
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Gender Reveal: It's a Tie!

Zach and Whitney Bates just announced the gender of their 4th baby, due in June. We'll give you a hint: Their little family of six is now tied up, and Bradley is thrilled. That's right, it's a boy! His name will be Jayden Carl Bates. Visit the UPtv website to see Zach and Whitney's gender announcement photo. 

Of the three Bates grandchildren due in June, we still have yet to hear a gender announcement from Josie and Kelton Balka. Tori and Bobby Smith revealed their pregnancy and the baby's gender and name all at once last week. 

For fun, here is the photo that Zach and Whitney had taken when Bradley and Kaci came to visit Khloe at the hospital in November 2019. Khloe and her little brother will be just one year and seven months apart.

Whitney Bates, Zach Bates, Kaci Bates, Khloe Bates, Bradley Bates

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. That's such wonderful news, I'm so happy for little Bradley that he gets the baby brother he's been praying for. So sweet. I think that might be the only boy so far... with Alyssa having a girl, and Tori having a girl, and I predict Josie will have a girl as well.

    1. Wouldn't be surprised. I kind of have a feeling Josie will have another girl. She's destined likely to be a girl mom like her older sister Alyssa with soon 4 girls in a row.

    2. I’m pretty sure Josie is having a boy based on her taking the sneakpeak gender test but still wanting to wait until the anatomy scan to announce

    3. It's a father's gene that defines the gender of a baby. So in Alyssa's case it's John who gives her girls.

  2. I’m happy and excited for them! Congratulations!

  3. That’s great! I was thinking it was going to be a girl, just because all the babies lately have been girls! Mabye another boy streak is starting!

  4. Yay! I was right! Baby Bates #4 is a BOY💙
    Jayden is going to be so loved and I am so happy that Bradley is getting a little brother☺️


  5. Either gender would've been wonderful but yay another boy grandkid! Congrats to them

  6. Congratulations! My mother had 2 boys and 2 girls and she said that was it. Lol

  7. Not a fan of spacing kids so close together.

    1. To each their own

    2. Good thing you don't have to raise them up

    3. 4:54 There are pros and cons to any scenario. There's no perfect formula. You just deal with it.

    4. why can't people just say THEIR opinion without some sarcastic remark made? Of course we aren't raising the kids and it is "to each their own", but we can't express our individual opinion in a nice way? Come on, man.

    5. Why? How close are they all in age?

  8. Jayden is a girls name lol

    1. It's for either, but is actually used more often for a boy.

    2. Never heard of Jayden as a girl’s name. Definitely heard of lots of boys with it tho

    3. I have a daughter named jayden but spelt it differently for a girl, spelt jaidyn any name can be used for both

  9. SO excited for them! Bradley will be a great brother to his little brother, Jayden! And the girls will adore their baby brother!

  10. Oh YAY! So happy it's a boy. Just what I wanted it to be so Bradley didn't have to be the only boy anymore. Love the name. I know a little boy at my church named Jayden. But his middle name is Joseph, but I like the middle name Carl too. Are one or both family names? Congratulations you guys. Now we just need to know what Josie and Kelton are having. Hope it a boy too so it's an even tie of 1 girl and 1 boy for them. Haley P. from Colorado

  11. Oh please no not another Jayden.

    1. I agree! Overused!

    2. I only know of one Jayden.

    3. Maybe there'll also be some Brayden and Cayden in the family ? 😂

  12. I’m not super into the name tbh. It’s a tryndeigh (trendy) first name with an old fashioned middle name. It just sound weird

  13. Wonderful news. So happy for them all.

  14. Thanks for keeping us up to date - Great Name - Jayden , another son - good news. Identical to Zach's sibling order, boy/girl/girl/boy. . . doubt they will have 19 children, but interesting in my opinion.
    Best wishes to Whitney & Zach and their kids

  15. Congratulations Whitney,Zach,Bradley,Kaci and Khloe.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  16. Don’t any of them wait to find out the gender until birth? They all do the same thing.

