
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Webster Christmas Tree 2020

'Tis the season for Christmas tree farms! Alyssa and John Webster have the annual tradition of choosing a Christmas tree for their living room with the girls. Next year, they will have opinions from four daughters instead of just three. For a trip down memory lane, follow this link to take a look back at the tree they bought in 2017.

Zoey Webster, Lexi Webster, Allie Webster, Alyssa Webster
Christmas tree shopping 2020

Photo courtesy of @websterforever


  1. No masks? That is so wrong, at this point.

    1. I completely agree with you! I wear a mask every single time I leave my house. I've actually had nightmares that I forgot my mask a few times and did not realize it until I was already at work or in the store!

    2. Do you see anyone else around them who could make them sick or who they could get sick from? No? Then they don't need masks during this picture. Trees don't carry Covid. Let's have common sense.

    3. Thisv pic was taken in 2017 if you’d read the whole thing... chill...

    4. They may have been the only ones there at the time and could take them off for the pictures. Please don't judge, instead extend love and kindness to others.

    5. 1:11, actually, that's not what the post said. There is a link to their 2017 tree picture.

    6. @ 1:11

      This photo IS from 2020! If you click the link, it takes you to the photo from 2017.

    7. Zoey wasn’t born in 2017. It’s a current picture

    8. I doubt this pic is from 2017. When was her youngest born?

    9. @ Patty Hunsaker

      You can extend love and kindness toward your family, community, and fellow Americans by wearing a mask. It's so very easy to do!

    10. 2:36, it's a little harder to think the best of others than to wear a mask, isn't it?

    11. Okay so your wanting her to put her YOUNG children at risk for being kidnapped by wearing masks? Forget the mask controversy think about how many children are getting kidnapped by wearing these masks!

    12. What in the world are you talking about, 4:26?

    13. @4:26; what do you mean children are being kidnapped by wearing masks? This is the first I’ve heard.

    14. I can't imagine the hilarious connection between mask wearing and kidnapping. Please share!

    15. 12:18, a child with a mask is less memorable if a child were to go missing.

    16. Less memorable to whom? His mother?

    17. 5:37, do you know what happens when a child goes missing? They ask people if they have seen the child and show a picture, give a description. Yes, a child with most of their facial features covered is less likely to be remembered.

    18. No, 5:37, not his mother. 🙄 Try the people in the vicinity who may have seen the child and may have a clue as to where the child has gone. Obviously a child with half his face covered is going to be less recognizable.

    19. Relax..... people
      Allyssa knows what to do with her children
      None of us know if she just took it off or if their the only ones there. Crazy that that’s all the comments were about instead of memories

    20. @5:37; right? That’s what I’d like to know.

  2. She looks fantastic. So happy he lets her wears pants. So modern.

    1. Lets her?! Alyssa is an adult! She can wear whatever she wants.

    2. “Lets her?!?” She is an adult, not a child. She can make her own decisions regarding clothing.

    3. He lets the girls wear pants, too. And he lets them do Halloween!

    4. He "lets her" wear pants? I'm not convinced that's such a modern take on things. I'm hoping she decided to wear them without thinking she needed permission from anyone. She's an adult, not a child.

    5. Oh phooey!I didn't realize my wearing dresses wasn't "modern".☹

    6. @10:36AM That's the funniest thing I've read today.😆 I really needed the laugh today.

    7. They are modern Christians. Good for them.

    8. So the definition of a modern Christian is based on outward appearance?

  3. No masks again?! My family and I went to get our tree this morning and every single person at the tree lot was a wearing a mask including little kids. I'm so glad I live in NJ!

    1. Where are all the other people in this picture who you are so concerned about?

    2. Her kids are minors they aren’t supposed to be in masks. Good grief and they live in FL, with a gov who has common sense. Thank God!!

    3. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they removed their masks for the photo and wore them if they were inside. However, Floridians are notorious for "living their lives" as if we are not in the midst of a raging pandemic. Their governor has encouraged this mindset. It's little wonder we've collectively dug the deep whole we find ourselves in today.

    4. How on Earth does FL's governor have common sense?! If you want a real example of common sense, look at NY and NJ.

    5. Please don’t lump all Floridians together. There are quite a few of us who ARE wearing masks, socially distancing, and listening to the scientists and doctors!

    6. FL's governor = freedom for FL citizens; NY and NJ = tyranny for their citizens. Governors CANNOT create laws and therefore cannot order you to put anything on your face.

    7. 2:37, common sense putting covid patients in nursing homes? NY doesn't exactly fill me with confidence in their common sense.

    8. @237.... since this is getting so unnecessary political, let me just say the last thing the NY gov has is common sense.

    9. I live in Florida. We only wear a mask if we are going to be indoors and within 6 feet of another person. When we are outdoors, we don't wear masks. All businesses are fully open here. Businesses can take more stringent measures but no one can be charged or fined for not wearing a mask, as per our governor.

    10. 1. Yes, the government CAN enforce mask wearing, just like it enforced nonsmoking areas and mandatory seatbelts.
      2. Florida is at the one MILLION mark for covid. It’s not political and it’s not about your “rights”, it’s about keeping people from dying. If you care anything about others’ lives, just wear the mask. So simple.

