
Monday, October 26, 2020

Erin's Road to Recovery

Erin and Chad Paine

A few of you have asked how Erin and Chad Paine and their four kids are doing. Erin recently shared that she tested positive for the virus in August and has had a long road to recovery. Thankfully, she is feeling a lot better now. We are praying that she would continue to recover.

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. Erin must have had it bad if she still hasn't completely recovered in two months,maybe she was being brushed off from the hospital as not being a serious case and didn't get the cure she needed,her recovery would have been faster if she had,I really don't think hospitals are taking care of everyone who needs it but then again they are overwhelmed with work,this is tough,let's hope the vaccine works,but I don't really believe it because the regular flu vaccine doesn't,I've been told by various people who have had it, and this virus is novel and difficult to battle.

    1. Yes it’s a very terrible and horrible sickness. 11 people in my family got it. Thankfully we are over it but we got sick with it in August and by the end of September we got to feeling better. Stay safe!

    2. A cure hasn't been developed yet. It sounds like Erin is a long hauler. She has an underlying condition due to her blood clotting disorder. Medical professionals can only do so much without a cure or vaccine and have been practically begging people to take basic precautions to prevent the spread of the disease.

    3. Op here,by the way I didn't mean the regular flu vaccine doesn't work for the coronavirus,I meant that some people have told me that they still got flu with fever even after getting the vaccine,still even if the coronavirus vaccine works for some people and not all,it's better than nothing,I've heard it hasn't been properly tested,who knows the truth, we'll have to wait and see.

    4. Sometimes it really is just mild. I should know, since I'm one of those "hospital" people brushing patients off. Incidentally, that would be an EMTALA violation.

    5. There is no cure for COVID. We can only manage symptoms that accompany the virus. And yes, it takes months to recover. We take every case seriously. We don't rush anyone out of the hospital, we are giving them the very best we have to offer, such that it is. This IS NOT the FLU! and can not be managed like influenza.

    6. The post doesn't say if Erin ever sought treatment at a hospital or if she just tried to recover at home. Currently there is no cure for Covid-19. Hospitals can offer supportive care only and try a few antiviral drugs that were originally developed for other viruses. At least that's what's available to the general public. Deaths are starting to move north of a thousand American fatalities a day again and hospitals in some areas are being overwhelmed. Please help out by wearing a mask in public and social distancing. You could save someone's life. BTW, the flu vaccine works just fine. The only time I got the flu as an adult was during one of the few years when I got too busy to get the vaccine.

    7. The flu vaccine is around 47 percent effective. It doesn't "work fine." Please don't spread misinformation

    8. I want to echo that! The 2 years I worked in a seniors home, I had no option but to have the flu vaccine and those 2 years I had cold/flu symptoms more frequently and more severe than the many other other years without the shot!!! And I have heard of MANY others that have the same experience!

    9. 8:03 PM -- Thanks for sharing that. The only people I ever know who get the flu are the people who get the shot.

    10. Fifteen years in the military and working in healthcare, we always had to/have to take the flu shot. I never had an adverse reaction. I always took, and still take, Acetaminophen prophylactically after the flu shot and everything worked/works fine for me. Got my latest flu shot last month.
      My best to the Bates family and to anyone who has had to cope with COVID-19, including some in my own family. Prayers to all!!

    11. The flu vaccine preparation is changed every years based on the strain the experts believe will be prevalent thus some do still get sick.

      Hospitals, nurses and doctors are working their tail off. We are overwhelmed, ICU is full. In fact almost our entire hospital is full. The floor I'm on is the only one with empty beds. It's the momma/baby floor. Please, don't accuse hospitals of not caring (physically or emotionally) for patients. Some get the virus and have no symptoms. Some get it and are sick but don't need hospitalization. Others are gravely ill and can be hospitalized 4-6 weeks or longer. We cannot help it if people won't mask up around grandma and don't bring her to the hospital until she's critically ill.

  2. I hope Erin feels better soon. I know it's hard as a Mom to get adequate rest when there are young children in the home. Best wishes!

    1. She is so blessed to have Chad and a family who are so willing to help with kids. help her with the kids.

    2. She/they are fortunate and I hope they didn’t/ don’t spread it to other family. Didn’t Carlin have it around this time, too? I lost my sister, an otherwise healthy 34 year old to COVID in June.

      I hope they do better with tracing, masks and distancing. This virus doesn’t care what race, gender, religion, location, political affiliation, SES, how many kids you have etc... it’s here to fight and we all need to do our part. Wish all good health.

    3. Anonymous 2:24, I am so, so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister.

  3. God bless you and your family and may He keep you safe.

  4. Sorry to hear. Happy she's better Hard to understand pics the past few months? Was sHe home sick ? Did children get sick too? Prayers for family

  5. Oh wow! That is terrible she got it but glad she is getting better.

  6. This is what's so important to understand about COVID and infectious disease experts have been trying to get the message across. It affects everyone differently and we are only just beginning to know some of the long-term ramifications of it. Most people have mild symptoms and recover, no problem. But this virus is more infectious and more deadly that the flu. It has to be taken seriously. Sadly, many people don't do this until it affects themselves or a loved one. Careless behavior is spreading it needlessly.

    1. Indeed well said. Even if you present with a mild case and recover someone else might not. Stop the spread!

  7. You might want to specify this is COVID-19 instead of just “the virus” in case people read this post years from now. I sometimes read your old posts and context is helpful.

    1. I think the 2020 at the top just might be enough.

    2. Good point. Also there are plenty of other viruses out there.

    3. What other major virus has circulated in 2020??

    4. 12:26, no one seems to care about the other viruses.

    5. Maybe they just don’t like the ugly word “Covid” as it is an ugly word. And what other virus is the main topic in 2020? Besides this corona virus ate all the other viruses right!??! My prayers are for all whose had to deal with this awful virus face to face. God Bless!

  8. So sorry to hear she was sick! It has to be rough with four little ones. Glad to hear she's doing better now and pray the family all stays well.

  9. Poor Erin, God bless her

  10. Is COVID-19 like Voldemort? The virus that should not be named?

  11. Erin we pray that you will continue to feel better and beter every day. In our thoughts and prayers.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  12. Praying for you and your family Erin!!! Bless your heart

  13. Wondering how she got C19.

    1. Probably at Willow’s birthday party. Fifty plus people with no masks and social distancing equals a COVID superspreader event!

    2. The Bates weren’t being careful at all. My bet is in Willow’s birthday party, it seems like it was a super spreader event for the Bates.

    3. I would say not because the Balkas never had the virus to my knowledge and it’s so contagious that if someone had it there everyone would have contracted it.


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