    1. I couldn't wait either.

    2. I don't think this is unique to the Bates. It's kind of a thing now, technology being what it is, for the gender to be revealed months ahead of the birth. In reality TV land, it provides for more "events" to film, not just births, but also the gender reveals.

    3. Back in the olden days, 39 years ago, I wanted to know what I was having as well. Sonograms weren't as reliable then, but the technician did identify my baby's gender. We didn't tell anyone else but kept it private, which is something we as the parents shared just between the two of us. We didn't settle on a name until he was born, although we had a couple picked out ahead of time. I think the big difference now is that the reveals in TV land is reaching the same level of ceremony as the courting and engagement spectacles.

    4. I'm guessing most people find out ahead of time. I wanted to be surprised with our first, but after that I wanted to know ahead of time.

  17. So glad I waited and had several names to choose from, one of the few surprises in life 😁

  18. I like the name, so where Carl comes from? Is it a name of one of their relatives? But also like, Bradley, Jayden, Kaci and Khloe - girl have their names starting with K, but somehow does not seem like Jayden name fits into the whole bunch.

  19. A 10-year old boy in Texas with a very similar name, Jaydyn Carr, is in the news today. He made a lot of money on shares he received as a Kwanza gift in 2019, and sold them this week. Funny that his name is so close.

  20. Wow, so Webster girl will be born in February, then Tori's girl in June, and Zach is having a boy. Now waiting on Josie's gender reveal to see if it will be a 2021 grandbabies tie (so far) or girls will outdo boys.
    I wonder if any of the Bateses will have more babies this year. Maybe Erin or Carlin?
    Maybe Nathan marry and at least will have a baby on the way? Or Katie, she's been dating this cute guy from east Coast, maybe it's time to get married?

    1. Katie's boyfriend still has 2-3 years of college to finish. Why push these kids into marriage so early? They need to be qualified for jobs to support the many children they all have.

  21. Hopefully, this will be their last. They'll have two of each. Time to stop.

    1. Time to stop is when they're ready to stop.

    2. Hopefully they have as many kids as God gives them. Children at not a burden to be kept from existing.

    3. 8:32 Having children is not a reflection of one’s spirituality or character. Having one child after another is not a realistic expectation for anyone.

    4. 6:21, it's more a matter of having an attitude of being willing to do whatever God wants you to do, which is not determined by outside voices. It's determined by prayer and waiting for the Holy Spirit to guide you in decision making. Something that even a lot of Christians have trouble doing because we want our own way more than God's way sometimes.

    5. @8:32 You are implying that God has predetermined how many children we will have and that birth control or family planning is wrong. I don’t believe that at all. Not everyone is cut out to have kids, let alone 19. I admire people who are willing to admit that parenthood is not for them and follow through by not procreating. There are too many children born into horrific situations, to people not fit to be parents. If God had a hand in that, he’s got some explaining to do.

    6. 6:22, I doubt the parents who bring children into horrific situations sought God's will about that, which is what I was talking about. The Bible says that before we were formed in the womb, He knew us. The Bible doesn't talk about birth control. The only things we can infer from the Bible are from the verses that talk about children being a blessing and the story about the man who married his dead brother's wife so that she could have a son to get his father's inheritance and then refused to father a child with her, which was in direct disobedience to the law God set for the Israelites only. Also, I was referring to the person who said that having children was not a reflection of spirituality. It certainly may be God's will for one person to not have children, while it may be God's will for someone else to have 19. Nonbelievers procreate all the time, but a person who is seeking to follow God's will in their lives will be asking Him for wisdom whether He wants them to be done, to adopt, or to be open to having more biological children. God is NOT going to have the same plans of a large family for everyone.

  22. As far as the Websters having all girls; it's also the 'climate' of the tissue of Alyssa....a woman is either more acid or more alkaline. One or the other of more hospitable to and Y chromozone or the X chromozone. So, Alyssa has a hand in it too. (Sorry, I can't seem to spell chromozone correctly this morning.)


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