
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tori and Bobby's 3rd Baby Announcement

Kade Smith, Bobby Smith, Tori Smith, Kolter Smith

Have you heard the exciting news? Tori and Bobby Smith are expecting a baby! This little one will be their 3rd child and Gil and Kelly Bates' 18th grandchild. Charlotte Raine Smith is due in June 2021. She will be joined by two other Bates cousins also due in June, whose genders have not yet been shared. For a statement from the expectant parents, visit the UPtv website.

Photos courtesy of Taryn Yager Photography (


  1. Congratulations! A baby girl! Love the name Charlotte! Good health to all of you❤️❤️

  2. Congratulations to Tori and Bobby. What a lovely name for a princess. Best wishes to all the bates family.

    1. Um she’s not a princess. princess Charlotte of Cambridge is one though.

    2. 11:26, calling a girl a "little princess" is a term of endearment.

    3. Unless they're acting spoiled rotten, in which case it's not a term of endearment. 😂

  3. What a beautiful family! I’m happy for them!

  4. Finally a good old-fashioned name!!

    1. Raine is not old fashioned

    2. 11:26AM: But Charlotte is old-fashioned. I do know someone by the name of Raine though and she's 33 years old, so it has been around for a while.

  5. Congratulations Tori and Booby.

  6. Congratulations Tori and Bobby!!

  7. Ohhhh im so excited!! I had a feeling 2021 would be a big baby boomer year for the bates. Cant wait!

  8. What OMG guys!🤣 Congratulations to the Smith family. Three Bates grandbabies in 1 month. Chances are 2 out of 3 might be born the same week,one day apart (as was the case with Zoey and Everly almost two days apart)or even better, the SAME day😊. And we now know one is a girl (and good job Tori and Bobby for keeping the "C" and "K" name theme). Hope you have a safe pregnancy Tori with your blood clotting disorder. This is crazy. What's next,Carlin and Even will announce their pregnant at Layla's First Birthday next Sunday (January 31),then Erin and Chad at Valentine's Day again,then Michaela and Brandon will announce a surprise miracle pregnancy or an infant adoption from a birth mom putting her child up for adoption this Spring or Summer? You just never know what's next.

    1. They don’t really have a K and C theme, Kade’s name is Robert

    2. 9:29- So many babies is not surprising or crazy with the Bates, considering this is a huge and fertile family that doesn’t believe in preventing pregnancy. Unfortunately, lots of pressure on the Keilens to get pregnant or adopt.

    3. I hope Brandon and Michaela get a miracle pregnancy or a surprise adoption.

    4. Me too. They are my favorite couple in the Bates family because Michaela is the only sister who has respected the modesty rule of the family after marrying and had stuck to wearing strictly long skirts and dresses past her knees and not on the border or above her knees and never pants in public (probably only privately off camera and only in the presence of her husband Brandon).

    5. She looks dowdy compared to her sisters! That’s her choice. She comes across as so kind & loving. I hope she will have a baby of her own.

    6. 10:41 I'm not quite sure why you expect the adult children to follow to the letter the modesty rules their parents had when they were still at home. I don't see anything outrageous or immodest about how any of them dress.

    7. Michaela would be a wonderful nurse on a maternity ward... she would be so loving to all those little babies

    8. Anon 10:41. Wow, you study Michaela's knees quite closely!

    9. Jan. 20 @ 10:41 PM...
      THAT'S why you like her?!?!? Soooo sad.

    10. 7:10, I agree. Does anyone know what she is doing now? Is she still taking classes?

    11. I don't think Carlin is pregnant, she does not look it in her latest pictures. And I think Carlin is more about like enjoying life than having kids. But I so hope that Michaela will finally have a baby, I don't know whay she can't have kids, but hopefully there is some cure for that!
      And I think with 4 kids already Erin might take a little break.

    12. Carlin said recently that she’s not pregnant and doesn’t plan to have another baby until next year

  9. Awww they are such a cute family !!! I am so happy for them having a girl next !!! I am due end of August with my second and it’s always encouraging to hear of other women also due around the same time as me!

