
Friday, September 4, 2020

'Song for a Girl' with a Girl from 'The Bachelor'

A new music from Lawson Bates just dropped! The tune is called "Song for a Girl," and Lawson acts in the video alongside Heather Martin, a contestant on the January-March 2019 season of The Bachelor. Heather is known for having her first kiss ever on The Bachelor. Lawson's music video is available on the UPtv website, and a behind-the-scenes video is embedded below, so be sure to take a look and a listen.


Photos/video courtesy of UPtv/


  1. Teaming up with a former contestant on the Bachelor? My, Lawson's music career is certainly broadening his horizons!

  2. is that is girl friend? just by her being on that show I can see the mother and father would not like her?

    1. That is a very trashy show. This blog apparently isn't hiding the fact that she appeared on that anti-Christian program as far as morality goes. She comes across as seductive on the music video.

    2. I don’tWatch the shoes myself but I do hear things shoot the participants. Lots of contestants on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette have been born again Christians, and some of the bachelors and bachelorette too.

  3. Is the Song For A Girl about Jana Duggar? I saw that there was some article that they were rumored to be courting.
    Either way, such a great thing for Lawson's career!

    1. Quit pining for those two to get together! It will never happen- they have said a million times they are just friends.

    2. Jana has brown eyes; this song is about a girl with blue eyes!

    3. No, that's just a rumor

    4. 5:08, janas eyes are actually a gray/blue color, not brown

  4. Lawson cracks me up. He does the MOST, and it always backfires on him. Why push a false narrative that you have a girlfriend when you don't? I feel bad for those fans who play the game with him, asking if he has a girlfriend and if it's Jana. He doesn't want a relationship; Lawson wants you to like him. The sad part is that his so-called fans don't even purchase his songs. Travis and Evan know how to sign and promote without the extra stuff, and people buy it. Oh, Lawson. haha

  5. Lawson seriously needs to give up his music "career" and get a real job. It's embarrassing at his age.

    1. Eh, let him pursue his interests, if he has the time and freedom.

    2. I see both sides of this. On the one hand, it’s his life and he has the freedom and the right to pursue his music career or any other career he chooses. That’s his choice alone and nobody else’s business really. On the other hand, could he support himself and be independent and live on his own with the money he’s making from his music career? If not, at his age maybe he should start considering other ways to provide for himself and any wife or family that might come along since he’s almost 30 years old. I wonder if his parents have these concerns

    3. What? At his age. Since when does music have an age limit? Step outside you very small box.

  6. A bachelor's contestant? I thought the Bates were very strict christians and very conservative people!! mmm... that's pretty weird...

  7. The Batchelor seems to promote very, very, very different views than the ones the Bates believe. What is going on?

  8. Wow from side-hugging and accountability buddies during courtship to being okay with arm around a girl from the extremely mainstream Bachelor in a cami!!!

  9. Her first kiss? I thought their family had rules against that. Like no physical contact before marriage. I remember watching that season of the bachelor.

    1. I know...I can’t understand all the touching going on. Is Lawson getting calloused to the music world? This is getting to be too much. And it won’t be good for him.

  10. This video and the singing show improvement from previously.

  11. I’ll be honest...a little disappointed in these choices. But he is a man and they are his choices to make. His music has gotten very mainstream. You would assume since it’s his video that he has some say in her clothing and the fact that his hands are constantly on her.

    1. AGREE 7:05. I’m afraid we’re seeing a breakdown of principles and godliness beginning...

    2. Agree 100%. Just really makes you think they are fake and are just paid actors. Basically causing other people to think well if they do it and they're Christians then maybe it's not a big deal.

    3. Good grief, you make it sound like he's groping her. Holding hands, touching hair, or an arm around a shoulder is normal thing. He's trying to sell the illusion that there's a romance in the video and the song is telling a story. I wouldn't be surprised if Lawson has been dating quite a bit, but chooses not to make it public. Nothing wrong with that either.

