
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

3rd June Bates Baby

June is shaping up to be a busy month for the Bates clan. Zack and Whitney Bates already announced their fourth child, and Josie and Kelton Balka recently shared that they are having their second. And another Bates couple has just jumped on the June baby train. It’s Tori and Bobby Smith! Their third child is set to arrive in June 2021. The link below includes the gender and name in an exclusive Romper article. This little one will be 15 months younger than brother Kolter Smith and 2 years, 7 months younger than brother Kade Smith. 


  1. I literally called it in the comments of the last blog postπŸ˜… congrats Tori and Bobby!!

  2. Tori and Bobby are the Joe and Kendra of the Bates family

  3. Congratulations and I love the name

    1. I love they name too, but im surprised they fidnt spell it with a K

    2. Do you frequently see words that start with a "K" pronounce with a "ch" sound?

    3. Are you serious?? No K in Charlotte any way you try it!!

    4. I guess you could spell it Ksharlotte or Kcharlotte. πŸ˜„

  4. Congrats tori and bobby!!!! such a cute name. cant wait to see
    ya'll raise 3 kids.

  5. Best wishes Tori & Bobby, what good news - thanks for sharing with your fans. June will be a joyous, busy month. Bless you all.

  6. Three little ones under the age of 2 yrs 7 mos. A lot of work for sure, but worth it because they will grow up together! Congratulations, and a it's a girl too...added bonus.

  7. Jeez there the Kendra and Joseph of the bates family. Can’t go a year without getting pregnant.

    1. Yes!!! They are the Kendra and Joe of the Bates family. Some of us garden or scrapbook, others have lots and lots of babies. I think it is great, but at the same time their little 3 year old gives up so much one on one time to help. Again I am happy, but sometimes it seems like a competition as to who can have the most kids. Slow down, take a breath, and enjoy and bask in the little ones that you have. They don't stay little forever.

    2. Is it really any of your business how many children they have? No. Either congratulate them or move on. Congratulations Tori and Bobby

    3. They did go more than a yr!!!

    4. When: 6:34, when did they go more than a year? As I recall she announced her pregnancy with her second and third before the previous child even turned one.

    5. 1:42. Actually they made it my businesse by announcing it to the whole world.

    6. They never went kore than a year. The boys are 17 months apart, which means Tori hot pregnant when Kade was 8 konths old.

    7. 6:34 - umm no, Tori got pregnant with Kade roughly 2 months after her wedding, got pregnant with Kolter when Kade was around 8 months old and with Charlotte when Kolter was 6 months old. In none of those instances did they wait a year...

    8. That’s very ugly to the Bates family, and very annoying to the readers. Please don’t allow rude comments like this.

    9. 9:09: Haha, gardening and having babies is slightly different things :). babies require more financial investment and destroy mom's body, unlike gardening is artsy exercise.

    10. It's good to have kids close in age, they will be friends, and also for parents - if they don't want to have like 15 children - it;s easier to go through this stage at once and then be done with it.

  8. I knew it!! I love the name too.

  9. This family reminds me of the show Call the Midwife. In the first episode sister Evangelina tells nurse Jenny Lee that the midwives deliver about 1,000 babies per month or year, don’t remember which one, and usually when one baby is out of it’s pram another one is born. This is what’s happening in the bates family when one baby old enough to walk another one is here. It must be exhausting being there doctor.

    1. Why would it be exhausting? I'm sure he has a limited number of patients he can accept. There are only so many appointments you can have in a day. And their ob doctor seems to actually like having them as patients.

    2. My mom loves the show Call the Wife. We’re huge British Fans in our house. I’ve seen a couple of episodes.

    3. Do you mean Call the Midwife?? Excellent series. I’ve watched all episodes!

  10. Oh wow! Congrats to Bobby and Tori for this exciting news!

  11. Congratulations!! I’m so happy for them!

  12. I must admit I was wrong about Tori. When they announced her wedding I thought she was just to young and immature. But I was wrong she seems to be a great wife and mother. Congratulations Bobby and Tori. I love the name you have chosen for your baby.

    1. I totally Agree!! And saw that she was teaching the other kids!! She's doing Great!!

  13. The gap is just getting smaller and smaller isn’t it.

  14. Just like Kendra and Joe

  15. Wow!!! 3 under 3! How precious and special. I’m sure they’re thrilled. I wonder if she breastfeeds. No judgement. I wish my fertility bounced back that quickly after birth and bf’ing. lol

  16. Yay! Tori is going like Kendra Duggar, they have the same difference between kids so far.

    1. Bobby is like Joe.

    2. @12:41, yep Bobby and joe keep getting their wives pregnant.

  17. Congratulations Tori and Bobby and boys. I LOVE the baby girl's name. Beautiful!! Can't wait to see baby girl's pictures. God bless you.

  18. We're so excited that Tori & Bobby, Zack & Whitney & Josie & Kelton each are having they're babies in June. My parents & I can't wait for season 10 of bringing up bates. We really love the show❣️ We're wondering if the new season will start in the spring? We're sure it will be very interesting. I love ♥️ the show we've been watching it since 2015 new years day when it officially began. Natasha b

  19. Wow, 3 kids under 3! They don't waste time!

    1. They're enjoying their marriage and the fruit of that marriage. It's sad that something God created is so looked down on.

