
Monday, January 11, 2021

Lawson Earns NREMT

It's always great to celebrate a new accomplishment. Lawson recently earned his certification as an Emergency Medical Responder. He finished training at Roane State and then passed the NREMT (National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians) exam. (Fun fact: Michaela Keilen graduated with a degree from Roane State in 2016 before going into nursing school.)

Congratulations, Lawson!

Lawson Bates

Photo courtesy of


  1. Congratulations Lawson!!

  2. Congratulations Lawson!

  3. Congratulations Lawson! I'm so happy for you! I pray the Lord does many great things through you, and your family!

  4. Awesome! Your caring & gentle ways will be an asset in this challenging field. Best wishes on your new adventure! And thank you for your generous heart in helping so many people.

  5. Would he refuse to treat minorities and the LGBT community? Based off his actions on Wednesday, I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was "yes."

    1. Great question. Would love for him to give a answer. But that won't happen am sure . Rosealeigh

    2. What actions on Wednesday? He wasn’t involved in the riot 🤷‍♀️

    3. What an absurd statement.

    4. This comment is nonsensical. What he was doing has zero to do with what you're asking about.

    5. Did you know that there are minorities and LGBT who agree with Lawson about Trump? The Democrats chased a number of people away this last year.

    6. Anon 10:06 The fact that you would even think and say something like what you said says more about you then it does Lawson. So what you are saying about yourself is because you are a President Trump hater you would refuse to help a Republican who was hurt or could die? Remember the Republicans are the party of life so clearly we would be the ones to help save a life, any life.

    7. Ever heard of Brandon Straka? He is an openly Gay man that started Walkaway a group of those leaving the left a lot whom are LGBTQ+. They support Trump.

    8. @ 10:48 on 1/14

      I'm 10:06. While I may despise Trump, I certainly would NOT leave a fellow American to die because they are Republican! In fact, I am a die-hard Democrat and one of closest friends voted for Trump twice. I respectfully disagree that the Republican Party is the party of life. I see them as more pro-birth, because many Republicans do not support health care or education programs that would help children. Additionally, many Republicans are pro-gun, pro-war, and pro-death penalty and that does NOT seem pro-life to me in the least.

    9. Anon 10:48. I think we know their answer to this question sadly. Let’s continue to pray fervently for our country.

    10. So because Lawson is a white Christian Republican you put him in a category of a racist? The old race card, the last refuge for nonthinkers. Try a new argument because that one is old. lol

    11. 11:25, so crazy. People are making the Washington D.C thing about race and canceling all people who voted for Trump, while many Trump voters were minorities and Christians like the Bates, who believe in loving your fellow man regardless of something superficial like skin color. God cares about peoples' eternal souls, not their exteriors, which will decay and disintegrate.

    12. I have concerns about Lawson after seeing him at the rally and knowing that the Bates house had pictures on the wall of controversial 1800's Confederates.

    13. Anon 9:28 - so name the so-called confederates you're concerned about and provide evidence of the pictures on the wall. Otherwise, I'm concerned about your bearing false witness.

    14. 4:47, I agree.

    15. I know exactly what 9:28 is talking about and there is no false witness.

    16. 4:47 Nathan B. Forrest and Thomas J. Jackson.

    17. I don't understand this constant ridiculous victim mentality that is going on in this Country. Slavery ended almost three hundred years ago and so this attack on people who never owned slaves by people who never were slaves is out of control. I am Jewish and most of my ancestors were slaughtered by the Germans and that was in the 1940s when that finally ended. I can't imagine using my life to go after Germans who had nothing to do with what happened and acting like a victim and make people who weren't even alive during that pay for it to us Jewish people who weren't even alive when it happened. There is no ethnicity on this planet who hasn't been persecuted by others at one time or another. How can you possibly feel fully alive and live a joyful, fulfilled life if you see everything through racist colored glasses. Slavery is going on right now in Africa and so shouldn't common sense say that Africa should be the place of concern?

    18. Oh yeah, I remember seeing those pictures on the wall and wondering why someone would have them there.

    19. And where are the pictures, 2:30?

    20. Good grief, some of you man my a fuss over a couple of pictures of confederate shoulders on a wall that were alive in the eighteen hundreds. The South lost the war, slavery was abolished, the state's won their rights. You guys need to come with us in this century and speak out about the living breathing racist that are alive now and some of them are, Farrakhan, Sharpton, antifa, blm, Chinese with the Muslims that they enslaved, slavery happening in Africa, Iranian Ayatollah etc.