    11. 12:37AM: Obviously there are other people around. Do you think they found a beautiful tree lot and not a single other Floridian knows it's there? Of course other people are around. They should be wearing masks. Florida is nearing 1,000,000 Covid cases. Would it hurt to look responsible?

    12. Anon @ 4:41 The nonsmoking and seatbelt situation is due to a law being passed by the legislature. No such law has been passed regarding face masks. Governors can't pass laws. They are the administrative branch, not the legislative branch.

    13. 7:53, there still aren't any people to be seen anywhere around them.

    14. 7:53PM: Yes, 1 million CASES, not deaths. We have many cases of diseases, such as cases of strep throat, cases of the common cold, cases of tuberculosis, cases of shingles, etc. Many of our "leaders" have locked down their states only to disregard their own rules in their personal conduct. For example: governors of NY, IL, CA, NJ flaunting their own shutdown rules: "Rules for Thee but not for Me"?
      Yes, there are cases of Covid but the rate of recovery is 98% across the population.
      The mainstream news media is passing on a lot of disinformation. Be aware.

    15. Why are you so concerned about "looking responsible"?

    16. 1:11PM: Because "looking responsible" would be a good image to project if you're an Instagram influencer. If they are wearing masks, it would encourage others to follow suit.

    17. 10:44 I'm always puzzled by the folks who bash "mainstream" news. Who is to say your non-mainstream sources are reliable? There's been no shortage of wild conspiracy theories coming out of some of them. I listen to the infectious disease experts. Yes, sometimes the info has changed as new information about COVID is discovered. Right now, hospitals are seeing alarming spikes in COVID admissions. I wear a mask and follow guidelines because I care about the medical professionals who work on the frontlines. The fewer people who are infected the better, no? COVID is not like any of those other diseases you mention, for the simple reason that we haven't had a vaccine up until now and even with the hopes of one, it will take awhile for it to be distributed. The recovery rate you state is an early one. We are only just learning about the long term effects of the virus. My sister-in-law was very sick for weeks with it. Furthermore, if state leaders are not following their own rules, that's on them- two wrongs don't make a right. Is it a huge sacrifice for you to wear a mask when in public?

    18. 11:48AM: Extremely WELL-WRITTEN!!!!! I agree with everything you said, especially because I have two healthcare frontline workers in my own family (my kids), and I see their exhaustion, and frustration with the lack of co-operation out there. Our Christmas is going to be non-existent this year, because they are going to be working right through Christmas.

    19. 10:44AM: Death from Covid is not the only thing to be concerned with. There are countless people, young and old, that suffer for weeks/months from a Covid infection, without dying. Headaches, joint pain, chills, isolation. And many more that are suffering longer-term problems with their kidneys (requiring dialysis), their heart rhythm, lung damage, nerve damage, confusion, weakness, extreme fatigue. It's a nasty virus.

    20. Some or MANY of these comments are ridiculous! It's a photo- could it be they took masks off for it? And what about this comment above- "However, Floridians are notorious for "living their lives" as if we are not in the midst of a raging pandemic." What in the world are you talking about? I live in Florida and wear a mask everywhere I go and take my alcohol hand spray that I spray on constantly. Everyone around me has on a mask. Be careful not to say such stupid things please!

    21. I'm glad I don't live under the tyrant ruling in NJ dictating what his citizens can do. He even stated on Fox News that the Constitution never even entered his mind when implementing restrictions.

    22. 8:55, or any of those Democrat states. They've been in lockdown for months. Did it work?

    23. 8:55, I live in NJ. Governor Murphy is not a tyrant! He’s doing a great job and will certainly be getting my vote for reelection next year. Restrictions are necessary to protect everyone. If you lived in NJ and went through what we did in March and April, you’d understand.

  4. Next year their fourth child will be 9-10 months old. They don’t have opinions, maybe 2023.

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking:-)

  5. Oh my! The girls are getting so big! And they look adorable in the matching outfits! Can’t wait for little Maci Jo to join the bunch!

  6. The Webster girls are the cutest! Can’t wait for Maci Jo to join the bunch!🥰

  7. Alyssa looks *exactly* like Kelly in this pic!!!

  8. They always look cute in their matching outfits, but if they save the clothes for hand-me-downs, number 4 will be wearing the same outfits 4 times!!!

  9. Totally unrelated but where is the best place to purchase Brandon K's bk called The Quest of Quinton? Tried to purchase last year but had shipping problems.

    1. The first one is available on amazon. Its on sale right now for 8.99 plus shipping. I think his secondnbook is only available on his website with michael.

  10. Beautiful tree, beautiful mom & girls! I agree with the comment that says Alyssa looks exactly like Kelly. Looks like they are having fun and getting into the Christmas spirit.

  11. She's not very pregnant in this picture.

    1. Not all pregnant women take “eating for two” literally or use pregnancy as an excuse to sit on the couch all day. Alyssa eats healthy and works out.

    2. It’s her genetics. She’s said herself that the reason she stays thin is almost 100% her genetic makeup.

  12. Alyssa is due with the 4 child on Jackson & Addis birthday. So that would be cool to have triple birthdays.


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