jana duggar maybe? Since the Duggars are also teasing a courtship that hasn't been shared with the public. Seems like a big coincidence for both families to have secret relationships at the same time.

    1. Really- quit obsessing over Jana. Ever think that she is happy to be single? Nothing wrong with that!

    2. I think the teasing is just that - teasing. I think the Duggar courtship is one of the older boys with Lauren. And Nathan’s will be someone we don’t know.

    3. It's not really a coincidence. Both families have children of courting age, and it seems those who are still single are more private. Given Nathan's prior failed courtship and constant speculation regarding Jana, I'm not surprised he has kept quiet. I wish the best for whoever is courting in both families.

  13. Haven't heard of a promise ring for men but I am very happy for Nathan. Sending best wishes for his relationship. May their love for each other grow. Hopefully we get to meet her soon. Nathan never seemed comfortable on TV and I understand that completely. Best wishes for Nathan and a lucky young lady!!

  14. I'm quite proud that Nathan is keeping his relationship quiet and out of the television series. It seems that the Bates family starts pushing courtship and engagements almost as soon as one of the kids meet someone they want to spend time with. And in spite of Gil's protestations about taking things too fast, it seems Kelly Jo is always pushing with both feet. Nathan is old enough, and hopefully wise enough to take it a bit slower this time around.

  15. Awesome.🙂👍 It is a promise ring. Better hurry up Nathan and reveal who this special girl is to the world. Otherwise the tabloids will be after you and spying on you to see who this is. Hope you will make a courtship announcement soon. We need another Bates boy married so you can catch up with the Duggars who already have FOUR sons married. By now you,Lawson,and Trace should be married or courting to make it even with Josh,John David,Joseph, and Josiah Duggar. Can't wait to find out who she is.

    1. IMO, the Duggars all get married too young. No one needs to catch up with anyone. Putting pressure on people to get married is not ok!

    2. Trace was pressured to get married by Erin and Kelly because they wanted another boy marrying. I think that put a lot of pressure in his relationship. People should get married when they’re ready and sure about it. Sometimes that happens later in life and that’s okay.

  16. Google promise ring, and you’ll find it’s actually more common than you think, for a guy to wear a promise ring

  17. Congrats to Nathan. I would keep it under wraps too. My guess it's someone he met overseas where he does his service work.

  18. Good for Nathan !!! I respect him for not making everything public for the show or even for Instagram. It looks like he is really being serious and careful in his relationship before marriage. He will benefit greatly for years to come in marriage for his wisdom and patience. The promise ring is cool as well.

  19. Throwing out a guess option...Laura. I do hope it is Jana, but could be her friend?? Maybe Jana set them up?

    1. That is who I am thinking, too. No matter who they are, I wish them all the best.

  20. Good for him keeping his relationship private for now!

  21. Or, could it actually be a wedding band and he had a very quiet/Covid small wedding???

    1. ...awwwe yeeeah. I hope you are right!

    2. I doubt it. He wouldn't lie. Plus they would be living together.

  22. Aw, that's wonderful! He seems to be a great guy.

  23. Does anyone know - does the promise ring precede a courtship or does a promise ring come between the courtship and the engagement. Nathan seems all-in, ready to commit to marriage. So his attitude makes me think that maybe they are past the courting stage.

    1. I think he is at the courting stage and about ready to propose stage.

  24. Well the Duggar’s only girl that could be courting is Jana, otherwise it’s one of the Duggar boys, but a lot of the Duggar boys are 21 or younger.

  25. I didn't know men wore promise rings! You learn something new every day. Hope you and your special someone are blessed by God.

  26. I feel pretty certain that it's NOT Jana.

  27. Blessings to Nathan and the future God has planned for him🙏🙏🙏

  28. If u mentioned this promise ring and don't want to name the woman why bring it up ? Strange for a man to wear a promise ring. Just another episode to keep everyone guessing to watch the show.

  29. Nathan would fit better with Jana than Lawson, but I'm guessing a Philippine girl.

  30. Nathan is a 27 year old grown up man...high school girls were given 'promise rings'. Quite juvenile and silly, really. He needs to be a man and to ack like one if he thinks he's 'ready for a relationship'. To these people, any opposite sex relationship holds a serious possibility to marry. Too much pressure especially for people who don't know themselves and really haven't lived.

    1. Actually, I see it as a more thoughtful gesture when they're older, especially if the guy is wearing one. He has been "acting like a man" for years, helping out others, backing away from a relationship that wasn't working out rather than pursuing it further, etc. He has been an adult for years. I am not sure why you're picking in him.

    2. There is nothing wrong with a man having a promise ring. Men can be sentimental just like women, in fact, it’s a wonderful trait to have. Thankfully everyone is different and has different likes and dislikes. Nathan likes the promise ring and I do too, I think it’s wonderful.
      I’m sure the girl he is promised to loves that he has the ring.

    3. I think the promise ring is silly too. Just get engaged if they are ready to "promise"-- whatever that means.

    4. It's juvenile and silly to openly express commitment to purity and significance in a relationship? Or to promise yourself to another person with the intent of working toward marriage before being at a point of being ready for the wedding within a few months? Or wanting to physically and visibly demonstrate that he is not available so people stop making assumptions about him or attempting to force their thoughts on him?

      You certainly are a bitter, jaded human being. It's astonishing that something like love and integrity can be interpreted as silly and immature. You must have a very sad life.

