
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Josie and Kelton's Maturity

Kelton Balka and Josie Bates
Dating days

Zach Bates: "I say all the time, I wish that we were where y'all were at when we got married."

Whitney Bates: "You both have phenomenal careers, and you literally, I mean, you're where you should be when this time comes."

It's throwback Thursday! We're taking it back to when Josie Bates and Kelton Balka were just dating. In this clip, Zach and Whitney take them out to dinner and share some very kind words with the young couple.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. They are some mature young adults.

  2. I don’t know why, but Whitney kind of annoys me

    1. That's unfortunate.

    2. Confident women annoys non-confident people, in general. For obvious reasons.

    3. She's confident, beautiful, a great mother, well-spoken, intelligent. beautifully dressed, gives great advice, a wonderful partner in life, has a lovely well kept clean home, plenty of money, and people look up to her. Maybe, just maybe, there are some green-eyed gremlins on your shoulder. Just sayin'.

    4. That's rude to say you don't like whitney. Would you like it if someone posted things like this about you.

    5. Sounds like you're more jealous than annoyed.

      There's nothing wrong with Whitney's personality or character. Actually,her vow renewal episode made me admire her more for being do humble. That Zach guy tho, man... he'sa winner getting Whitney. God made her and that settles it.

    6. I agree with all the positive remarks here about Whitney. I sincerely hope she doesn't see the negative. She is, in my opinion the epitome of what a wife and mother should be - and she has a career and job. A wonderful home, beautifully kept, three beautiful children; kind and caring, Intelligent and an inspiration to all. I suspect there could be some green-eyes as well. Lucky Zach.

    7. I always taught my daughter that when you complain that someone annoys you, you're making it all about you. If the person has done something to hurt you, then state that! No one really cares if you're annoyed.

  3. Both are fantastic couples! What a great big brother Zach is. Josie is so sweet too.

  4. Zach is such a solid guy and mentor.

  5. Very awkward and stilted "conversation."

    1. It screams “staged by the producers”

    2. what part of 'this is a reality TV show' are you missing?

  6. It seems Zach was told to say that he "wished he'd been as mature at their age." He keeps trying to get that sentence in. Such stilted awkwardness!

  7. what careers do they have

    1. He has his own plumbing business and she is a beautician/makeup artist also with her own business. They are very successful young adults. It's refreshing to see if the world we live in today.

    2. Zach is in law enforcement and also helps Whitney and his sisters with their boutique business. Whitney is a real estate agent and also helps to run the boutique. Kelton has his plumbing business. Josie is a hair stylist and started a company with a friend to do hair and make-up for brides on their wedding day.

  8. Whitney is less than two years older than Kelton, so it seems a little silly

    1. That's not the point. The point is that Kelton and Josie were more established before they got married than Zach and Whitney were. Zach a d Whitney have been married almost 7 years, Kelton and Josie only 2 years.

  9. I love watching the Bates family I love the idea that when they get married unlike the Duggars they don't turn on their family they stick together no matter what I love the love that the parents have in the way they raise them in the fear of God press continue to pray for them and pray for the Duggars as well I hope to see them in some upcoming shows

  10. I love watching the Bates family I love the idea that when they get married unlike the Duggars they don't turn on their family they stick together no matter what I love the love that the parents have in the way they raise them in the fear of God lets continue to pray for them and pray for the Duggars as well I hope to see them in some upcoming shows

  11. I love the show when will it be on again

  12. To 0835 and 0854 no one said they didn't like Whitney. They only said they found her slightly annoying for some reason. I've found people's voices or personalities annoying before, but that didn't mean that I didn't like them. It just simply meant that we wouldn't be best friends or spend a lot of time together. You should both read comments thoroughly before you jump down someone's throat for merely stating their opinion. Jane


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