    21. @10:18 There's no need to honor those Confederates by hanging their pictures on the wall of your house, not unless you want to give the impression that you agree with them and what they stood for. Why do you think all those statues came down last year? What you say - the ends - doesn't justify honoring those people now, when so much more that matters is known about them.

    22. @10:18 I'm sure that if anyone in the Bates family would hang pictures of those people on the walls, you'd hear about it too.

    23. 8:15, you make excellent points. It seems like some just want to keep a victim mentality, when it is so much healthier to learn to forgive and become an overcomer!

    24. Obama had Sharpton in the White House loads of time while he was President and met and had his picture taken with Farrakhan and let me guess, you same people worried about the confederate pictures had no problem with him. Such obvious hypocrisy!!

  6. I guess he will be that Bachelor uncle but congratulations to him!

    1. That's what we thought about John David Duggar. :)

  7. It's hard to respect Lawson after his decision to go to a rally in WA, even if he wasn't involved in the violence.

    1. 11:03PM: He was in DC not WA

    2. If you think so little of him, why are you here??

    3. Yes, let's disrespect all those fellow Americans who had nothing to do with the violence so we can start working on that unity Biden talks about. Seems like a very effective idea.

    4. The poster probably simply just confused the postal initials.

  8. Congratulations Lawson! That's wonderful news.

  9. He’s such a sweet old boy.

  10. I guess a singing career isn't something you can always depend on, he's probably going to use it for a medical job such as paramedics or something similar, which is lovely, he is a caring man as he often visits sick children in hospitals, I wish him a good career.

    1. Yes, his compassion has been shown with his visiting the sick children and then his volunteer work in the Philippines and in disaster relief. I think he'll do a great job.

  11. Congratulations Lawson! When is the new season of Bringing up Bates? I just love the show.

  12. Congratulations Lawson!

  13. With knowing what happened on January 6th 2021,I'm very disappointed in Lawson.Even though they said they were not by the rioting,they were still there encouraging the lies and disgrace.

    1. Peaceful Protesting is a hallmark of our democratic republic. The fact that Lawson may have been there and violence occurred should not reflect on him or the many peaceful protesters. What might be lies and disgrace to you was legitimate concern to millions of people. The violence should never have happened but it was perpetrated by only a handful of the people there.

    2. They were not there encouraging the lies and disgrace!! He was at a different function altogether

    3. I agree! I appreciate and respect that you voted for Trump. In my opinion you showed your support, you rallied for him and did your due diligence in casting your vote. Knowing that this protest, like many others, would not remain peaceful why go? Also, why go to a protest that keeps encouraging the blatant lies and misinformation that this president continues to spew. Lawson, you are better than this.

    4. Actually, it was taking a stand AGAINST the lies and disgrace.

    5. JLW - actually there has never been violence at a President Trump gathering in the past. Millions have attended his rallies without a single incident. The news is pouring out how the violent people were leftist agitators (including the son of NY judge). You must be confused with the riots of the summer were leftists killed dozens of people, caused over $3 billion in property damage and injured over 700 police officers. I understand it is hard to get true facts with the censorship of the media, but please try. You are woefully and willfully uninformed. And why wouldn't this family or any other Christian not stand up for President Trump? He is the most pro-life president in history and he has done more for religious freedom than any other president. He single-handedly brokered peace with five countries in the Middle East so Israel has had no greater friend. He restored our economy and posted the lowest unemployment numbers in recorded history before Communist China unleashed the virus on the world.

    6. 7:01, obviously the vast majority of people who went went because they were planning on a peaceful protest since a very small percentage went inside the Capitol building (according to video footage, let inside side doors and past barricades by men in uniform). The organizers didn't bill this or plan this as anything destructive. Which is in stark contrast to all the violence, destruction, and mayhem of the masses of people last summer, which was unopposed by the Democrats. In fact, people like Kamala Harris were bailing out those people. There is much about both scenarios that leaves average Americans who don't defend either scenario scratching their heads.

  14. Congratulations Lawson. Thank You for your service of others.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  15. CONGRATULATIONS Lawson!!!i am Happy For You

  16. Congratulations on your achievements

  17. Lawson Congratulations on your.

  18. The world needs more young men to act as first responders. Thanks, Lawson, for stepping up.

  19. I hope he treats everyone of his patients equally.

    1. You bring up an interesting point. Do you treat everyone equally in your profession regardless of who they voted for? Do you agree with the deplatforming of many, many conservative voices, including people of color, that has happened this week?

