
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Caption Layla's Photo

Well it's Thursday, but there is no new episode of Bringing Up Bates to look forward to. Looks like eight-month-old Layla is pretty bummed about that. If you could choose a caption for her photo, what would it be? And rest assured, we will let you know as soon as UPtv announces the premiere date for the next season.

Layla Stewart

Photo courtesy of @carlinbates98


  1. Do I really have to learn the names of all the people in this family?

  2. "There's a crunch berry under that bench."

  3. Are you talking to me?!

  4. She's probably thinking, "I'm so worried about the election. I hope Trump loses!"

    1. To 3:18 pm. Let's keep politics off this site. Our country is divided and your comment is not helpful.

    2. I totally agree!! (0h-oh! Here we go with a million angry responses!) 🙄

    3. No, that's what the unborn babies are thinking about Biden.

    4. I can assure you, she's hoping Biden loses. She's a descendant of smart, Godly people.

    5. Her family is more intelligent than that. I’m sure they’re conservative. They’re definitely pro-life.

    6. i'm surprised ellie didnt delete this but i sure do agree with you!!

    7. Given the President's record of both words and actions that recognize the intrinsic value of all people from conception to natural death - if she were thinking anything on the subject it would likely be to thank God that he had been in that position for nearly 4 years and hoping that he will have 4 more years to continue his good work.

    8. Or maybe you could caption it: "I'm worried that Biden will win, but its in God's hands"

    9. Politics have no place here. We don't know whom they support and it doesn't matter. Who brings politics into a pic captioning a sweet baby. And we've got no right to tell others how they should believe either. You've got every right to back whomever you like just don't assume you get to shove those beliefs down others throats. We're all Americans therefore we're on the same team. This is ridiculous.

    10. Mentioning your belief or political view isn't shoving it down anyone's throat. That's a bit dramatic.

  5. "Please take me home so I can nap."

  6. "did I give you permission to take a picture" lol.

  7. Caption "Does October mean endless chocolate?" Or maybe "I'm not distracted. I'm not distracted."

  8. I'm pretty bummed out about not having my Thursday evening time with the Bates! It's funny how you can become so attached to people you've never actually met, but they have come to feel like family to me and I get such a blessing and enjoyment from seeing them each week. I love this adorable photo of Layla. She's sure a cutie! I'll be looking forward to hearing the announcement about the next season and hope the entire family is doing well.

    1. I thought the same thing, about becoming attached to people who you haven't met, then on September 18th my husband and I moved to Oak Ridge Tennessee and now we attend the church that Mr. Gil Bates pastors.

    2. Oh, that's really nice! Last year my husband & I went through the area and I was wishing we might be able to stop and visit their church but with our traveling schedule and friend we were going to visit, unfortunately it just didn't work out. I'd love to meet the Bates someday. They are such a sweet family. Hope you and your husband will love living in Tennessee. It's such a beautiful area.

  9. No caption from me... but awe look at her looking like her mommy.

    1. She usually looks so much like Carlin, but for some reason in this pic she looks just like Evan! Regardless, she is always adorable and loved dearly!

  10. No caption, but you can tell who her mommy is!

  11. Take this ridiculous bow off my head!

  12. Time 8:00AM Fri 10/2/20
    My caption would be Layla u have
    Beautiful parents who will teach u
    About life beening kind sweet
    Person & teaching u that u have a
    Great future out there.

  13. “ I’m so over being carried in this bag,”

    1. Can't wait to have a run around with out mum picking me up and carry me around I need freedom

  14. But but but I am so camera ready!

  15. The old classic caption: "I'm as snug as a bug in a rug in here"

  16. I wish that I could get down and play with you.

  17. "what do you mean they haven't announced the return date yet?'

  18. I miss ya"ll already. See u soon.

  19. Please don’t film me to make money.

  20. "Can I look any more like Mommy ?"

  21. I agree that this is not a political site. Political views need not be posted here IMO.

  22. Why do you keep posting random photos of me...I’m pooping, give me some privacy

  23. To caption Layla's picture, I would say, "I feel like such a joey."

  24. What do you mean we can't even swing? I'm so over 2020!

  25. Layla looks like a mini-Carlin!!!!! The caption would say, 'Who Called This Meeting????? LOL!!!

  26. "fall!" as a caption

  27. so this is what they were talking about, wrapping the babe in swaddling clothes


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