
Monday, September 7, 2020

The Hole in Layla's Heart

Layla Stewart at the hospital in February

New parents Carlin and Evan Stewart have had a rough go of things since welcoming Layla Rae Stewart on January 31st. As a newborn, Layla struggled with jaundice and was readmitted to the hospital soon after her homecoming.  

In February, both Layla and Carlin were hospitalized. Carlin was diagnosed with meningitis, and Layla was having difficulty breathing. During follow-up testing, doctors discovered a small hole in Layla's heart. To top it all off, she was also put on medicine for acid reflux. This Thursday on a new episode of Bringing Up Bates, viewers will check in with the Stewarts and find out more about their baby girl's condition. 


Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Carlin gave birth in a hospital and babies are almost always checked for heart murmurs not long after birth. I'm shocked this was missed unless it was just placed where hard to see.

    1. Hospitals do congenital heart screens on every baby, but it is possible for some things not to show up right away. As for murmurs, they can be very difficult to hear sometimes and can be normal in a baby that is just a few days old. That is one reason if is recommended to follow up with a pediatrician soon after discharge. If I’m remembering correctly, they discovered it when Layla was around three weeks old, which is still catching it early.

  2. That poor family has had a rough time these past few month. I remember when Layla had the jaundice issue and the not so nice comments about it. Ill certainly be praying for them.

  3. This is the first time I’ve heard Carlin speak calmly and sensibly.

  4. Meningitis? That is very serious. Wasn't she vaccinated?

    1. I know two that have had meningitis both vaccinated. There are strains the vaccine doesn't cover.

    2. There are multiple types of meningitis and there is only a vaccine for one of them

    3. There are different kinds of meningitis. The vaccine covers bacterial meningitis, which tends to be more severe. It does not cover viral meningitis or other types.

  5. This is why Katie and Travis should wait a bit. Adulting is more than just pretty weddings. Neither one of them is prepared for a problem like this, financially or emotionally. Katie can't even behave herself at Travis' home!

    1. Things like this have a way of helping you grow up more quickly.

  6. I was born with a ventricular septal defect (VSD). I wonder if Layla has a VSD or an ASD (Atrial). I feel the hole must be very small, because she has gained weight well, and seems to have energy, and those are good signs. My prayers are that she heals on her own and won't require surgery.

    1. Thank you for your comment, 6:10pm. I appreciate your information. You stated it very gently, as well. Again, thank you.

    2. I’ve wondered if she has an ASD or VSD too.

  7. Poor Baby! But she will get better andshe has a lovely family

  8. And recovering from Covid-19! God please look out for this family!

  9. I hope that Carlin and Evan and baby Layla are all doing well. My child went through the same thing.

  10. My sister was born with a hole in her heart,she will be 50 next month,she is happily married with 3 beautiful daughters. It's very scary getting a diagnosis of a hole in the heart,you are all in prayers 🙏🙏

  11. God Bless You Carlin, Evan and Bates Family! Praying for the Baby's health!

  12. Was Carlin’s meningitis prior to her covid outbreak or after? There is no correlation right? Carlin must be so tired in addition to worrying about Layla. Sometimes, if we don’t take care like we should, our bodies have ways of decidI got for us that we need to slow down and rest and take care of ourselves more. Carlin needs rest. Praying for healing for both of them.

    1. Their Covid infection was the end of July or so, announced in August I think. Not very smart to be out and around with so many health issues for this family, but they were with friends and family this summer and traveling. They took tremendous risks and got sick.

    2. It was many months prior

  13. Just love this family . No materialism ,work hard, funny, happy and being ordinary.
    You gotta love them. They make life look so easy.

  14. Just love this family.
    Happy,funny and have each others back!!

  15. My baby had silent acid reflux and it was so hard. Baby screaming in pain all day and can’t lay flat, held her all night. I got an Owlet monitor to see if she was safe. The hole in heart is scary. I’ll say a little prayer.

  16. Carlin & Evan have sure been through a lot and I will certainly be praying for them and baby Layla.


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