    2. I wouldn’t say 2:09 was being negative at all.

    3. It's the fruit of enjoying married life and not using contraception. (Which is perfectly fine).

    4. 12:42, children are fruit of that marriage. Obviously contraception blocks that type of fruit. Why bring that up?

  20. Hmm, Charlotte? I thought they'll do a "K" theme - Kade, Kolter... Or maybe they will call Charlotte some "K" name instead too, like with Kade who officially is Robert Ellis, after Bobby.

    1. Or maybe they’ll do k names for their sons and c names for their daughters

    2. I wish it had been Karlotte! That would be so pretty.

    3. Maybe they just like the name Charlotte. I did not get in the first place why Kade is Kade.

  21. Tori doesn’t even seem to enjoy small kids!

    1. Sure she does, she just has a more straightforward manner than some people.

    2. She seemed cross and irritated during the scenes of her teaching school.

    3. There's a difference between liking children and liking your own children. I do not like children. As soon as they are old enough to talk, I want nothing to do with them. But I adore my own child and every stage she has been through (she is now 11 years old). Just because someone isn't effervescent and delighted by ill-behaved, show-offy children doesn't mean that they aren't good parents.

    4. Seemed is the key word. She just has kind of an abrupt personality, but we don't know what she was thinking or feeling. Or maybe she had a headache that day. Or maybe she felt pressured to keep the kids in line since she was being filmed. Who knows.

    5. Anon 9:38. Don't blame tiny children for Tori's cranky attitude. They were 3 and 4 and behaving just fine! I can't imagine blaming children because their caretaker was crabby.

    6. If anything, Tori was the one acting show-offy. She was dressed in a short black dress while she was supposed to be watching and teaching five small children!

  22. They sure are catching up with the quantity of Duggar grandchildren who will have 20 when Kendra has her baby next month, so if the Bates children have two more this year for example Carlin and Erin announce pregnancies, which wouldn't be a surprise then they will have a tie with the amount of grandchildren the Duggar family has, well that is if the Duggars don't have anymore this year but, if they do they could still tie another year!

    1. I think the Duggars will definitely have more grandkids this year. I can see new babies from Jessa and Lauren for sure, and maybe even from Abbie and Anna

    2. Is it a competition?

    3. I think the Duggar's will have 21 with the next one, won't they? Is any other duggar girl pregnant?
      I would bet on Anna, Lauren and maybe Jessa to get pregnant by the end of the year. And maybe Jill (and Jessa) the next.

    4. No, the Duggars will have 20 with Kendra and Joe's baby girl due next month. None of the other Duggar girls announced they are pregnant yet.

    5. Anna has kids every other year and in odd years, so she would have to get pregnant within a few months to have one this year.

    6. 8:58 - I’ve been wasting my time on this but I did an analysis: Anna and Josh’s age gaps have gotten bigger with each baby, the last one being 2 years and 2 months. If the next kid comes 2 years and 3 months after Maryella they would be born next year, not this year.
      I think new Duggar babies this year (aside from Joe and Kendra’s) will come from Jessa and Ben, Josiah and Lauren and John and Abbie.. maybe even Claire and Justin if they get married soon

    7. Bates' oldest grandson, Bradley, is 6 now, while Duggar's oldest grandchild Mackynzie turned 11. Both actually in October. So Duggars have 5 years over Bates'. Just Bates somehow are having kids more often, like Erin has 4 kids, Zach and Alyssa will be having their 4th in 2020, Tori whose oldest son just turned 2 will be having her 3rd in June. From Duggars, Josh has 6 kids, yes, but other married Duggars have 1 or 2, and only Jessa has 3 now, Joe will have his 3rd in a month. But I don't think Duggars will have many kids this year.
      Jill is perfectly happy with her little life with one kid in school, husband studying, she is taking simple care of their small house and one kid at home. Jinger and Joy just had babies. Jessa I think is already overwhelmed with all the housework, building bunkbed, 3 kids and a husband who did not even come to get logs at the Lowe's and carry them to the car. Maybe Lauren will get pregnant, to give a sibling to Bella. And post possibly Clare will be pregnant right when she and Justin marry, baby might come in 2022. Abbie possibly will have another one in 2021.

  23. Congrats to them! A little sister to the boys.

  24. I love the name Charlotte.

  25. Kade and Kolter are going to be the best big brothers! I cannot wait for all of the Bates June babies to arrive! Charlotte Raine, you are already so lovedπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’—

  26. Congrats to all 6 of u and ur families!!!I love this Bates family and their show! We r practically neighbors and I have followed since introduced by the Duggers show. I feel nothing is fake by this family also!! Just pure love!!!

  27. I can’t help be truly wonder how Michaela feels as one sibling after the next announces another baby on the way? I know I’d have all different kinds of emotions!!! It’s got to be tough on her!

  28. Probably the same as Jana Duggar feels about her siblings getting married and having kids. Michaela is married, and it might be easier to cope if you have a husband behind you. Jana is alone.

  29. My thoughts on Jana Duggar are that if she wanted to be married, she would be already. I also think that she's conditioned to 'want' to be married but is quite happy being single. She just isn't allowed to own that preference publicly and perhaps even acknowledge it herself to her parents and let them know that she does not want or have to be married.

    1. Or more likely she just hasn't met the right one yet.

  30. With the three grandbabies that are born in June 2021...would the order of the grandchildren change if let's say Zach/Whitney's baby was past it's due date? Or if Tori and Bobby's baby was early? Or the same for Josie/Kelton? Congrats to the three couples!


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