
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Bates Christmas Photos

We hope all our readers had a fantastic Christmas. We thought we would share a couple photos from two of the Bates siblings and their families. Did you know that Zach and Michael are less than 13 months apart? Zach will celebrate his 32nd birthday tomorrow, and Michael turns 31 on January 23rd. 

Gil Bates, Khloe Bates, Kelly Bates, Bradley Bates, Kaci Bates

Brandon Keilen and Michael Keilen

Photos courtesy of Photos courtesy of Taryn Yager Photography (; @brandon_michael_jn15


  1. Lovely pictures! Michaella looks good.

  2. i guess i never thought about how close in age they were! my brother and i are 377 days apart. he was due on my birthday but was 13 days late

    1. I know two sisters born on the same day, one year apart 😁

  3. when is the new season coming on??

  4. The Bates don't need an excuse to call the professional photographers, do they?

    1. Why, do you have one to suggest?

    2. I think the Bates know plenty on their own, and don't need suggestions!

  5. Beautiful pictures by Taryn like normal. Love these families and seeing them grow. I feel for Michaela as I had fertility issues for 8 years. I know how hard it is to want to be a Mama. I know she is genuinely happy for her siblings though and adores her nieces/nephews. I pray that God will bless them with a child whether naturally or thru adoption in God's timing. So excited for her as she is finishing up nursing school. I would love to meet this wonderful family some day 💕

    1. It could be Brandon who has the fertility issues.

    2. I feel for Michaela, because it seems like people only associate her with infertility. I’ve been in her shoes, never could get pregnant. I remember the well-meaning, if not stinging reminders all too well. We should not be defined by our ability to procreate.

  6. Zach and Whitney's kids are so adorable!

  7. when is the new bates season coming out!?

  8. Wow! Kaci and Bradley look like twins here! Beautiful photos!

  9. I can't wait for the new season, so please let us know when will that be?

  10. TARYN YAGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God Bless, you are amazing!


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