    4. Completely agree with y’all @7:05, 2:28, and 11:39!

    5. To 9:48...OP here and I mean more of the scenes where her head is on his lap but yes, also the cuddling. It’s very intimate!

    6. 7:29. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Lawson is doing that and a lot more in his private dating life. He’s a grown man and can make his own choices without flak from others.

  12. Song for a Girl is m favorite new song!

  13. Wow. Just learned about the Bachelor and watched a bit. I feel kind of dirty now. This is taking dating around to a whole new level. Yuck. An insult to women.

    1. We’ll, there’s also the Bachelorette which is the same concept but the other way around.

  14. Yeah definitely sad about the choices he’s making:(

  15. They are alone, in the video. No chaperone. The woman is wearing pants. They are touching. Why is UP/the Bates/this blog promoting this? I thought it went against all their values.

    1. They’re adults. They don’t need a chaperone! Also, so what if a female wears pants? Clothes don’t determine if someone is a good Christian or not!

    2. The Bates parents had chaperones for other adult kids. Why is Lawson given special privileges?

    3. Couldn't Lawson find a girl who actually likes him, instead of paying this one to be in his video?

    4. @8:18-yes, Lawson is an adult; but he is an adult Bates. His parents and upbringing speak to what adults can and cannot do as compared to main stream adults.

    5. You do see the camera crew in the video, right? They were not alone without chaperones.

    6. @6:46- great question!!!

    7. 7:03 Why is Lawson obligated or destined to do everything the way his parents have? He’s not a robot, nor should any of the rest of them be. I never followed my parents’ religious beliefs once I became an adult. My religion is simply following the Golden Rule as best I can. To me, that’s what counts in this crazy world, not whether you kiss before marriage or wear certain clothes.

    8. Lawson plays for the other team girls, so this is all perfectly fine

  16. I'm surprised Lawson didn't have a girl from his church in the video--wearing a long jumper and with long, wavy hair down to her waist. That would show others the true Christian values his family represents. Wouldn't that have been more consistent? I'm not sure if choosing the worldly way is the best route.

  17. I like the song and video!

  18. Re the Bates girls boutique.. Proud they started a great business. Suggestion in addition to the lovely clothing perhaps the girls may want to consider developing a line of modest swimwear it’s really needed.

    1. They don’t actually develop their own clothes. They buy wholesale and resell them. There are lots of modest swimwear companies though. Just search it and see.

  19. This blog claims to be written by a friend of the bates yet you (blog owner)continue to allow hate comments flood this site. What kind of friend is that? Not only that but considering you have the control over the comments how can you let so much hate be allowed on your website? You have the choice to not allow hate on your website. I am ashamed to see it. It is not right in God's eye. I am tired of visiting this blog but I knew I couldn't leave without trying to reach out to you and see if you could change the way you allow comments on this blog. Especially in this world that needs more love and encouragement.

    1. I don’t think any of the comments are hateful. It is okay to be disappointed in how someone is now acting. There have been changes in the family, and it is sad to see. It doesn’t mean we think they are terrible people, but it would be nice to see people hold the line and not bend to the current culture.

    2. It's not hate. I am concerned about Lawson and the Bates family. This isn't typical of him.

    3. I don’t personally see a lot of hate on this blog, lots of people sharing their opinions. And I wouldn’t call the blog owners personal friends, more of acquaintances and I thought that was actually because of the blog. But I could be remembering wrong.

    4. I see it more as a healthy discussion and debate, not hate. Not everyone is going to have the same opinions, and I think that’s a good thing. It’s important to learn about other perspectives... it makes us grow, expand our mind, think outside our bubble, consider other possibilities. Life would be pretty boring if we all had the same opinions.

  20. Given on the live he said he had an announcement- then this released- I think this is his attempt at a clever courtship announcement. I think his behavior in the video said everything- his family is so conservative... he wouldn’t have behaved that way with just anyone.

    Great song ... hoping it is an announcement and you’re both happy!