    1. Congratulations! I am due the beginning of August with my second. I have a nineteen month old daughter.

    2. Congratulations!?!

  10. Awe sweet a little girl. Cute middle name

  11. Not a surprise! Wish them all the best.

  12. You know how in 2019 the Duggars had four grandchildren all girls, lfirst one and a few months later three born on the same month, this could be a repeat of that from the Bates, now we just have to see if the other two Bates grand babies are girls.

    1. you are right! that would be cool.

    2. Yep, and then Duggars will start announcing again, for next November :). Seems like for Duggar girls February is the month they get pregnant, and for bates girls it is September.

  13. I prefer when people announce the pregnancy then later the sex then later the name. All at once makes it very anticlimactic when they finally show the picture of the baby.But I like the name Charlotte and wish them well. Just a general observation that so many people do nowadays with baby announcements.

    1. Agree, I don’t understand announcing the babies name before birth either. Like don’t they want to see the baby first and then name it? I understand how some fans might think this is anticlimactic. like the whole point of waiting for a birth is to hear the gender, name and picture. Once again I like how the royals do it, announce name and gender after birth.

  14. Félicitations de france. Beautifull family!

  15. not sure why they annouce the name months before they have the child.

    1. Because it's their child and their choice when to share information about it. Because it's a human child with an identity they are honoring by not referring to it as "it" or "the baby" all the time. What's so challenging to understand?

    2. Thank you! That’s very strange to me!

    3. You know what, plenty of people who are not on TV do that too. I think some people are just excited and want to share. I usually only shared baby names with a few people, if that, and it annoyed some of the people I knew that I kept it a secret. You cannot please everyone.

    4. I had a few names picked out for my children but waited to choose until the day they were born to see if they seemed to fit the names😄

    5. I announced the name of both my boys before they were born. I even told people the name we choose for them before we even knew that they were boys. I never cared what people thought of their names because they are family names. Yes some said they were old fashion but I like old fashion names for boys.


    6. In this family, if you like a name you probably need to “claim” it as soon as you can so one of your siblings doesn’t end up using it first! Since this is their third child and first girl, they probably already had a girl name picked out for a long time.

    7. I think most of these "announcements" are timed for the show and filming. Even if you are not a TV celebrity, we live in the social media age where every detail of life is shared by many.

    8. Anon 8:16. Would they really care if a name was used twice? Way would that be a problem?

  16. Congratulations Tori,Bobby.Koltan and Kade. You wil be in our prayers.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  17. The other girls said Tori would be the one most likely to have 19 kids. It looks like she's right on track to prove them right. It seems like the just gave birth to their second boy. Hope things go well.

    1. That is if she decides not to use birth control after their girl is born, but as Tori has states she wants to use her qualifications to become a teacher I reckon she will stop at three, but if she's changed her mind and wants to be a stay at home mother and have many kids that's OK too, it's her choice and her life.

    2. MO- Hopefully she's better natured with her own kids than she is with her nieces and nephews. The clips of Tori teaching the little ones was sad. :o(

    3. I would hardly call a third child as being on track to have another reality TV sized family. Having 19 kids is highly unusual for anyone.

    4. I don't know, 3 is a long way from 19.

    5. Anon @ 9:56
      I was referring to 3 kids in 3 years. Her own sisters said she would be the most likely to have as many as their mother and the frequency seems to bear that out.

    6. I don't know why anyone would want to have baby after baby just to hit some sort of goal number. I know parents with 7 or 8 kids and it's impossible to keep up with them as individuals and know about everything going on in their lives and give them everything they need emotionallly. The kids sort of raise themselves at that point. Divide the free (non-chore, non-work) time in 16 waking hours by 2 kids and compare that to 16 waking hours divided by 8 kids, or in some cases 19 kids.

    7. 1:55, I don't think anyone actually goes through 9 months of pregnancy and 18 years of child raising (multiplied by a large number of kids) because of some goal number. 🙄

    8. I have met many from large families that are in their 50-60’s and they encourage me to have more as they loved being in a large family with the whole team instead of just 2 kids. Everyone has their own experience but from what I have seen our society hasn’t improved with less kids in a family just more selfishness and entitlements.

