
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Zach and Whitney's 4th

Bradley Bates, Whitney Bates, Zach Bates, Khloe Bates, Kaci Bates

Zach and Whitney Bates just announced some exciting news. They are expecting their 4th child! Baby Bates is due in June 2021. They don't yet know the gender, but the couple says that Bradley and Kaci are eager to find out. Both Zach and Whitney contracted the virus from Zach's workplace, but they recovered and are monitoring the baby to make sure everything continues to look good. Additional photos and a statement from the soon-to-be parents of four can be found on the UPtv website.

Bradley Bates, Khloe Bates, Kaci Bates

Photos courtesy Taryn Yager Photography (


  1. She's only two months pregnant?

    1. Yes, it would appear so.

    2. Maybe, closer to 3 since pregnancy is technically 10 months.

    3. We're almost gotten to December so almost three months,but twelve weeks is usually when it's announced so if she's due since September now would be twelve weeks,these two babies,khloe and this baby,who will be eighteen months apart will be the closest born apart as Bradley and Kasie were twenty months apart.

    4. I think this is the start of the 2021 Bates Baby Extravaganza....Alyssa and and Whitney are on board....who will be next? I am excited!! Technically all the married couples could be having babies.....

    5. Reads that way.

    6. She could be 13 weeks along if she's due June 1st!

    7. If she’s due June 1st that would put her at 11 weeks...that’s closer to 3 months.
      Either way who cares?

    8. Why do you keep calling Covid-19 “the virus”? It has a name.

    9. Not necessarily. I’m due June 2nd which puts me at 13weeks. Depends on when in June she is due.

    10. Yup. I guess they do ultrasounds in first trimester now.

    11. Seriously, why is everyone so interested in how far along Whitney is. Like, that’s none of your business.

    12. I had an ultrasound in my 1st trimester with both my babies, things came up I needed them.


    13. November 24, 2020 at 5:03 PM let me tell you a secret, you can have a baby even if you aren't married LOL

    14. 3:36PM: Pregnancy is not 10 months. Considering there are 4.333 weeks in a month, 10 months would be over 43 weeks of pregnancy, and we know it's 40 weeks.

    15. Excuse me, 9:37. By virtue of the fact that these people are actively on a reality tv show, and that they allowed this to be announced on the blog, it most certainly is our business.

    16. Anom 7:26; because that’s what it is, a virus.

    17. Actually 42 weeks

    18. 9:24 PM: Pregnancy is only 42 weeks if you are go OVERDUE two weeks. Pregnancy, from date of last period, is 280 days,for 40 weeks, or 9 months + 1 week. Ask any doctor. It is not 42 weeks. It is not 10 months.

    19. 5:03: Josie announced her miscarriage earlier, so I'm sure they will be trying for another baby and might have it in 2021. Carlin's daughter will be turning 1 in January, who knows, Carlin might have another one soon. I'm not sure if Erin would go for the 5th child so soon, but then they've been having kids with very short intervals, so she might.

  2. The dresses of Whitney and khloe are really cute, but not really modest.

    1. Whitney doesn’t dress with the same modesty standards as the Bates, she hasn’t for a long time and that is her choice. And Khloe is just a baby, what is wrong with you? Why would a baby need to be modest?

    2. Whitney actually has knees?!? Oh dear, scandalous! And Kylie is showing her cute BABY legs?!? Get over it.

    3. You do realize Khloe is a baby, right 😳

    4. oh for goodness sake. khloe's is a baby
      at that age you shouldn't be talking about that and Whitney's isnt immodest

    5. I would like to see Whitney in a longer dress or skirt sometimes.

    6. I agree too. Who wears high heels all the time. I’m from Washington, that just doesn’t fly here. Dressing up to me is Ugg’s and northface. If I walked into a grocery store in high heels, I’d get the stink eye.

    7. Girls and woman should always be modest. It has nothing to do with age.

    8. 11:15, she's at a photo shoot, though. I'll bet she doesn't wear her high heels all the time.

    9. Ugg's and nordface is not dressing up. As a Christian you should always dress up and look your best to represent your faith and husband.

    10. So a baby boy can wear a onesie but a baby girl cannot?

    11. 12:12 Funny how you leave men and boys out of your rules.

    12. Oh my goodness- they’re just fine.

    13. what is immodest anyways. some muslims would say even showing your hair immodest. the bible does not specify what is immodest. also this modesty culture blames people who get assaulted instead of who does the assaulting

    14. 10:26 As a Christian, you shouldn't be concerning yourself with how other people choose to dress. You do you.