  31. I don’t know about Nathan courting Jana...she’s 3.5 years older than him. Not a huge difference and many people have larger age gaps and I respectfully agree that many marriages with age gaps are wonderful so don’t start yelling at me! But Jana seems more mature to me and sounds like she’s looking for a more mature guy!

    1. I get what you are saying. It's definitely a little more unusual for the woman to be younger. However, Nathan is the most mature and grounded of the single Bates men so I do think he is the best fit based on personality. He fits in with the Duggar work ethic as well. Out of the Bates guys I thought about Jana and Lawson at one point because Lawson is so darn handsome but unless it's an opposites attract thing I do think Nathan is a more natural fit for Jana.

    2. I agree that she is more mature. As far as relationships go, Nathan acts as giddy as a school girl.

    3. I agree I can’t see Nathan and Jana together. But who knows!

  32. If it is Nathan and Jana, I don't think we will be seeing very much of them on TV any longer. Nathan is hardly ever on the Bates show, and Jana always seems uncomfortable on her family's show. I've thought in the past that they would make a good match though.

  33. He's "not really talking about it to the public", but is explaining about the promise ring? Seems to me if he really wanted to keep a relationship private, he'd have done so without wearing a ring in the first place that was generating a lot of rumors.

    1. lol, it's fun to start people guessing before you reveal a big secret! :-)

    2. Or maybe he's an actual human being and not a made-up character on a soap opera, and he's doing something for the good of his own heart and feelings. I wore a promise ring before getting engaged because it was a meaningful gesture that held value and significance to my partner and me, not because I wanted people asking about it. You people sure love drama.

    3. @5:44 It was Nathan who contradicted himself. He said he's not talking publicly about his relationship, yet he goes on to discuss the promise ring. I don't care about the ring itself or the meaning behind it. However, if he truly wants privacy at this point, he'd wait until there's an official announcement. I think this was all scripted for filming purposes.

    4. He wasn't contradicting himself. He was just saying he wasn't going to go into detail. He was giving a basic level of information and not going past that level.

  34. PLEASE just call it DATING same thing this isn't 1950 or the 60's

  35. I wonder if Nathan is dating Emily Raynes! Hmm I guess we’ll find out. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  36. Remember Evan and Carlin's YouTube video earlier this summer? When Lawson and Nathan were flying them to the beach? The lock screen on his phone was a photo of a young woman. Couldn't really see her very well but there were a lot of speculations that it was Laura.
    It most definitely wasn't Jana.
    I've always wondered how UP and TLC would work together if there was a Duggar/Bates wedding. Conflicting contracts and competing networks and all that. But the timelines and secrecy does make me think there's some sort of connection.

    1. I guess TLC would get the wedding, UP the baby

  37. These are my guesses:

    Lawson and Hannah Wissmann
    (the blue eyed girl he’s singing about)

    Nathan and Laura DeMasie
    Jana is still single but a good cover and friend. Poor girl, she keeps getting paired with Lawson for it. Ha

    Jason or Jed is courting Lauren Caldwell

    🤷🏻‍♀️ But who really knows 😉

  38. We back in high school going steady? Your an adult and dating not a courtship.

    1. Going steady is not the same as courtship.

  39. I wonder if it is Emily Raynes that Nathan is dating!

    1. Or janas friend, Laura Demaise!

  40. All and all when said and done he will be married by end of next year. The Bates and Duggar way . As we all know.

  41. When I was in high school, a promise ring meant promising God (and others) that you would keep yourself pure for your future husband. Usually only girls would wear them, and would get them with their parents involved.

    1. I thought those were called purity rings. Twenty-five years ago when I first heard of them, a promise ring was like being engaged to be engaged, and it was in secular circles, not affiliated with parents or courtship at all.

  42. 1. I think it's cute that, he as the male is wearing a ring before marriage. 2. I thing thats more of a (16-20) yrs old age thing; buthey as long as he is cool with it. 3. I wish it is Jana Duggar because I think they would balance each other well, but I doubt it is. 4. That's nice its under wraps for now, since his last public one went sideways.

  43. I am glad he is giving it private. no everyone wants to follow them on tv. and which may I say is staged. from someone who does not follow them on tv

  44. On another note, I do wonder why Olivia Collingsworth and Emily Raynes travel to TN to the Bates a lot more than they ever have. ??

  45. On yesterday's (9/15) Duggar episode, Jana, John David and Abbie were in Knoxville, I looked close to see one of the Bates but didn't spot anyone. You know, Knoxville sure is close to Rocky Top, definitely makes me wonder. Laura DeMasie was back in Arkansas helping with Jana's new greenhouse. However, why would the family build Jana a greenhouse at the family home, if she were in a serious courtship with Nathan? Time will tell...

  46. It’s LAURA!!!! Jana’s best friend🤪🤪😜

  47. I'm sorry I have to dissapoint all of you who hoped it would be Jana. But on Carlin and Evan's YouTube chanel there's a vlog where Nathan flies them to Florida and you can see the picture of a girl on his phone. No idea who she is but definitely not Jana.

  48. He better be promised to a girl.. i will stop watching if it is different....

  49. It's not Jana and it's not Laura. you can tell by the picture when they were flying Evan and Carlin to Florida. there's the 1 or 2 that I have in mind but that's just a guess. Possibly emily raynes. I don't think this is anybody we know that would be on our radar. it's too bad because this was I think the perfect one for Jana


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