    9. @1:55- having baby after baby is what this family feels is the right thing to do. These girls are not raised to be career oriented or concerned about affording children (since education and extra curricular activities are not part of their way of life; they have cash to raise more kids a little easier than the rest of us mainstream parents!

    10. 12:49, you bring up a great point. I have 5 kids myself, and wouldn't trade that for any amount of money, any career, anything.

  18. WOW your 3nd in a short time, WOW, make sure U take good care of yourself, put your feet up, and I love U 4 now 5 (WOW)!!!!! Hey did U know U have a very wonderful wedding dress, LOL!!!!

  19. It’s ridiculous. Of course the girls aren’t worried about being career oriented or concerned about being able to afford these kids. Tori has a 9 month old, worry about spending time with your 9 month old, not taking attention about from him, and getting pregnant again.

    1. Why would you worry about spending time with your nine month old? That's something to enjoy, not worry about.

    2. I agree, the fans of this family defend them by saying they have many kids because they love kids. That is such a bad defense because love is all about quality not quantity. You show love to your kids by spending individual time with them, making sure they are safe, get nutritious food, good education, etc. How is having many kids back to back prove that you love your kids and are raising them right. Also, tori got pregnant less than a year after each child. Any medical professional will advise against it because a mother’s body needs a year to replenish the nutrients she lost after child birth. Plus conceiving less than a year postpartum increases the risk of a premature delivery. How is that loving your kids?

    3. The number of kids, small or large, does nothing to prove whether you love kids. Your actions do. Anyone who looks at Kelly and thinks she is not a loving mother is blind.

    4. I absolutely love the bates family. The Lord blessed me to have three Beautiful children. I don't believe I could what Kelly has done. To me she is an amazing example of a Godly mother. I believe the Bates live a christian Life when the cameras are off. I believe they have done an amazing job raising their children. They all have their own personalities and live according to their convictions. I love the way they love and respect each other. It seems Tori may want a big family and her children closer together while Carlin may want to wait a bit. I have a daughter that wants many children and has two very close together and plans to have another. She has always wanted to be a wife and a mother. I am so very proud of her and I know that she will seek God and he will lead her. My other daughter has one and now planning to have another after almost three years. I am so very proud of her as I know she seems God to guide her and her family. She even strayed away from God for a season but as he promises he brought her back to him. My point is these children have been raised to seek God for themselves and their families. I believe it's wonderful how they are living their own lives and making their own choices as they seek God for guidance in their own families. Our adult children will make some of the same choices and many different choices than we did. In the end all that madera is they have have live their life seeking God and his will. I don't God's will for my children but if he leadsy daughter to have a big family as she seems him. I pray they preach like daddy and sing like their momma. I pray they fill a youth group and choir in a local church. I pray they can travel and share the love of Jesus. Does it really matter how many children people have, if they wear pants, have a career, or does matter that have a personal imitate relationship with Jesus. After watching the bates not just Bringing up Bates but their churches services I can say I truly believe the have a relationship with Jesus! To me what they do is a ministry and light in the darkness!

  20. Her being pregnant again is ridiculous

    1. Congrats to Tori and Bobby! Busy but special times ahead!

    2. She only has 2. Why would adding a 3rd be ridiculous? 1.5 age gap is pretty normal.

    3. I agree with you. It is ridiculous. Her youngest is only 10 months old! They won't even be 1.5 years apart. That's not normal.

  21. Someone here brought up that Tori is probably not concerned with being able to afford many children due to her upbringing. However, I wonder if Bobby thinks about how he will afford a large family??? Do any of the husbands consider how they will feed, cloth and shelter their large families? I never hear any of them comment on the subject.

    1. Children don't have to be that expensive. Hand me downs, thrifty entertainment, diy, thrifty shopping. Lots of people are hopping on the frugal train.

    2. I’m pretty sure Bobby has a large family as well. And it’s not as hard as you would think to have a ton of kids, you just may miss out on some things that’s you wouldn’t otherwise, but some people truly do enjoy having a large family and prioritize that above traveling and things like that.


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