
Monday, January 4, 2021

Nathan's Leading Lady

In September, Nathan revealed during an episode of Bringing Up Bates that he had a special someone in his life. He continued on to say that he wasn't ready to share any details with the public. Since we know you've been eager to learn more, we wanted to share this photo that Nathan just released. Her name is Esther, but aside from that, you'll have to wait to hear more. They sure do make a cute couple though!

Nathan Bates and Esther

Photo courtesy of @natebates93


  1. Wow!
    Can't wait to hear more!!!

  2. They are adorable! Someone was correct back in September that her name was Esther, but many people thought it would be Jana Duggar.

    1. Those Jana rumors should have been put to rest years ago. I’m happy for Nathan, and happy for Jana. Both seem very content in their lives.

  3. Can’t blame him for keeping his relationship under wraps. I’ve always thought the public courtships were just asking for more heartache if it doesn’t work out. Unnecessary pressure.

  4. Congrats Nathan & Esther, a great picture. I can't wait to see your relationship blossom. My parents & I can't wait for season 10 of bringing up bates. I am hoping for the middle of spring for it to start. Natasha b

  5. Congratulations to Nathan. And he looks really happy. Esther is so beautiful.

  6. Happily they look like they are not following the no hand holding rules. That's quite a hug! :) And I say that with gladness, not sarcasm or criticism. Nathan is approaching 30 and certainly is old enough to set his own boundaries. I hope they are happy together.

    1. Agree, Kathy! I think it’s a great sign of maturity.

  7. Lily and Ellie I really love the updated background. I especially love the fact that you use a family photo instead of the previous breaking up the photos.

  8. Congratulations,oh my, what a tight frontal hug! That's OK this is the Bates family not the Duggars, the Duggars would never allow that, it could tempt them into sneaking a kiss, in fact Zach and Whitney did accidentally kiss before marriage, but I think if the parents kissed before marriage they should allow their kids that liberty, after all the parents managed to resist going further so they should let them choose to do so, I reckon they should allow kissing and if they want to help them to resist temptation just continue with the chaperoning, sooner or later one of their kids is going to decide to do just that, maybe Nathan will as he seems to be smitten.

    1. Parents should not be telling their adult kids what do or “allow” things. If couples want to kiss or go further, that’s their business.

    2. Um ok... So negative. Just let people be who they wanna even if its not how you think.😉

    3. They didn't "accidentally" kiss, lol. How would that happen?

    4. Isn't she cold?

    5. @3:21pm and 5:29pm,but that's just it,I'm not the one who's not allowing them to to do what they want, it's their parents,yet their parents did what they wanted when they were dating, when Zach and Whitney kissed they were banned to do it again, so I think you should be telling off their parents not me! O.P.

    6. Zach and Whitney accidentally kissed? How does that happen exactly?

    7. Zach and Whitney had the goal of waiting til marriage to kiss but their emotions overcame them and they kissed before marriage. Thats what everyone is referring to as an "accident"

  9. Good for you Nathan! Praying for you and Esther!

  10. Wow, good for him!

  11. Esther is beautiful - They are a lovely mature couple. I wish them happiness & a long life filled with blessings together.

    1. Mature? They're in their late 20s!

    2. They better be mature by age "late" 20s. If not, they never will be.

  12. Are these two in the same climate zone? Nathan has on 2 shirts and she's sleeveless.

    1. Your comment made me laugh. Thanks.

    2. Yeah, that was funny.

  13. She looks like a young Jane Seymour.

    1. She does look like Jane Seymour very striking.

  14. That is great news!! So happy for them! Congratulations!!

  15. Ester is gorgeous; they make a dynamic couple!!! Good for Nathan on keeping his special lady and relationship private!!!

  16. Congratulations Nathan and Esther, So Happy For you Both GOD BLESS. I remember he was wearing a Wedding Band. Beautiful Couple!!

    1. Promise ring. Not wedding band, promise ring.

  17. Ester is beautiful. It is wonderful to see that smile on Nathan's face. May God bless them with a long and happy life together.

  18. Congrats! I can't wait to see them married and start a family. She's pretty and they look happy. I was worried that he was never gonna rebound from the breakup with the young woman from NYC. But, he has! Blessed love.

  19. I bet the no kissing thing has gone out the window. (Which I think is a good thing...nothing wrong with kissing)

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if a whole lot more has gone out the window with the Bates' bachelors well into their twenties. I wouldn't condemn them if it has.

    2. Well that is up to each family to teach their kids and each person to decide. A lot of people would say there is nothing wrong with anything. Everyone will have their own standards at that should be fine too.

  20. Congratulations Nathan! Can't believe I did not see this post 2 days ago. I was just on the blog yesterday evening and saw Josie and Kelton's baby announcement. Guess it distracted me from seeing this post. Esther is a pretty girl. Hope to hear more details soon on how they met and how long they have been courting. Don't blame Nathan for hiding his courtship,especially what happened last time 3 years ago when he courted that NYC girl Ashley.

  21. Her smile is weird.... Happy for them both tho !

    1. Strange, it looks like a normal smile to me.

    2. Upturned lips, teeth showing, you're right, how strange. How do you think peoples' smiles should look?

  22. Congratulations, Esther looks a lot like Carlin in my opinion both are beautiful.

  23. Time 3:35AM Fri 1/8/21
    Congrats Nathan.

  24. Ellie: I like the header. But the names are to small and can't read them. The names need to be bigger like the old header.

  25. Parents don't generally run the lives of their offspring once they turn 18. Kissing and hand holding and hugging are normal but parents trying to control their adult offsprings' lives is not.

  26. MO- Cute couple. They look very happy, congratulations. :o)

  27. MO- The rules are completely different for the boys than with the girls. :o/

  28. Such a beautiful couple! God bless you :)

  29. Congrats, they look so happy! God's timing is always perfect!


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