
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Bates #7 Turns 25

Happy 25th birthday to Tori Smith! She and Bobby just had their third wedding anniversary four days ago, and now it's time to celebrate again. 

Bobby Smith and Tori Smith

Gil Bates and Tori Smith

Michael Keilen and Tori Smith

Tori and Bobby 

Bobby Smith, Tori Smith, Lawson Bates

Kade Smith and Kolter Smith

Kelly Bates and Tori Smith

Dr. Vick and Tori

Photos courtesy of UPtv; @bobby_torilayne_smith


  1. Wow! She and Kelly look so much alike!

    1. She does alot, but she has her dad's wider nose.

  2. I hope they slow down with the kids! Back to back pregnancies can't be good for her.

    1. I don't think all the Bates siblings are going to follow in their parents footsteps,Tori has qualifications to work as a teacher so she will probably let the boys grow a bit and start her career,even if her parents and siblings babysit while she works it's better than leaving them with strangers and with so many to keep an eye on the kids they won't have to do full time babysitting,even just an hour or two each and then they can get on with their day,they are likely already looking after Willow while Josie cuts hair,and it's great they have family to help out.

    2. Hope she's taking good care of her body with sleep, exercise, and eating right.

    3. Hopefully she’ll check this blog and see your comment so she can henceforth make wise decisions. I know it is SO important to every individual to live based on a stranger’s uneducated internet opinion. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your helpful comment. Truly, inspirational.

    4. I hope she’s already pregnant again!

    5. I doubt Tori can continue with her teaching career if her parents/siblings watch the boys an hour or two a day. School days are much longer than that. Who is going to commit to watching those babies five days a week? Should Tori be away from them that long, anyway? The younger girls have school, Gil has work, Kelly is always traveling, the older boys probably have no interest. I doubt she could find reliable childcare in her own family.

    6. Anon @ 6:33
      They don't need to be baby making machines. Although her family even said Tori would have a lot, her second child is only a few months old. And Bobby is currently working as a plumber's helper, not a licensed plumber, so maybe finances won't allow another child right now.

    7. I find it bizarre that someone would say that they hope she is eating, sleeping, and exercising. First of all, what business is it of ours what Tori does. Secondly, she looks great. Why would anyone wonder about her health habits. The poster’s comment is just weird.

    8. 10:58, the intent behind that was in response to the original poster who said back to back pregnancies can't be good for her. Since she IS likely to be having more babies, I hope she's taking good care of her health in between babies. That was it, nothing weird.

  3. I remember when the Duggars were helping them renovate their house, and Tori complained they were painting it "yuck colors."

  4. I love the money tree picture!

    1. That was sweet when her dad did that for her

  5. HAPPY 25th Birthday Tori. Have a wonderful day. Happiness and Blessings throughout the year.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  6. Wish I could have Dr. Vick for my doctor. He is so kind, compassionate, and knowledgeable!!

  7. Tori doesn't do well with small kids, but she does seem to have a positive overall outlook in life

  8. Time 2:33PM Mon 12/21/20
    Happy late BDAY to Tori Bates Smith
    Best mom to Kade Smith & Kolter & wife
    To Bobby & sister as well. I hope u enjoy
    Your BDAY with family & friends.

  9. She looks like a tough one !

  10. What's up with the backhanded compliments? When "Happy Birthday" just isn't good enough.πŸ™„

  11. They are so blessed to enjoy healthy marriages at such you ages. Setting your children up on a good foundation for marriage is the best gift you can give to your kids.

    1. I think educational and vocational skills are far more important. Not everything is about marriage and family.

    2. Relationships are more important than a career.

    3. Plenty of people don't even marry. There is no commandment to marry in Scripture.


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