
Monday, September 21, 2020

Whitney Turns 27

Happy 27th birthday to Whitney Bates!

Whitney Bates, Zach Bates, Khloe Bates, Kaci Bates, Bradley Bates

Photo courtesy of @zachnwhitbates


  1. Hard to believe she was just 20 when they got married, and here she is already 27!!! Time sure does fly. Happy birthday. She gets more beautiful with every year.

    1. I agree that she just gets more beautiful! Zach is a lucky guy!

    2. Wow that's a big hoot that she turning 27

    3. Happy belated birthday and many more

  2. I hope Whitney enjoyed her special day! She seems truly lovely and kind.

  3. Just wanted to wish Whitney a very happy 27th birthday today hope you have a wonderful day with your family and friends stay safe , stay healthy and enjoy your day

    1. Hopefully, she's not having a party with extended family and friends. We will never get rid of COVID because of behavior like that.

    2. I know Covid is a concern still, but I'm really tired of seeing it talked about so much on here. Our scolding isn't going to do anything.

    3. 6:41, you realize that viruses don’t just “go away” correct? You can lessen them by having everyone stay home but as soon as people go out again it’ll ramp right back up. If you really can only get it one time (which we won’t know for sure for quite awhile) it would be better to just get it now if you’re not someone with a weakened immune system.

    4. We will never get rid of COVID, because it’s a virus, not because people have birthday parties. Stop watching the news and allowing them to make you turn on your fellow man. COVID is nothing more than a any other typical, run of the mill virus, and you wouldn’t even know it existed if it wasn’t for the news.

      -a friendly family care doctor

    5. To the friendly family care doctor above- AMEN!!!! You are a hundred percent right on!

    6. 9:00 Are you an infectious disease expert? I know COVID is not like the any other virus, because I know people who have been sick for months with it and two have died. It's hardly "run of the mill" and I have a hard time believing that you are a medical professional.

    7. @ 9:00

      I hope you are not really a doctor. If you were, you would know that this is NOT a run-of-the-mill virus. It is highly deadly and highly contagious and large gatherings only contribute to the spread.

    8. I work in both an ER and a family care setting. In the ER I have seen a couple people die with a positive testing for COVID; however they all had comorbidities such as obesity or diabetes or COPD. Not only do I stand by what I said, but I can also say that all of the staff I work with—RNs, MDs, PAs, and NPs—with the exception of one MD, agree with my assessment. You’ll find most medical professionals agree with what I said, but their voices are drowned out by the media who, for an unknown reason, believe they understand the medical field best.

    9. I so agree with the " family Dr." We can be careful, just like when the flu is going around, but we can't live in fear. The media is running wild with this. It will be interesting to see where they go with it after the election. I have my theory, but I know that everyone does. May we turn our eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.

    10. To the “Friendly Family Care Doctor,”
      I trust you are not a real medical doctor. There is a reason they call this the “novel” virus - because it’s so new and different. Doctors have not been studying it that long. If you have a research paper that proves it is no different from the flu, please share it with the medical community.

    11. 7:03AM: I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. My daughter is a frontline nurse, and there's no one at her hospital that sounds like you.

    12. It IS run of the mill, in the sense that it’s no more deadly than any other virus being introduced. In fact, it is less deadly than historically new viruses. Look at smallpox. It was brand new to Native Americans, and it killed 90% of them. The “novel” coronavirus has killed .001% of Americans. Big ol’ difference.

    13. I don’t mind disagreement. I don’t mind differences of opinion. But just because you disagree with me doesn’t make me not a doc. Have a good day, you all.

    14. For what it’s worth, my husband is an NP. He has, more or less, the same opinion as the “family doc” above, as do most of his colleagues. He works in a level II trauma center, seeing a VERY chronically sick population of people. His experience during the height of the virus was a significantly lower patient census, and of those who were positive for the virus, he saw flu like symptoms and sent them home. There were few admissions for COVID. He noted in his experience, and also from CDC data, that during this virus, pneumonia and sepsis deaths have all but disappeared. He had at least two or three pneumonia or sepsis deaths a shift, regularly, but miraculously, both of those normal causes of death have been eradicated since the virus began!!! ...Or maybe people are still dying of pneumonia and sepsis, as they would have originally, but now those deaths are being labeled something insincere.

      Don’t attack a medical professional just because you have a difference of perspective. It’s ok to disagree with someone, but to call someone a big liar, just because you don’t see things eye to eye is crazy.

    15. Why are you people on here making assumptions? You obviously dont watch their show. The Bates immediately implemented social distancing with the family. They immediately followed guidelines regarding masks, hand-washing, and here is an entire block of comments that have zero to do with the family.

    16. 2:08- This virus is worldwide, not just limited to the US and our response to it.

  4. Happy Birthday Whitney!!! God Bless your happy family. May you have a wonderful day.

  5. Love her! Love her accent. Hope she had a great day!

  6. Khloe's face in this picture!! I love it!!

  7. All I know about the Bates is from TV but they seem to be a happy family. Happy husband and beautiful and happy children. Whitney does grow more beautiful each year. May God always come first. Many wishes for a happy birthday surrounded by those she loves.

  8. Happy Birthday whitney hope you had a wonderful day

  9. Happy birthday Whitney! You’ve got a beautiful family!

  10. Happy Birthday Whitney! 🌹🎂🎈🥳

  11. Happy BDay Whitney, 27 was my best year, and I hope for U the same!!!!! U are a very great mother, and I am proud of the person U are!!!!! Good work, I love U 5!!!!

  12. Happy Birthday Whitney. I hope you are able to share your Birthday with your family. You have a Beautiful Family. Can’t wit for the next season to start. I really enjoy watch the show. Love from South Georgia.

  13. Happy birthdah! Enjoy your day and your beautiful family. I so enjky watching you and your family each week. Its good to know family values still exists in this crazy world. God Bless

  14. Happy birthday to Whitney!

  15. Happy Belated Birthday Whitney! I hope you had a very blessed day with your little family. Despite COVID, and not being able to have larger gatherings, I'm sure it will be made up when you can all be together again. I love watching the show and all the kids growing up, grandkids too. It is awesome to see the family values being instilled in the next generation, especially now that those values seem to be decreasing from our world today. God bless you and your family!


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