    1. He made another video with a different reality star awhile back. It ws the same kind of romantic set-up, but there was never any truth to the rumors that they had a real romance. I think it's strictly to add some pizazz to his music.

  21. Watched Lawson's music video yesterday. LOVED IT!!! Maybe this one will gain him more popularity in the country music world with having someone from a famous most watched TV show in the US(in which me and my family do not watch because its "trash" practically). Maybe he will go for this girl and ask her to court him this time. The last 4 girls he never took interest in to try courting (and one of them is married now). Keep up the good work Lawson.🙂👍 Maybe someday you will get discovered by a talent agent from the CMA (Country Music Association),the CCM (Christian Contemporary Music association) or the SGMA (Southern Gospel Music Association). Whatever comes first. Maybe you should try out for America's Got Talent or The Voice too.

  22. I like the song but I never purchase any music.

  23. He looks genuinely happy in that video, And why not? Have fun while you’re young. Glad he can pursue his passion.

    1. I agree 100%. You are only young once, so you might as well go after your dreams

  24. Lawson is a ADULT! Can make his own choice's now. He may marry the girl or not. People change , it's obvious he did. Move on. Who said he was dating her? Lawson nope. Ledabeth

  25. Lawson is a ADULT! Can make his own choice's now. He may marry the girl or not. People change , it's obvious he did. Move on. Who said he was dating her? Lawson nope. Ledabeth ( To commenter above his parents don't have to like the girl , they aren't marry her. Should he choose to marry her.)

  26. Maybe Lawson has his sights set on being the next Bachelor.

  27. The song is great!! Surely there is a blond, blue eyed girl out there that would have done the video with him instead of someone from that awful TV show!!

  28. Truly disappointed. If he is with this girl, then the video is appropriate. If he is not with this girl, then why not just have a male actor in the video with her instead of himself? Feel bad when I lose another wholesome entertainer for my kids. Have to explain that this person has changed now so we move on to someone else. Of course he has a right to his life. Just wish we could know who was going to stay wholesome for good clean family entertainment.

    1. what in the music video did you find to be unwholesome?

    2. It’s pretend, like acting in a movie. Why is it a bad thing for Lawson to play a part in his own video, which has nothing unwholesome about it?

    3. I agree. I was very surprised. Her dress was not appropriate and she was lying on his chest and his lap.

    4. I have to say I agree. We used to be able to watch the show with no issues. Slowly, we’ve had to start pointing out inappropriate behavior like when a few of the girls started courting and suddenly were physically all over their man or the skirts suddenly started hiking up shorter and shorter. Yes those are normal things to expect to see on a daily basis in the world but not when you’re watching people who used to be ultra conservative.

    5. @7:17- because Lawson was raised and is part of a family that doesn’t believe in such closeness before official courtship.

    6. I know what you mean. The show has changed. I don't think there is anything wrong with wearing pants, and certainly lots of pants are way more modest that lots of dresses. But some of the Bates girls have gone over the top, wearing pants that look more like pantyhose. Yes, everyone should do whatever is right for themselves. I don't care to make rules for other people. But if we had known how the show was going to change, we would not have started watching it with our young kids. I still think they are lovely people and wish them the best, and I love the old episodes of the show.

  29. Song is pretty good, but Lawson’s acting needs some work. Looks like he’s acting

  30. Why all the concern about Lawson and the girl? Maybe he has changed from the way he was raised. He can have his own beliefs now.

  31. Some of these comments...just wow. I watched the Lawson's video. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Its suppose to be a romantic song. While her attire isn't ultra conservative, its not over the top what so ever. All body parts are fully covered. As far as the girl, if one is trying to sell music, having someone who already has a bit of a following will help him sell the song. It will also help him break into the mainstream a little bit - which he needs to do if he wants to be a successful musician. Lawson had his arm on her shoulder and she had her head on his knee. It's not like they were kissing. Some of you need to relax a little bit, this is still a family friendly and safe video.


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