    2. People typically have the ability to separate their political and professional lives. I wouldn’t worry.

    3. I am a teacher. In my profession we have a saying that equal and fair are not the same thing. For example, it is fair for me to give a special education student more time on a test, but that is not equal to the others who are given a time limit. In the bigger world, if we truly treated everyone equally we would all pay the same taxes, and be held to the same standards. That is not “fair” to anyone. We need to start seeing that treating people kindly, and respectfully, while lovingly helping people receive what they truly NEED to succeed and reach the goals and desires they are willing to work for... does NOT mean treating everyone equally.

      Lawson will not treat everyone of his patients equally because a broken leg does not require heart surgery. However, I am confident he will treat all of his patients with love and compassion, and the best care he is able to give... no matter their race, beliefs, or actions.

    4. @5:00, yes I am a dietician, I do treat all of my patients specific conditions to the best of my knowledge and ability. I don’t care about their race, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliations etc. although I do care about their race or gender if it’s effecting their specific condition.
      I hope Lawson does the same.

    5. I thought it was spelled dietitian? Anyway, there is no reason to jump to the conclusion that he will treat some patients and not others, since that's likely to get him fired.

    6. I looked it up. Apparently both spellings are acceptable, although dietitian is more common.

  20. That's wonderful news. Lawson has a great personality and will be successful in whatever he does, whether it's his music career or helping others as an emergency medical responder. All the best to him!

  21. Congrats Lawson!! And way to stand up for what you believe in 😊

    1. What does he believe in and how did he stand up for it?

  22. Does this certificate mean that Lawson can now be hired by a real EMT company?

  23. What degree did Michael earn prior to her LPN?

    1. Michael's first degree is in medical health science.

    2. Why is she not using this/or why did she not use it? Please explain

    3. 7:58, you are asking the wrong people. If you want Michaela's life path described to you, ask her.

  24. You Americans need to understand how you are being manipulated. Trump shut down Huawei and now Facebook and Apple and Amazon and Google are losing massive amounts of money in China. Money is the only reason those companies have launched a campaign against Trump. You Americans think you are about democracy but you are just about money, which leads to corruption, like every other country out there. I could care less about who you vote in as your leader but try to follow the money trail instead of being manipulated by your feelings.

    1. I am an American I agree with you completely.

    2. Facebook and Apple and Amazon have shut down the voices of many Trump supporters by censoring what they are allowed to post or where they are allowed to post. Facebook has removed groups for being Trump supporters. I don't think you know the whole story about what is happening in America.

    3. 11:16, I don't doubt that money is part of the motive for their vindictiveness, but the men behind those companies are also ideologically opposed to what not just Trump but conservatives stand for, or they wouldn't have been censoring conservatives on their platforms for years. They also have globalist sympathies, which Trump would have protected us from. We've lost our sovereign nation, only half of us are too blind to see it.

  25. Congratulation Lawson! It is awesome your engagment with children in hospital. Keep going, it s beautiful :)

  26. Lawson could lose that license that he just earned. If you get caught being at the rots he could lose his ENR certificate.

    1. He wasn't at a "rot," he was at a peaceful rally.

    2. Why would Lawson lose his license for being at a Republican rally? I don't think him being there is a problem and heck, Kamala Harris started a fund to bail out rioters who were burning and looting and she is now the Vice President and so I don't think Lawson being at a peaceful rally should be a problem.

  27. Do EMTs lose their constitutional right to peaceably assemble? Because that's what Lawson was doing - not rotting. Or rioting.

  28. I am interested to know why Trace and Lawson were in Washington, D.C. on January 6th. Were they there because they were disappointed that Biden won the election? Or were they there because they thought that the election was stolen from Trump, and that Trump really won?

  29. Lawson, as much as I disagree with your political opinion, I respect your right to have it. I am also very grateful that you have earned your EMT Certification, as all first responders put so much of themselves at risk for the life and safety of others. I'm just glad you fared well in DC. Continue to be safe out there..this country needs more humans like you.

    1. I appreciate that your comment was civil even though you disagree with him. I see that so rarely.

  30. Congratulations! I think its wonderful!!!

  31. Congrats. That was really a happy news.


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