  3. Likely at least 10 weeks maybe 11, so would then be almost 3 months... And what with having some health issues and wanting prayers for their baby to be healthy it isn’t actually that crazy early to announce it

  4. The location of the pictures is beautiful! Anyone know where they were taken?

  5. Congratulations to Zach and Whitney on baby 4. I am thinking is might be a boy this time.

  6. I think almost three months, she’s probably due at the beginning of June

  7. Congratulations Zack & Whitney on baby #4. I can't wait to here the announcement & see the gender reveal party & the birth on bringing up bates. a very happy😀 thanksgiving to everyone & stay safe. Natasha b

  8. so happy for them. God bless this family.

  9. Yay Congratulations 🎉🎊. Another Summer Baby!☀️🌻⛱

  10. Oh how wonderful! Congratulations guys. Hope it's a boy so Bradley finally gets a baby brother to play with and make the number even.😁

    1. I suspect Bradley would far rather play with someone close to his age--like Kaci--than a little boy who will be almost seven years his junior. A baby can't play Candyland.

    2. 11:15, I have four boys, 9 to 18, and I can assure you that my teens play with their little brother and always have. It just looks different ways at different ages.

  11. So does that mean that we’ll soon hear news from Erin and Carlin too??

  12. I’m due at the end of June and am just over 9 weeks. If she’s due at the beginning of the month she’s at the 12-13 week point that many announce at.

  13. Replies
    1. Chill this is only their fourth kid

    2. I wouldn't call bringing life into this world and raising up the next generation of God's people overpopulation. I call it love and responsibilty as one of God's children.

    3. Don't worry, the globalists have plans to take care of the "overpopulation."

    4. They don't own 500 pairs of shoes or 20 cars so that off sets the fact that they have kids

    5. @8:26 I think we're all "God's people" and I am troubled when some imply there are
      two classes of humanity- the deserving and undeserving. Anyhow, I doubt God expects us to keep having children or that he disapproves of contraception. There are many good people in the world who can't have children or choose not to have them. That does not make them inferior in the eyes of God. I'm more concerned about the folks who seem to be very fertile, yet are not fit to be parents. God has some explaining to do about that.

    6. Patricia Duong,
      Nice try, owning 500 pairs of shoes does not in in any way contribute to overpopulation.

    7. @8:26,
      God also gave us this planet to live on and destroying it by overpopulation, carbon emissions, etc is probably not part of his plan.

    8. @11:06, good they need too.

    9. 1:47, actually, the globalists don't need to carry out their chilling and sinister plans. They have no right to force sterilization on other people, limit food supply to genetically modified frankenfood, or any of their other proposed plans.

  14. Perhaps this one will be the 2nd boy. That way they can end the baby train and Zach can make it more comfortable on a deputy's salary.

    1. How is having a boy going to make Zach more comfortable with his salary?

    2. Huh? I don’t think they’re open to life just to get another boy

    3. Couldn’t they end it if it’s a girl?

    4. Is there some rule they have to have two boys and two girls? Or do you know it is their preference?

    5. You think they are continuing till they have a boy? Why would you think that?

  15. WOW congrads, U always make the most beautiful kids ever!!!!! Witney take good care of U, but your feet up, and now 5, soon I love U 6!!!

  16. Very sweet pictures on the UPtv website! Hoping and praying everything goes well.

  17. congratulations! they have a beautiful family and the chubby legs on Khloe so adorable

  18. I actually messed up, she would be about 13 weeks pregnant if she was due June 1st, so she’s definitely in the 3 month mark. Still, if she wanted to announce at 6 weeks it’s completely her choice

  19. Love the picture used you can see the love Bradley and Kaci have for Khole. Their little face lights up. Prayers and best wishes on this pregnancy. They seem to be a very loving family.

    1. This is a picture and real. We do not know them. Everyone smiles for a picture.

  20. Wow! A lot of pregnancies lately! The corona babies!

    1. Lots of celebrities are getting pregnant these days also,I guess as people must stay home what better way to pass time then to dire on a baby.

    2. Statistically speaking, birth rates tend to fall during recessions and economic instability. The jury is still out on whether or not the birth rate will go up or down due to the pandemic. Just because you hear of pregnanices within your own world or among celebrities does not necessarily make for a global trend. Personally, I know of several young couples who are postponing starting families because of these uncertain times. I can't say that I blame them.

  21. I don’t understand why anyone would want to be pregnant during this pandemic!

    1. Same. In my opinion, it's irresponsible to get pregnant during this time.

    2. It is not ideal but some people can’t wait to start a family. Older woman in particular can’t wait as they have a limited number of fertile years. But I don’t see how Whitney and Zach cant wait. They both are young and already have 3 children. I guess they are willing to take the risk even though they can afford not to.

