
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Eve to our wonderful readers! We hope you will remember the true reason for the holiday, which is the birth of Jesus.

Do you recall watching the premiere of Bringing Up Bates on New Years Day 2015? That means the six-year anniversary of the Bates family’s UPtv debut is almost here. When the series began, the five youngest Bates children were itty bitty. Jeb was 2, Judson was 4, Callie was 5, Ellie was 7, and Addee was 8. Now, Jeb is 8, and Addee is 14. We hope you enjoy these “then and now” photos of the not-so-little Bates siblings.

Judson Bates and Jeb Bates
Callie Bates

Addallee Bates and Ellie Bates
Jeb Bates and Judson Bates

Callie Bates, Addallee Bates, Ellie Bates

Photos courtesy of Taryn Yager Photography (; UPtv


  1. i most certainly do remember!! the littles aren't so little anymore

  2. Merry christmas!!! I hope y’all have a great christmas!

  3. MO- I do remember the Bates show in 2015... It was around the time of Chad's marriage proposal to Erin right? So many things have changed. I just check in once in awhile to see what's going on. :o)

    1. No, actually Chad and Erin got married in 2013!

    2. That was Michaella and Brandon in 2015😉 When Erin and Chad had 2 miscarriages and she was carrying their 3rd baby. I'm having the flu now and started watching from scratch 🤧🤒. Am at S2E6, Erin's baby shower and NY girls Ashley and Anastasia went horseback riding with 'the men' super funny 🤣

  4. OMG! Addee and Ellie are mini Michaela and mini Tori.

    1. I thought the same thing.

    2. YES!! exactly what i was thinking!!!

    3. Yes! And I think Judson/Jeb look like Nathan/Trace!

    4. So much focus on their looks is unappealing and sends the wrong message. What is really important?

    5. 2:26, Comments are focused on their looks because this post is literally all about us looking at them. Furthermore, these comments are about who in their family they resemble, not about whether they're beautiful or not. The message in these comments is that certain ones look like other members of their family. What possible wrong message does that send? That we shouldn't notice the effects of genetics?

  5. Callie looks different,so much older. They all are nice looking kids.

  6. Addee and Ellie are stunning!! And looking so much like Carlin!

  7. Watching your whole family has brought me such joy. The realness, sincerity, love and joy that you all have for each other and those around you us inspiring. You show both your blessings and your trials. This is real life and even though some things are harder to deal with you show how you get thru them with your faith in God. Thank you all for blessing my life.

    1. Unknown- There's no question that the Bates are an appealing family in many ways. However, I take what I see on reality TV with a huge grain of salt. I'm sure the Bates have their faults and problems just like anyone else. They ended up with a show because of their huge numbers, that's it.

    2. LOL, real life!

    3. 5:34, we all have faults and problems, but that doesn't mean we can't be a blessing to others. The blessing comes when we handle life in a way that's an encouragement to others.

  8. Wow, they certainly are growing up! All very nice looking kids. I agree with the person who said Addee & Ellie are like a mini Michaela & Tori. Actually, I can always see many family similarities between all of them. I love this sweet family and it's the one show I most look forward to watching. They are all such a delight and inspiration.

  9. I love the bates family and the real love they have for each other.i can't wait for another season.

  10. Ehi, Elie, you could use these photos to update the header!

  11. The Bates family is just better off people all around compared to the Duggars. They’re more chill and relaxed. People who I have seen comment on the Duggars blog get really defensive. It’s gotten to the point where people have stolen each others names and made comments pretending to be that person, even though they don’t know them. It’s gotten out of hand. I haven’t seen anything like that on the Bates Blog. I’m sorry, but I believe the Bates have a better attitude than the Duggar Family.

    1. Really, I read the Duggar's blog all the time, and I've never noticed that.

    2. 7:29, I really don't understand your comment. You seem to be saying the Bates and Duggars' attitudes determine how mean or nice their blog commenters are? I think not. Everyone is responsible for their own behavior.

    3. Please don't compare families, we all have different DNA. I love the Duggars!

    4. Please don’t tell me how to think. We can have our own options. I just prefer the Bates family better then the Duggar family.

    5. “It is our choices,that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

  12. Addee and Ellie are absolutely gorgeous. It is amazing to see how much Addee looks like Michaea!

    1. So much emphasis on their appearance.

    2. Haha, what kind of comments do you expect if we're looking at their photos? It's sure better than comments picking on their hair and clothes.

    3. I don't think God cares this much about their outside appearance.

    4. The viewers sure do!


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