    3. There’s almost always something bad going on in the world, that doesn’t mean people have to stop having children

    4. Because life goes on.

    5. I’m assuming they are just open to life, not just trying to get pregnant

    6. I know right. I certainly would not, but when it happens it happens! I’ve actually noticed more people are getting pregnant than normal. Probably because of all the stay at home orders and everything being shut down, what else are you gonna do?!?

    7. I think it would be hilarious if someone found out the gender, and then on birth day, it came out the wrong gender. I know that’s happened to people before!

    8. @ Anonymous 3:55 pm, that's exactly what happened to my husband's cousin! She was told twice by the Dr. that she was having a girl, so her baby shower was nothing but pink and girls clothes, and her grandma crocheted a beautiful pink baby blanket. Turned out she had a healthy boy! With her next baby she didn't announce the gender until after he was born, lol.

    9. Well pregnancies are not always intentional...

    10. I'm pregnant right now. We prayed and it felt right. Congrats to the couple! Beautiful family:) Life does goes on, pandemic or not. Can you imagine if everyone waited to have a family, right now? There would be a shortage of kiddos. Less need for teachers, obgyns, and peds.

    11. Congratulations 12:06!!!

  22. Very happy news! Praying for all their health and well-being with the virus.

  23. Congratulations Whitney,Zach,Bradley,Kaci and Khloe . God Bk less
    Marilyn,Joan,and Marion

  24. Their kids are super cute! I know after having gone through a miscarriage how precious it is to have another baby. Hope mom and baby stay healthy!

    1. The pandemic is escalating daily, I don’t understand why they took the risk to get pregnant, it’s not like they can’t afford to wait.

    2. 9:34, you don't need to understand, but the virus isn't going away any time soon. I think they are choosing to enjoy their lives.

    3. speechless. Are you saying that you would support a mandate that would state couples cannot procreate??? Sounds like it and that is scary.

    4. 11:31, where did I ever say or even remotely suggest a mandate to stop procreations? I just stated I don’t understood why they choose to have a baby during a pandemic. I know people interpret ambiguous comments in any way they like but my comment was pretty straight forward. It’s scary to me how some people interpret remarks is such an obscure way.

    5. 9:34 probably means risky in terms of do you take the vaccination for Covid-19 while pregnant? Is it harder to give birth safely in a hospital while a pandemic is going on? Your mom and others can't be with you while you're in labor at a hospital, only husband, during a pandemic. Stressful and risky contracting Covid while pregnant, but in Whitney's case, she's had it already. And if our health crisis is ongoing after baby arrives, baby suffers from lack of socialization because everybody is limited in their visiting.

    6. When I gave birth to my children; my husband, doctor and nurse were the only ones in my room. That’s plenty!

    7. Seriously. Anyone who would get pregnant during a pandemic that carries a .003% fatality rate is SOOOOOOOOO irresponsible and stupid. You know, now that you mention it, we should really stop having babies until all sicknesses are eradicated. I mean it’s only smart.

  25. Congratulations, I thought Josie was expecting also???

    1. She had a miscarriage

    2. She lost the baby over the summer.

    3. Josie had a miscarriage. Alyssa is pregnant with their 4th and their 4th girl.

  26. CONGRATS ZACH AND WHITNEY!!! I am so excited for this new addition to your family! I have a feeling this one is going to be a boy💙 If they have a boy, I think they will name him Brooks or Braxton. Anyways, congrats on the little one on the way! Khloé is going to be a great big sis!

  27. Also... wondering if we will hear an announcement from Erin or Carlin soon? Maybe even Josie or Tori? Bates grand babies are the cutest no doubt!

    1. I guess if they have news to share, it will be one their timetable. Wishing and wondering about it won't make it happen.

  28. This is actually baby #5 for them. Whitney lost one right after her vow renewal. Wonder why they aren't counting that one too?

    1. Why do you care what they do? I don't know of anyone who counts a miscarriage as one of their children, myself included. If that's a personal preference to do so for yourself, that's another matter.

    2. They are choosing to focus on their living children!

    3. They count their living children.

  29. Congrats Zach and Whitney! I hope it is a very healthy baby.

  30. I am hoping that Michaela and Brandon will have their turn.

    1. I think they've moved on with their lives. It's a shame that some fans seem to dwell on this topic and only associate the Keilen's with being a sad, childless couple needing their turn at parenthood.

  31. congratulations Zach and Whitney!!!

  32. SERIOUSLY y'all---- they must read these comments and laugh their bottoms off!

  33. Haha was thinking the same thing!

  34. Congratulations Zack and Whitney lovely news

  35. Name suggestions for boys: Wesley, Timothee, Gregory. Name suggestions for girls: Tiffany, Brittany, Amy.


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